Interhigh Track

Magruder Invitational
Magruder Invitational XC History
Hosted By: Magruder
Derwood, Maryland
Friday, September 11, 2009

 Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 3  Men 5k Run CC VARSITY A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Puffett, Cory                DeMatha Catholic      15:57.50    1             
  2 Ledder, Billy                Gonzaga College       16:06.20    2             
  3 McGowan, John                Sidwell Friends       16:06.60    3             
  4 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood              16:29.20    4             
  5 Leibold, Collin              Gonzaga College       16:36.50    5             
  6 Graves, Kyle                 Our Lady Of           16:42.80    6             
  7 Riely, Jack                  Our Lady Of           16:49.50    7             
  8 Strabo, Jack                 Landon                16:55.20    8             
  9 Miller, Chris                Northwest             16:55.70    9             
 10 Elhage, Tarek                Winston Churchill     16:58.20   10             
 11 Rheingold, Justin            Winston Churchill     17:01.10   11             
 12 Zeiss, Ben                   Gonzaga College       17:04.90   12             
 13 Fitzgerald, Michael          Our Lady Of           17:06.90   13             
 14 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Churchill     17:07.30   14             
 15 Ryan, Connor                 Gonzaga College       17:11.40   15             
 16 Fleury, Will                 Gonzaga College       17:13.40   16             
 17 Gilman, Luke                 Broadneck             17:14.40   17             
 18 Wilson, Kyle                 Sidwell Friends       17:18.30   18             
 19 Hageman, Sean                Leonardtown           17:19.70   19             
 20 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che          17:20.20   20             
 21 Oechsel, Brian               Leonardtown           17:20.90   21             
 22 Conway, Will                 Winston Churchill     17:22.40   22             
 23 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood              17:22.80   23             
 24 Pitts, Kevin                 Gonzaga College       17:24.80   24             
 25 Narang, Jatin                Clarksburg            17:28.70   25             
 26 Kim, Matthew                 Sidwell Friends       17:29.10   26             
 27 Shannon, Luke                Winston Churchill     17:29.70   27             
 28 Spaulding, Conor             Quince Orchard        17:30.20   28             
 29 Damtoft, Eric                Bethesda-Che          17:30.70   29             
 30 Lewis, Fran                  Gonzaga College       17:31.10   30             
 31 Brendan, Stepek              Gaithersburg          17:31.70   31             
 32 Laratta, Evan                Quince Orchard        17:35.00   32             
 33 Balderson, Nicholas          Sherwood              17:35.80   33             
 34 Mechak, Mark                 Col. Zadok Magruder   17:38.00   34             
 35 Wise, Willy                  Springbrook           17:38.80   35             
 36 Masuoka, Sei                 Winston Churchill     17:39.50   36             
 37 Crozier, Mike                Gonzaga College       17:40.10                  
 38 Sonken, Bobby                Northwest             17:41.80   37             
 39 Henriksen, James             Our Lady Of           17:43.60   38             
 40 McNamara, Thomas             Quince Orchard        17:44.10   39             
 41 Poulain, Olivier             Northwest             17:44.70   40             
 42 Stepek, Shane                Gaithersburg          17:46.50   41             
 43 Wentworth, Avery             Broadneck             17:47.90   42             
 44 Johnson, Milo                Albert Einstein       17:51.60   43             
 45 Brockett, Nathan             Our Lady Of           17:54.40   44             
 46 Severynse, Will              Thomas S Wootton      17:54.80   45             
 47 Ponse, Ryan                  Leonardtown           17:55.30   46             
 48 Greene, Kevin                Gonzaga College       17:56.00                  
 49 Austin, Nathan               Rockville             17:57.20   47             
 50 Obrzut, Steven               Northwest             17:58.80   48             
 51 Cleaver, Ryan                Broadneck             18:00.50   49             
 52 Brennan, Jacob               Northwest             18:01.00   50             
 53 Morales, Mike                Northwest             18:01.60   51             
 54 Hassler, Gabriel             St John's College     18:03.00   52             
 55 Daley, Russ                  Clarksburg            18:10.10   53             
 56 Meringolo, Allen             Our Lady Of           18:10.90   54             
 57 Abebe, Dagmawi               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:11.90   55             
 58 Sweet, Mark                  Leonardtown           18:12.70   56             
 59 Haudenschild, Christian      Thomas S Wootton      18:15.00   57             
 60 Foo, Sam                     St John's College     18:17.00   58             
 61 Kazunas, James               Our Lady Of           18:17.80   59             
 62 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood              18:18.50   60             
 63 Blake, Tyler                 Leonardtown           18:18.90   61             
 64 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood              18:19.10   62             
 65 Shelley, Patrick             Northwood             18:19.50   63             
 66 Kim, Alex                    Winston Churchill     18:20.40   64             
 67 Connor, Connor               DeMatha Catholic      18:21.10   65             
 68 Catterall, Philip            Bethesda-Che          18:26.00   66             
 69 Wu, Handson                  Thomas S Wootton      18:26.40   67             
 70 Macfarland, Neil             Broadneck             18:28.40   68             
 71 Reumante, Enricco            Northwood             18:29.50   69             
 72 Sullivan, Scott              Northwood             18:30.00   70             
 73 Rosenberg, Adam              Winston Churchill     18:30.20                  
 74 Simpson, Nick                Albert Einstein       18:31.20   71             
 75 Wohl, Kenny                  Thomas S Wootton      18:34.90   72             
 76 Dallavecchia, Ricky          Landon                18:35.30   73             
 77 Mastalli-Kelly, Luke         Sidwell Friends       18:35.60   74             
 78 Danoff, Corey                Quince Orchard        18:36.40   75             
 79 Abdool, Daniel               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:39.40   76             
 80 Robinson-McCoy, Jalen        DeMatha Catholic      18:41.20   77             
 81 Carey, Tim                   Leonardtown           18:41.80   78             
 82 Zerby, Andrew                Quince Orchard        18:42.20   79             
 83 Tateyama, Philip             Broadneck             18:42.90   80             
 84 Smith, Luke                  Thomas S Wootton      18:45.50   81             
 85 Dougherty, Ryan              Landon                18:47.30   82             
 86 Borg, John                   Northwest             18:47.90   83             
 87 Anna, Teddy                  Broadneck             18:48.30   84             
 88 Brill, Adam                  Landon                18:48.60   85             
 89 Wise, Ruben                  Bishop McNamara       18:48.90   86             
 90 Osgood, Forrest              Rockville             18:50.20   87             
 91 Thomas, Harper               Sidwell Friends       18:51.10   88             
 92 Ossolinski, Mark             Sidwell Friends       18:52.80   89             
 93 Romney, Daniel               Northwest             18:53.40                  
 94 Rivers, Sam                  Albert Einstein       18:53.90   90             
 95 Shahinian, Simon             Winston Churchill     18:54.60                  
 96 Pasti, Michael               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:57.00   91             
 97 Johnson, Onyx                DeMatha Catholic      18:58.00   92             
 98 Harrison, Christian          Bishop McNamara       18:59.10   93             
 99 Barnhard, Peter              Springbrook           18:59.70   94             
100 Duggan, Brendan              Our Lady Of           19:02.50                  
101 Rogers, Nathaniel            Our Lady Of           19:04.50                  
102 Ryan, Jamie                  Quince Orchard        19:05.50   95             
103 Brewer, John                 DeMatha Catholic      19:09.00   96             
104 Moores, Geoffrey             Quince Orchard        19:12.80   97             
105 Padgett, Chris               Leonardtown           19:13.70   98             
106 Brody, Jared                 Col. Zadok Magruder   19:14.80   99             
107 Ardanuy, Jeremy              Montgomery Blair      19:15.40  100             
108 Borten, Michael              Quince Orchard        19:15.90                  
109 Boothman, Adam               Albert Einstein       19:16.70  101             
110 Steinbach, David             Sidwell Friends       19:17.10  102             
111 Modarres, Ceena              Landon                19:19.00  103             
112 Ceruzzi, Andrew              Albert Einstein       19:19.20  104             
113 O'Connor, Brian              Clarksburg            19:19.90  105             
114 Williams, Jon                St John's College     19:20.00  106             
115 Tracey, John                 St John's College     19:20.40  107             
116 Hackett, Joel                Clarksburg            19:20.70  108             
117 Arrazola, Sebastian          Col. Zadok Magruder   19:21.50  109             
118 Riddell, Serge               St John's College     19:22.20  110             
119 Johnson, Steven              Sherwood              19:22.90  111             
120 Kelley, Martin               St John's College     19:23.40  112             
121 O'Neill, Alex                St John's College     19:23.70  113             
122 Wong, Robbie                 Clarksburg            19:23.90  114             
123 Hyde, Brad                   Seneca Valley         19:24.10  115             
124 Jacobin, Joe                 St John's College     19:24.60                  
125 Dorsey, Julien               Bethesda-Che          19:25.20  116             
126 Uthus, Evan                  Broadneck             19:26.20  117             
127 Crouch, Andrew               Bethesda-Che          19:27.00  118             
128 Morrison, Lucas              Bethesda-Che          19:30.30  119             
129 Smith, Worth                 Landon                19:30.80  120             
130 Joseph, Prince               Northwest             19:31.60                  
131 Trumble, Matt                Gaithersburg          19:32.40  121             
132 Ajayi, Jeff                  DeMatha Catholic      19:34.80  122             
133 Pollak, Gabe                 Montgomery Blair      19:36.50  123             
134 Janowitz, Michael            Thomas S Wootton      19:37.10  124             
135 Carlson, Matthew             John F Kennedy        19:38.90  125             
136 Harvey, Duncan               Landon                19:39.40  126             
137 Falvey, Jack                 Landon                19:40.00                  
138 Frampus, Patrick             Bethesda-Che          19:40.10  127             
139 Richter, Nicholas            Bethesda-Che          19:43.60                  
140 Johnson, Joe                 Gaithersburg          19:44.40  128             
141 Hahn, Nick                   Thomas S Wootton      19:44.90  129             
142 Sapp, Samuel                 Sherwood              19:45.60  130             
143 Trever, Reed                 Gaithersburg          19:49.00  131             
144 Ligon, Ryan                  Leonardtown           19:50.40                  
145 Jones, Thad                  Sidwell Friends       19:51.40                  
146 Estes, Peter                 Sidwell Friends       19:56.70                  
147 Broussard, Thomas            Rockville             19:57.80  132             
148 Nickerson, Maalik            DeMatha Catholic      20:02.50  133             
149 Feather, Matthew             Bishop McNamara       20:04.90  134             
150 Cheng, Timothy               Springbrook           20:07.50  135             
151 Moore, Austin                Northwood             20:07.90  136             
152 DeCarlo, Nick                Col. Zadok Magruder   20:09.40  137             
153 Ochoa, Patrick               Col. Zadok Magruder   20:11.50                  
154 Hewes, Daniel                Thomas S Wootton      20:13.50                  
155 Zhu, Henry                   Landon                20:14.30                  
156 Portner, Daniel              Sherwood              20:14.60                  
157 Ferentinos, Matt             Col. Zadok Magruder   20:16.40                  
158 Reddan, Adam        P        Sherwood              20:17.20                  
159 Bisht, Mohit                 Clarksburg            20:18.10  138             
160 Norris, Corey                Northwest             20:25.90                  
161 Weaver, Zecheria             Leonardtown           20:29.00                  
162 Cruz, Joshua                 Clarksburg            20:30.90  139             
163 Koita, Omar                  Watkins Mill          20:31.50  140             
164 Rivers, Daniel Morgan        Wheaton               20:33.70  141             
165 Giblin, Peter                Albert Einstein       20:35.00  142             
