Interhigh Track

Flint Hill Meet
Flint Hill Meets History
Hosted By: Flint Hill
Oakton, Virginia
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4x100 Boys
1	Ireton	46.27	10
2	PVI	47.41	8
3	John P	48	6
4	Bullis	51.11	4

4x100 girls
Holton	52.75	10
John P	53.03	8
PVI	53.2	6
Ireton	54.68	4
OC	55.67	2
Bullis	58.66	1

1600 Boys
Costigan	Ireton	4.53.5	10
Heizer	FHS	5.02.13	8
Moran	Ireton	5.07.81	6
Muskett	PVI	5.09.78	4
White 	John Paul	5.10.03	2
Carstrom	PVI	5.11.17	1
Barbalace	FHS	5.19.26	
Ross	FHS	5.20.10	
Gigliotti	OC	5.20.10	
Henry	OC	5.28.95	
Nguyen	Ireton	5.30.23	
Ayers	FHS	5.40.43	
McNerney	FHS	5.51.52	
Leggett	PVI	6.06.34	
Snyder	Bullis	6.09.92	
Ackerman	FHS	6.17.89	
Brooksher	Ireton	6.23.95	
Kvartunas	PVI	6.26.26	
Akinkaye	Bullis	6.33.79	
Loessberg	PVI	6.38.86	

1600 Girls
Scully	HA	5.47.3	10
Thomas	Ireton	5.53.30	8
Babiec	Ireton	6.11.18	6
Martini	Ireton	6.13.50	4
Werner	FHS	6.16.08	2
Gordon	HA	6.35.77	1
Barry	OC	6.46.99	
Harrington	OC	6.48.31	
Gliot	OC	6.49.41	
Cohen Freue	FHS	6.51.74	
Blair	Bullis	6.52.94	
Smith	FHS	7.16.06	
Calhoun	Bullis	7.23.39	
Rajendiran	FHS	7.29.95	
Cohen	Bullis	7.47.67	
Leinson	Bullis	7.47.67	
Hashemi	Bullis	7.52.39	

110 Hurdles Boys
Little	Bullis	15.45	10
Schifferli	PVI	16.35	8
Garrettson	PVI	19.09	6
Barrera	Bullis	20.07	4
Niixon	PVI	20.08	2
Denny	Ireton	20.11	1
Turner	OC	20.22	
Kazarian	PVI	23.4	

100 Hurdles Girls
Gordon	Ireton	16.65	10
Paegle	OC	16.93	8
Savage	FHS	18.12	6
Bacon	PVI	18.17	4
Jenkins	Bullis	18.25	2
Carras	HA	18.42	1
Hutson	PVI	19.36	
Terwiliger	OC	19.67	
Sweatman	FHS	20.34	
Jones-Wilkerson	HA	20.35	
Pappalardo	HA	21.15	
Hersey	Ireton	22	
Parker	John Paul	22.23	
Rousseva	HA	23.39	

400m Boys
Moran	OC	51.06	10
Carroll	OC	52.65	8
Ferrara	Ireton	53.15	6
Shipley	FHS	54	4
Greening	John Paul	55	2
Conner	John Paul	55.17	1
Kicinski	Ireton	55.47	
Sahlino	PVI	58.78	
St. George	OC	59.39	
Powell	PVI	59.86	
Youngberg	Ireton	60.28	
Giguere	FHS	61.41	
Heyer	FHS	61.99	
Price	BI	62	
Smith	Ireton	62.06	
Clark	JP	62.35	
Azad	FHS	63	
Gross	Bullis	63.97	

400m Girls
Nolan	BI		1.06.00	10
Alteruted	FHS		1.08.94	8
Januis	OC		1.10.03	6
Frederique	HA		1.12.5	4
Gatten	HA		1.15.00	2
Ishmal	HA		1.16.97	1
Speetjens	OC		1.17.69	
Garretosh	PVI		1.18.24	
Macey	BI		1.19.34	
Sponetto	BI		1.21.62	
Cohen	HA		1.23.71	

