Interhigh Track

WJ at Sherwood
Sherwood HS Home XC Meets History
Hosted By: Sherwood
Sandy Spring, Maryland
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

WJ - 17:   1, 2, 3, 4, 7
SHER - 39:   5, 6, 8, 9 10

WJ - 19:  1, 3, 4, 5, 6
SHER - 42: 2, 7, 10, 11, 12

Licensed to Sherwood High School       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 10/6/2009 08:51 PM
                    Sherwood vs. Walter Johnson - 10/6/2010                    
                                   SHS v. WJ                                   
                             Sherwood High School                              
Girls 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 Bosse, Anna                  Walter Johns                   19:50.75    1   
  2 Bouvet, Camille              Walter Johns                   20:26.87    2   
  3 Willett, Jenna               Walter Johns                   20:30.51    3   
  4 Spencer, Jennifer            Walter Johns                   20:38.26    4   
  5 Cronin, Teresa               Sherwood                       21:52.68    5   
  6 Kendall, Kelly               Sherwood                       21:59.40    6   
  7 Moersen, Maria               Walter Johns                   22:00.88    7   
  8 Iacangelo, Abigail     M     Sherwood                       22:18.48    8   
  9 Weiss, Jacqueline  R         Sherwood                       22:40.72    9   
 10 Fisher, Erin                 Walter Johns                   22:52.58   10   
 11 Russell, Teresa      M       Sherwood                       23:01.23   11   
 12 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood                       23:11.12   12   
 13 Applestein, Johna            Walter Johns                   23:25.20   13   
 14 Ho, Mellownie                Sherwood                       23:33.40   14   
 15 Albershardt, Rachel          Walter Johns                   23:37.27  
 16 Spelke, Sami                 Walter Johns                   23:38.08  
 17 Tosatto, Gillian     L       Sherwood                       23:38.50  
 18 Witt, Emily       C          Sherwood                       23:49.73  
 19 Klassen, Misha               Walter Johns                   23:53.19  
 20 Mahlmann, Ariel              Sherwood                       24:01.91  
 21 McCue, Caroline    T         Sherwood                       24:27.09  
 22 Osborne, Morgan      M       Sherwood                       24:48.56  
 23 Tanabe, Kotoko               Walter Johns                   25:03.63  
 24 Triantos, Katarina           Walter Johns                   25:23.63  
 25 Gendelman, Moriah            Walter Johns                   25:55.53  
 26 Strocko, Kiara               Walter Johns                   25:56.33  
 27 Molloy, Bryn                 Walter Johns                   25:56.97  
 28 Jaschke, Michelle            Sherwood                       26:36.28  
 29 Campos, Czarina              Walter Johns                   26:36.49  
 30 Martinez-Avial, Fatima       Walter Johns                   26:36.64  
 31 Corbera-Trescol, Andrea      Walter Johns                   27:45.36  
 32 Evans, Jesica                Walter Johns                   27:46.33  
 33 Chow, Angela                 Walter Johns                   28:16.97  
 34 Ben-Yosef, Daniella          Sherwood                       28:33.86  
 35 Hanlon, Caroline    M        Sherwood                       28:48.25  
 36 Caplon, Amy                  Walter Johns                   29:10.90  
 37 Chaput, Melissa     A        Sherwood                       30:21.71  
 38 Mc Neace, Jessica            Sherwood                       30:29.89  
 39 Hanlon, Katherine   J        Sherwood                       30:38.19  
 40 Decampos, Marcela            Walter Johns                   30:40.00  
 41 Kunkle, Maddie               Walter Johns                   31:01.65  
 42 Willis, Anne                 Walter Johns                   31:03.72  
 42 Kirkman, Victoria            Walter Johns                   31:03.72  
 42 Jensen, Cassandra            Walter Johns                   31:03.72  
 42 Funke, Cara                  Walter Johns                   31:03.72  
 42 Gilman, Marisa               Walter Johns                   31:03.72  
Boys 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 Willett, Alex                Walter Johns                   16:34.81    1   
  2 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood                       16:38.90    2   
  3 O'Leary, Sean                Walter Johns                   16:41.90    3   
  4 Dey, Ishan                   Walter Johns                   16:43.11    4   
  5 Regan, Nick                  Walter Johns                   17:15.83    5   
  6 Ellis, Josh                  Walter Johns                   17:28.03    6   
  7 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood                       17:40.52    7   
  8 Sheehan, Scott               Walter Johns                   17:48.45    8   
  9 Young, Jessie                Walter Johns                   18:00.48    9   
 10 Balderson, Nicholas          Sherwood                       18:03.77   10   
 11 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood                       18:07.52   11   
 12 Sauro, James                 Walter Johns                   18:25.59  
 13 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood                       18:45.91   12   
