Interhigh Track

B-CC, Blair @ Churchill
Churchill HS Home TF Meets History
Hosted By: Winston Churchill
Potomac, Maryland
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 3/29/2011
                    Blair and B-CC at Churchill - 3/29/2011                    
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)                  
                      Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 34                      
          Bethesda-Chevy Chase   88.00     49.00 Montgomery Blair              
          Bethesda-Chevy Chase   81.00     56.00 Winston Churchill             
             Winston Churchill   76.00     61.00 Montgomery Blair              
          Bethesda-Chevy Chase   69.50     67.50 Montgomery Blair              
             Winston Churchill   89.00     48.00 Bethesda-Chevy Chase          
             Winston Churchill  106.50     29.50 Montgomery Blair              

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School
                                       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 3/29/2011 11:07 PM
                    Blair and B-CC at Churchill - 3/29/2011                    
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)                  
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur             15.8h   1 
  2 Hardgrove, Julia             Bethesda-Che             17.5h   1 
  3 oladiran, kafilat            Montgomery B             17.6h   1 
  4 Mouafo, Jacky                Winston Chur             18.2h   2 
  5 Wilson, Eugenia              Bethesda-Che             19.0h   2 
  6 Shehata, Laila               Bethesda-Che             20.3h   2 
  7 kodjo, arnelle               Montgomery B             23.3h   2 
Event 2  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                          10:05.80  
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                             10:30.00  
  3 Montgomery Blair  'A'                              10:45.00  
  4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'B'                         x11:05.20  
  5 Montgomery Blair  'B'                             x11:51.50  
Event 3  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                              8:38.60  
  2 Montgomery Blair  'A'                               9:06.30  
  3 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                           9:31.50  
  4 Montgomery Blair  'B'                              x9:33.80  
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Rhee, John                   Winston Chur             15.5h  
  2 Mudimbi, Assani              Montgomery B             16.4h  
  3 Kanga, Justin                Montgomery B             17.9h  
  4 Ebner, Nolan                 Bethesda-Che             19.8h  
  5 Varella, Stephen             Montgomery B             19.9h  
  6 Jones, Conrad                Bethesda-Che             21.4h  
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Ismail, Laila                Bethesda-Che             12.7h   2 
  2 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur             12.9h   1 
  3 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che             13.3h   1 
  4 Read, Sofia                  Montgomery B             13.4h   1 
  5 Atabong, Martina             Montgomery B             13.6h   1 
  5 Reid, Nichelle               Bethesda-Che             13.6h   2 
  7 Hildreth, Christine          Winston Chur             13.7h   1 
  8 k, demoah                    Montgomery B             13.8h   2 
  9 Nash, Shayna                 Bethesda-Che            x13.9h   1 
 10 Vlanton, Brianna             Bethesda-Che            x14.0h   3 
 11 salamanca, legend            Montgomery B            x14.1h   2 
 12 Chen, Fanny                  Winston Chur             14.2h   5 
 12 Diggs, Alanna                Bethesda-Che            x14.2h   4 
 12 Stallone, Phillie            Bethesda-Che            x14.2h   6 
 15 Nelson, Yamiley              Montgomery B            x14.3h   3 
 15 Mouafo, Jacky                Winston Chur            x14.3h   2 
 15 Liang, Peggy                 Winston Chur            x14.3h   7 
 18 Orevba, Ruth                 Bethesda-Che            x14.4h   4 
 18 Lefeged, Stacey              Winston Chur            x14.4h   2 
 20 Tunkara, Fatoumatta          Bethesda-Che            x14.5h   5 
 21 Vo, Emily                    Montgomery B            x14.6h   4 
 21 Potter, Jamie                Bethesda-Che            x14.6h   3 
 23 Peabody, Megan               Winston Chur            x14.9h   5 
 24 Prue-Jenkins, Taylor         Bethesda-Che            x15.0h   5 
 25 Desrouleaux, Reina           Bethesda-Che            x15.1h   5 
 25 Katouzian, Sarvadad          Winston Chur            x15.1h   4 
 25 Koytcheva, Maria             Winston Chur            x15.1h   6 
 28 Namude, Maliza               Winston Chur            x15.2h   3 
 28 Obayomi, Aderonke            Winston Chur            x15.2h   4 
 28 Collins, Briyah              Bethesda-Che            x15.2h   7 
 31 Frank, Madison               Winston Chur            x15.3h   6 
 31 kodjo, arnelle               Montgomery B            x15.3h   3 