166 Boyce, Kaifa                 Gaithersburg          20:35.90  143             
167 Dreyfuss, Ziv                Albert Einstein       20:36.50  144             
168 Righetti, Shaun              John F Kennedy        20:36.80  145             
169 Doukoure, Mamadou            Gaithersburg          20:38.70  146             
170 Hicks, Sonny                 Bishop McNamara       20:40.80  147             
171 Ahmad, Ramiz                 Gaithersburg          20:45.00                  
172 Magruder, Ryan               Bishop McNamara       20:49.40  148             
173 Kehne, Gregory               Montgomery Blair      20:52.10  149             
174 Leonard, Peter               Montgomery Blair      20:52.30  150             
175 Baummer, Devin               Broadneck             20:53.30                  
176 Cadigan, Brian               Rockville             20:54.30  151             
177 Getachew, Betseat            DeMatha Catholic      20:54.60                  
178 Landau, Andrew               Thomas S Wootton      20:55.00                  
179 Curcio-Rudy, Anthony         Montgomery Blair      20:55.30  152             
180 Volkman, Nick                Rockville             20:55.50  153             
181 Morrison, William            John F Kennedy        20:55.80  154             
182 Thibodeau, Jackson           Broadneck             20:58.10                  
183 Gaskins, Avery               Bishop McNamara       21:09.00  155             
184 Moorefield, Corey            John F Kennedy        21:13.70  156             
185 Asfaw, Sorre                 Springbrook           21:16.50  157             
186 Chicas, Nelson               Wheaton               21:18.80  158             
187 Nguyen, Tin                  Wheaton               21:22.40  159             
188 Tong, Darren                 Springbrook           21:30.50  160             
189 Gordon, Wesley               Bishop McNamara       21:39.10  161             
190 Mok, Kevin                   Springbrook           21:42.10  162             
191 Danielsen, Robin             Seneca Valley         21:45.70  163             
192 Watts, Harrell               Bishop McNamara       21:47.50                  
193 Jaso, Garrett                Northwood             21:52.20  164             
194 Colin, Thatcher              Seneca Valley         21:53.30  165             
195 Roa, Damien                  John F Kennedy        21:58.20  166             
196 Duong, Tai                   Wheaton               21:59.10  167             
197 Halambe, Chataranga          Rockville             22:29.00  168             
198 Gubas, Jacob                 Watkins Mill          22:44.00  169             
199 White, Barron                Clarksburg            22:58.00                  
200 Hassen, Ismail               Wheaton               23:04.00  170             
201 Walderhaug, Albert           Northwood             23:08.00  171             
202 Boliek, Austin               Northwood             23:13.00  172             
203 Horimbere, Landry            Springbrook           23:30.00  173             
204 Peay, Cody                   John F Kennedy        23:32.00  174             
205 Zecha, Andrew                Rockville             23:35.00  175             
206 Gao, Daniel                  Wheaton               23:38.00  176             
207 Enriquez, Steven             Wheaton               23:40.00  177             
208 Hussain, Adam                Springbrook           23:44.00                  
209 Michaeloff, Zach             Rockville             23:46.00                  
210 Hall, Nicholas               Northwood             23:49.00                  
211 Mattocks, Christopher        Bishop McNamara       23:51.00                  
212 Sauter, Neil                 Northwood             23:59.00                  
213 Briner, Stephen              Watkins Mill          24:08.00  178             
214 Pareja-Lecaros, Alvaro       Watkins Mill          24:25.00  179             
215 Kidwell, Grey                Watkins Mill          24:39.00  180             
216 Moran, Brian                 Rockville             24:49.00                  
217 Mollaneda, Patrick           Wheaton               25:02.00                  
218 Williams, Tyler              Watkins Mill          25:47.00  181             
219 Guy, Kevin                   Seneca Valley         26:20.00  182             
220 Sandeep, Bedi                Watkins Mill          26:34.00  183             
221 Tran, Philip                 Seneca Valley         27:30.00  184             
222 Pauley, Nathaniel            Seneca Valley         29:10.00  185             
223 Sighn, Raj                   John F Kennedy        30:10.00  186             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Gonzaga College              50    2    5   12   15   16   24   30          
      Total Time:  1:24:12.40                                                    
         Average:    16:50.48                                                    
   2 Winston Churchill            84   10   11   14   22   27   36   64          
      Total Time:  1:25:58.70                                                    
         Average:    17:11.74                                                    
   3 Our Lady Of Good Counsel    108    6    7   13   38   44   54   59          
      Total Time:  1:26:17.20                                                    
         Average:    17:15.44                                                    
   4 Sherwood                    182    4   23   33   60   62  111  130          
      Total Time:  1:28:05.40                                                    
         Average:    17:37.08                                                    
   5 Northwest                   184    9   37   40   48   50   51   83          
      Total Time:  1:28:22.00                                                    
         Average:    17:40.40                                                    
   6 Leonardtown                 203   19   21   46   56   61   78   98          
      Total Time:  1:29:07.50                                                    
         Average:    17:49.50                                                    
   7 Sidwell Friends             209    3   18   26   74   88   89  102          
      Total Time:  1:28:20.70                                                    
         Average:    17:40.14                                                    
   8 Quince Orchard              253   28   32   39   75   79   95   97          
      Total Time:  1:30:07.90                                                    
         Average:    18:01.58                                                    
   9 Broadneck                   256   17   42   49   68   80   84  117          
      Total Time:  1:30:14.10                                                    
         Average:    18:02.82                                                    
  10 Thomas S Wootton            322   45   57   67   72   81  124  129          
      Total Time:  1:31:56.60                                                    
         Average:    18:23.32                                                    
  11 DeMatha Catholic            331    1   65   77   92   96  122  133          
      Total Time:  1:31:06.80                                                    
         Average:    18:13.36                                                    
  12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase        349   20   29   66  116  118  119  127          
      Total Time:  1:32:09.10                                                    
         Average:    18:25.82                                                    
  13 Landon                      351    8   73   82   85  103  120  126          
      Total Time:  1:32:25.40                                                    
         Average:    18:29.08                                                    
  14 Col. Zadok Magruder         355   34   55   76   91   99  109  137          
      Total Time:  1:32:41.10                                                    
         Average:    18:32.22                                                    
  15 Clarksburg                  405   25   53  105  108  114  138  139          
      Total Time:  1:33:43.30                                                    
         Average:    18:44.66                                                    
  16 Albert Einstein             409   43   71   90  101  104  142  144          
      Total Time:  1:33:52.60                                                    
         Average:    18:46.52                                                    
  17 St John's College           433   52   58  106  107  110  112  113          
      Total Time:  1:34:22.60                                                    
         Average:    18:52.52                                                    
  18 Gaithersburg                452   31   41  121  128  131  143  146          
      Total Time:  1:34:24.00                                                    
         Average:    18:52.80                                                    
  19 Northwood                   502   63   69   70  136  164  171  172          
      Total Time:  1:37:19.10                                                    
         Average:    19:27.82                                                    
  20 Rockville                   570   47   87  132  151  153  168  175          
      Total Time:  1:38:35.00                                                    
         Average:    19:43.00                                                    
  21 Springbrook                 581   35   94  135  157  160  162  173          
      Total Time:  1:39:33.00                                                    
         Average:    19:54.60                                                    
  22 Bishop McNamara             608   86   93  134  147  148  155  161          
      Total Time:  1:39:23.10                                                    
         Average:    19:52.62                                                    
  23 Montgomery Blair            674  100  123  149  150  152                    
      Total Time:  1:41:31.60                                                    
         Average:    20:18.32                                                    
  24 John F Kennedy              746  125  145  154  156  166  174  186          
      Total Time:  1:44:23.40                                                    
         Average:    20:52.68                                                    
  25 Wheaton                     795  141  158  159  167  170  176  177          
      Total Time:  1:48:18.00                                                    
         Average:    21:39.60                                                    
  26 Seneca Valley               809  115  163  165  182  184  185               
      Total Time:  1:56:53.10                                                    
         Average:    23:22.62                                                    
  27 Watkins Mill                846  140  169  178  179  180  181  183          
      Total Time:  1:56:27.50                                                    
         Average:    23:17.50                                                    

 Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Women 5k Run CC VARSITY A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Rubin, Jessie                Thomas S Wootton      19:23.20    1             
  2 Spitler, Abby                Gaithersburg          19:35.70    2             
  3 Joson, Stephanie             Quince Orchard        19:53.90    3             
  4 Daley, Abbey                 Clarksburg            19:55.50    4             
  5 Fikri, Maryam                Winston Churchill     19:57.20    5             
  6 Koenig, Katie                Our Lady Of           20:08.10                  
  7 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che          20:29.00    6             
  8 Henshaw, Alyssa              Northwest             20:34.00    7             
  9 Gass, Jess                   Leonardtown           20:47.00    8             
 10 Frowein, Anna                Leonardtown           20:50.00    9             
 11 DiNardo, Christine           Northwest             21:02.00   10             
 12 Puffett, Nicole              Elizabeth Seton       21:12.00   11             
 13 Finkelston, Kate             Leonardtown           21:15.00   12             
 14 Copsey, Cali                 Leonardtown           21:18.00   13             
 15 Sumner, Lauren               Clarksburg            21:21.00   14             
 16 Repka, Marisa                Sidwell Friends       21:24.00   15             
 17 Maxwell, Andrea              Thomas S Wootton      21:28.00   16             
 18 Pressel, Diana               Stone Ridge           21:30.00   17             
 19 Fuenzalida, Paula            Northwest             21:35.00   18             
 20 Nagiel, Katie                Rockville             21:35.20   19             
 21 Sekscienski, Sarah           Northwest             21:36.00   20             
 22 Levine, Amy                  Thomas S Wootton      21:36.70   21             
 23 Wagner, Shannon              Quince Orchard        21:37.00   22             
 24 Iacangelo, Abigail     M     Sherwood              21:38.00   23             
 25 Kendall, Kelly               Sherwood              21:40.00   24             
 26 O'Connor, Darcy              Bethesda-Che          21:41.00   25             
 27 Cohen, Karen                 Thomas S Wootton      21:42.00   26             
 28 Siegall, Hillary             Northwest             21:50.00   27             