100m Boys
Vines	Ireton	11.78	10
Thomas	OC	11.81	8
Keens	OC	12.06	6
Roewer	OC	12.26	4
Price	Ireton	12.31	2
Tidwell	OC	12.5	1
Gomez	Ireton	12.64	
Azad	FHS	12.73	
Robinson	John Paul	12.77	
Wolff	FHS	12.8	
Martinez	Bullis	12.97	
Laville	John Paul	13.22	
Mckenzie	PVI	13.34	
Rice	Bullis	13.44	
Shepard	John Paul	13.52	
F. Masha	Bullis	14.45	
B. Masha	Bullis	14.67	
Chang	FHS	15.16	

100m Girls
Johnson	HA	13.42	10
Long	FHS	13.59	8
Goldstein	PVI	13.75	6
Cowden	PVI	13.9	4
Schaal	PVI	13.95	2
Gill	HA	14.01	1
Nasca	OC	14.11	
Axenfeld	Ireton	14.14	
Barnard	Bullis	14.43	
Morgan	HA	14.65	
Henderson	OC	14.84	
Cole	FHS	14.91	
Shea	FHS	14.97	
Orr	FHS	15.01	
Williams	Bullis	15.16	
Kenney	OC	15.2	
Kew	PVI	15.25	
Singerling	FHS	15.45	
Anduze	HA	16.06	
N Spinetto	Ireton	17.1	
Min	Bullis	17.2	

800m Girls
Anderson	Ireton	2.04	10
Burns	Ireton	2.07	8
Pawlow	FHS	2.07.6	6
Kicinski	Ireton	2.09	4
Heizer	FHS	2.12	2
Wessel	PVI	2.17	1
White	John Paul	2.18	
Hall	FHS	2.2	
Corgan	Bullis	2.21	
Gilbert	PVI	2.22	
Amos Gree	Bullis	2.23	
Johnson	PVI	2.23	
Moncrieffe	PVI	2.27	
Youngberg	Ireton	2.28	
Loving	PVI	2.3	
Pucci	FHS	2.3	
Evans	FHS	2.33	
Byrne	OC	2.37	
Romp	JP	2.41	
Bourne	OC	2.44	
Wong	FHS	2.46	
Corbett	JP	2.47	
Wiliams	OC	2.47	
Akinkaye	Bullis	2.5	
Pawlow	FHS	3.06	

800m Boys
Nolan	Ireton	2.40.0	10
Faletti	Ireton	2.48.96	8
Spak	HA	2.49.0	6
Nglesby	HA	2.56.57	4
Bilbeault	PVI	3.03.25	2
McFadden	Ireton	3.05.00	1
Schreiber	Ireton	3.11.40	
Griffin	OC	3.11.53	
Abi Blair	Bullis	3.17.4	
Alexi Blair	Bullis	3.18.56	
Stievater	OC	3.20.00	
Nagal	John Paul	3.21.00	
Kim	Bullis	3.24.00	
Battaglini	OC	3.28.00	
Montgomery	Bullis	3.29.00	
Hashemi	Bullis	3.36.00	
Platt	John Paul	3.54.00	

300m Hurdles Boys
Little	Bullis	42.2	10
Turner	OC	42.67	8
Levy	Ireton	44.33	6
Strickland	John Paul	45.35	4
Townley	Ireton	46.35	2
Nixon	PVI	47.89	1
Long	John Paul	50.06	
Al Hussain	FHS	50.4	
O'Hare	John Paul	50.43	
Schifferli	PVI	51.55	
Barrera	Bullis	52.14	
Garrettson	PVI	52.91	

300m Hurdles Girls
Gordon	Ireton	48.02	10
Savage	FHS	49.5	8
Paegle	OC	49.85	6
Hinnerichs	HA	51.54	4
Jenkins	Bullis	54.28	2
Carras	HA	56.03	1
Hersey	Ireton	57.6	
Ross	John Paul	58.2	
Whitlow	Bullis	63.22	
Feldman	HA	65.04	
Jones-Wilkerson	HA	65.57	
Parker	John Paul	67.4	