 33 Freeman, Katherine           Bethesda-Che            x15.4h   6 
 33 Boggan, Breanna              Winston Chur            x15.4h   5 
 33 nguyen, diemphuc             Montgomery B            x15.4h   4 
 36 Bowis, Bridget               Winston Chur            x15.5h   6 
 37 Yeutter, Cameron             Bethesda-Che            x15.7h   5 
 37 Edwards, Daejah              Bethesda-Che            x15.7h   6 
 39 Wolfe, Rebecca               Winston Chur            x15.9h   7 
 40 Ettinger, Sophie             Winston Chur            x16.0h   3 
 41 Flibbert, Nicole             Bethesda-Che            x16.1h   5 
 42 Ishaq, Hadjira               Bethesda-Che            x16.5h   7 
 43 Goubeaux, Claire             Winston Chur            x16.6h   7 
Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Phillips-Spence, Micah       Winston Chur             11.3h   1 
  2 Phillips-Spence, Jemuel      Winston Chur             11.5h   1 
  3 chow, david                  Montgomery B             12.0h   1 
  4 Hammer, Mikael               Winston Chur             12.1h   2 
  5 Bedi, Kabir                  Winston Chur            x12.2h   4 
  6 Ellis, Arthur                Winston Chur            x12.5h   3 
  6 Bratschi, Adam               Winston Chur            x12.5h   2 
  6 Flores, Carlos               Montgomery B             12.5h   1 
  9 Veator, Kyle                 Winston Chur            x12.6h   3 
 10 Pratt, Michael               Winston Chur            x12.7h   3 
 11 Fordyce, Andrew              Winston Chur            x12.9h   3 
 11 Kaye, Sam                    Bethesda-Che             12.9h   3 
 11 Traversa, Julian             Winston Chur            x12.9h   2 
 11 nicolas, tyler               Montgomery B             12.9h   2 
 15 Soevik, Odin                 Winston Chur            x13.0h   4 
 16 Ebner, Nolan                 Bethesda-Che             13.2h   1 
 17 Jones, Conrad                Bethesda-Che             13.4h   3 
 17 Walcott, Ariel               Winston Chur            x13.4h   4 
 19 Gold, Connor                 Bethesda-Che            x13.7h   3 
 20 Banks, Julien                Bethesda-Che            x13.8h   1 
 21 Nevens-Locke, Jeremy         Bethesda-Che            x14.1h   3 
 22 Behan, Jesse                 Bethesda-Che            x14.9h   2 
 23 Baker, Mitchell              Bethesda-Che            x15.3h   2 
 24 Coran, Sam                   Winston Chur            x19.2h   4 
Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che           5:36.00  
  2 Nakasaka, Laura              Bethesda-Che           5:41.00  
  3 D'Ottavi, Morgana            Montgomery B           5:42.40  
  4 Jester, Hallie               Bethesda-Che           5:42.70  
  5 Maslen, Zoe                  Winston Chur           5:46.90  
  6 Bourg, Charlotte             Winston Chur           5:52.10  
  7 Rabade, Paula                Winston Chur           5:52.80  
  8 Thomas, Alison               Bethesda-Che          x6:03.40  
  9 Dunn, Annie                  Montgomery B           6:08.00  
 10 Deng, June                   Bethesda-Che          x6:08.10  
 11 Hardgrove, Emily             Bethesda-Che          x6:08.50  
 12 Peterson, Angelina           Bethesda-Che          x6:08.80  
 13 Siegel, Gabrielle            Winston Chur          x6:09.70  
 14 Skarda, Jenhi                Montgomery B           6:14.90  
 15 Sholar, Jenny                Montgomery B          x6:16.40  
 16 McAlister, Amy               Winston Chur          x6:19.30  
 17 Hill, Bailey                 Winston Chur          x6:22.10  
 18 Crouch, Elena                Bethesda-Che          x6:23.60  
 19 Durkey, Lily                 Montgomery B          x6:28.10  
 20 Perthel, Jeanette            Winston Chur          x6:30.80  
 21 Reitzes, Sarah               Winston Chur          x6:31.60  
 22 O'Malley, Hannah             Bethesda-Che          x6:32.30  
 23 Bell, Julia                  Winston Chur          x6:32.70  
 24 Srebnick, Taylor             Winston Chur          x6:34.90  
 25 DeMayo, Jessica              Winston Chur          x6:35.30  
 26 Levin, Caren                 Winston Chur          x6:36.00  
 27 Satin, Sara                  Winston Chur          x6:36.70  
 28 Duguid, Claire               Bethesda-Che          x6:46.00  
 29 Ostriker, Abigail            Montgomery B          x6:47.80  
 30 Galasso, Claire              Bethesda-Che          x6:50.50  
 31 Raisner, Anna                Bethesda-Che          x6:52.50  
 32 Dosik, Jaclyn                Winston Chur          x6:52.90  
 33 Waidmann, Elena              Bethesda-Che          x6:57.80  
 34 Etessami, Ariana             Winston Chur          x7:05.20  
 35 O'Connell, Erin              Winston Chur          x7:16.40  
 36 Dmitriev, Dora               Winston Chur          x7:16.60  
 37 Hainbach, Sarah              Bethesda-Che          x7:19.10  
 38 Modlin, Clara                Bethesda-Che          x7:30.10  
 39 Arcos, Maria                 Winston Chur          x7:30.70  
 40 Kosmaoglou, Joanna           Winston Chur          x7:31.50  
 41 Sears, Lucy                  Bethesda-Che          x7:32.80  
 42 Tineo, Andrea                Bethesda-Che          x7:34.00  