 29 Cohen, Claire                Bethesda-Che          21:57.00   28             
 30 Piedramartel, Zabrina        Col. Zadok Magruder   22:07.70   29             
 31 Ferro, Amy                   Rockville             22:08.00   30             
 32 Santangelo, Kai              Northwest             22:10.00   31             
 33 Rico, Madeline               Thomas S Wootton      22:11.00   32             
 34 Sholar, Jenny                Montgomery Blair      22:12.00   33             
 35 Bojanova, Diane              Winston Churchill     22:13.00   34             
 36 Johne, Vera                  Winston Churchill     22:17.00   35             
 37 Gramzinski, Michaela         Northwest             22:19.00   36             
 38 Bonham, Angela               Dunbar                22:23.00   37             
 39 Brady, Miranda               Col. Zadok Magruder   22:27.00   38             
 40 Lizon, Anna                  Col. Zadok Magruder   22:30.00   39             
 41 Cronin, Teresa               Sherwood              22:35.00   40             
 42 Branaman, Jaime              Leonardtown           22:35.50   41             
 43 Oleynik, Shannon             Col. Zadok Magruder   22:36.00   42             
 44 Peller, Abby                 Thomas S Wootton      22:44.00   43             
 45 Lebrock, Jade                Quince Orchard        22:45.00   44             
 46 Russell, Teresa      M       Sherwood              22:47.00   45             
 47 Weiss, Jacqueline  R         Sherwood              22:54.00   46             
 48 Beyer, Katelyn               Broadneck             22:56.40   47             
 49 Allaway, Kate                Northwest             22:56.70                  
 50 Truskey, Sarit               Bethesda-Che          22:58.80   48             
 51 Regan, Theresa               Montgomery Blair      22:59.60   49             
 52 Young, Jacqui                Clarksburg            23:00.20   50             
 53 Sapp, Myla                   Montgomery Blair      23:00.30   51             
 54 Zarzaca, Sam                 Leonardtown           23:06.20   52             
 55 Chevat, Caroline             Winston Churchill     23:08.20   53             
 56 Ser, Eileen                  Northwest             23:08.90                  
 57 Suttora, Hannah              Winston Churchill     23:09.00   54             
 58 Williams, Torii              Dunbar                23:10.50   55             
 59 Wiehagen, Margaret           Elizabeth Seton       23:11.40   56             
 60 Derr, Susannah               Bethesda-Che          23:11.70   57             
 61 Davidson, Samantha           Broadneck             23:11.90   58             
 62 Smith, Ellie                 Broadneck             23:14.70   59             
 63 Arbury, Gwynedd              Bethesda-Che          23:14.90   60             
 64 Stinner, Stacey              Broadneck             23:16.00   61             
 65 Rotello, Briana              Thomas S Wootton      23:18.00   62             
 66 Johnson, Joi                 Elizabeth Seton       23:20.00   63             
 67 Smith, Mariah                Broadneck             23:22.00   64             
 68 Seals, Ayanna                St John's College     23:25.00   65             
 69 Perthal, Jeanette            Winston Churchill     23:27.00   66             
 70 Nickens, Chloe               Stone Ridge           23:29.00   67             
 71 Abramova, Julia              Col. Zadok Magruder   23:30.00   68             
 72 Becker, Alexa                Sherwood              23:31.00   69             
 73 Boyd, Erin                   Leonardtown           23:33.00   70             
 74 Van Der Ejik, Marisa         Col. Zadok Magruder   23:39.00   71             
 75 Chacon, Lauren               Thomas S Wootton      23:43.00                  
 76 Scanlan, Erin                Winston Churchill     23:45.00   72             
 77 Keane, Gaby                  Stone Ridge           23:47.50   73             
 78 Cogswell, Sydney             Sidwell Friends       23:47.90   74             
 79 Kershner, Morgan             Northwood             23:50.00   75             
 80 Howard, Georgia              Springbrook           23:51.00   76             
 81 Reitzes, Sarah               Winston Churchill     23:52.00                  
 82 Klett, Kathryn               Montgomery Blair      23:54.00   77             
 83 Carr, Leah                   Dunbar                23:56.00   78             
 84 Marcum, Sarah                Broadneck             23:56.00   79             
 85 Harper, Susan                Thomas S Wootton      23:56.00                  
 86 Morris, Brittanie            John F Kennedy        24:02.00                  
 87 Ho, Mellownie                Sherwood              24:02.00   80             
 88 Nguyen, Jan                  Montgomery Blair      24:02.00   81             
 89 Montiel, DeeDee              Springbrook           24:03.00   82             
 90 Darling, Brianna             Academy Of T          24:07.00   83             
 91 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood              24:08.00                  
 92 Cardy, Kathryn               Academy Of T          24:10.00   84             
 93 Rowley, Corey                Northwood             24:11.00   85             
 94 Vitarelli, Ariana            Academy Of T          24:12.00   86             
 95 Lundquist, Carissa           St John's College     24:14.00   87             
 96 Osborne, Morgan      M       Sherwood              24:18.00                  
 97 Viqueira, Gina               St John's College     24:20.00   88             
 98 Abram, Cleo                  Sidwell Friends       24:24.00   89             
 99 Sprague, Laura               Col. Zadok Magruder   24:25.00   90             
100 Ha, Jenny                    Gaithersburg          24:27.00   91             
101 Conrad, Leia                 Bishop McNamara       24:27.00                  
102 Buchek, Hannah               Montgomery Blair      24:28.00   92             
103 Grinker, Olivia              Sidwell Friends       24:29.00   93             
104 Arrazola, Gabriela           Col. Zadok Magruder   24:30.00                  
105 Barnhard, Emma               Springbrook           24:31.00   94             
106 Lee, Jacelyn                 Quince Orchard        24:32.00   95             
107 Jaskiewicz, Melissa          Bethesda-Che          24:33.00   96             
108 Morales, Tracy               John F Kennedy        24:34.00                  
109 Ung, Elizabeth               Northwood             24:36.00   97             
110 Dreyfuss, Xena               Albert Einstein       24:37.00                  
111 Horvat, Alison               Rockville             24:39.00   98             
112 Power, Caitlin               Albert Einstein       24:44.00                  
113 McGann, Grace                Academy Of T          24:46.00   99             
114 Nishan, Lindsay              Seneca Valley         24:47.00                  
115 Taylor, Charlotte            Rockville             24:48.00  100             
116 Hankins, Emma                Rockville             24:51.00  101             
117 Vanderweele, Chelsea         Northwood             24:52.00  102             
118 Schulz, Leah                 Bethesda-Che          24:53.00                  
119 Conti, Elizabeth             Academy Of T          24:56.00  103             
120 Shedlick, Mollie             St John's College     24:57.00  104             
121 Jones, Margaret              Stone Ridge           24:57.00  105             
122 Keating, Shannon             Academy Of T          25:04.00  106             
123 Wagner, Naami                Northwood             25:04.00  107             
124 Choi, Allison                Clarksburg            25:05.00  108             
125 Durst, Amanda                Leonardtown           25:05.00                  
126 Campos, Nissa                St John's College     25:07.00  109             
127 Lorn, Vinnida                Gaithersburg          25:09.00  110             
128 Ostriker, Abigail            Montgomery Blair      25:14.00  111             
129 Lang, Leah                   Quince Orchard        25:15.00  112             
130 Greaney, Christine           Gaithersburg          25:16.00  113             
131 Viera, Danielle              Gaithersburg          25:17.00  114             
132 Hogue, Morgan                Academy Of T          25:24.00  115             
133 Conti, Rachael               Academy Of T          25:25.00                  
134 Aisquith, Kayla              Broadneck             25:43.10  116             
135 Allen, Stephanie             Sidwell Friends       25:43.50  117             
136 Deaton, Addison              Broadneck             25:53.00                  
137 Burke, Katie                 Sidwell Friends       26:01.00  118             
138 Reid, Sisi                   Albert Einstein       26:12.00                  
139 Maurelli, Cecile             John F Kennedy        26:16.00                  
140 Kilgore, Briauna             Elizabeth Seton       26:19.00  119             
141 Short, Barbaretta            Dunbar                26:22.50  120             
142 Walters, Ciarra              Elizabeth Seton       26:23.00  121             
143 Creel, Mary                  Stone Ridge           26:23.20  122             
144 Thatcher, Meghan             Seneca Valley         26:24.00                  
145 Pfeifer, Meghan              Stone Ridge           26:29.00  123             
146 McHenry, Kai                 Clarksburg            26:30.00  124             
147 Liming, Samantha             John F Kennedy        26:42.00                  
148 Himes, Shannon               St John's College     26:45.00  125             
149 Almeida, Sydney              Springbrook           26:51.00  126             
150 Mauk, Taylor                 Stone Ridge           27:00.00  127             
151 Phillips, Destiny            Dunbar                27:44.00  128             
152 Kakku, Jamiira               Springbrook           27:45.00  129             
153 Lambert, Shelby              Dunbar                27:55.00  130             
154 Larson, Micaela              Clarksburg            27:55.20  131             
155 Benett, Katrina              Leonardtown           28:14.00                  
156 Barnhart, Brittany           Seneca Valley         28:15.00                  
157 Gratian, Margaret            Rockville             28:31.00  132             
158 Hemingway, Anna              Rockville             28:35.00  133             
159 Mbu, Jersie                  Gaithersburg          28:45.00  134             
160 Gaylor, Nicole               Sidwell Friends       29:29.00  135             
161 Vo, Nancy                    Northwood             29:36.00  136             
162 Battalico, Brandi            Bishop McNamara       29:46.00                  
163 Stranieri, Marcella          Seneca Valley         30:42.00                  
164 Abbott, Elisabeth            Watkins Mill          31:02.00                  
165 Lewis, Maya                  Bishop McNamara       31:04.00                  
166 Bellot, Nancy                Springbrook           31:22.00  137             
167 Davis, Chanae                Bishop McNamara       31:37.00                  
168 Gonzalez, Genesis            Clarksburg            32:00.00  138             
169 Durham, Daiyonna             Dunbar                32:13.00  139             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Northwest                    82    7   10   18   20   27   31   36          
      Total Time:  1:46:37.00                                                    
         Average:    21:19.40                                                    
   2 Leonardtown                  83    8    9   12   13   41   52   70          
      Total Time:  1:46:45.50                                                    
         Average:    21:21.10                                                    
   3 Thomas S Wootton             96    1   16   21   26   32   43   62          
      Total Time:  1:46:20.90                                                    
         Average:    21:16.18                                                    
   4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase        164    6   25   28   48   57   60   96          
      Total Time:  1:50:17.50                                                    
         Average:    22:03.50                                                    
   5 Sherwood                    178   23   24   40   45   46   69   80          
      Total Time:  1:51:34.00                                                    
         Average:    22:18.80                                                    
   6 Winston Churchill           181    5   34   35   53   54   66   72          
      Total Time:  1:50:44.40                                                    
         Average:    22:08.88                                                    
   7 Col. Zadok Magruder         216   29   38   39   42   68   71   90          
      Total Time:  1:53:10.70                                                    
         Average:    22:38.14                                                    
   8 Quince Orchard              276    3   22   44   95  112                    
      Total Time:  1:54:02.90                                                    
         Average:    22:48.58                                                    
   9 Broadneck                   289   47   58   59   61   64   79  116          
      Total Time:  1:56:01.00                                                    
         Average:    23:12.20                                                    
  10 Montgomery Blair            291   33   49   51   77   81   92  111          
