Interhigh Track

Pool, SV, GP @ Sherwood
Sherwood HS Home TF Meets History
Hosted By: Sherwood
Sandy Spring, Maryland
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Licensed to Sherwood High School       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/14/2010 11:09 PM
           Seneca Valley,Poolesville, Gtn. Prep,Sherwood - 4/14/2010           
                             Sherwood High School                              
Event 1  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood                       15-01.00  
  2 Thompson, Caryn              Poolesville                    13-04.50  
  3 Hargraves, Jordon            Seneca Valle        15-01.00   13-03.00  
  4 Nghiem, Elaine               Sherwood                       11-09.50  
  5 Murphy, Emily                Poolesville                    10-11.00  
  6 Ho, Mellownie                Sherwood                       10-10.00  
  7 Lee, Jess                    Sherwood                       10-01.50  
Event 2  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ramesh, Ricku                Sherwood                       38-09.00  
  2 Fowler, Kelvin               Georgetown P                   37-11.00  
  3 Johnson III, Lenzy           Sherwood                       37-10.50  
  4 Mulchandani, Alex            Georgetown P                   34-11.00  
  5 Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle                   34-02.00  
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brown, Simone                Sherwood                       28-05.00  
Event 4  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ribeiro, Randy               Sherwood                       18-07.00  
  2 Letourneau, Nick             Georgetown P                   18-06.50  
  3 Mulchandani, Alex            Georgetown P                   17-11.50  
  4 Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle                   17-08.50  
  5 Gochenour, Eric              Poolesville                    17-03.00  
  6 Johnson III, Lenzy           Sherwood                       17-01.00  
  7 Stephens, Johari             Sherwood                       15-00.00  
  7 Heap, Loren                  Sherwood                       15-00.00  
  9 Kivitz, Scott                Sherwood                       14-11.00  
 10 Reio, Dillon                 Poolesville                    13-07.00  
 11 Herrera, Joshua      M       Sherwood                       13-04.50  
 12 Shoop, Alexander   K         Sherwood                       12-09.50  
 -- Rubertone, Vince             Georgetown P                         ND  
Event 5  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle           82-03   82-09.50  
  2 Portillo, Xiomara            Seneca Valle           74-04      73-04  
  3 Dunn, Olivia                 Sherwood                          62-06  
  4 Corbett, Caroline            Sherwood                          58-07  
  5 Weiner, Erica                Seneca Valle                      57-02  
  6 Mbieleu Tchappi, Elvira      Seneca Valle                      56-08  
  7 Scanlon, Elizabeth           Sherwood                       52-03.50  
  8 Carrera, Jessica             Sherwood                          44-10  
  9 Berger, Isabel               Sherwood                          33-05  
 -- Brown, Kamesha               Seneca Valle                         ND  
Event 6  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Berger, Adam        N        Sherwood                       39-05.50  
  2 Ganbin, Brendon              Sherwood                       37-08.50  
  3 Green, Julian                Georgetown P                   36-11.00  
  4 Cudjoe, Joseph               Seneca Valle        36-00.00   36-10.00  
  5 Chang, Allen                 Poolesville                    35-07.50  
  6 Nassabeh, Brandon            Seneca Valle        37-11.00   35-05.50  
  7 Oelschlaeger, Keith          Sherwood                       33-00.50  
  8 Kamel, Mustafa               Sherwood                       31-03.50  
  9 Ledesma, Ricardo             Sherwood                       28-07.00  
 10 Larsen, Colin                Georgetown P                   26-10.50  
 11 Park, Sam                    Sherwood                       26-05.00  
 12 Graham, Jordan               Georgetown P                   25-05.50  
 13 Sanna, Tory                  Sherwood                       25-01.00  
 14 Levine, Elliott              Sherwood                       24-00.00  
 15 Fanelli, Brian               Sherwood                       23-05.00  
 16 Brehm-Ginsburg, Robbie       Sherwood                       22-09.00  
 17 Springer, Joseph             Sherwood                       19-04.00  
Event 7  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle        28-05.00   28-06.00  
  2 Olatunde, Azeezat            Sherwood                       25-06.00  