200m Boys
Conner	John Paul	24.03	10
Holmes	Ireton	24.06	8
Dwajne	OC	24.34	6
Long	PVI	24.47	4
Cohen	FHS	24.6	2
Thomas		24.82	1
Greening	John Paul	25.24	
Manosalvos	FHS	25.69	
Price	Ireton	26.12	
Gomez		26.28	
Wolff	FHS	26.57	
Concha		26.85	
Cummins		27.19	
Barry	BI	27.46	
O'Donnell	PVI	27.5	
Dixon	BI	28	
Benjamin		32.6	

200m Girls
Johnson	HA	27.82	10
Williams	HA	28.53	8
Bond	Ireton	29.5	6
Gill	HA	30.09	4
Altreuter	FHS	30.72	2
Ross	John Paul	31.25	1
Cole	FHS	31.36	
Eicher	John Paul	32.51	
Macey	Ireton	32.77	
Jallow	FHS	32.78	
Frederique	HA	34.94	
Parker	John Paul	37.19	

3200m Boys
O'Connor	Ireton		10
Burns	Ireton		8
Elmaani	Bullis		6
Stier	Ireton		4
Lynch	FHS	11:23	2
Green	Bullis		1
Barbalace	FHS	11:39	
Milliken	FHS	11:40	
Bass	Bullis		
Dreo	FHS	12:19	
Zeberlein	FHS	12:42	
Evans	FHS	13:12	

3200m Girls
Godette	Ireton	13:15	10
Lu	Bullis		8
Wu	Bullis		6
Cohen Freue	FHS	15:41	4
Dunn	FHS	17:39	2

Shot Put Boys
Cohen	FHS	37'10"	10
Denny	Ireton	34'4"	8
Chrisinger	PVI	34'2"	6
Daubresse	Ireton	34'10"	4
Martinez	Bullis	33'2.5"	2
Duquiatan	John Paul	31'7"	1
Tucker-Green	Bullis	31'4.5"	
Manley	Ireton	30'3"	
Simpson	FHS	29'6"	
Buck	Bullis	29' 9.5"	
Flood	Bullis	29' 1"	
Smolak	PVI	28'7"	
Petroff	Ireton	27'4.5"	
Ghanem	Bullis	26' 3.5"	
Crummer	FHS	26' 10"	
Tanis	John Paul	25'9.5"	
Wall	FHS	25' 10.5"	
Zatz	FHS	24'8.5"	
A. Ranasinghe	John Paul	24'4"	
Overall	Bullis	23' 1.5"	
S. Ranasinghe	John Paul	20'4"	
Wong	FHS	17' 10"	

Shot Put Girls
Obioha	HA	28' 11"	10
Utley	PVI	27'	8
Williams	HA	22' 8"	6
Whitlow	Bullis	21' 3.5"	4
Providence	FHS	20' 9"	2
Ismail	HA	19' 8"	1
Brown	HA	14' 11"	
Caler	Ireton	14' 1"	

Discus Boys
Daubresse	Ireton	92'5"	10
Benton	FHS	89'10"	8
Amos Green	Bullis	88'5"	6
Staines	Bullis	86'2"	4
Manley	Ireton	81'10"	2
S. Ranasinghe	John Paul	72'5"	1
Chu	FHS	71'	
Palubinskas	PVI	69'2"	
Tucker-Green	Bullis	68'1"	
A. Ranasinghe	John Paul	67'11"	
Marske	FHS	66'5"	
Tanis	John Paul	66'1"	
Ghanem	Bullis	64'3"	
Holmann	FHS	60'7"	
Overall	Bullis	57'	
Aubuchon	FHS	49'11"	
Flood	Bullis	43'9"	
Petroff	Ireton	40'10"	