      Total Time:  1:56:07.90                                                    
         Average:    23:13.58                                                    
  11 Clarksburg                  300    4   14   50  108  124  131  138          
      Total Time:  1:55:51.70                                                    
         Average:    23:10.34                                                    
  12 Rockville                   348   19   30   98  100  101  132  133          
      Total Time:  1:58:01.20                                                    
         Average:    23:36.24                                                    
  13 Elizabeth Seton             370   11   56   63  119  121                    
      Total Time:  2:00:25.40                                                    
         Average:    24:05.08                                                    
  14 Stone Ridge Sch Of Sacred   384   17   67   73  105  122  123  127          
      Total Time:  2:00:06.70                                                    
         Average:    24:01.34                                                    
  15 Sidwell Friends             388   15   74   89   93  117  118  135          
      Total Time:  1:59:48.40                                                    
         Average:    23:57.68                                                    
  16 Dunbar                      418   37   55   78  120  128  130  139          
      Total Time:  2:03:36.00                                                    
         Average:    24:43.20                                                    
  17 Gaithersburg                430    2   91  110  113  114  134               
      Total Time:  1:59:44.70                                                    
         Average:    23:56.94                                                    
  18 St John's College           453   65   87   88  104  109  125               
      Total Time:  2:02:03.00                                                    
         Average:    24:24.60                                                    
  19 Academy Of The Holy Cross   455   83   84   86   99  103  106  115          
      Total Time:  2:02:11.00                                                    
         Average:    24:26.20                                                    
  20 Northwood                   466   75   85   97  102  107  136               
      Total Time:  2:02:33.00                                                    
         Average:    24:30.60                                                    
  21 Springbrook                 507   76   82   94  126  129  137               
      Total Time:  2:07:01.00                                                    
         Average:    25:24.20                                                    

 Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Men 5k Run CC VARSITY B
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
317 Unknown                                            39:26.00                  
  1 Flaherty, Pat                Gonzaga College       18:32.00    1             
  2 Bak-Brevik, Josh             Gonzaga College       18:33.00    2             
  3 Thiyagarajan, Sushen         Winston Churchill     18:34.00    3             
  4 Lynch, Jordan                Northwest             19:01.70    4             
  5 Kogan, Matt                  Winston Churchill     19:02.90    5             
  6 Weston-Dawkes, William       Winston Churchill     19:03.60    6             
  7 Briody, Jimbo                Gonzaga College       19:05.60    7             
  8 Valero, Daniel               Winston Churchill     19:13.70    8             
  9 Aougab, Sami                 Winston Churchill     19:23.30    9             
 10 Creamer, Ryan                Gonzaga College       19:26.90   10             
 11 Fergus, Thomas               Gonzaga College       19:27.50   11             
 12 Vitelli, Daniel              Northwest             19:28.30   12             
 13 Johnson, Tommy               Northwest             19:30.30   13             
 14 Morgan, Jackson              Leonardtown           19:30.70   14             
 15 Esposito, Matt               Gonzaga College       19:35.20   15             
 16 Estes, Andrew                Gonzaga College       19:36.40   16             
 17 Kelly, Michael               Gonzaga College       19:37.00                  
 18 Thomas, Jashawn              Winston Churchill     19:39.80   17             
 19 Blum, James                  Winston Churchill     19:40.80   18             
 20 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood              19:41.60   19             
 21 Morgan, James                Leonardtown           19:41.90   20             
 22 Martin, James                Northwest             19:42.20   21             
 23 Johnson, Taylor              Northwest             19:43.40   22             
 24 Maier, Zach                  Leonardtown           19:46.30   23             
 25 Blum, Alex                   Winston Churchill     19:46.70                  
 26 Winters, Christian           St John's College     19:49.40   24             
 27 Townsend, Jacob              Winston Churchill     19:54.40                  
 28 Beidleman, Okera             Northwest             19:55.80   25             
 29 Dempsey, Mike                Gonzaga College       19:56.80                  
 30 Fulp, Tyler                  Leonardtown           19:58.90   26             
 31 Owen, Luke                   Northwest             20:00.90   27             
 32 Pasti, Jon                   Col. Zadok Magruder   20:04.30   28             
 33 Draffin, Ben                 Winston Churchill     20:07.00                  
 34 Mills, Austin                Leonardtown           20:09.60   29             
 35 Fakhari, Alborz              Quince Orchard        20:09.80   30             
 36 Senft, Chris                 Northwest             20:10.40                  
 37 Ross, Seth                   Winston Churchill     20:10.80                  
 38 Lester, Patrick              Northwest             20:14.40                  
 39 Webster, Peter               Leonardtown           20:15.90   31             
 40 Ertel, James                 Thomas S Wootton      20:16.20   32             
 41 Paribello, Ray               Leonardtown           20:17.20   33             
 42 Lindsay, Nick                Gonzaga College       20:17.40                  
 43 Leibold, Brian               Gonzaga College       20:18.00                  
 44 Hanlon, John        P        Sherwood              20:19.40   34             
 45 Hisle, Andrew                Gonzaga College       20:22.00                  
 46 Keena, Kevin                 Landon                20:23.30                  
 47 Dawson, Drew                 Gonzaga College       20:24.00                  
 48 MacAfee, Colton              Northwest             20:30.70                  
 49 Vance, Kyle                  Leonardtown           20:33.80                  
 50 Webster, Richard             Leonardtown           20:36.00                  
 51 Broadwater, Del              Bethesda-Che          20:37.70   35             
 52 Myers, Andrew                St John's College     20:38.90   36             
 53 Pugh, George                 Leonardtown           20:40.00                  
 54 Kuhn, William                Landon                20:40.40                  
 55 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che          20:40.90   37             
 56 Nolan, Thomas                Quince Orchard        20:45.10   38             
 57 Paquin, Griffin     T        Sherwood              20:46.00   39             
 58 Vora, Nikhil                 Col. Zadok Magruder   20:46.30   40             
 59 Kelley, Brenden              Gonzaga College       20:47.10                  
 60 Begman, Eli                  Thomas S Wootton      20:47.50   41             
 61 Bratschi, Adam               Winston Churchill     20:48.60                  
 62 Kleyman, Michael             Winston Churchill     20:50.50                  
 63 Gatti, Matt                  Gonzaga College       20:51.00                  
 64 Bourg, Garrett               Winston Churchill     20:51.40                  
 65 Peters, Kevin                Leonardtown           20:52.70                  
 66 Strabo, Mark                 Landon                20:53.90                  
 67 Meyerson, Henry              Gonzaga College       20:54.10                  
 68 Machado, Nolan               Thomas S Wootton      20:54.40   42             
 69 Lee, Christopher             Winston Churchill     20:55.90                  
 70 Ferentinos, Nick             Col. Zadok Magruder   20:59.43   43             
 71 Pugh, Brendan                Leonardtown           21:00.60                  
 72 Mazur, Eric        V         Sherwood              21:02.10   44             
 73 Reidy, Sean                  Quince Orchard        21:03.50   45             
 74 Frens, John                  Sherwood              21:04.60   46             
 75 Calendar, Michael            Winston Churchill     21:05.00                  
 76 Silber, Sam                  Winston Churchill     21:05.40                  
 77 Brown, Gabe                  Sidwell Friends       21:05.90   47             
 78 Pratson, Daniel              Leonardtown           21:06.20                  
 79 Kyeremeh, Andrew             Northwest             21:07.00                  
 80 Schmitt, Matt                Col. Zadok Magruder   21:07.40   48             
 81 Horiguchi, Akira             Thomas S Wootton      21:09.20   49             
 82 Engel, Brandt                Leonardtown           21:12.40                  
 83 Lopatka, Andrew              Gonzaga College       21:12.70                  
 84 Griffith, Alex               Quince Orchard        21:13.80   50             
 85 Himes, Austin                St John's College     21:14.20   51             
 86 Holland, Anthony             Gonzaga College       21:15.50                  
 87 Wagner, Michael              Sherwood              21:16.20   52             
 88 Ahn, Stephen                 Winston Churchill     21:17.40                  
 89 Abernathy, Grant             DeMatha Catholic      21:18.10   53             
 90 Dunwiddie, Brennan           DeMatha Catholic      21:18.50   54             
 91 Dobry, Evan                  Leonardtown           21:20.80                  
 92 Metzler, Mike                Bethesda-Che          21:24.50   55             
 93 Hurd, Will                   Bethesda-Che          21:24.80   56             
 94 Raynal, JP                   Gonzaga College       21:25.30                  
 95 Zepeda, Alvin                Gonzaga College       21:26.00                  
 96 Kelly, Scott                 St John's College     21:26.40   57             
 97 McGlynn, Ryan                Gonzaga College       21:27.90                  
 98 Kerns, Bretton     N         Sherwood              21:28.70   58             
 99 Berger, Jeffrey              Sherwood              21:30.00                  
100 Brown, Zach                  Bethesda-Che          21:30.50   59             
101 Romo, Michael                Springbrook           21:31.60   60             
102 Foo, Ken                     St John's College     21:32.40   61             
103 Hoerle, Patrick              Quince Orchard        21:32.70   62             
104 Duffy, Connor                Leonardtown           21:34.20                  
105 Wescott, Adam                Sidwell Friends       21:35.50   63             
106 Prust, Nick                  St John's College     21:36.60   64             
107 Fuertes, Avery               Quince Orchard        21:37.70   65             
108 Nguyen, Kevin                Northwest             21:40.30                  
109 Gaegler, Johnathan           Clarksburg            21:45.70   66             
110 Casselle, Simon              St John's College     21:46.50   67             
111 Lyons, Matt                  Gaithersburg          21:47.00   68             
112 Morin, Danny                 St John's College     21:51.40                  
113 Lorn, Dara                   Gaithersburg          21:55.70   69             
114 Goldberg, Julius             Thomas S Wootton      21:58.80   70             
115 Don, Christian               Gonzaga College       22:00.30                  
116 Hopkins, Teddy               DeMatha Catholic      22:02.00   71             
117 Sheridan, Patrick            St John's College     22:02.40                  
118 Shah, Dev                    Thomas S Wootton      22:02.70   72             
119 Wu, Strong                   Clarksburg            22:07.20   73             
120 Donahue, Connor              Montgomery Blair      22:08.50   74             
121 Peterson, Luke               Col. Zadok Magruder   22:11.00   75             
122 Davies, Michael              Sidwell Friends       22:11.70   76             
123 Deen, Adrian                 Springbrook           22:14.20   77             
124 McQuillen, Matt              Gonzaga College       22:17.20                  
125 Campeggio, Chris             Leonardtown           22:18.00                  
126 Hughes, John                 DeMatha Catholic      22:18.40   78             
127 Tran, Gilbert                Northwest             22:20.00                  
128 Lum, Everett                 Winston Churchill     22:21.00                  
129 Pierre-Louis, Mike           Gaithersburg          22:21.50   79             
130 Crilley, Patick              Gonzaga College       22:22.60                  
131 Doherty, Drew                Thomas S Wootton      22:24.10   80             
132 Fitzwilliam, Steven          Thomas S Wootton      22:26.30                  