  3 Mbieleu Tchappi, Elvira      Seneca Valle        26-11.00   25-02.50  
  4 Darrell, Gabrielle           Sherwood                       24-10.50  
  5 Dunn, Olivia                 Sherwood                       24-06.00  
  6 Portillo, Xiomara            Seneca Valle                   23-05.00  
  7 Corbett, Caroline            Sherwood                       19-07.50  
  8 Weiner, Erica                Seneca Valle                   18-01.50  
  9 Brown, Kamesha               Seneca Valle                   17-07.00  
 10 Carrera, Jessica             Sherwood                       16-10.50  
 11 Berger, Isabel               Sherwood                       16-08.50  
Event 8  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ganbin, Brendon              Sherwood                         115-11  
  2 Nassabeh, Brandon            Seneca Valle          107-08  110-06.50  
  3 Green, Julian                Georgetown P                      92-03  
  4 Kamel, Mustafa               Sherwood                          91-03  
  5 Oelschlaeger, Keith          Sherwood                          88-09  
  6 Chang, Allen                 Poolesville                       87-07  
  7 Berger, Adam        N        Sherwood                       85-07.50  
  8 Ledesma, Ricardo             Sherwood                          81-06  
  9 Fanelli, Brian               Sherwood                          72-02  
 10 Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle                      69-00  
 11 Levine, Elliott              Sherwood                          68-02  
 12 Sanna, Tory                  Sherwood                       59-02.50  
 13 Springer, Joseph             Sherwood                          59-01  
 14 Park, Sam                    Sherwood                          52-11  
 15 VanScoy, Christian           Georgetown P                   52-09.50  
 16 Brehm-Ginsburg, Robbie       Sherwood                       46-09.50  
Event 9  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lederer, Allison             Sherwood                        4-10.00  
  1 Holston, Alexandra           Sherwood                        4-10.00  
 -- Austin, Kayleigh             Seneca Valle                         NH  
Event 10  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Fowler, Kelvin               Georgetown P                    5-06.00  
  2 Ribeiro, Randy               Sherwood                        5-02.00  
 -- Kivitz, Scott                Sherwood                             NH  
 -- Herrera, Joshua      M       Sherwood                             NH  
 -- Reio, Dillon                 Poolesville                          NH  
Event 11  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Anderson, Casey              Sherwood                          18.0h   1 
  2 Mason, Brittani              Poolesville                       18.3h   1 
  3 Fetty, Hope                  Sherwood                          18.4h   1 
  4 Hargraves, Jordon            Seneca Valle                      18.7h   1 
  5 Tang-How, Gina               Seneca Valle                      19.0h   1 
  6 McFall, Katie                Poolesville                       19.1h   1 
  7 Lederer, Allison             Sherwood                          19.9h   2 
  8 Scanlon, Elizabeth           Sherwood                          20.0h   2 
Event 12  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                         10:52.2h  
  2 Sherwood High School  'A'                                   10:53.0h  
  3 Sherwood High School  'B'                                   11:23.0h  
  4 Sherwood High School  'C'                                   12:46.0h  
Event 13  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Georgetown Prep  'A'                                         8:35.9h  
     1) Ashur, Nick                     2) Letourneau, Nick               
     3) Woiwode, Joseph                 4) Zier, Thomas                   
  2 Sherwood High School  'A'                                    8:48.6h  
  3 Sherwood High School  'B'                                    9:35.5h  
  4 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          9:40.4h  
  5 Sherwood High School  'C'                                    9:57.4h  
  6 Sherwood High School  'D'                                   10:00.2h  
Event 14  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ribeiro, Randy               Sherwood                          16.5h   1 
  2 McGuire, Nick                Georgetown P                      16.8h   1 
  3 Sartschev, Ryan              Poolesville                       18.8h   1 
  4 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood                          18.9h   1 
  5 Gavett, William     S        Sherwood                          19.2h   2 
  6 Reio, Dillon                 Poolesville                       20.1h   1 