 43 kleinbard, ruby              Montgomery B          x7:58.20  
Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che           4:37.50  
  2 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Chur           4:45.50  
  3 Shannon, Luke                Winston Chur           4:53.80  
  4 Catterall, Philip            Bethesda-Che           4:55.10  
  5 Frampus, Patrick             Bethesda-Che           4:55.40  
  6 Valero, Daniel               Winston Chur           4:55.70  
  7 Riishojgaard, Alex           Bethesda-Che          x4:58.90  
  8 Tashayyod, Rustin            Winston Chur          x5:02.90  
  9 Horton, Peter                Bethesda-Che          x5:03.30  
 10 Ardanuy, Jeremy              Montgomery B           5:05.60  
 11 Morris, Matthew              Montgomery B           5:06.40  
 12 Ross, Seth                   Winston Chur          x5:08.50  
 13 Fisher, Brandon              Winston Chur          x5:09.40  
 14 Silber, Samuel               Winston Chur          x5:11.30  
 15 Florin, Dominic              Montgomery B           5:11.60  
 16 Hein, John                   Winston Chur          x5:18.60  
 17 Giavotto, Peter              Winston Chur          x5:21.00  
 18 Franceski, John              Winston Chur          x5:21.20  
 19 Blooston, Leo                Winston Chur          x5:21.30  
 20 Clark, Mark                  Winston Chur          x5:22.10  
 21 Hennessey, Aidan             Bethesda-Che          x5:23.20  
 22 Beatty, Kyle                 Winston Chur          x5:24.70  
 23 Colby, Kiernan               Montgomery B          x5:25.40  
 24 Spielman, Benjamin           Winston Chur          x5:26.90  
 25 Ekstrom, Michael             Montgomery B          x5:27.20  
 26 Haskins, Andrew              Winston Chur          x5:27.80  
 27 Boden, Matthew               Bethesda-Che          x5:28.30  
 28 Picard, Greg                 Bethesda-Che          x5:29.00  
 29 Russom, Emanuel              Montgomery B          x5:32.50  
 30 Lippman, Zachary             Winston Chur          x5:32.90  
 31 Weston-Dawkes, Matthew       Winston Chur          x5:33.90  
 32 Bachrach, Kevin              Winston Chur          x5:34.60  
 33 Chona, Simon                 Winston Chur          x5:35.10  
 34 Norris, Kenneth              Bethesda-Che          x5:35.70  
 35 O'Connell, Thomas            Winston Chur          x5:37.20  
 36 McKee, Michael               Montgomery B          x5:37.50  
 37 Kee, Andrew                  Winston Chur          x5:38.20  
 38 Stoker, Geoffrey             Winston Chur          x5:38.70  
 39 Lamas, Jose                  Winston Chur          x5:39.20  
 40 Harris, Jacob                Montgomery B          x5:39.60  
 41 Oppler, Zachary              Winston Chur          x5:41.90  
 42 Hettiarachchi, Dilan         Winston Chur          x5:42.30  
 43 Ishikawa, Andrew             Winston Chur          x5:42.50  
 44 Patel, Darshan               Montgomery B          x5:43.00  
 45 Zohore, Andrew               Winston Chur          x5:43.40  
 46 Plaisance, Luc               Winston Chur          x5:43.60  
 47 Harris, Benjamin             Winston Chur          x5:46.50  
 48 Hileman, Raanan              Montgomery B          x5:47.30  
 49 Stern, Brendon               Winston Chur          x5:47.70  
 50 Gura, Colin                  Winston Chur          x5:48.30  
 51 Lu, Andrew                   Montgomery B          x5:48.90  
 52 Hainbach, Sam                Bethesda-Che          x5:49.50  
 53 Palmer, Oliver               Winston Chur          x5:49.90  
 54 Wildavsky, Aaron             Bethesda-Che          x5:50.70  
 55 Fasano, Franklin             Winston Chur          x5:51.40  
 56 Atkinson, James              Winston Chur          x5:52.20  
 57 Saussy, John                 Winston Chur          x5:52.40  
 58 Park, Maxwell                Winston Chur          x5:53.60  
 59 Dunne, Matthew               Winston Chur          x5:53.90  
 60 Plazas, Andres               Winston Chur          x5:55.20  
 61 Vinner, Adam                 Winston Chur          x5:55.50  
 62 Crutchfield, Andrew          Winston Chur          x5:55.80  
 63 Roberts, Erik                Winston Chur          x5:56.90  
 64 Bourg, Garrett               Winston Chur          x5:58.40  
 65 McDermott, Robert            Winston Chur          x5:58.80  
 66 Machlis, Daniel              Winston Chur          x6:01.70  
 67 Beck, Lucas                  Bethesda-Che          x6:02.60  
 68 Bennett, Jacob               Bethesda-Che          x6:06.60  
 69 Mackell, Thomas              Bethesda-Che          x6:11.00  
 70 Gilman, Samuel               Winston Chur          x6:26.30  
 71 Tsegaw, Nathael              Montgomery B          x6:36.20  
Event 9  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Montgomery Blair  'A'                               1:54.20  
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:55.50  
 -- Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                                DQ  
Event 10  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                           1:33.90  
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:34.00  
