Interhigh Track

B-CC, WJ @ Wheaton
Wheaton HS Home TF Meets History
Hosted By: Wheaton
Wheaton, Maryland
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

RaceTab 2.0 by                        03/31/2009

              B-CC and WJ at Wheaton - 03/31/2009
            Wheaton High School, Silver Spring, MD, 

Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles                                
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Rybarczyk, Matt      10   B-CC                 19.8       
   2 Covaliu, Elad        9    WJ                   20.4       
   3 Rubino, Paul         12   B-CC                 20.5       

Varsity Girls 110 Meter Hurdles                               
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dabney, Ashley       12   Wheaton              16.4       
   2 Hardgrove, Julia     10   B-CC                 17.9       
   3 Berman, Gayron       12   B-CC                 19.6       
   4 Fanjoy, Marie        10   B-CC                 19.8       
   5 Kidwell, Catherine   9    WJ                   20.4       
   6 Stearn, Olivia       9    WJ                   21.1       
   7 Walsh, Dianne        9    WJ                   21.6       

Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay                                
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 WJ                                             8:40       
   2 WJ                                             8:41       
   3 B-CC                                           8:56       
   4 WJ                                             9:05       
   5 WJ                                             9:09       

Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay                               
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 B-CC                                           10:01      
   2 WJ                                             10:12      
   3 WJ                                             10:50      
   4 WJ                                             11:03      

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Wilson, Duane        12   WJ                   11.09      
   2 Pitsenberger, Michae 11   WJ                   11.4       
   3 Collins, Katie       10   WJ                   11.59      
   4 Shamma, Casey        11   B-CC                 12.11      
   5 Smith, George        12   B-CC                 12.12      
   6 Okeyo, Paul          12   WJ                   12.16      
   7 Williams, Reid       12   B-CC                 12.2       
   8 Pyle, Benjamin       12   WJ                   12.25      
   9 Daley, Rojay         10   Wheaton              12.3       
  10 Simon-Chapman, Amani 12   B-CC                 12.57      
  11 Altman, Brian        12   B-CC                 12.58      
  12 Gill, Brian          12   WJ                   12.60      
  13 Ferguson, Aaron      9    Wheaton              12.64      
  14 Ahmadi, Ali          12   B-CC                 12.67      
  15 Danies, Judson       11   B-CC                 12.82      
  16 Hill, Stephon        10   Wheaton              12.83      
  17 Gonzalez, Denis      12   Wheaton              12.86      
  18 Clark, Kenny         9    B-CC                 13.22      
  19 Abdulkarimu, Muhamme 10   Wheaton              13.25      
  20 Artiga, Isai         12   Wheaton              13.27      
  21 Guerrero, Christian  11   B-CC                 13.28      
  22 Thalley, James       9    B-CC                 13.30      
  23 Welna, Alex          9    B-CC                 13.34      
  24 Granados, Jorge      12   Wheaton              13.58      
  25 Gao, Daniel          11   Wheaton              14.58      

Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash                                  
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Neil, Jennyeka       12   WJ                   13.22      
   2 Hagerty, Caroline    9    WJ                   13.51      
   3 Williams, Katie      10   B-CC                 13.74      
   4 Duverne, Fabiola     12   WJ                   13.96      
   5 Dabney, Ashley       12   Wheaton              13.98      
   6 Asana, Sharon        12   Wheaton              14.03      
   7 Tunkara, Fatoumatta  10   B-CC                 14.21      
   8 McLean, Tiffany      12   Wheaton              14.46      
   9 Kidwell, Catherine   9    WJ                   14.68      
  10 Collins, Katie       10   WJ                   14.77      
  11 Allen, Briana        10   B-CC                 14.88      
  12 Carr, Khadija        10   B-CC                 14.95      
  13 Raigns, Judi         10   B-CC                 14.98      
  14 Bray, Miranda        9    B-CC                 15.0       
  15 Orevba, Naomi        9    B-CC                 15.07      
  16 Sierdazki, Lily      10   WJ                   16.24      
  17 Ebongo-Bayehe, Rosal 10   B-CC                 16.85      
  18 Amouzou, Akouvi      10   B-CC                 17.07      
  19 Chea, Chantu         11   B-CC                 17.20      
  20 Ndubisi, Mimie       9    B-CC                 17.27      

Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 O'Leary, Sean        11   WJ                   4:37       
   2 Willet, Alex         10   WJ                   4:43       
   3 Dey, Ishan           11   WJ                   4:44       
   4 Regan, Nicholas      10   WJ                   4:46       
   5 Teich, Roni          12   WJ                   4:47       
   6 Shriver, Philip      12   WJ                   4:52       
   7 Damtoft, Eric        11   B-CC                 4:55       
   8 Ellis, Joshua        9    WJ                   4:57       
   9 Frable, Christian    12   B-CC                 5:00       
  10 Stephens, Trevor     10   B-CC                 5:01       
  11 Morgan, Ian          11   WJ                   5:01.9     
  12 Young, Jesse         11   WJ                   5:02       
  13 Sheehan, Scott       9    WJ                   5:02.8     
  14 Sauro, James         9    WJ                   5:03.4     
  15 Koskey, Brian        12   Wheaton              5:03.8     
  16 Theiss, Nikolas      12   B-CC                 5:04.4     
  17 Brown, Robert        10   WJ                   5:12       
  18 Kastler, Matthew     12   WJ                   5:15       
  19 Bae, Daniel          10   WJ                   5:16       
  19 Henderson, Chris     11   B-CC                 5:16       
  21 Wilson, Luke         10   WJ                   5:17       
  22 Catterall, Philip    10   B-CC                 5:17.5     
  23 Garzon, Kevin        12   Wheaton              5:17.9     
  24 Crouch, Andrew       11   B-CC                 5:18       
  25 Frampus, Patrick     11   B-CC                 5:20       
  26 Richter, Nick        11   B-CC                 5:23       
  27 Morrison, Lucas      10   B-CC                 5:23.7     
  28 Wyderko, Tommy       11   WJ                   5:26.5     
  29 Hao, Tyler           9    WJ                   5:28       
  30 Emamian, Milad       11   WJ                   5:31       
  31 Whitescarver, Ryan   9    WJ                   5:34       
  32 Aylward, Andrew      12   B-CC                 5:37       
  33 Schumlinson, Sam     10   WJ                   5:37.9     
  34 Weed, Jordan         10   WJ                   5:48       
  35 Srinivas, Aditya     9    WJ                   5:50       
  36 Lillibridge, John    11   WJ                   6:03       
  37 Gao, Daniel          11   Wheaton              6:04       
  38 Ting, Alexander      11   WJ                   6:04.8     
  39 Adams, Carl          10   WJ                   6:05       
  40 Mollaneda, Patrick   10   Wheaton              6:24       
  41 Williams-Hall, Jessi 12   WJ                   6:24.6     
  42 Krishnaw, Kesav      9    WJ                   6:26       

Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run                                  
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Tousley, Addie       12   B-CC                 5:25       
   2 Willet, Jenna        11   WJ                   5:26       
   3 Donnelly, Paige      11   B-CC                 5:27       
   4 Bosse, Anna          10   WJ                   5:33       
   5 Moerson, Maria       10   WJ                   6:01       
   6 Bouvet, Camille      10   WJ                   6:02       
   7 Albershardt, Rachel  11   WJ                   6:03       
   8 Shehata, Laila       9    B-CC                 6:06       
   9 Breen, Sarah         9    WJ                   6:16       
  10 Thomas, Alison       9    B-CC                 6:21       
  11 Cohen, Claire             B-CC                 6:23       
  12 Mitchell, Katharina  10   B-CC                 6:26       
  13 Viriya, Tanasak      11   Wheaton              6:34       
  14 Fisher, Erin         11   WJ                   6:43       
  15 Sawyers, Ashley      9    WJ                   6:47       
  16 Cohen, Claire        9    WJ                   6:51       
  17 Rudt, Elise          9    WJ                   6:57       
  18 Allen, Courtney      12   WJ                   7:13       
  19 Green, Suzannah      12   WJ                   7:35       
  20 Chow, Angela         10   WJ                   7:45       

Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay                                
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 WJ                                             1:35.2     
   2 B-CC                                           1:36.7     

Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay                               
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 B-CC                                           1:50.7     
   2 WJ                                             1:50.8     

Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Li, Michael          10   WJ                   53.3       
   2 Kirwan, Daniel       11   WJ                   53.5       
   3 Barret, Alex              B-CC                 55.6       
   4 Ahnell, Cole         10   WJ                   56.8       
   5 Gonzalez, Denis      12   Wheaton              57.4       
   6 Dorsey, Julien       9    B-CC                 57.5       
   7 Segun, David         11   B-CC                 57.9       
   8 Segojane, Mabekebeke 11   WJ                   58.0       
   9 Hassen, Ismail       11   Wheaton              63.2       
  10 Artiga, Isai         12   Wheaton              63.4       
  11 Prince, Cody         9    B-CC                 64.3       
  12 Trott, Jackson       9    B-CC                 66.7       
  13 Mollaneda, Patrick   10   Wheaton              73.3       
  14 Ghebrekidan, Haileab 9    Wheaton              79.2       

Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash                                  
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dally, Laura Kennedy 9    WJ                   63.1       
   2 Willet, Jenna        11   WJ                   63.3       
   3 Bouvet, Camille      10   WJ                   64.4       
   4 Moerson, Maria       10   WJ                   69.5       
   5 Albershardt, Rachel  11   WJ                   70.1       
   6 Kanner, Sadie        9    WJ                   71.1       
   7 Kidwell, Catherine   9    WJ                   72.2       
   8 Richardson, Hannah   12   B-CC                 74.0       
   9 Walsh, Dianne        9    WJ                   74.3       
  10 Kobba, Emelda        10   Wheaton              76.2       

Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 O'Leary, Sean        11   WJ                   10:18      
   2 Willet, Alex         10   WJ                   10:22      
   3 Teich, Roni          12   WJ                   10:25      
   4 Regan, Nicholas      10   WJ                   10:30      
   5 Gerson, Eliot        10   B-CC                 10:31      
   6 Shriver, Philip      12   WJ                   11:05      
   7 Ellis, Joshua        9    WJ                   11:11      
   7 Sauro, James         9    WJ                   11:11      
   9 Theiss, Nikolas      12   B-CC                 11:15      
   9 Sheehan, Scott       9    WJ                   11:15      
  11 Frampus, Patrick     11   B-CC                 11:39      
  12 Crouch, Andrew       11   B-CC                 11:40      
  13 Bae, Daniel          10   WJ                   11:53      
  14 Schumlinson, Sam     10   WJ                   12:03      
  15 Srinivas, Aditya     9    WJ                   12:12      
  16 Hao, Tyler           9    WJ                   12:49      
  17 Emamian, Milad       11   WJ                   12:51      
  18 Weed, Jordan         10   WJ                   13:09      
  19 Adams, Carl          10   WJ                   13:47      

Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run                                  
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Bosse, Anna          10   WJ                   11:59      
   2 Donnelly, Paige      11   B-CC                 12:02      
   3 Farrell, Ava         9    B-CC                 12:11      
   4 Reingruber, Grace    9    B-CC                 12:13      
   5 Roochnik, Naomi      12   B-CC                 12:42      
   6 Shehata, Laila       9    B-CC                 12:57      
   7 Lin, Tiffany         12   WJ                   13:15      
   8 Cohen, Claire             B-CC                 13:47      
   9 Fisher, Erin         11   WJ                   13:50      
  10 Thomas, Alison       9    B-CC                 14:02      
  11 Moura, Amelia        9    WJ                   14:17      
  12 Allen, Courtney      12   WJ                   14:24      

Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles                                
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Ueda, Daichi         12   WJ                   44.28      
   2 Roberts, Andre       12   WJ                   46.18      
   3 Rubino, Paul         12   B-CC                 48.69      
   4 Prince, Cody         9    B-CC                 50.88      
   5 Rybarczyk, Matt      10   B-CC                 51.55      
   6 Morgan, Ian          11   WJ                   52.60      

Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles                               
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Walsh, Dianne        9    WJ                   50.65      
   2 Dally, Laura Kennedy 9    WJ                   51.62      
   3 Hardgrove, Julia     10   B-CC                 51.69      
   4 Tycho, Sasha         10   WJ                   52.18      
   5 Fanjoy, Marie        10   B-CC                 57.49      
   6 Berman, Gayron       12   B-CC                 58.27      
   7 Stearn, Olivia       9    WJ                   64.95      

Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Pitsenberger, Michae 11   WJ                   23.24      
   2 Pankay-James, Kerren 12   B-CC                 23.77      
   3 Okeyo, Paul          12   WJ                   25.15      
   4 Ahnell, Cole         10   WJ                   25.21      
   5 Li, Michael          10   WJ                   25.48      
   6 Daley, Rojay         10   Wheaton              25.62      
   7 Pyle, Benjamin       12   WJ                   25.77      
   8 Williams, Reid       12   B-CC                 25.82      
   9 Altman, Brian        12   B-CC                 25.88      
  10 Simon-Chapman, Amani 12   B-CC                 26.0       
  11 Gonzalez, Denis      12   Wheaton              26.06      
  12 Hill, Stephon        10   Wheaton              26.26      
  13 Smith, George        12   B-CC                 26.28      
  14 Danies, Judson       11   B-CC                 26.48      
  15 Ahmadi, Ali          12   B-CC                 26.83      
  16 Abdulkarimu, Muhamme 10   Wheaton              27.09      
  17 Gill, Brian          12   WJ                   27.24      
  18 Koskey, Brian        12   Wheaton              27.38      
  19 Garzon, Kevin        12   Wheaton              27.50      
  19 Prince, Cody         9    B-CC                 27.5       
  21 Granados, Jorge      12   Wheaton              27.58      
  22 Welna, Alex          9    B-CC                 27.62      
  23 Hassen, Ismail       11   Wheaton              28.26      
  24 Thalley, James       9    B-CC                 29.46      
  25 Trott, Jackson       9    B-CC                 30.46      

Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash                                  
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dally, Laura Kennedy 9    WJ                   27.67      
   2 Hagerty, Caroline    9    WJ                   28.26      
   3 Allen, Briana        10   B-CC                 29.9       
   4 Tunkara, Fatoumatta  10   B-CC                 30.63      
   5 Carr, Khadija        10   B-CC                 31.18      
   6 Raigns, Judi         10   B-CC                 31.32      
   7 Collins, Katie       10   WJ                   31.4       
   8 Bray, Miranda        9    B-CC                 31.58      
   9 Orevba, Naomi        9    B-CC                 31.74      
  10 Duverne, Fabiola     12   WJ                   31.8       
  11 Diggs, Alanna        10   B-CC                 33.55      
  12 Sierdazki, Lily      10   WJ                   34.72      
  13 Ebongo-Bayehe, Rosal 10   B-CC                 36.54      
  14 Barry, Zahreh        10   B-CC                 37.02      

Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run                                    
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dally, Martin        11   WJ                   2:05       
   2 O'Leary, Sean        11   WJ                   2:07       
   3 Williams, David      12   B-CC                 2:08       
   4 Regan, Nicholas      10   WJ                   2:13       
   5 Dey, Ishan           11   WJ                   2:13.7     
   6 Segojane, Mabekebeke 11   WJ                   2:17       
   7 Willet, Alex         10   WJ                   2:19       
   8 Damtoft, Eric        11   B-CC                 2:20       
   9 Frable, Christian    12   B-CC                 2:21       
  10 Henderson, Chris     11   B-CC                 2:23       
  11 Garzon, Kevin        12   Wheaton              2:24       
  12 Whitescarver, Ryan   9    WJ                   2:25       
  12 Young, Jesse         11   WJ                   2:25       
  14 Bae, Daniel          10   WJ                   2:27       
  14 Wilson, Luke         10   WJ                   2:27       
  16 Hao, Tyler           9    WJ                   2:32       
  17 Theiss, Nikolas      12   B-CC                 2:35       
  18 Granados, Jorge      12   Wheaton              2:36       
  19 Artiga, Isai         12   Wheaton              2:43       
  20 Lillibridge, John    11   WJ                   2:44       
  21 Srinivas, Aditya     9    WJ                   2:54       
  22 Ting, Alexander      11   WJ                   2:58       
  23 Colombo, Zachary     ?    B-CC                 3:07       
  24 Krishnaw, Kesav      9    WJ                   3:09       

Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run                                   
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Richardson, Hannah   12   B-CC                 2:32       
   2 Willet, Jenna        11   WJ                   2:33       
   3 Tousley, Addie       12   B-CC                 2:33.5     
   4 Spencer, Jennifer    11   WJ                   2:35       
   5 Bosse, Anna          10   WJ                   2:41       
   6 Albershardt, Rachel  11   WJ                   2:49       
   7 Mitchell, Katharina  10   B-CC                 2:53       
   8 Lin, Tiffany         12   WJ                   2:54       
   9 Thomas, Alison       9    B-CC                 2:58       
  10 Fisher, Erin         11   WJ                   3:00       
  11 Moura, Amelia        9    WJ                   3:08       
  12 Cohen, Claire        9    WJ                   3:09       
  13 Chow, Angela         10   WJ                   3:25       

Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay                                
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 B-CC                                           48.82      
   2 Wheaton                                        49.98      
   3 WJ                                             50.79      
   4 B-CC                                           53.74      

Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay                               
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 WJ                                             55.47      

Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                                
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 WJ                                             3:44       
   2 B-CC                                           3:48       
   3 WJ                                             4:01       
   4 WJ                                             4:04       
   5 WJ                                             4:05       
   6 WJ                                             4:08       

Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                               
     Team                                           Finals    
   1 B-CC                                           4:28       
   2 WJ                                             4:30       
   3 B-CC                                           4:54       
   4 WJ                                             5:02       

Varsity Boys Long Jump                                        
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Wilson, Robert       12   Wheaton              17-08.5    
   2 Julius, Jackson      9    Wheaton              16-10      
   3 Wilson, Duane        12   WJ                   16-08      
   4 Dorsey, Julien       9    B-CC                 16-05      
   5 Covaliu, Elad        9    WJ                   15-08.5    
   6 Ting, Alexander      11   WJ                   15-01      
   7 Ferguson, Aaron      9    Wheaton              14-08.5    
   8 Simon-Chapman, Amani 12   B-CC                 14-05      
   9 Gill, Brian          12   WJ                   13-09      
  10 Smith, George        12   B-CC                 13-08.5    

Varsity Girls Long Jump                                       
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Hagerty, Caroline    9    WJ                   13-09.5    
   2 Levin, Hannah        9    B-CC                 13-03      
   3 Collins, Katie       10   WJ                   12-11.5    
   4 Kobba, Emelda        10   Wheaton              11-11.5    
   5 Tunkara, Fatoumatta  10   B-CC                 9-05       

Varsity Boys Triple Jump                                      
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Pitsenberger, Michae 11   WJ                   40-01.5    
   2 Wilson, Robert       12   Wheaton              39-05      
   3 Dorsey, Julien       9    B-CC                 35-04.5    
   4 Ueda, Daichi         12   WJ                   32-11      
   5 Ting, Alexander      11   WJ                   29-08.5    
   6 Taylor, Rico         12   Wheaton              foul       

Varsity Girls Triple Jump                                     
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dally, Laura Kennedy 9    WJ                   31-08.5    
   2 Tycho, Sasha         10   WJ                   31-00      
   3 Dabney, Ashley       12   Wheaton              30-04      
   4 Levin, Hannah        9    B-CC                 27-00      
   5 Romaine, Patty       12   B-CC                 23-07.5    
   6 Berman, Gayron       12   B-CC                 23-03      