  7 Stephens, Johari             Sherwood                          20.8h   2 
  8 Greenwald, Zach              Poolesville                       21.7h   2 
  9 Mazur, Matthew     J         Sherwood                          21.8h   2 
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Olatunde, Azeezat            Sherwood                          13.2h   1 
  2 Lyles, Jonique               Poolesville                       13.3h   1 
  3 Pruitt, Amber                Poolesville                       13.5h   1 
  4 Glasper, Ashley              Sherwood                          13.6h   5 
  5 Hargraves, Jordon            Seneca Valle           13.54      13.7h   1 
  6 Afinnih, Karimat             Sherwood                          13.7h   4 
  7 Tzamaras, Demetra            Sherwood                          14.0h   1 
  8 Tang-How, Gina               Seneca Valle                      14.4h   3 
  9 Nguiandjo, Kristelle         Seneca Valle                      14.6h   1 
 10 Molla, Nusrat                Poolesville                       14.7h   3 
 10 Schneider, Kyla              Poolesville                       14.7h   3 
 12 Lee, Jess                    Sherwood                          14.9h   2 
 13 Nghiem, Elaine               Sherwood                          15.0h   2 
 14 Cortijo, Sophia              Poolesville                       15.3h   4 
 15 Vignon, Diane                Sherwood                          15.3h   5 
 16 Darrell, Gabrielle           Sherwood                          15.4h   2 
 17 Jones, Ashleigh              Poolesville                       15.4h   4 
 18 Jakobowski, Nicole           Sherwood                          15.5h   2 
 19 Fetty, Hope                  Sherwood                          15.6h   4 
 20 Ikheloa, Omagluse            Sherwood                          15.84   3 
 21 Sumner, Nichelle             Sherwood                          15.9h   2 
 22 DeConzo, Noelle              Poolesville                       16.0h   2 
 23 Thorne, Nimma       A        Sherwood                          16.1h   3 
 24 Paese, Lauren                Sherwood                          17.1h   4 
 25 Canetti, Hannah              Poolesville                       17.4h   4 
Event 16  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Blege, Sena                  Seneca Valle           11.74      11.4h   8 
  2 Pratt, Milton                Poolesville                       11.6h   8 
  2 Mbony, James                 Sherwood                          11.6h   8 
  4 Davis, Owen                  Georgetown P                      11.6h   6 
  5 Cudjoe, Joseph               Seneca Valle           12.04      11.9h   8 
  6 Ramesh, Ricku                Sherwood                          12.0h   8 
  7 Fowler, Kelvin               Georgetown P                      12.0h   6 
  8 Rubertone, Vince             Georgetown P                      12.0h   3 
  9 Hoover-Hankerson, Bryson     Georgetown P                      12.1h   3 
 10 Wiggins, Christian           Seneca Valle                      12.1h   6 
 11 Mulchandani, Alex            Georgetown P                      12.1h   8 
 11 Ponvert, Alex                Georgetown P                      12.1h   4 
 13 Kelly, Paul                  Georgetown P                      12.2h   5 
 14 Yang, Derek                  Georgetown P                      12.3h   1 
 15 Richey, Tommy                Georgetown P                      12.3h   7 
 16 Alston, Tim                  Seneca Valle                      12.3h   1 
 17 Cyril, Netey                 Seneca Valle                      12.3h   6 
 18 Kamfem, Airton               Georgetown P                      12.4h   4 
 19 Connor, Kevin                Poolesville                       12.4h   6 
 20 Eyo, Etim                    Sherwood                          12.5h   6 
 21 Fabean-Scotch, Alex          Georgetown P                      12.7h   2 
 22 Ebeid, Ramzi                 Seneca Valle                      12.7h   1 
 23 Altamirano, Adam             Poolesville                       12.8h   1 
 24 Monzey, Jenkins              Georgetown P                      12.8h   7 
 25 Dorsey, Rashad               Georgetown P                      12.8h   3 
 26 Stubbs, John                 Georgetown P                      12.8h   2 
 27 Grant, Gregory               Sherwood                          12.8h   1 
 28 Roche, Mike                  Georgetown P                      12.9h   2 
 29 Zier, Alex                   Georgetown P                      12.9h   2 
 29 Kivitz, Scott                Sherwood                          12.9h   3 
 31 Zier, Jon                    Georgetown P                      13.0h   5 
 32 Roger, Kipsang               Seneca Valle                      13.0h   7 
 33 Kalantary, Quemarse    Y     Sherwood                          13.2h   7 
 34 Jones, Michael               Poolesville                       13.2h   5 