  3 Montgomery Blair  'A'                               1:39.20  
Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Wade, Brittney               Bethesda-Che           1:00.2h   1 
  2 Barclay, Cheerah             Montgomery B           1:02.7h   1 
  3 Yeutter, Cameron             Bethesda-Che           1:03.1h   1 
  4 Leuba, Caroline              Bethesda-Che           1:04.9h   2 
  5 Olawuni, Deborah             Montgomery B           1:05.9h   1 
  6 Kim, Juhee                   Winston Chur           1:06.8h   1 
  7 Reingruber, Grace            Bethesda-Che          x1:07.3h   2 
  8 Shehata, Laila               Bethesda-Che          x1:07.4h   2 
  9 Wilson, Eugenia              Bethesda-Che          x1:08.5h   2 
 10 Sohl, Meili                  Winston Chur           1:08.9h   2 
 11 Bojanova, Diana              Winston Chur           1:10.0h   2 
 12 Maizlish, Jennifer           Winston Chur          x1:14.1h   1 
 13 Yen, Ivy                     Winston Chur          x1:15.0h   2 
 14 Crystal, Jessica             Bethesda-Che          x1:17.30   2 
Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Fallet, Kevin                Montgomery B             51.6h   1 
  2 James, Terrence              Bethesda-Che             51.7h   1 
  3 Conway, William              Winston Chur             51.9h   1 
  4 Kim, Alexander               Winston Chur             53.4h   1 
  5 Fischer, Alex                Montgomery B             55.3h   1 
  6 Veator, Kyle                 Winston Chur             57.0h   2 
  7 Nolan, James                 Winston Chur            x57.5h   2 
  8 Omkar, Chankea               Montgomery B             57.6h   2 
  9 Williams, Benton             Bethesda-Che             58.8h   1 
 10 Kim, Eugene                  Winston Chur            x59.5h   2 
 11 Donnelly, Gavin              Bethesda-Che           1:00.1h   2 
 12 Mainwaring, Christopher      Winston Chur          x1:00.2h   2 
 13 Roberts, Erik                Winston Chur          x1:03.0h   2 
Event 13  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che          12:14.20  
  2 Nakasaka, Laura              Bethesda-Che          12:18.80  
  3 D'Ottavi, Morgana            Montgomery B          12:25.00  
  4 Maslen, Zoe                  Winston Chur          12:27.20  
  5 Jester, Hallie               Bethesda-Che          12:49.10  
  6 Garland, Genevieve           Winston Chur          12:51.00  
  7 Cohen, Claire                Bethesda-Che         x13:21.70  
  8 Kitt, Elizabeth              Winston Chur          13:37.50  
  9 Shonkwiler, Sara             Montgomery B          13:38.50  
 10 Ishaq, Hadjira               Bethesda-Che         x13:44.20  
 11 Hainbach, Sarah              Bethesda-Che         x15:28.00  
Event 14  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che          10:01.90  
  2 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Chur          10:09.20  
  3 Thiyagarajan, Sushen         Winston Chur          10:37.60  
  4 Rheingold, Justin            Winston Chur          10:45.00  
  5 Riishojgaard, Alex           Bethesda-Che          10:53.90  
  6 Horton, Peter                Bethesda-Che          10:57.80  
  7 Morris, Matthew              Montgomery B          11:16.30  
  8 Ardanuy, Jeremy              Montgomery B          11:23.00  
  9 Blum, Alexander              Winston Chur         x11:25.40  
 10 Franceski, John              Winston Chur         x11:26.10  
 11 Boden, Matthew               Bethesda-Che         x11:41.30  
 12 Pejman, Andisheh             Winston Chur         x11:54.00  
 13 McKee, Michael               Montgomery B          12:03.70  
 14 Hileman, Raanan              Montgomery B         x12:11.80  
 15 Patel, Darshan               Montgomery B         x12:16.10  
 16 Ekstrom, Michael             Montgomery B         x12:32.60  
 17 Kleyman, Michael             Winston Chur         x12:51.30  
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur             48.8h   1 
  2 Wade, Brittney               Bethesda-Che             49.6h   1 
  3 oladiran, kafilat            Montgomery B             53.0h   1 
  4 Hardgrove, Julia             Bethesda-Che             56.1h   1 
  5 Wilson, Eugenia              Bethesda-Che             56.3h   2 
  6 Mouafo, Jacky                Winston Chur             57.3h   2 
  7 Yang, Andrea                 Winston Chur             58.5h   1 
  8 Shehata, Laila               Bethesda-Che            x58.7h   2 
  9 kodjo, arnelle               Montgomery B           1:00.7h   2 
 10 Braganza, Ariana             Bethesda-Che          x1:00.8h   2 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Rhee, John                   Winston Chur             43.0h   1 
  2 Kanga, Justin                Montgomery B             43.8h   1 
  3 Farrell, Matthew             Winston Chur             47.0h   2 
  4 Ebner, Nolan                 Bethesda-Che             48.2h   1 
  5 Jones, Conrad                Bethesda-Che             52.0h   2 
  6 Hainbach, Sam                Bethesda-Che           1:02.9h   2 
Event 17  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Wade, Brittney               Bethesda-Che             26.9h   1 