Varsity Boys High Jump                                        
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Williams, David      12   B-CC                 5-08       
   2 Wilson, Robert       12   Wheaton              5-08       
   3 Taylor, Rico         12   Wheaton              5-06       
   4 Barrett, Alex        11   B-CC                 5-04       
   5 Pyle, Benjamin       12   WJ                   5-02       
   6 Prince, Cody         9    B-CC                 5-00       
   7 Wyderko, Tommy       11   WJ                   NH         
   7 Julius, Jackson      9    Wheaton              NH         

Varsity Girls High Jump                                       
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Dabney, Ashley       12   Wheaton              5-02       
   2 Dally, Laura Kennedy 9    WJ                   4-06       
   3 Duverne, Fabiola     12   WJ                   4-04       
   4 McLean, Tiffany      12   Wheaton              4-00       
   4 Hardgrove, Julia     10   B-CC                 4-00       
   6 Kobba, Emelda        10   Wheaton              NH         

Varsity Boys Shot Put                                         
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Okeyo, Paul          12   WJ                   39-11      
   2 Kamerow, Eli         12   B-CC                 38-03      
   3 Banks, Charles            B-CC                 37-10.5    
   4 Teixeira, Patrick    11   WJ                   34-04      
   5 Altman, Brian        12   B-CC                 32-11      
   6 Covaliu, Elad        9    WJ                   31-09.5    
   7 Viriya, Tanasak      11   Wheaton              29-00.5    
   8 Garray, Daniel       11   WJ                   26-05.5    
   9 Echavarren, Ace      12   B-CC                 26-03.5    
  10 Alexander, Christian 10   WJ                   24-06.5    
  11 Phongroop, Nuttarpon 11   Wheaton              24-05.5    
  12 Ghebrekidan, Haileab 9    Wheaton              21-10      

Varsity Girls Shot Put                                        
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Asana, Sharon        12   Wheaton              26-08      
   2 Neil, Jennyeka       12   WJ                   23-03.5    
   3 Smith, Allison       11   WJ                   21-01      
   4 Johannsen, Vilday    12   WJ                   19-02.5    
   5 Romaine, Patty       12   B-CC                 18-09.5    
   6 Miller, Jasmin       10   B-CC                 18-02.5    
   7 McLean, Tiffany      12   Wheaton              17-08      
   8 Meltzer, Rachel      11   B-CC                 17-00      
   9 Berman, Lily         10   B-CC                 16-09.5    
  10 Allen, Courtney      12   WJ                   16-08.5    

Varsity Boys Discus Throw                                     
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Okeyo, Paul          12   WJ                   104-02     
   2 Garray, Daniel       11   WJ                   101-02     
   3 Banks, Charles            B-CC                 91-06      
   4 Kamerow, Eli         12   B-CC                 87-08.5    
   5 Echavarren, Ace      12   B-CC                 85-07.5    
   6 Teixeira, Patrick    11   WJ                   75-03.25   
   7 Altman, Brian        12   B-CC                 67-09      
   8 Viriya, Tanasak      11   Wheaton              67-08.5    
   9 Ghebrekidan, Haileab 9    Wheaton              65-07.5    
  10 Phongroop, Nuttarpon 11   Wheaton              63-11.5    
  11 Alexander, Christian 10   WJ                   58-09      

Varsity Girls Discus Throw                                    
     Name                 Year Team                 Finals    
   1 Asana, Sharon        12   Wheaton              68-09      
   2 Smith, Allison       11   WJ                   59-04      
   3 McLean, Tiffany      12   Wheaton              58-03.5    
   4 Johannsen, Vilday    12   WJ                   56-10      
   5 Meltzer, Rachel      11   B-CC                 52-01.5    
   6 Miller, Jasmin       10   B-CC                 51-7.5     
   7 Romaine, Patty       12   B-CC                 43-08      
   8 Berman, Lily         10   B-CC                 37-01      

Team Scores:

Boys				Girls

WJ 109 Wheaton 24		WJ 112 Wheaton 23
WJ 101 BCC 36			WJ 87 BCC 53
BCC 112 Wheaton 23		BCC 91 Wheaton 40

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