 35 Foreman, Justin              Poolesville                       13.3h   7 
 36 Herrera, Joshua      M       Sherwood                          13.3h   3 
 37 Broderick, Zachary           Sherwood                          13.3h   7 
 38 Mowatt, Sam                  Poolesville                       13.3h   5 
 39 Bowes, Gerard                Sherwood                          13.4h   5 
 40 Paulos, Charlie              Georgetown P                      13.8h   2 
 41 Stephens, Johari             Sherwood                          13.8h   1 
 42 McDermott, Dan               Poolesville                       14.0h   4 
 43 Lee, Geon Woo                Georgetown P                      14.1h   2 
 44 Mouanga, Prince              Sherwood                          14.2h   5 
 45 Royer, Matt                  Georgetown P                      14.5h   3 
Event 17  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Weiss, Jacqueline  R         Sherwood                        5:57.4h  
  2 Mahlmann, Ariel              Sherwood                        6:13.4h  
  3 Gerdes, Megan                Poolesville                     6:16.0h  
  4 Tomlinson, Amanda            Sherwood                        6:21.0h  
  5 Tosatto, Gillian     L       Sherwood                        6:24.0h  
  6 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood                        6:25.6h  
  7 Osborne, Morgan              Sherwood                        6:27.4h  
  8 Jaeschke, Michelle           Sherwood                        6:28.5h  
  9 Poe-Yamagata, Emma           Sherwood                        6:28.9h  
 10 Ho, Mellownie                Sherwood                        6:34.0h  
 11 Rowe, Emily                  Sherwood                        6:48.7h  
 12 Mc Neace, Jessica            Sherwood                        6:49.5h  
 13 Molleur, Emily               Sherwood                        6:52.1h  
 14 McCue, Caroline              Sherwood                        6:56.6h  
 15 Ben-Yosef, Daniella          Sherwood                        6:57.0h  
 16 Bell, Elaine                 Sherwood                        7:10.8h  
 17 Golomb, Nikki       E        Sherwood                        7:40.6h  
 18 Austin, Kayliegh             Seneca Valle                    7:51.96  
Event 18  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hornsby, Russell             Georgetown P                    4:36.0h  
  2 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood                        4:36.4h  
  3 Holmstead, Eric              Poolesville                     4:38.8h  
  4 Chapin, Joey                 Georgetown P                    4:40.7h  
  5 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood                        4:44.6h  
  6 Widmayer, Sam                Poolesville                     4:45.5h  
  7 Wilson, David                Poolesville                     4:50.0h  
  8 Larsen, Christian   D        Sherwood                        5:05.73  
  9 Werble, Joey                 Poolesville                     5:09.1h  
 10 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood                        5:13.8h  
 11 Kang, Dustin                 Sherwood                        5:14.1h  
 12 Berger, Jeffrey              Sherwood                        5:17.95  
 13 Campbell, Connor             Sherwood                        5:19.1h  
 14 Krangar, Terry               Seneca Valle                    5:27.2h  
 15 Alemu - Wondima, Dereje      Sherwood                        5:27.5h  
 16 Witzak, Christopher          Sherwood                        5:29.2h  
 17 Fisher, Erik                 Poolesville                     5:35.6h  
 18 Reddan, Adam        P        Sherwood                        5:36.3h  
 19 Wells, Bradley               Sherwood                        5:36.7h  
 20 Wagner, Michael              Sherwood                        5:36.9h  
 21 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood                        5:38.4h  
 22 Steward, Dominic             Georgetown P                    5:42.0h  
 23 Torres, Marc                 Poolesville                     5:43.2h  
 24 Minor, Matthew     B         Sherwood                        5:43.7h  
 25 Wang, Hanzi                  Georgetown P                    5:45.0h  
 26 Hanlon, John        P        Sherwood                        5:46.01  
 27 Kerns, Bretton     N         Sherwood                        6:10.9h  
Event 19  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          1:57.3h  
  2 Sherwood High School  'A'                                    2:00.2h  
  3 Seneca Valley  'A'                                           2:04.2h  
     1) Tang-How, Gina                  2) Portillo, Xiomara              
     3) Mbieleu Tchappi, Elvira         4) Nguiandjo, Kristelle           