  2 Coleman, Emma                Winston Chur             27.3h   1 
  3 Read, Sofia                  Montgomery B             27.4h   1 
  4 Barclay, Cheerah             Montgomery B             27.8h   1 
  5 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che             28.0h   1 
  6 Reid, Nichelle               Bethesda-Che             28.3h   3 
  7 Lefeged, Stacey              Winston Chur             28.8h   1 
  8 Hildreth, Christine          Winston Chur             28.9h   2 
  8 Vlanton, Brianna             Bethesda-Che            x28.9h   2 
 10 Potter, Jamie                Bethesda-Che            x29.2h   2 
 10 Wilson, Eugenia              Bethesda-Che            x29.2h   4 
 12 Liang, Peggy                 Winston Chur            x29.3h   5 
 13 Diggs, Alanna                Bethesda-Che            x29.7h   3 
 14 salamanca, legend            Montgomery B             29.8h   2 
 15 Tunkara, Fatoumatta          Bethesda-Che            x30.0h   4 
 15 Chen, Fanny                  Winston Chur            x30.0h   4 
 17 Namude, Maliza               Winston Chur            x30.7h   3 
 18 Koytcheva, Maria             Winston Chur            x30.8h   5 
 19 Ettinger, Sophie             Winston Chur            x31.0h   3 
 20 nguyen, diemphuc             Montgomery B            x31.3h   2 
 21 Katouzian, Sarvadad          Winston Chur            x31.4h   2 
 21 Prue-Jenkins, Taylor         Bethesda-Che            x31.4h   5 
 23 Schneiderhan, Willa          Montgomery B            x31.5h   3 
 24 Bowis, Bridget               Winston Chur            x31.6h   5 
 24 Song, Jasmine                Winston Chur            x31.6h   4 
 26 Boggan, Breanna              Winston Chur            x31.7h   5 
 26 Peabody, Megan               Winston Chur            x31.7h   4 
 28 Stallone, Phillie            Bethesda-Che            x31.8h   5 
 28 Desrouleaux, Reina           Bethesda-Che            x31.8h   6 
 30 Obayomi, Aderonke            Winston Chur            x31.9h   3 
 30 Frank, Madison               Winston Chur            x31.9h   5 
 32 Wolfe, Rebecca               Winston Chur            x33.1h   4 
 33 Yeutter, Cameron             Bethesda-Che            x33.3h   6 
 33 Freeman, Katherine           Bethesda-Che            x33.3h   6 
 35 Crystal, Jessica             Bethesda-Che            x34.0h   6 
 36 Edwards, Daejah              Bethesda-Che            x34.2h   6 
 37 Flibbert, Nicole             Bethesda-Che            x35.3h   6 
 38 Ishaq, Hadjira               Bethesda-Che            x35.9h   6 
Event 18  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 James, Terrence              Bethesda-Che             22.1h   1 
  2 Phillips-Spence, Micah       Winston Chur             22.6h   1 
  3 Fallet, Kevin                Montgomery B             22.7h   1 
  4 Mudimbi, Assani              Montgomery B             23.4h   1 
  5 Phillips-Spence, Jemuel      Winston Chur             23.8h   1 
  6 Hammer, Mikael               Winston Chur             24.4h   2 
  7 Flores, Carlos               Montgomery B             24.8h   2 
  8 Bratschi, Adam               Winston Chur            x25.0h   2 
  9 Veator, Kyle                 Winston Chur            x25.7h   4 
 10 Ellis, Arthur                Winston Chur            x25.8h   4 
 11 Bedi, Kabir                  Winston Chur            x25.9h   5 
 12 Ebner, Nolan                 Bethesda-Che             26.0h   2 
 12 Varella, Stephen             Montgomery B            x26.0h   2 
 14 Mainwaring, Christopher      Winston Chur            x26.1h   5 
 15 Braganza, Max                Bethesda-Che             26.3h   1 
 16 Traversa, Julian             Winston Chur            x26.4h   4 
 17 Soevik, Odin                 Winston Chur            x26.5h   3 
 18 Fordyce, Andrew              Winston Chur            x26.8h   5 
 19 nicolas, tyler               Montgomery B            x26.9h   4 
 20 Kaye, Sam                    Bethesda-Che            x27.0h   4 
 21 Pratt, Michael               Winston Chur            x27.2h   3 
 22 Gold, Connor                 Bethesda-Che            x27.5h   3 
 22 Jones, Conrad                Bethesda-Che            x27.5h   4 
 24 Banks, Julien                Bethesda-Che            x27.9h   2 
 25 Walcott, Ariel               Winston Chur            x28.6h   3 
 26 Nevens-Locke, Jeremy         Bethesda-Che            x30.2h   3 
 27 Baker, Mitchell              Bethesda-Che            x31.1h   3 
 28 Coran, Sam                   Winston Chur            x42.2h   5 
Event 19  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che           2:30.20  
  2 Weinreich, Jessica           Winston Chur           2:30.60  
  3 Leuba, Caroline              Bethesda-Che           2:30.80  
  4 Yeutter, Cameron             Bethesda-Che           2:33.70  
  5 Nakasaka, Laura              Bethesda-Che          x2:34.20  
  6 Bucher, Hannah               Montgomery B           2:37.50  
  7 D'Ottavi, Morgana            Montgomery B           2:39.80  
  8 Jester, Hallie               Bethesda-Che          x2:40.70  
  9 Kim, Juhee                   Winston Chur           2:42.60  