133 Widmann, Andrew              DeMatha Catholic      22:26.30   81             
134 Saunders, Hayden             Winston Churchill     22:29.40                  
135 Lukalay, Patrick             Northwest             22:29.90                  
136 Johnson, Will                Springbrook           22:30.10   82             
137 Brehm-Ginsburg, Robbie       Sherwood              22:31.50                  
138 Morris, Will                 Gonzaga College       22:32.00                  
139 Reilly, Matt                 St John's College     22:32.30                  
140 Gavett, William     S        Sherwood              22:32.50                  
141 Goldman, Harry               Winston Churchill     22:32.90                  
142 Zetts, Ben                   Gaithersburg          22:33.20   83             
143 Traynor, Michael     P       Sherwood              22:33.80                  
144 Munson, Jacob                Col. Zadok Magruder   22:34.10   84             
145 Cajayon, Justin              Gonzaga College       22:34.50                  
146 Hughes, Thomas               Thomas S Wootton      22:34.80                  
147 Henry, Mark                  Winston Churchill     22:38.70                  
148 Machlis, Daniel              Winston Churchill     22:39.00                  
149 Frampus, Patrick             Bethesda-Che          22:41.90   85             
150 Wallisch, Sean               Gonzaga College       22:44.10                  
151 Tien-Street, Brian           Montgomery Blair      22:47.60   86             
152 Carlson, Bobby               Leonardtown           22:50.00                  
153 Penn, Elliot                 Thomas S Wootton      22:50.20                  
154 Makabenta, William           Quince Orchard        22:51.70   87             
155 Hiles, Walker                Leonardtown           22:53.80                  
156 Vij, Amit                    Quince Orchard        22:54.30                  
157 Ege Wenger, Hans             Sidwell Friends       22:54.60   88             
158 Dejesus, Elijah              Quince Orchard        22:54.80                  
159 Chilbert, Joey               Quince Orchard        22:57.20                  
160 Newhall, Daniel      G       Sherwood              22:58.00                  
161 Gillis, Zach                 Gonzaga College       22:59.10                  
162 Mahoney, Daniel              Thomas S Wootton      22:59.40                  
163 Ebinger, Ethan               Bethesda-Che          23:00.50   89             
164 Kung, Nathan                 Montgomery Blair      23:00.90   90             
165 Saunders, Mathew             Thomas S Wootton      23:02.00                  
166 Uehling, Luke                Clarksburg            23:02.60   91             
167 Sprout, Nick                 St John's College     23:03.10                  
168 Renegado, Justin             Northwest             23:03.60                  
169 Anderson, Eric               Sidwell Friends       23:06.10   92             
170 Mejia-Ramos, Carlos          Gaithersburg          23:08.40   93             
171 Campos, Ryan                 St John's College     23:09.30                  
172 Rutherford, Shawn            DeMatha Catholic      23:10.10   94             
173 Wyatt, Andrew                Northwest             23:11.60                  
174 O'Leary, Travers             Clarksburg            23:12.00   95             
175 Martirano, Vince             Leonardtown           23:12.30                  
176 Florin, Dominic              Montgomery Blair      23:14.20   96             
177 Ta, Jeffrey                  Northwest             23:15.60                  
178 Kim, danny                   Northwest             23:16.40                  
179 Marghi, Shakib               Montgomery Blair      23:16.90   97             
180 Weiss, Julian                Sidwell Friends       23:17.50   98             
181 Capistrano, John             Springbrook           23:19.70   99             
182 Milton, Sam                  Albert Einstein       23:20.00  100             
183 Chen, Jonathan               Thomas S Wootton      23:21.90                  
184 Clifford, Phillip            Rockville             23:22.40                  
185 Clarke, Travis               Leonardtown           23:23.30                  
186 Paz, Alejandro               Col. Zadok Magruder   23:23.70  101             
187 Abernathy, Drew              DeMatha Catholic      23:24.00  102             
188 Stull, Taylor                Clarksburg            23:24.40  103             
189 Divver, Michael              DeMatha Catholic      23:25.50                  
190 Hine, Patrick                DeMatha Catholic      23:27.20                  
191 Fitta, Nebiyu                Montgomery Blair      23:27.70  104             
192 Tondari, Noah                Albert Einstein       23:28.40  105             
193 Rogers, Zeke                 Albert Einstein       23:29.60  106             
194 Hyon, Chang                  Springbrook           23:30.50  107             
195 Thompson, Nathan             Springbrook           23:31.20  108             
196 Wong, Kelvin                 Clarksburg            23:32.00  109             
197 Lu, Matthew                  Winston Churchill     23:33.90                  
198 Martin, Adam                 DeMatha Catholic      23:34.80                  
199 Uquillas, Daniel             Gaithersburg          23:37.80  110             
200 Moreno, Michael              Northwest             23:38.40                  
201 Alfalahi, Zaid               Albert Einstein       23:38.80  111             
202 Gallagher, Matt              DeMatha Catholic      23:39.80                  
203 Pereles, Luke                Winston Churchill     23:40.20                  
204 Caldwell, Logan              Northwest             23:40.70                  
205 McLaughlin, Matthew          Sidwell Friends       23:41.30  112             
206 Fraioli, Matt                Bethesda-Che          23:43.30                  
207 Glowacki, Connor             Col. Zadok Magruder   23:43.90                  
208 Reed, Patrick                Sidwell Friends       23:45.40                  
209 Parsonnet, Schuyler          Bethesda-Che          23:46.10                  
210 Holt, Charlie                St John's College     23:46.80                  
211 Kung, Justin                 Montgomery Blair      23:47.80  113             
212 Daniel, Brown                Gaithersburg          23:49.40  114             
213 Rose, Christian              Quince Orchard        23:53.00                  
214 McPherson, Cameron           Montgomery Blair      23:55.60                  
215 Leszczynski, Johnny          Winston Churchill     23:56.30                  
216 Hunsinger, Justin            Winston Churchill     23:57.20                  
217 Walker, Jacob                Gonzaga College       23:58.70                  
218 Hallock, Scott               Winston Churchill     23:59.90                  
219 Belcher, Michael             Leonardtown           24:00.90                  
220 Duff, Austin                 Gaithersburg          24:04.00                  
221 Fallah, Arash                Thomas S Wootton      24:07.90                  
222 Hobelmann, Cody              Northwest             24:08.20                  
223 Moses, Arthur                DeMatha Catholic      24:08.60                  
224 Garber, Andrew               Thomas S Wootton      24:08.90                  
225 Peurala, Tuomas              Albert Einstein       24:10.40  115             
226 Kim, Keebum                  Northwest             24:10.90                  
227 Blankenship, Brandon         Northwest             24:11.30                  
228 Satterwhite, William         Washington L          24:12.30                  
229 Applebaum, Jacob             Quince Orchard        24:13.80                  
230 Abod, Patrick                Gonzaga College       24:14.70                  
231 Laps, Matt                   Thomas S Wootton      24:17.60                  
232 O'Neill, Jack                Gonzaga College       24:23.20                  
233 Clayton, Ben                 Bethesda-Che          24:23.60                  
234 Chen, Lyon                   Winston Churchill     24:23.90                  
235 Lubore, Gage                 Gaithersburg          24:24.30                  
236 Enriquez, Luis               Wheaton               24:24.50                  
237 Liu, Daniel                  Springbrook           24:24.80  116             
238 Berlin, Alex                 Bethesda-Che          24:25.00                  
239 Lu, Andrew                   Montgomery Blair      24:25.90                  
240 Perl, Ori                    Montgomery Blair      24:26.70                  
241 Gauthier, Adam               Gonzaga College       24:27.60                  
242 Dudek, Max                   Bethesda-Che          24:30.00                  
243 Gu, Jerry                    Quince Orchard        24:31.80                  
244 Morales, Fernando            Montgomery Blair      24:34.70                  
245 Shah, Zain                   Col. Zadok Magruder   24:34.90                  
246 Cruz, Paul                   Clarksburg            24:35.30  117             
247 Chen, Jake                   Albert Einstein       24:35.90  118             
248 Verghese, John               Sidwell Friends       24:37.80                  
249 Strang, Garrett              Winston Churchill     24:40.20                  
250 Skibinski, Matt              Gonzaga College       24:40.50                  
251 Whipp, Alex                  Northwest             24:47.00                  
252 Burans, Andrew               Gonzaga College       24:48.30                  
253 Ascher, Jacob                Quince Orchard        24:48.80                  
254 Wu, Noble                    Clarksburg            24:49.10                  
255 Reese, Michael               Gonzaga College       24:56.80                  
256 Dsouza, Vinnay               John F Kennedy        24:58.70                  
257 Shepperd, Zach               Gonzaga College       24:59.60                  
258 Prominski, Tommy             Gonzaga College       25:00.60                  
259 Emerson, Sean                DeMatha Catholic      25:01.10                  
260 Lorn, Vichit                 Gaithersburg          25:01.70                  
261 McKechnie, John              Gonzaga College       25:03.20                  
262 Fuog, Alex                   Clarksburg            25:05.50                  
263 Kim, Keehoom                 Northwest             25:15.10                  
264 Levin-Epstein, Alex          Thomas S Wootton      25:15.20                  
265 Hutson, Chris                Gonzaga College       25:22.80                  
266 Seaton, Alex                 Gonzaga College       25:28.00                  
267 Davis, Daunte                Washington L          25:34.30                  
268 Barrientos, Phillip          Gaithersburg          25:37.40                  
269 Erikson, Robert              Leonardtown           25:44.60                  
270 Mehalick, James              DeMatha Catholic      25:46.50                  
271 Lourie, Jacob                Albert Einstein       25:46.90  119             
272 Kulesh, Andrew               Gaithersburg          25:49.70                  
273 Jones, Marcus                Clarksburg            25:53.30                  
274 Chavez, Elmer                Springbrook           25:55.20                  
275 Gaitan, Max                  Gonzaga College       26:00.90                  
276 Lee, Andy                    Col. Zadok Magruder   26:05.80                  
277 Cianci, Tony                 Northwest             26:08.30                  
278 Kim, Joshua                  Springbrook           26:09.00                  
279 Mendelsohn, Ben              Winston Churchill     26:20.30                  
280 Fuss, Kevin       A          Sherwood              26:20.90                  
281 French, John                 Springbrook           26:22.90                  
282 Donilon, Andrew              Gonzaga College       26:26.60                  
283 Marquez, Dan                 Gonzaga College       26:29.80                  
284 Sacks, Aaron                 Bethesda-Che          26:35.90                  
285 Mutambuze, Jean              Col. Zadok Magruder   26:36.30                  
286 Baxter,, Danny               DeMatha Catholic      26:38.30                  
287 Cruz, Joshua                 Clarksburg            26:46.10                  
288 Fisher, Jonathan             Washington L          26:53.60                  
289 McElroy, Ryan                Sidwell Friends       26:58.60                  
290 McGee, Tim                   Sherwood              27:07.30                  
291 Colombo, Zach                Bethesda-Che          27:14.30                  
292 DeCastro, Roudenniel         Wheaton               27:17.00                  
293 Gaegler, Matthew             Clarksburg            27:22.70                  
294 Sabelhaus, Nate              St John's College     27:28.60                  
295 Wojcik, George               Sidwell Friends       27:32.80                  
296 France, Paul                 St John's College     27:34.10                  
297 Minor, Matthew     B         Sherwood              27:53.80                  
298 Galvez, Josue                Springbrook           27:55.70                  
299 Vargo, Andrew                Winston Churchill     28:16.90                  
300 Kessler, Matthew             Quince Orchard        28:18.20                  
301 Fava, Matthew                DeMatha Catholic      28:22.50                  
302 Singh, Kevin                 Clarksburg            28:33.60                  
303 Price, Matthew               Albert Einstein       28:36.90                  