  4 Poolesville Sr  'B'                                          2:05.4h  
  5 Sherwood High School  'B'                                    2:12.0h  
Event 20  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Seneca Valley  'A'                                1:40.00    1:34.3h  
     1) Wiggins, Christian              2) Cyril, Netey                   
     3) Ebeid, Ramzi                    4) Blege, Sena                    
  2 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          1:34.8h  
  3 Georgetown Prep  'A'                                         1:37.8h  
     1) Zier, Alex                      2) Davis, Owen                    
     3) McGuire, Nick                   4) Mulchandani, Alex              
  4 Sherwood High School  'A'                                    1:42.8h  
Event 21  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood                        1:00.0h  
  2 Russell, Teresa      M       Sherwood                        1:00.5h  
  3 Becker, Alexa                Sherwood                        1:07.6h  
  4 McFall, Katie                Poolesville                     1:09.8h  
  5 Kabbes, Anna                 Poolesville                     1:16.4h  
  6 Murphy, Emily                Poolesville                     1:17.9h  
  7 Austin, Kayliegh             Seneca Valle                    1:28.7h  
Event 22  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Woiwode, Joseph              Georgetown P                      49.8h   1 
  2 Fowler, Kelvin               Georgetown P                      52.2h   1 
  3 Wubbenhorst, Sumner          Sherwood                          55.0h   1 
  4 Altamirano, Adam             Poolesville                       55.1h   1 
  5 McGarry, William             Georgetown P                      55.4h   2 
  6 Larsen, Christian   D        Sherwood                          55.6h   3 
  7 Dickerson, Kevin             Poolesville                       56.0h   1 
  8 Heap, Loren                  Sherwood                          56.1h   2 
  9 Krangar, Terry               Seneca Valle           53.14      57.5h   2 
 10 Shimomoto, Ken               Poolesville                       58.0h   2 
 11 Ponvert, Alex                Georgetown P                      58.2h   3 
 12 Wilford, Kevin               Georgetown P                      59.1h   3 
 13 Duckworth, Michael           Georgetown P                      59.6h   3 
 14 Holston, Tyler               Poolesville                     1:00.7h   3 
 15 Kalantary, Quemarse    Y     Sherwood                        1:01.5h   2 
 16 Venturan, Alex               Seneca Valle                    1:05.2h   1 
Event 23  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Weiss, Jacqueline  R         Sherwood                       13:09.9h  
  2 Cronin, Teresa               Sherwood                       13:22.30  
  3 Osborne, Morgan              Sherwood                       14:04.3h  
  4 Rost, Lauren                 Poolesville                    14:21.5h  
  5 Gerdes, Megan                Poolesville                    14:48.61  
Event 24  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood                       10:26.2h  
  2 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood                       10:27.2h  
  3 Warfield, Anthony            Georgetown P                   10:32.5h  
  4 Wilson, David                Poolesville                    10:42.0h  
  5 Ashur, Nick                  Georgetown P                   10:44.9h  
  6 Siberry, Vikram              Sherwood                       11:03.4h  
  7 Beidleman, Tariq             Poolesville                    11:14.1h  
  8 Johnson, Steven              Sherwood                       11:15.8h  
  9 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood                       11:21.9h  
 10 Berger, Jeffrey              Sherwood                       11:32.2h  
 11 Kang, Dustin                 Sherwood                       11:44.0h  
 12 Lutschaunig, Nicholas        Sherwood                       11:50.6h  
 13 Fisher, Erik                 Poolesville                    12:32.3h  
 14 Torres, Marc                 Poolesville                    12:37.7h  
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Russell, Teresa      M       Sherwood                          51.9h   1 
  2 Fetty, Hope                  Sherwood                          55.3h   1 
  3 Robinson, Kayla              Sherwood                          56.6h   1 
  4 Scanlon, Elizabeth           Sherwood                        1:02.4h   2 
  5 Paese, Lauren                Sherwood                        1:10.1h   2 
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 McGuire, Nick                Georgetown P           42.34      42.0h   1 
  2 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood                          48.3h   1 
  3 Creppy, Mark                 Sherwood                          48.9h   1 