 10 Su, Caroline                 Winston Chur           2:43.60  
 11 Bojanova, Diana              Winston Chur          x2:44.40  
 12 Dunn, Annie                  Montgomery B           2:45.30  
 13 Bourg, Charlotte             Winston Chur          x2:46.30  
 14 Thomas, Alison               Bethesda-Che          x2:47.70  
 15 Skarda, Jenhi                Montgomery B          x2:50.00  
 16 Sholar, Jenny                Montgomery B          x2:50.60  
 17 McAlister, Amy               Winston Chur          x2:51.40  
 18 Hardgrove, Emily             Bethesda-Che          x2:51.90  
 19 Hill, Bailey                 Winston Chur          x2:52.20  
 20 Garland, Genevieve           Winston Chur          x2:52.90  
 21 Yen, Ivy                     Winston Chur          x2:53.60  
 22 Durkey, Lily                 Montgomery B          x2:55.10  
 23 Shonkwiler, Sara             Montgomery B          x2:56.50  
 24 Duguid, Claire               Bethesda-Che          x2:57.80  
 25 Srebnick, Taylor             Winston Chur          x2:58.50  
 26 Reitzes, Sarah               Winston Chur          x2:58.90  
 27 Galasso, Claire              Bethesda-Che          x2:59.30  
 28 Peterson, Angelina           Bethesda-Che          x2:59.70  
 29 O'Malley, Hannah             Bethesda-Che          x3:00.00  
 30 Kitt, Elizabeth              Winston Chur          x3:02.00  
 31 Levin, Caren                 Winston Chur          x3:02.90  
 32 Crouch, Elena                Bethesda-Che          x3:03.70  
 33 Waidmann, Elena              Bethesda-Che          x3:05.00  
 34 Bell, Julia                  Winston Chur          x3:05.40  
 35 DeMayo, Jessica              Winston Chur          x3:07.00  
 36 Raisner, Anna                Bethesda-Che          x3:07.50  
 37 Perthel, Jeanette            Winston Chur          x3:08.10  
 38 Satin, Sara                  Winston Chur          x3:08.90  
 39 Dosik, Jaclyn                Winston Chur          x3:10.10  
 40 Etessami, Ariana             Winston Chur          x3:12.00  
 41 O'Connell, Erin              Winston Chur          x3:12.40  
 42 Cooper, Hannah               Winston Chur          x3:14.30  
 43 Dmitriev, Dora               Winston Chur          x3:14.90  
 44 Hardgrove, Julia             Bethesda-Che          x3:15.30  
 45 Arcos, Maria                 Winston Chur          x3:24.90  
 46 Modlin, Clara                Bethesda-Che          x3:26.90  
 47 Tineo, Andrea                Bethesda-Che          x3:27.60  
 48 Sears, Lucy                  Bethesda-Che          x3:28.10  
 49 kleinbard, ruby              Montgomery B          x3:28.50  
Event 20  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Conway, William              Winston Chur           2:03.30  
  2 Kim, Alexander               Winston Chur           2:05.70  
  3 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che           2:11.00  
  4 Catterall, Philip            Bethesda-Che           2:13.10  
  5 Shannon, Luke                Winston Chur           2:14.60  
  6 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Chur          x2:15.20  
  7 Ross, Seth                   Winston Chur          x2:16.40  
  8 Valero, Daniel               Winston Chur          x2:18.20  
  9 Nolan, James                 Winston Chur          x2:18.40  
 10 Fitta, Nebiyu                Montgomery B           2:18.80  
 11 Colby, Kiernan               Montgomery B           2:19.00  
 12 Hein, John                   Winston Chur          x2:19.50  
 13 Fisher, Brandon              Winston Chur          x2:19.80  
 14 Tashayyod, Rustin            Winston Chur          x2:20.10  
 15 Thiyagarajan, Sushen         Winston Chur          x2:20.30  
 16 Weckstein, Aaron             Montgomery B           2:20.80  
 17 Horton, Peter                Bethesda-Che           2:21.60  
 18 O'Connell, Thomas            Winston Chur          x2:21.80  
 19 Clark, Mark                  Winston Chur          x2:22.30  
 20 Spielman, Benjamin           Winston Chur          x2:23.00  
 21 Silber, Samuel               Winston Chur          x2:24.20  
 22 Morris, Matthew              Montgomery B          x2:24.40  
 23 Norris, Kenneth              Bethesda-Che          x2:24.70  
 24 Giavotto, Peter              Winston Chur          x2:25.90  
 25 Pejman, Andisheh             Winston Chur          x2:27.10  
 26 Fordyce, Andrew              Winston Chur          x2:27.30  
 27 Stoker, Geoffrey             Winston Chur          x2:29.30  
 28 Blooston, Leo                Winston Chur          x2:30.30  
 29 Plazas, Andres               Winston Chur          x2:31.40  
 29 Hennessey, Aidan             Bethesda-Che          x2:31.40  
 31 Bachrach, Kevin              Winston Chur          x2:31.80  
 32 Kee, Andrew                  Winston Chur          x2:32.00  
 33 Oppler, Zachary              Winston Chur          x2:32.30  
 34 Lamas, Jose                  Winston Chur          x2:32.60  
 35 Blum, Alexander              Winston Chur          x2:33.60  
 36 Fasano, Franklin             Winston Chur          x2:34.30  
 37 Park, Maxwell                Winston Chur          x2:35.20  
 38 Chona, Simon                 Winston Chur          x2:36.90  