304 Ahianyo, Daniel              Quince Orchard        28:48.20                  
305 Weatherford, Ben             DeMatha Catholic      28:58.50                  
306 Tagg, Nathan                 Sherwood              29:12.50                  
307 Kulandaivel, Sekar           Springbrook           29:15.50                  
308 Edwards, Eric                Montgomery Blair      29:28.10                  
309 Taylor, Devin                Gaithersburg          29:30.80                  
310 Gauthier, Jesse              Gonzaga College       29:55.50                  
311 Lockart, Wliilam             Springbrook           30:11.70                  
312 Pander, Inderbir             Quince Orchard        30:11.90                  
313 Ramos, Freddy                Wheaton               30:32.20                  
314 Coleman, Cory                Washington L          32:21.10                  
315 Bui, Allen                   Springbrook           35:41.40                  
316 Zhang, Hengchu               Sidwell Friends       36:44.30                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Gonzaga College              31    1    2    7   10   11   15   16          
      Total Time:  1:35:05.00                                                    
         Average:    19:01.00                                                    
   2 Winston Churchill            31    3    5    6    8    9   17   18          
      Total Time:  1:35:17.50                                                    
         Average:    19:03.50                                                    
   3 Northwest                    72    4   12   13   21   22   25   27          
      Total Time:  1:37:25.90                                                    
         Average:    19:29.18                                                    
   4 Leonardtown                 112   14   20   23   26   29   31   33          
      Total Time:  1:39:07.40                                                    
         Average:    19:49.48                                                    
   5 Sherwood                    182   19   34   39   44   46   52   58          
      Total Time:  1:42:53.70                                                    
         Average:    20:34.74                                                    
   6 Quince Orchard              225   30   38   45   50   62   65   87          
      Total Time:  1:44:44.90                                                    
         Average:    20:56.98                                                    
   7 St John's College           229   24   36   51   57   61   64   67          
      Total Time:  1:44:41.30                                                    
         Average:    20:56.26                                                    
   8 Thomas S Wootton            234   32   41   42   49   70   72   80          
      Total Time:  1:45:06.10                                                    
         Average:    21:01.22                                                    
   9 Col. Zadok Magruder         234   28   40   43   48   75   84  101          
      Total Time:  1:45:08.43                                                    
         Average:    21:01.69                                                    
  10 Bethesda-Chevy Chase        242   35   37   55   56   59   85   89          
      Total Time:  1:45:38.40                                                    
         Average:    21:07.68                                                    
  11 DeMatha Catholic            337   53   54   71   78   81   94  102          
      Total Time:  1:49:23.30                                                    
         Average:    21:52.66                                                    
  12 Sidwell Friends             366   47   63   76   88   92   98  112          
      Total Time:  1:50:53.80                                                    
         Average:    22:10.76                                                    
  13 Gaithersburg                392   68   69   79   83   93  110  114          
      Total Time:  1:51:45.80                                                    
         Average:    22:21.16                                                    
  14 Springbrook                 425   60   77   82   99  107  108  116          
      Total Time:  1:53:06.10                                                    
         Average:    22:37.22                                                    
  15 Clarksburg                  428   66   73   91   95  103  109  117          
      Total Time:  1:53:31.90                                                    
         Average:    22:42.38                                                    
  16 Montgomery Blair            443   74   86   90   96   97  104  113          
      Total Time:  1:54:28.10                                                    
         Average:    22:53.62                                                    
  17 Albert Einstein             537  100  105  106  111  115  118  119          
      Total Time:  1:58:07.20                                                    
         Average:    23:37.44                                                    

 Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 4  Women 5k Run CC VARSITY B
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Gaudon, Robyn                Northwest             22:02.00    1             
  2 Lahr, Cara                   Thomas S Wootton      23:30.60    2             
  3 Schadegg, Maggie             Leonardtown           24:00.40                  
  4 McCue, Caroline    T         Sherwood              24:11.50    3             
  5 Siegel, Gabby                Winston Churchill     24:20.90    4             
  6 Abdullahi, Zara              Winston Churchill     24:22.20    5             
  7 Lower, Candace               Leonardtown           24:25.10                  
  8 Olivares, Susana             Northwest             24:25.90    6             
  9 Franzen, Lisa                Leonardtown           24:27.80                  
 10 Rothermel, Emily             Bethesda-Che          24:40.20    7             
 11 Zinkgraf, Molly              Bethesda-Che          24:48.30    8             
 12 Mehreteab, Natsnat           Montgomery Blair      24:48.80    9             
 13 Herrick-Reynolds, Lilly      Bethesda-Che          24:53.10   10             
 14 Epstein, Grace               Col. Zadok Magruder   24:57.20   11             
 15 Lonce, Teresa                Northwest             25:03.80   12             
 16 Novosad, Rachel              Northwest             25:15.40   13             
 17 Sheely, Keyton               Northwest             25:24.80   14             
 18 DaMayo, Jessica              Winston Churchill     25:27.00   15             
 19 Hitz, Emily                  Winston Churchill     25:29.30   16             
 20 Duong, Mary                  Wheaton               25:31.10                  
 21 Rasnake, Julia               Thomas S Wootton      25:32.50   17             
 22 Fish, Michelle               Winston Churchill     25:33.10   18             
 23 Galasso, Claire              Bethesda-Che          25:43.90   19             
 24 Witt, Emily       C          Sherwood              25:44.40   20             
 25 Engdahl, Ashton              Leonardtown           25:48.40                  
 26 Boston, Alita                Dunbar                25:49.60   21             
 27 Bacote, Ashley               Dunbar                25:54.90   22             
 28 Krisko, Meghan               Northwest             25:55.70   23             
 29 Stephens, Caitlin            Our Lady Of           25:55.80   24             
 30 Kowalewski, Lorena           Montgomery Blair      26:00.10   25             
 31 Duguid, Claire               Bethesda-Che          26:06.50   26             
 32 Meyer, Jenna                 Col. Zadok Magruder   26:11.80   27             
 33 Lutz, Stephanie              Col. Zadok Magruder   26:12.90   28             
 34 Jaschke, Michelle            Sherwood              26:13.40   29             
 35 Frieder, Amy                 Quince Orchard        26:18.40   30             
 36 Levenson, Emily              Thomas S Wootton      26:21.40   31             
 37 Stevenson, MacKenzie         Quince Orchard        26:22.70   32             
 38 Stubbs, Kathleen             Our Lady Of           26:25.50   33             
 39 Allentuck, Heather           Thomas S Wootton      26:37.80   34             
 40 Chacon, Katherine            Thomas S Wootton      26:40.80   35             
 41 Glowacki, Beth               Stone Ridge           26:46.60                  
 42 Price, Jacqueline            Col. Zadok Magruder   26:49.90   36             
 43 Harrington, Amanda           Sherwood              26:52.00   37             
 44 Kolberg, Christine           Our Lady Of           26:53.30   38             
 45 Lin, Dora                    Winston Churchill     26:56.80   39             
 46 Cheung, Karie                Thomas S Wootton      27:01.40   40             
 47 Rodriguez, Irene             Quince Orchard        27:01.80   41             
 48 Nguyen, Thu                  Montgomery Blair      27:02.70   42             
 49 Beltran, Michelle            Northwest             27:04.10   43             
 50 Gonzalez, Sara               Montgomery Blair      27:10.20   44             
 51 Dinh, Hieu                   Col. Zadok Magruder   27:12.80   45             
 52 Kolle, Erin                  Col. Zadok Magruder   27:13.70   46             
 53 Hochberg, Alyssa             Thomas S Wootton      27:19.40   47             
 54 Diestel, Corrin              Our Lady Of           27:23.00   48             
 55 Gretcschel, Louise           Montgomery Blair      27:30.30   49             
 56 Maggin, Sara                 Thomas S Wootton      27:41.90                  
 57 Sickels, Julia               Winston Churchill     27:46.10   50             
 58 Hodge, Chloe                 Our Lady Of           27:48.60   51             
 59 Weckerling, Sarah            Winston Churchill     27:51.70                  
 60 Donson, Rita                 Northwest             27:56.20                  
 61 Ikenson, Anna                Winston Churchill     27:57.90                  
 62 Canales, America             Northwest             28:05.70                  
 63 O'Brien, Mary                Col. Zadok Magruder   28:22.00   52             
 64 DiBari, Grace                Stone Ridge           28:22.30                  
 65 Dmitriev, Dora               Winston Churchill     28:22.70                  
 66 Sangillo, Hannah             Bethesda-Che          28:27.40   53             
 67 Sebastian, Anna              Northwest             28:30.20                  
 68 Barannik, Catherine          Bethesda-Che          28:32.30   54             
 69 Johnsen, Karianne            Northwest             28:35.80                  
 70 Shchelokova, Anna            Wheaton               28:36.80                  
 71 Horan, Camille               Quince Orchard        28:37.60   55             
 72 Lee, Rebecca                 Thomas S Wootton      28:41.90                  
 73 Morenoff, Rachel             Winston Churchill     28:42.50                  
 74 Perez, Cynthia               Col. Zadok Magruder   28:46.80                  
 75 Parikh, Nisha                Winston Churchill     28:54.50                  
 76 Krug, Sami                   Thomas S Wootton      31:56.00                  
 77 Martinez, Alexandra          Albert Einstein       31:56.00                  
 78 Hanlon, Katherine   J        Sherwood              31:56.00   56             
 79 Snider, Mattie               Stone Ridge           31:56.00                  
 80 Olali, Olivia                Quince Orchard        31:56.00   57             
 81 Dickey, Treyniqua            Dunbar                31:56.00   58             
 82 Bradford, Colleen            Academy Of T          31:56.00   59             
 83 Dosunmu, Tade                Elizabeth Seton       31:56.00   60             
 84 Assatourian, Lillian         Col. Zadok Magruder   31:56.00                  
 85 Guthrie, Samantha            Northwest             31:56.00                  
 86 Smith, Genevieve             Academy Of T          31:56.00   61             
 87 Schiller, Madeline           Academy Of T          31:56.00   62             
 88 Cross, Natasha               Elizabeth Seton       31:56.00   63             
 89 Valero, Mercedes             Winston Churchill     31:56.00                  
 90 Bell, Courtney               Dunbar                31:56.00   64             
 91 Hodges, Shanice              Dunbar                31:56.00   65             
 92 Blanco, Rae                  Col. Zadok Magruder   31:56.00                  
 93 Crilley, Kathleen            Academy Of T          31:56.00   66             
 94 Sklaver, Julia               Thomas S Wootton      31:56.00                  
 95 McCully, Sarah               Albert Einstein       31:56.00                  
 96 Ganiban, Emma                Academy Of T          31:56.00   67             
 97 Higgins, Anna                Elizabeth Seton       31:56.00   68             
 98 Scheinberg, Jordan           Thomas S Wootton      31:56.00                  
 99 Amis, Atiya                  Dunbar                31:56.00   69             
100 Smith, Ashlee                Elizabeth Seton       31:56.00   70             
101 Beard, Sara                  Col. Zadok Magruder   31:56.00                  
102 Reeves, Jenny                Northwest             31:56.00                  
103 Alike, Queen                 Northwest             31:56.00                  
104 Estifanos, Salina            Elizabeth Seton       31:56.00   71             