  4 McGarry, William             Georgetown P           49.54      49.1h   2 
  5 Sartschev, Ryan              Poolesville                       49.3h   1 
  6 Mazur, Eric        V         Sherwood                          49.9h   2 
  7 Greenwald, Zach              Poolesville                       50.1h   2 
  8 Stephens, Johari             Sherwood                          52.6h   2 
Event 27  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood                          26.7h   1 
  2 Pruitt, Amber                Poolesville                       27.4h   1 
  3 Olatunde, Azeezat            Sherwood                          27.9h   1 
  4 Afinnih, Karimat             Sherwood                          28.3h   2 
  5 Lyles, Jonique               Poolesville                       28.7h   1 
  6 Glasper, Ashley              Sherwood                          29.7h   2 
  6 Tzamaras, Demetra            Sherwood                          29.7h   1 
  8 Schneider, Kyla              Poolesville                       30.0h   1 
  9 McFall, Katie                Poolesville                       30.6h   3 
 10 Luke, Emily                  Sherwood                          30.6h   4 
 11 Norcross, Julie              Poolesville                       30.6h   3 
 12 Molla, Nusrat                Poolesville                       30.7h   2 
 13 Mason, Brittani              Poolesville                       30.8h   2 
 14 Vignon, Diane                Sherwood                          31.5h   3 
 15 Kabbes, Anna                 Poolesville                       31.7h   3 
 16 Brown, Simone                Sherwood                          31.9h   3 
 17 Cortijo, Sophia              Poolesville                       32.2h   4 
 18 Jones, Ashleigh              Poolesville                       33.4h   2 
 19 Sumner, Nichelle             Sherwood                          33.9h   3 
 20 Thorne, Nimma       A        Sherwood                          34.1h   2 
 21 Canetti, Hannah              Poolesville                       36.1h   4 
Event 28  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Davis, Owen                  Georgetown P                      23.3h   1 
  2 Blege, Sena                  Seneca Valle           23.74      23.9h   1 
  3 Mbony, James                 Sherwood                          24.0h   2 
  4 Wiggins, Christian           Seneca Valle           24.24      24.2h   3 
  5 Richey, Tommy                Georgetown P                      24.6h   3 
  6 Wubbenhorst, Sumner          Sherwood                          24.7h   1 
  7 Kelly, Paul                  Georgetown P                      24.7h   6 
  8 Pratt, Milton                Poolesville                       24.7h   1 
  9 Gochenour, Eric              Poolesville                       24.7h   2 
 10 Krangar, Terry               Seneca Valle                      24.9h   2 
 11 McGarry, William             Georgetown P                      24.9h   5 
 12 Alston, Tim                  Seneca Valle           24.34      24.9h   2 
 13 Connor, Kevin                Poolesville                       25.0h   2 
 14 Rubertone, Vince             Georgetown P                      25.0h   6 
 15 Philip, Ntando               Sherwood                          25.5h   1 
 16 Wilford, Kevin               Georgetown P                      25.6h   5 
 17 Hoover-Hankerson, Bryson     Georgetown P                      25.7h   6 
 18 Eyo, Etim                    Sherwood                          25.7h   3 
 19 Monzey, Jenkins              Georgetown P                      26.2h   3 
 20 Ebeid, Ramzi                 Seneca Valle                      26.6h   4 
 21 Kalantary, Quemarse    Y     Sherwood                          26.9h   6 
 22 Jones, Michael               Poolesville                       27.0h   5 
 23 McDermott, Dan               Poolesville                       27.1h   3 
 23 Kamfem, Airton               Georgetown P                      27.1h   6 
 25 Roger, Kipsang               Seneca Valle                      27.2h   4 
 26 Broderick, Zachary           Sherwood                          27.3h   5 
 26 Zier, Jon                    Georgetown P                      27.3h   4 
 28 Duckworth, Michael           Georgetown P                      27.4h   8 
 29 Dorsey, Rashad               Georgetown P                      27.5h   6 
 30 Fabean-Scotch, Alex          Georgetown P                      27.6h   7 
 31 Mowatt, Sam                  Poolesville                       27.6h   4 
 32 Grant, Gregory               Sherwood                          27.9h   3 
 33 Roche, Mike                  Georgetown P                      27.9h   8 
 34 Foreman, Justin              Poolesville                       28.3h   4 
 35 Bowes, Gerard                Sherwood                          28.4h   5 