 39 Hettiarachchi, Dilan         Winston Chur          x2:37.80  
 40 Boden, Matthew               Bethesda-Che          x2:38.10  
 41 Hileman, Raanan              Montgomery B          x2:38.40  
 42 Plaisance, Luc               Winston Chur          x2:39.20  
 43 Kim, Eugene                  Winston Chur          x2:40.30  
 44 Gura, Colin                  Winston Chur          x2:40.90  
 45 Riishojgaard, Alex           Bethesda-Che          x2:41.80  
 46 Hainbach, Sam                Bethesda-Che          x2:42.10  
 47 Crutchfield, Andrew          Winston Chur          x2:42.40  
 48 Saussy, John                 Winston Chur          x2:42.80  
 49 Dunne, Matthew               Winston Chur          x2:43.00  
 50 Bourg, Garrett               Winston Chur          x2:43.20  
 51 Palmer, Oliver               Winston Chur          x2:43.40  
 52 Vinner, Adam                 Winston Chur          x2:43.80  
 53 McDermott, Robert            Winston Chur          x2:44.10  
 54 Machlis, Daniel              Winston Chur          x2:44.50  
 55 Ishikawa, Andrew             Winston Chur          x2:44.70  
 56 Zohore, Andrew               Winston Chur          x2:45.00  
 57 Lippman, Zachary             Winston Chur          x2:45.80  
 58 Wildavsky, Aaron             Bethesda-Che          x2:46.10  
 59 Atkinson, James              Winston Chur          x2:46.50  
 60 Lu, Andrew                   Montgomery B          x2:46.90  
 61 Beck, Lucas                  Bethesda-Che          x2:48.00  
 62 Bennett, Jacob               Bethesda-Che          x2:48.50  
 63 cheng, vincent               Montgomery B          x2:51.50  
 64 Kleyman, Michael             Winston Chur          x2:53.60  
 65 Mackell, Thomas              Bethesda-Che          x2:53.90  
 66 Gilman, Samuel               Winston Chur          x2:54.60  
 67 Tsegaw, Nathael              Montgomery B          x2:54.90  
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Montgomery Blair  'A'                                 53.1h  
  2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                             53.4h  
  3 Winston Churchill  'A'                                54.3h  
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                               x56.5h  
  5 Winston Churchill  'C'                               x56.7h  
  6 Montgomery Blair  'B'                                x59.5h  
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                                45.4h  
  2 Montgomery Blair  'A'                                 46.5h  
  3 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                             49.9h  
Event 23  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                           4:22.60  
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              4:39.90  
Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                              3:35.70  
  2 Montgomery Blair  'A'                               3:36.90  
  3 Bethesda-Chevy Chase  'A'                           3:42.90  
Event 25  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Namude, Maliza               Winston Chur           4-06.00  
  2 Braganza, Ariana             Bethesda-Che           4-04.00  
  3 Hildreth, Christine          Winston Chur           4-02.00  
  4 Ndubisi, Mimie               Bethesda-Che           4-00.00  
  4 Schroeder, Jordyn            Montgomery B           4-00.00  
 -- Diggs, Alanna                Bethesda-Che                DQ  
 -- Ettinger, Sophie             Winston Chur                DQ  
Event 26  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Albers, Tyler                Winston Chur           5-06.00  
  2 Fitta, Nebiyu                Montgomery B           5-06.00  
  3 Dorsu, Weyimni               Bethesda-Che           5-04.00  
  4 Prince, Cody                 Bethesda-Che           5-02.00  
  5 Brown, Juhstin               Bethesda-Che           5-00.00  
Event 27  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur          16-08.00  
  2 Ndubisi, Mimie               Bethesda-Che          15-03.00  
  3 Chen, Fanny                  Winston Chur          14-03.00  
  3 Koytcheva, Maria             Winston Chur          14-03.00  
  5 Orevba, Ruth                 Bethesda-Che          13-11.00  
  6 k, demoah                    Montgomery B          12-09.00  
  7 Liang, Peggy                 Winston Chur         x12-06.50  
  8 Boggan, Breanna              Winston Chur         x12-03.00  
  9 Frank, Madison               Winston Chur         x12-01.00  
 10 Flibbert, Nicole             Bethesda-Che          11-08.50  
 11 kodjo, arnelle               Montgomery B           9-06.00  
 -- Lefeged, Stacey              Winston Chur                DQ  
Event 28  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur          20-04.75  
  2 Dorsey, Julien               Bethesda-Che          20-01.00  
  3 Norris, Kenneth              Bethesda-Che          16-11.75  
  4 Kaye, Sam                    Bethesda-Che          16-06.00  
  5 Nyarko, Michael              Bethesda-Che         x15-09.50  
  6 Fordyce, Andrew              Winston Chur          15-08.00  
  6 Braganza, Max                Bethesda-Che         x15-08.00  