105 Frechette, Anna              Academy Of T          31:56.00   72             
106 Gantt, Arielle               Albert Einstein       31:56.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Northwest                    46    1    6   12   13   14   23   43          
      Total Time:  2:02:11.90                                                    
         Average:    24:26.38                                                    
   2 Winston Churchill            58    4    5   15   16   18   39   50          
      Total Time:  2:05:12.50                                                    
         Average:    25:02.50                                                    
   3 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         70    7    8   10   19   26   53   54          
      Total Time:  2:06:12.00                                                    
         Average:    25:14.40                                                    
   4 Thomas S Wootton            119    2   17   31   34   35   40   47          
      Total Time:  2:08:43.10                                                    
         Average:    25:44.62                                                    
   5 Sherwood                    145    3   20   29   37   56                    
      Total Time:  2:14:57.30                                                    
         Average:    26:59.46                                                    
   6 Col. Zadok Magruder         147   11   27   28   36   45   46   52          
      Total Time:  2:11:24.60                                                    
         Average:    26:16.92                                                    
   7 Montgomery Blair            169    9   25   42   44   49                    
      Total Time:  2:12:32.10                                                    
         Average:    26:30.42                                                    
   8 Our Lady Of Good Counsel    194   24   33   38   48   51                    
      Total Time:  2:14:26.20                                                    
         Average:    26:53.24                                                    
   9 Quince Orchard              215   30   32   41   55   57                    
      Total Time:  2:20:16.50                                                    
         Average:    28:03.30                                                    
  10 Dunbar                      230   21   22   58   64   65   69               
      Total Time:  2:27:32.50                                                    
         Average:    29:30.50                                                    
  11 Academy Of The Holy Cross   315   59   61   62   66   67   72               
      Total Time:  2:39:40.00                                                    
         Average:    31:56.00                                                    
  12 Elizabeth Seton             332   60   63   68   70   71                    
      Total Time:  2:39:40.00                                                    
         Average:    31:56.00                                                    

 Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Mixed 5k Run CC FRESHMEN
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
Results - Women                                                                  
233 Unknown                    X                                                 
  1 Gomez-Rexrode, Amalia      W Sidwell Friends                                 
  2 LaBlatt, Rachel            W Leonardtown                                     
  3 Skarda, Jinhie             W Montgomery Blair                                
  4 Panasenkov, Catherine      W Quince Orchard                    1             
  5 Pope, Shannon              W Leonardtown                                     
  6 Ndousse-Fetter, Sula       W Northwest                         2             
  7 Cruz, Lilian               W Watkins Mill                                    
  8 Blake, Sydney              W Leonardtown                                     
  9 Harnischfeger, Fiona       W Sidwell Friends                                 
 10 Miller, Emily              W Northwest                         3             
 11 Tomlinson, Amanda          W Sherwood                          4             
 12 Tosatto, Gillian     L     W Sherwood                          5             
 13 Schroeder, Kirsten         W Thomas S Wootton                  6             
 14 Lessin, Julie              W Sidwell Friends                                 
 15 Stachura, Devan            W Seneca Valley                                   
 16 Griffith, Samantha         W Quince Orchard                    7             
 17 Horvat, Alison             W Rockville                         8             
 18 Nakasaka, Laura            W Bethesda-Che                      9             
 19 Leuba, Caroline            W Bethesda-Che                     10             
 20 Herath, Samantha           W John F Kennedy                                  
 21 McGrattan, Susan           W Thomas S Wootton                 11             
 22 Mahlmann, Ariel            W Sherwood                         12             
 23 Krug, Sami                 W Thomas S Wootton                 13             
 24 Klein, Marnie              W Bethesda-Che                     14             
 25 Campbell, Karynne          W Our Lady Of                                     
 26 He, Michelle               W Thomas S Wootton                 15             
 27 Nash, Shayna               W Bethesda-Che                     16             
 28 Martys, Joanna             W Thomas S Wootton                 17             
 29 Junghans, Zoe              W Thomas S Wootton                 18             
 30 Hardgrove, Emily           W Bethesda-Che                     19             
 31 Moy, Christie              W Northwest                        20             
 32 Flowers, Callie            W Leonardtown                                     
 33 Mahlmann, Olivia      M    W Sherwood                         21             
 34 Syers, Serwaa              W Elizabeth Seton                                 
 35 Rotello, Alexandra         W Thomas S Wootton                 22             
 36 Galliani, Victoria         W Quince Orchard                   23             
 37 Shanesy, Megan             W Quince Orchard                   24             
 38 Wheelock-Shew, Margeaux    W Washington L                                    
 39 Perrotta, Flavia           W Elizabeth Seton                                 
 40 Mosopita, Antonella        W Thomas S Wootton                                
 41 Rogers, Brielyn            W Bishop McNamara                                 
 42 Parent, Alyssa             W Clarksburg                                      
 43 Maxwell, Emily             W Quince Orchard                   25             
 44 Sundback, Bernadette       W Bethesda-Che                     26             
 45 O'Keefe, Kelsey            W Thomas S Wootton                                
 46 Ben-Yosef, Daniella        W Sherwood                         27             
 47 Andrews, Jasmine           W Elizabeth Seton                                 
 48 Chaput, Melissa     A      W Sherwood                         28             
 49 Senft, Dani                W Northwest                        29             
 50 Sharma, Neha               W Gaithersburg                                    
 51 Snyder, Rachel             W Northwest                        30             
 52 Boukhvaklova, Alex         W Winston Churchill                31             
 53 Flibbert, Nicole           W Bethesda-Che                     32             
 54 Patton, Olivia             W St John's College                               
 55 Chernikoff, Anne           W Northwood                                       
 56 Sciannella, Elizabeth      W Montgomery Blair                                
 57 Malament, Nicole           W Winston Churchill                33             
 58 Murray, Hannah             W Winston Churchill                34             
 59 Jiminez, Jennifer          W Washington L                                    
 60 Truong, Maria              W John F Kennedy                                  
 61 Beck, Yazmin               W Seneca Valley                                   
 62 Sahamatdar, Samira         W Thomas S Wootton                                
 63 Smith, Kathryn             W Winston Churchill                35             
 64 Vaka, Erin                 W Quince Orchard                   36             
 65 Taliaferro, Erin           W Elizabeth Seton                                 
 66 Clement, Kiera             W Washington L                                    
 67 Koufios, Camila            W Rockville                        37             
 68 Cooper, Vichan             W Bishop McNamara                                 
 69 Solomon, Rachel            W Rockville                        38             
 70 Armour, Kirsten            W Bishop McNamara                                 
 71 Matheson, Ilana            W Rockville                        39             
 72 Joyner, Andrea             W John F Kennedy                                  
 73 Thiran, Kaeshini           W Winston Churchill                40             
 74 Galvez, Ana-Lucia          W Northwest                        41             
 75 Vallone, Rachael           W Northwest                        42             
 76 Kay, Alyson                W Northwest                                       
 77 Hanlon, Caroline    M      W Sherwood                         43             
 78 Romero, Lisa               W Rockville                        44             
 79 Wilkins, Aja               W Our Lady Of                                     
 80 Olivares, Marisol          W Northwest                                       
 81 Miller, Savannah           W Washington L                                    
Results - Men                                                                    
  1 Levine, David              M Thomas S Wootton                  1             
  2 Weinstein, Julien          M Winston Churchill                 2             
  3 Masuoka, So                M Winston Churchill                 3             
  4 Sonken, Joseph             M Northwest                         4             
  5 McGreivy, Nicholas         M Bethesda-Che                      5             
  6 Deputy, Manny              M Gaithersburg                      6             
  7 Smith, Drew                M Our Lady Of                       7             
  8 Brown, Erick               M DeMatha Catholic                  8             
  9 Thompson, Craig            M Northwest                         9             
 10 Rebaudengo, Giuseppe       M Our Lady Of                      10             
 11 Withbroe, Ben              M Albert Einstein                  11             
 12 Gourlay, Alexander         M Our Lady Of                      12             
 13 Liang, Barry               M Col. Zadok Magruder              13             
 14 Shiner, Cameron            M Quince Orchard                   14             
 15 Dattoli, Anthony           M Gonzaga College                  15             
 16 McGee, Ryan                M Col. Zadok Magruder              16             
 17 Sinha, Troy                M Our Lady Of                      17             
 18 Blackman, Harrison         M Thomas S Wootton                 18             
 19 Tashayyod, Rustin          M Winston Churchill                19             
 20 Chen, Loryn                M Thomas S Wootton                 20             
 21 Horton, Thomas             M Bethesda-Che                     21             
 22 Hay, Davis                 M DeMatha Catholic                 22             
 23 Ortiz, Eric                M Col. Zadok Magruder              23             
 24 Witkop, William            M Bethesda-Che                     24             
 25 Mercado, Ryan        M     M Sherwood                         25             
 26 Alonso, Enrique            M Our Lady Of                      26             
 27 Garagusi, Kyle             M Quince Orchard                   27             
 28 Grahame, Mason             M DeMatha Catholic                 28             
 29 Stoneman, Jared            M Leonardtown                      29             
 30 Spielman, Benjamin         M Winston Churchill                30             
 31 Wasel, Paul                M St John's College                               
 32 Haskins, Drew              M Winston Churchill                31             
 33 Gulhar, Shivam             M Northwest                        32             
 34 Smith, Colin               M Sidwell Friends                  33             
 35 Zidar, Eric                M Winston Churchill                34             
 36 Dock, Chris                M Sidwell Friends                  35             
 37 Nogan, Zach                M Gaithersburg                     36             
 38 Bachrach, Kevin            M Winston Churchill                37             
 39 Erikson, Spencer           M Leonardtown                      38             
 40 Hairston, Marshall         M Northwest                        39             
 41 Fleischer, Andrew          M Quince Orchard                   40             
 42 Reynolds, Ben              M Leonardtown                      41             
 43 Tripp, Adam                M Northwest                        42             
 44 Berry, Ryan Pratick        M Sherwood                         43             
 45 Hanley, Sean               M Northwest                        44             