Discus Girls
Obioha	HA	87'2"	10
Utley	PVI	77'2"	8
M Sweatman	FHS	63'8"	6
B Sweatman	FHS	47'8"	4
Mack	FHS	42'11"	2
Ismail	HA	36'5"	1
Caler	Ireton	35'11"	
Brown	HA	33'4"	
High Jump Boys
Benton	FHS	5'10"
O'Donnell	PVI	5'10"
Levy	Ireton	5'8"
Naylor	PVI	5'8"
Salmon	PVI	5'8"
Strickland	John Paul	5'6"
Czerwiec	Bullis	5'4"
Greening	John Paul	5'4"
Long	John Paul	5'4"
O'Hare	John Paul	5'4"
Giguere	FHS	5'2"
Townley	Ireton	5'0"
Smith	PVI	5'0"
B. Masha	Bullis	NH
Cummins	Ireton	NH

High Jump Girls
Hersey	Ireton	4'0"
Ross	John Paul	4'6"
Jenkins	Bullis	4'8"
Gordon	Ireton	4'8"
Gatten	HA	NH
Bloom	HA	NH

Long Jump Boys
Benton	FHS	20'.5"
Vines	Ireton	18'9.5"
Lane	FHS	18'8.5"
Naylor	PVI	18'5.75"
Holmes	Ireton	18'4.5"
Pawlow	FHS	18'0"
Long	PVI	17'2"
Garrettson	PVI	17'.75"
Czerwiec	Bullis	16'4.5"
Dixon	Ireton	16'1.25"
Robinson	John Paul	16'0"
Gomez	Ireton	15'2.5"
O'Hare	John Paul	15'1"
Buck	Bullis	14'6"
F. Masha	Bullis	14'4"
Baehre	Ireton	13'6.5"
Bacon	PVI	ND
Warren	Bullis	ND

Long Jump Girls
Macey	Ireton	11'5.5"
Hersey	Ireton	12'10"
Hutson	PVI	12'6.5"
Parker	John Paul	12'6"
McCabe	FHS	13'6"
Saleh	FHS	14'1"
Gordon	Ireton	14'11.5"
Savage	FHS	14'4.25"
Goldstein	PVI	14'4.5"
Kasasa	Bullis	14'8"
Schaal	PVI	15'2"
Bacon	PVI	15'4.5"
Mathes	Ireton	ND
Williams	HA	ND
Gill	HA	ND

Triple Jump Boys
Levy	Ireton	40'6"
Benton	FHS	38'8"
Long	PVI	36'2"
Townley	Ireton	36'2.5"
Strickland	John Paul	35'10"
Dixon	Ireton	34'5.75"
Baehre	Ireton	34'0"
Smith	PVI	33'6"
Laville	John Paul	31'9"
Cummins	Ireton	31'10.5"
Benjamin	John Paul	30'0"
Czerwiec	Bullis	ND
B Masha	Bullis	ND
F Masha	Bullis	ND
Peterson	Bullis	ND
Heyer	FHS	ND

Triple Jump Girls
Kew	PVI	26'8"
Saleh	FHS	27'1"
Hutson	PVI	27'11.5"
Kasasa	Bullis	28'11.5"
Sheridan	PVI	29'7.25"
Barnard	Bullis	ND
Jenkins	Bullis	ND
Bansal	FHS	ND
McGillis	FHS	ND
Mathes	Ireton	ND
Gatten	HA	ND

4x800 Girls
1	Holton Arms	10.48
2	Ireton	11.39.92
3	FHS (Smith, Mischa, Katy D, Olivia)	12.58
4	Bullis	13.49.87

4x800 Boys
1	Ireton	Ireton	8.39
2	Flint Hill	FHS (KCG, Osborn, Pucci, Lynch)	10.43

1st Place: Holton Arms - 115 pts
2nd Place: Bishop Ireton - 95 pts
3rd Place: Flint Hill - 60 pts
4th Place: PVI - 40 pts
5th Place: Bullis - 27 pts
6th Place: Bishop O'Connell - 22 pts
7th Place: John Paul the Great - 9 pts

1st Place: Bishop Ireton - 137 pts
2nd Place: Flint Hill - 52 pts
3rd Place: Bishop OConnell - 51 pts
4th Place: Bullis - 47 pts
5th Place: PVI - 41 pts
6th Place: John Paul the Great - 27 pts

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