Interhigh Track

Bullis Quad
Bullis HS Home XC Meets History
Hosted By: Bullis
Potomac Maryland
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC V and JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ross, Johns                  The Potomac School    16:50.00    1
  2 Serene, Stephen              The Potomac School    17:34.00    2
  3 Funger, Teddy                The Bullis School     18:30.00    3
  4 Marinelli, Max               The Landon School     18:41.00    4
  5 Tanabe, Kenzan               The Potomac School    18:57.00    5
  6 Whalen, Spencer              The Landon School     19:07.00    6
  7 Small, James                 Episcopal             19:12.00    7
  8 Orthwein, John               The Landon School     19:14.00    8
  9 Overall, Jesse               The Bullis School     19:18.00    9
 10 Hardy, Patrick               Episcopal             19:33.00   10
 11 Yan, Albert                  Episcopal             19:41.00   11
 12 Hague, Chris                 The Bullis School     19:44.00   12
 13 Addess, Peter                Episcopal             19:50.00   13
 14 Watson, Teddy                The Potomac School    19:55.00   14
 15 Parker, Austin               Episcopal             20:00.00   15
 16 Metcalf, Andrew              The Potomac School    20:02.00   16
 17 McGinnis, Kyle               The Landon School     20:25.00   17
 17 Brandt, Alexander            The Potomac School    20:25.00   18
 19 Gass, Henry                  The Bullis School     20:26.00   19
 20 Haywood, Hubie               Episcopal             20:37.00   20
 21 Choi, Warren                 Episcopal             20:41.00   21
 22 Wright, Ryan                 The Bullis School     20:45.00   22
 23 Hutcheson, Beirne            Episcopal             20:49.00
 24 Lee, Karl                    Episcopal             20:50.00
 25 Henry, Kent                  Episcopal             21:03.00
 26 Foust, Patrick               The Potomac School    21:07.00   23
 27 Sammis, Jake                 The Landon School     21:10.00   24
 28 Schlanger, Nick              The Bullis School     21:23.00   25
 29 Collins, John                The Potomac School    21:29.00
 30 Potts, Stephen               The Landon School     21:37.00   26
 31 Rubin, Keth                  The Landon School     21:38.00   27
 32 Henry, John                  Episcopal             21:51.00
 33 Perry, John                  The Landon School     21:52.00
 34 Etienne, Cameron             The Bullis School     21:55.00   28
 35 David, CJ                    The Landon School     22:00.00
 36 Harvey, Duncan               The Landon School     22:01.00
 37 Schoen, Patrick              The Bullis School     22:04.00
 38 Jory, Calvin                 The Potomac School    22:06.00
 39 Zaras, George                The Potomac School    22:07.00
 40 Marzella, Anthony            The Bullis School     22:13.00
 41 McGovern, Pat                The Bullis School     22:15.00
 42 Stroup, Michael              The Bullis School     22:20.00
 43 Peabody, Tom                 Episcopal             22:21.00
 44 Kirby-Smith, Sean            The Bullis School     22:23.00
 45 Little, KaQuan               The Bullis School     22:38.00
 46 Nienaber, Adrian             The Bullis School     22:41.00
 46 Jones, Pen                   Episcopal             22:41.00
 48 Chu, Steven                  The Bullis School     22:45.00
 49 Kight, Kai                   The Landon School     22:47.00
 50 Thompson, Case               Episcopal             22:53.00
 51 Joo, Justin                  The Bullis School     22:55.00
....Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC V and JV
 52 Gelb, Mike                   The Landon School     22:56.00
 53 Frazier, Will                Episcopal             22:57.00
 54 Parenti, Nicholas            The Potomac School    22:59.00
 55 Hess, Alex                   Episcopal             23:03.00
 56 Brown, Simeon                Episcopal             23:04.00
 57 Su, William                  The Landon School     23:07.00
 58 Reuben, Jason                The Bullis School     23:08.00
 59 Russ, Wesley                 The Bullis School     23:09.00
 60 Lim, Michael                 The Bullis School     23:10.00
 61 Thompson, William            The Landon School     23:11.00
 62 Zhu, Henry                   The Landon School     23:20.00
 63 King, Woody                  The Bullis School     23:28.00
 64 Sentz, Jake                  The Bullis School     23:37.00
 65 Marquedant, Nile             The Landon School     23:38.00
 66 Muchoki, Mbugua              The Landon School     23:41.00
 67 Jagannathan, Pavan           The Landon School     23:57.00
 68 Papazain, Arlene             The Landon School     23:58.00
 68 Sherry, Matt                 The Landon School     23:58.00
 70 Hensley, Morgan              Episcopal             24:05.00
 71 Kim, Austin                  Episcopal             24:06.00
 72 Howard, Zach                 The Bullis School     24:12.00
 73 Corrigan, Evan               The Bullis School     24:26.00
 73 Hernandez, Chris             The Bullis School     24:26.00
 75 Summers, Malcolm             The Landon School     24:32.00
 76 Longley, Kevin               The Bullis School     24:33.00
 77 Park, Paul                   The Bullis School     24:36.00
 78 Kam, Jason                   Episcopal             24:39.00
 79 Sunshine, Daniel             The Landon School     24:41.00
 80 Cook, Kelly                  The Bullis School     24:51.00
 81 Gerchik, Adam                The Potomac School    25:01.00
 82 Campanella, Derek            The Bullis School     25:20.00
 83 Grady, Blake                 The Bullis School     25:48.00
 84 Ness, Austin                 The Potomac School    26:21.00
 85 Gordon, Nick                 The Bullis School     27:03.00
 86 Valanos, Frederic            The Potomac School    27:06.00
 87 Sangtawesin, Peace           Episcopal             28:11.00
 88 Trimble, Ware                The Bullis School     28:57.00
 89 Irwin, Carter                Episcopal             31:07.00
 90 Warren, David                The Bullis School     32:11.00
                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
....Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC V and JV
   1 The Potomac School           38    1    2    5   14   16   18   23
      Total Time:  1:33:18.00
         Average:    18:39.60
   2 Episcopal High School        56    7   10   11   13   15   20   21
      Total Time:  1:38:16.00
         Average:    19:39.20
   3 The Landon School            59    4    6    8   17   24   26   27
      Total Time:  1:38:37.00
         Average:    19:43.40
   4 The Bullis School            65    3    9   12   19   22   25   28
      Total Time:  1:38:43.00
         Average:    19:44.60

Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC V and JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Harrison, Catherine          Episcopal             21:22.00    1
  2 Castelli, Nina               The Potomac School    21:59.00    2
  3 Gass, Ellie                  The Bullis School     22:06.00    3
  4 Rose, Annabel                Episcopal             22:29.00    4
  5 Green, Lucy                  The Potomac School    22:48.00    5
  6 Kochhar, Shivani             The Potomac School    22:52.00    6
  7 Wall, Louisa                 The Potomac School    23:10.00    7
  8 Putterman, Sara              The Bullis School     23:42.00    8
  9 Gragnolati, Kate             The Bullis School     23:55.00    9
 10 Andress, Leah                Episcopal             24:16.00   10
 11 Montague, Elly               Episcopal             24:30.00   11
 12 Takesuye, Grace              The Bullis School     24:54.00   12
 13 Fenstermaker, Grace          Episcopal             25:05.00   13
 14 Vassar, Julie                The Potomac School    25:08.00   14
 15 Lipsher, Catherine           The Potomac School    25:11.00   15
 16 Ball, Adele                  The Potomac School    25:21.00   16
 17 Caplan, Ilana                The Bullis School     25:52.00   17
 18 Wendling, Adrienne           The Bullis School     26:14.00   18
 19 Fortier, Rachel              The Bullis School     26:20.00   19
 20 Herbick, Marian              The Bullis School     26:37.00
 21 Hart, Rebecca                Episcopal             26:42.00   20
 22 Putterman, Kari              The Bullis School     27:10.00
 23 Belk, Anna                   Episcopal             27:52.00   21
 24 Marshall, Lauren             Episcopal             28:42.00
 25 Kasasa, Sharon               The Bullis School     29:46.00
 26 Terr, Ashley                 The Bullis School     29:49.00
 26 Pahlavi, Noor                The Bullis School     29:49.00
 28 Sherman, Kenn                The Bullis School     29:50.00
 29 Ewing, Aja                   The Potomac School    30:35.00
 30 Thronson, Margo              The Potomac School    30:48.00
 31 McCaffrey, Victoria          The Potomac School    30:49.00
 32 James, Kate                  Episcopal             31:08.00
 33 Perez-Sanz, Martha           Episcopal             31:14.00
 34 Poulsen, Kayleigh            The Bullis School     32:41.00
                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 The Potomac School           34    2    5    6    7   14   15   16
      Total Time:  1:55:57.00
         Average:    23:11.40
   2 Episcopal High School        39    1    4   10   11   13   20   21
      Total Time:  1:57:42.00
         Average:    23:32.40
....Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC V and JV
   3 The Bullis School            49    3    8    9   12   17   18   19
      Total Time:  2:00:29.00
         Average:    24:05.80

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