 46 Williamson, Max            M Clarksburg                       45             
 47 Baldwin, Maitland          M Thomas S Wootton                 46             
 48 SyBing, Andrew             M Thomas S Wootton                 47             
 49 Wise, Ryen                 M Bishop McNamara                                 
 50 Avinash, Smith             M Gaithersburg                     48             
 51 Vivino, Anthony            M Northwest                        49             
 52 Walker, Nick               M Leonardtown                      50             
 53 Weixel, James              M Clarksburg                       51             
 54 Harris, Ben                M Winston Churchill                               
 55 Hall, Josh                 M Leonardtown                      52             
 56 Levinson, Derek            M Sidwell Friends                  53             
 57 Liegey, Gabriel            M Rockville                        54             
 58 Andaya, Roberto            M Albert Einstein                  55             
 59 Henderson, Ryan            M Albert Einstein                  56             
 60 Abijomaa, Ryan             M Rockville                        57             
 61 Saunders, Mathew           M Thomas S Wootton                 58             
 62 Huang, Ricci               M Montgomery Blair                 59             
 63 Pullano, Thomas            M Gonzaga College                  60             
 64 Iannone, Dylan             M Gaithersburg                     61             
 65 Larsen, Christian   D      M Sherwood                         62             
 66 Hill, Josh                 M Leonardtown                      63             
 67 French, Miles              M Sidwell Friends                  64             
 68 Hardy, Connor              M Sherwood                         65             
 69 Tschiderer, Eric           M Bethesda-Che                     66             
 70 Johnson, Dewayne           M Clarksburg                       67             
 71 Seeger, Joe                M Gonzaga College                  68             
 72 Goodie, Alex               M Northwest                                       
 73 Wong, Kevin                M Gonzaga College                  69             
 74 Siu, Christopher           M Thomas S Wootton                 70             
 75 Cress, Joseph              M Northwest                                       
 76 Montgomery, Ryan           M Leonardtown                      71             
 77 Han, Chen                  M Thomas S Wootton                                
 78 Rosenthal, Bernie          M Gaithersburg                     72             
 79 Corydon, Brandon           M Quince Orchard                   73             
 80 Picard, Greg               M Bethesda-Che                     74             
 81 Carlo, Ruben               M Rockville                        75             
 82 Saltzberg, Jared           M Winston Churchill                               
 83 Kinman, Daniel             M Quince Orchard                   76             
 84 Vicenzi, Peter             M Bethesda-Che                     77             
 85 Flynn, Thomas              M Quince Orchard                   78             
 86 Peters, Alex        T      M Sherwood                         79             
 87 Browning, Johnathon        M Thomas S Wootton                                
 88 Gilpin, Nick               M Gaithersburg                     80             
 89 Foss, Garrett              M Rockville                        81             
 90 Recka, Nick                M Gonzaga College                  82             
 91 Lang, Jordan               M Rockville                        83             
 92 Blooston, Leo              M Winston Churchill                               
 93 Appelbaum, Zach            M Quince Orchard                   84             
 94 Zhou, Roy                  M Winston Churchill                               
 95 Stewart, Mark              M Bethesda-Che                     85             
 96 Jamison, James             M Quince Orchard                                  
 97 Hisle, Patrick             M Gonzaga College                  86             
 98 Morgan, Matt               M St John's College                               
 99 Tian, Aaron                M Thomas S Wootton                                
100 Colburn, Steven            M DeMatha Catholic                 87             
101 Schrock, Cameron           M St John's College                               
102 McCain, Andre              M DeMatha Catholic                 88             
103 O'Keefe, Jack              M Quince Orchard                                  
104 Ekstrom, Michael           M Montgomery Blair                 89             
105 Belony, Peter              M Albert Einstein                  90             
106 Geiling, Bryce             M Quince Orchard                                  
107 Rheingold, Justin          M Winston Churchill                               
108 Smith, Evan                M Thomas S Wootton                                
109 Blackwell, Dawit           M Northwood                                       
110 Bailey, David              M Col. Zadok Magruder              91             
111 Meyers, Theodore           M Quince Orchard                                  
112 Afnan, Mihdi               M Springbrook                                     
113 Piedramartel, Bryan        M Col. Zadok Magruder              92             
114 Hirozawa, Miles            M Sidwell Friends                  93             
115 Mazur, Matthew     J       M Sherwood                         94             
116 Faust, Eliot               M Sidwell Friends                  95             
117 Fotso, Romeo               M Springbrook                                     
118 Pak, Bobby                 M Thomas S Wootton                                
119 Herrera, Joshua      M     M Sherwood                         96             
120 Schoppert, Luke            M Montgomery Blair                 97             
121 Park, Max                  M Winston Churchill                               
122 Franceski, John            M Winston Churchill                               
123 Plaisance, Luc             M Winston Churchill                               
124 Rajagopalan, Vikram        M Sidwell Friends                  98             
125 Barbosa, Alberto           M Col. Zadok Magruder              99             
126 Hathaway, Sean             M Northwest                                       
127 Kelderman, Mathias         M Northwood                                       
128 Creamer, Mark              M Gonzaga College                 100             
129 Padgett, Nick              M Leonardtown                                     
130 Mundela, Laurent           M Clarksburg                      101             
131 Brewer, Mark               M Quince Orchard                                  
132 Getka, Nick                M Gonzaga College                                 
133 Newlands, Juan             M Quince Orchard                                  
134 Jahn-Richardson, Dahri     M Northwest                                       
135 Perkins, Gabriel           M Quince Orchard                                  
136 Wormley, Jared             M DeMatha Catholic                102             
137 Aniti, Ronen               M Col. Zadok Magruder             103             
138 Joseph, Paul               M Clarksburg                      104             
139 Lynch, Chris               M DeMatha Catholic                105             
140 Morales, Mike              M Northwest                                       
141 Lilienfeld, Aidan          M Sidwell Friends                                 
142 Gunn, Philip               M Bethesda-Che                                    
143 Reid, Spencer              M Northwest                                       
144 Bernardino, Brent          M Quince Orchard                                  
145 Maizlish, Evan             M Winston Churchill                               
146 Horn, Mark                 M Gonzaga College                                 
147 Swaine-Moore, Lincoln      M Sidwell Friends                                 
148 Kent, Matt                 M Gonzaga College                                 
149 Ngo, William               M Col. Zadok Magruder                             
150 Shaer, Griffin             M Col. Zadok Magruder                             
151 Hein, John                 M Winston Churchill                               
152 Cassell, James             M Quince Orchard                                  
153 Silverman, Eric            M Bethesda-Che                                    
154 Liss, Jared                M Winston Churchill                               
155 Lau, Connor                M Gonzaga College                                 
156 Shults, Ryan               M Thomas S Wootton                                
157 Baron, Joseph              M Gonzaga College                                 
158 Cannard, Andrew            M Bethesda-Che                                    
159 Gilman, Sam                M Winston Churchill                               
160 Clancy, David              M Gonzaga College                                 
161 VanGieson, Bryan           M Rockville                       106             
162 Andrukitis, Bryce          M Thomas S Wootton                                
163 Koneful, Zachary           M Sherwood                                        
164 Peatrice-Morgan, Ongoly    M Montgomery Blair                107             
165 Jones, Josh                M Washington L                                    
166 Linowes, Jeremy            M Northwest                                       
167 Travers, Andrew            M DeMatha Catholic                                
168 Lake, Tivon                M Northwest                                       
169 Steele, Patrick            M Gonzaga College                                 
170 Davis, Andrew              M DeMatha Catholic                                
171 Castro, Alejandro          M Seneca Valley                                   
172 Monami, Kevin              M Rockville                       108             
173 Sharmin, Saif              M Gaithersburg                    109             
174 Erville, Julian            M Albert Einstein                 110             
175 Wallace, Danny             M DeMatha Catholic                                
176 Feric, Toni                M Northwest                                       
177 Lewicki, Brendon           M Montgomery Blair                111             
178 Morell, Luke               M Gonzaga College                                 
179 Lee, Jason                 M Gonzaga College                                 
180 Calhoun, Tyler             M Sherwood                                        
181 Grant, Abernathy           M DeMatha Catholic                                
182 Allen, JayVan              M DeMatha Catholic                                
183 Hurley, Trae               M Northwest                                       
184 Goldberg, Ben              M Thomas S Wootton                                
185 Tang, Jesse                M Thomas S Wootton                                
186 Malloy, Geoffrey           M Gonzaga College                                 
187 Tucker, Iverson            M Rockville                                       
188 Hagan, Nick                M Montgomery Blair                112             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
 Results - Men                                                                   
   1 Our Lady Of Good Counsel     72    7   10   12   17   26                    
   2 Winston Churchill            85    2    3   19   30   31   34   37          
   3 Northwest                   126    4    9   32   39   42   44   49          
   4 Thomas S Wootton            132    1   18   20   46   47   58   70          
   5 Bethesda-Chevy Chase        190    5   21   24   66   74   77   85          
   6 Leonardtown                 210   29   38   41   50   52   63   71          
   7 Gaithersburg                223    6   36   48   61   72   80  109          
   8 Quince Orchard              230   14   27   40   73   76   78   84          
   9 DeMatha Catholic            233    8   22   28   87   88  102  105          
  10 Col. Zadok Magruder         235   13   16   23   91   92   99  103          
  11 Sherwood                    274   25   43   62   65   79   94   96          
  12 Sidwell Friends             278   33   35   53   64   93   95   98          
  13 Gonzaga College             294   15   60   68   69   82   86  100          
  14 Albert Einstein             322   11   55   56   90  110                    
  15 Rockville                   350   54   57   75   81   83  106  108          
  16 Clarksburg                  368   45   51   67  101  104                    
  17 Montgomery Blair            463   59   89   97  107  111  112               
 Results - Women                                                                 
   1 Thomas S Wootton             62    6   11   13   15   17   18   22          
   2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         68    9   10   14   16   19   26   32          
   3 Sherwood                     69    4    5   12   21   27   28   43          
   4 Quince Orchard               80    1    7   23   24   25   36               
   5 Northwest                    84    2    3   20   29   30   41   42          
   6 Rockville                   166    8   37   38   39   44                    
   7 Winston Churchill           173   31   33   34   35   40                    


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