 36 Stubbs, John                 Georgetown P                      29.0h   7 
 37 Yang, Derek                  Georgetown P                      29.2h   8 
 38 Mouanga, Prince              Sherwood                          29.5h   4 
 39 Lee, Geon Woo                Georgetown P                      30.3h   8 
 40 Paulos, Charlie              Georgetown P                      30.6h   7 
 41 Royer, Matt                  Georgetown P                      31.2h   7 
Event 29  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Patton, Hannah               Poolesville                     2:39.7h  
  2 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood                        2:42.3h  
  3 Witt, Emily       C          Sherwood                        2:45.5h  
  4 Mahlmann, Ariel              Sherwood                        2:53.4h  
  5 Holmstead, Elizabeth         Poolesville                     2:55.4h  
  6 Tomlinson, Amanda            Sherwood                        2:55.7h  
  7 Jaeschke, Michelle           Sherwood                        2:59.3h  
  8 Tosatto, Gillian     L       Sherwood                        3:05.7h  
  9 Molleur, Emily               Sherwood                        3:07.8h  
 10 Bell, Elaine                 Sherwood                        3:17.4h  
 11 Golomb, Nikki       E        Sherwood                        3:32.9h  
Event 30  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Letourneau, Nick             Georgetown P                    2:04.2h  
  2 Widmayer, Sam                Poolesville                     2:04.9h  
  3 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood                        2:05.3h  
  4 Holmstead, Eric              Poolesville                     2:07.8h  
  5 Chapin, Joey                 Georgetown P                    2:09.1h  
  6 Wilson, David                Poolesville                     2:10.1h  
  7 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood                        2:12.9h  
  8 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood                        2:13.5h  
  9 Shimomoto, Ken               Poolesville                     2:14.8h  
 10 Werble, Joey                 Poolesville                     2:20.6h  
 11 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood                        2:25.0h  
 12 Alemu - Wondima, Dereje      Sherwood                        2:27.0h  
 13 Steward, Dominic             Georgetown P                    2:28.0h  
 14 Beidleman, Tariq             Poolesville                     2:29.5h  
 15 Minor, Matthew     B         Sherwood                        2:30.2h  
 16 Venturan, Alex               Seneca Valle                    2:31.2h  
 17 Wang, Hanzi                  Georgetown P                    2:31.9h  
 18 Wagner, Michael              Sherwood                        2:38.6h  
 19 Hanlon, John        P        Sherwood                        2:45.7h  
Event 31  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sherwood High School  'A'                                      56.5h  
  2 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          1:00.9h  
  3 Seneca Valley  'A'                                           1:03.1h  
     1) Crystal, harris                 2) Hargraves, Jordon              
     3) Tang-How, Gina                  4) Mbieleu Tchappi, Elvira        
Event 32  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sherwood High School  'A'                                      46.4h                     
  2 Georgetown Prep  'A'                                           46.9h  
  3 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                            48.3h                       
  4 Seneca Valley  'A'                                             49.5h  
  5 Poolesville Sr  'B'                                            50.7h  
  6 Seneca Valley  'B'                                             51.2h  
Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sherwood High School  'A'                                    4:20.5h  
  2 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          4:46.9h  
Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Georgetown Prep  'A'                                         3:24.9h  
     1) Hornsby, Russell                2) Woiwode, Joseph                
     3) Davis, Owen                     4) Letourneau, Nick               
  2 Poolesville Sr  'A'                                          3:37.7h  
  3 Sherwood High School  'A'                                    3:44.8h  

Sherwood - 96    Poolesville - 29
Sherwood - 103  Seneca Valley - 19
Poolesville- 78    Seneca Valley - 29
Prep- 99   Poolesville - 33
Prep - 99  Seneca Valley - 28
Prep - 69  Sherwood - 67

Poolesville - 78  Seneca Valley - 29
Sherwood - 103  Poolesville - 29
Sherwood - 113  Seneca Valley - 30

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