 14 Conant, Paul                 Walter Johns                   18:54.40  
 15 Brown, Robert                Walter Johns                   18:55.83  
 16 Emamian, Milad               Walter Johns                   18:56.44  
 17 Crites, Ben                  Walter Johns                   18:56.91  
 18 Haugrud, Samuel              Walter Johns                   18:59.04  
 19 Herrara, Nicholas            Walter Johns                   19:05.47  
 20 Bae, Daniel                  Walter Johns                   19:17.53  
 21 Welch, Connor      S         Sherwood                       19:18.58   13   
 22 Wyderko, Thomas              Walter Johns                   19:22.57  
 23 Wilson, Luke                 Walter Johns                   19:27.15  
 24 Zhang, Marvin                Walter Johns                   19:31.78  
 25 Mercado, Ryan        M       Sherwood                       19:32.41   14   
 26 Duncan, James                Walter Johns                   19:33.48  
 27 Hanlon, John        P        Sherwood                       19:34.23  
 28 Kang, Dustin                 Sherwood                       19:34.66  
 29 Siberry, Vick                Sherwood                       19:42.81  
 30 Balashov, Fuad               Walter Johns                   19:46.07  
 31 Dally, Martin                Walter Johns                   19:46.39  
 32 Morgan, Ian                  Walter Johns                   19:51.68  
 33 Fowler, Nickey               Walter Johns                   19:53.30  
 34 Reddan, Adam        P        Sherwood                       19:53.78  
 35 Johnson, Steven              Sherwood                       20:02.07  
 36 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood                       20:08.37  
 37 Loughner, Oleg               Sherwood                       20:11.72  
 38 Jobes, Connor                Walter Johns                   20:16.81  
 39 Heap, Loren                  Sherwood                       20:20.64  
 40 Langer, Peter                Walter Johns                   20:21.63  
 41 Foley, Graham                Walter Johns                   20:26.06  
 42 Portner, Daniel              Sherwood                       20:32.34  
 43 Berger, Jeffrey              Sherwood                       20:33.51  
 44 Qureshi, Rafeh               Walter Johns                   20:47.81  
 45 Berry, Ryan Pratick          Sherwood                       20:54.59  
 46 Roger, Jeffery               Walter Johns                   21:12.54  
 47 Traynor, Michael     P       Sherwood                       21:12.95  
 48 Konecki, Daniel              Walter Johns                   21:21.59  
 49 Kraft, Seth                  Walter Johns                   21:39.09  
 50 Brehm-Ginsburg, Robbie       Sherwood                       21:41.58  
 51 Ryba, Thomas                 Walter Johns                   21:41.97  
 52 Krishnan, Kesav              Walter Johns                   21:42.68  
 53 Adams, Carl                  Walter Johns                   21:54.89  
 54 Markowitz, seth              Walter Johns                   21:59.23  
 55 Koneful, Zachary             Sherwood                       22:03.69  
 56 Paquin, Griffin     T        Sherwood                       22:16.50  
 57 Schneider, Jacob             Walter Johns                   22:26.06  
 58 Bara, Daniel                 Walter Johns                   22:27.51  
 59 Qureshi, Ahmed               Walter Johns                   22:36.22  
 60 Ableman, Zachary             Walter Johns                   22:44.04  
 61 Kerns, Bretton     N         Sherwood                       22:52.11  
 62 Alexander, Chris             Walter Johns                   22:57.68  
 63 Peters, Alex        T        Sherwood                       23:00.98  
 64 Mazur, Matthew     J         Sherwood                       23:01.82  
 65 Skay, Matt                   Walter Johns                   23:05.42  
 66 Lutschaunig, Nicholas        Sherwood                       23:14.88  
 67 Mazur, Eric        V         Sherwood                       23:22.00  
 68 Altekruse, Will              Walter Johns                   23:23.76  
 69 Herrera, Joshua      M       Sherwood                       23:42.97  
 70 Ollayos, Macklin             Walter Johns                   23:48.99  
 71 Brennan, JP                  Walter Johns                   23:52.94  
 72 Minor, Matthew     B         Sherwood                       23:53.27  
 73 Kalantary, Quemarse    Y     Sherwood                       23:58.75  
 74 Higgins, Matt                Walter Johns                   23:59.02  
 75 Andreyev, Oleg               Walter Johns                   24:09.24  
 76 Macedonia, Aaron             Walter Johns                   24:29.85  
 77 McGowan, Will                Walter Johns                   25:12.24  
 78 McGee, Tim                   Sherwood                       25:34.11  
 79 Tagg, Nathan                 Sherwood                       25:42.73  
 80 Na, Bo Weon                  Sherwood                       26:01.54  
 81 Radjan, Kirshan              Walter Johns                   26:09.58  
 82 Chamberlain, Peter           Walter Johns                   26:10.56  
 83 Ameli, Malik                 Walter Johns                   26:38.00  
 84 Burklow, Thomas              Walter Johns                   26:53.39  

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