  8 nicolas, tyler               Montgomery B          14-09.00  
  9 Masha, Abdul-Fatah           Winston Chur          14-06.00  
 10 Campbell, Rodrick            Montgomery B          14-02.50  
Event 29  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur          34-05.00  
  2 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur          32-01.00  
  3 James, Caroline              Montgomery B          28-11.00  
  4 Hardgrove, Julia             Bethesda-Che          27-02.00  
  5 oladiran, kafilat            Montgomery B          23-07.00  
  6 Flibbert, Nicole             Bethesda-Che          23-05.50  
 -- Ndubisi, Mimie               Bethesda-Che                DQ  
Event 30  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Dorsey, Julien               Bethesda-Che          37-05.00  
  2 Nyarko, Michael              Bethesda-Che          35-00.00  
  3 Fischer, Alex                Montgomery B          34-06.50  
  4 Norris, Kenneth              Bethesda-Che          34-06.00  
  5 Braganza, Max                Bethesda-Che         x32-09.00  
  6 Teramu, Motuma               Montgomery B          32-08.00  
  7 Masha, Abdul-Fatah           Winston Chur          32-02.00  
  8 Ekstrom, Michael             Montgomery B          30-09.00  
 -- Kaye, Sam                    Bethesda-Che                DQ  
Event 31  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 verdonk, mimi                Montgomery B          25-06.00  
  2 kalala, rose                 Montgomery B          25-00.00  
  3 Obayomi, Aderonke            Winston Chur          24-04.00  
  4 Orevba, Ruth                 Bethesda-Che          24-01.00  
  5 Koenick, Lori                Winston Chur          23-09.00  
  6 tshitundu, chala             Montgomery B          20-10.00  
  7 benjamin, clara              Montgomery B         x19-06.00  
  8 Ambrose, Elisa               Winston Chur          18-03.00  
  9 Stallone, Phillie            Bethesda-Che          17-11.00  
 10 kamara, umunatu              Montgomery B         x17-07.00  
 11 Rodriguez, Elizabeth         Montgomery B         x17-05.50  
 12 Cooper, Hannah               Winston Chur         x16-05.00  
 13 Roberts, Erica               Winston Chur         x16-01.50  
 14 Goubeaux, Claire             Winston Chur         x13-05.00  
Event 32  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur          42-06.50  
  2 Kale, Joseph                 Winston Chur          37-08.00  
  3 Umana, Daniel                Montgomery B          36-11.00  
  3 Kaplan, Joshua               Winston Chur          36-11.00  
  5 Nyarko, Michael              Bethesda-Che          36-06.00  
  6 Abraham, Dacari              Montgomery B          35-07.00  
  7 Brown, Juhstin               Bethesda-Che          34-04.00  
  8 Kanga, Justin                Montgomery B          33-01.50  
  9 Agyire, Nana Twum            Bethesda-Che          32-11.00  
 10 Hsu, Wesley                  Winston Chur         x32-06.00  
 11 Soevik, Odin                 Winston Chur         x30-04.00  
 12 Tsapdong, Arthur             Montgomery B         x30-03.00  
 13 Kaplan, David                Winston Chur         x28-07.00  
 14 Doherty, Devin               Bethesda-Che         x23-07.00  
Event 33  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 kalala, rose                 Montgomery B             73-04  
  2 Orevba, Ruth                 Bethesda-Che             69-07  
  3 Roberts, Erica               Winston Chur             61-08  
  4 Koenick, Lori                Winston Chur             60-09  
  5 verdonk, mimi                Montgomery B             57-09  
  6 Ambrose, Elisa               Winston Chur             49-06  
  7 Stallone, Phillie            Bethesda-Che             49-04  
  8 benjamin, clara              Montgomery B             48-09  
  9 Rodriguez, Elizabeth         Montgomery B            x41-01  
 10 Goubeaux, Claire             Winston Chur            x38-05  
 11 Cooper, Hannah               Winston Chur            x37-10  
 12 kamara, umunatu              Montgomery B            x36-08  
 13 tshitundu, chala             Montgomery B            x30-00  
Event 34  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur            126-11  
  2 Kaplan, David                Winston Chur            111-08  
  3 Kaplan, Joshua               Winston Chur            106-10  
  4 Kale, Joseph                 Winston Chur            x99-06  
  5 Abraham, Dacari              Montgomery B             92-03  
  6 Umana, Daniel                Montgomery B             92-00  
  7 Soevik, Odin                 Winston Chur            x90-06  
  8 Nyarko, Michael              Bethesda-Che             77-07  
  9 Hsu, Wesley                  Winston Chur            x76-08  
 10 Agyire, Nana Twum            Bethesda-Che             70-04  
 11 Tsapdong, Arthur             Montgomery B             68-02  
 12 Kanga, Justin                Montgomery B            x68-00  
 13 Brown, Juhstin               Bethesda-Che             66-03  
 14 Doherty, Devin               Bethesda-Che            x62-03  

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