Interhigh Track

MCPS Meet #2
MCPS Indoor Meet #2 History
Hosted By: MCPS
Landover, Maryland
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Licensed to Walt Whitman High School  HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/29/2012 02:37 PM
                             MCPS #2 - 12/26/2012                              
                  Prince George's Sports and Learning Center                   
                                 Landover, MD                                  
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 White, Bethany            11 Col. Zadok M              7.48   8 
  2 Woods, Lauren             10 Sherwood                  7.56   8 
  3 Robertson, Keila           9 Col. Zadok M              7.80   7 
  4 Wurie, Rashida            11 Paint Branch              7.82   8 
  5 Christopher, Ashley       12 Richard Mont              7.83   8 
  6 Woods, Tiffany            10 Sherwood                  7.86   6 
  6 Luo, Zeya                 11 Walt Whitman              7.86   7 
  8 McDermott, Julia          10 Winston Chur              7.89   7 
  8 Wright, Reyna             10 Walt Whitman              7.89   8 
  8 Hardie, Taliah             9 Clarksburg                7.89   7 
 11 Dar, Sarah                11 Walt Whitman              8.08   7 
 11 Daye, Asia                10 Clarksburg                8.08   7 
 13 Robertson, Jeida          12 Col. Zadok M              8.11   7 
 14 Dorsu, Sisan              10 Bethesda-Che              8.13   8 
 15 Badin, Laetitia           11 Watkins Mill              8.14   6 
 15 Aka, Sandra               10 Seneca Valle              8.14   7 
 17 Lewis, Jennifer           12 Winston Chur              8.15   8 
 18 D'Aguilar, Jeneil         10 Springbrook               8.17   5 
 19 Penda, HelnSarah           9 Seneca Valle              8.25   5 
 19 Sollars, Jazmyn            9 Thomas S Woo              8.25   5 
 19 Toy, Blair                11 Thomas S Woo              8.25   6 
 22 Reid, Kyla                10 Northwood                 8.47   4 
 23 Cinada, Yamileh           10 Northwood                 8.71   5 
 24 Atanasoff, Samantha        9 Winston Chur              8.73   5 
 25 Kim, Annabel               9 Thomas S Woo              8.74   4 
 26 Chen, Evangeline           9 Winston Chur              8.76   4 
 27 Colliton, Lauren          10 Rockville                 8.81   4 
 28 Olatunde, Ameerat         11 Sherwood                  8.93   4 
 29 Pugh, Teagan              10 Thomas S Woo              9.00   3 
 30 Delgado, Andreina         11 Wheaton                   9.02   2 
 31 Deshmukh, Sanyukta         9 Thomas S Woo              9.15   3 
 32 Hirschfeld, Julie          9 Walt Whitman              9.19   3 
 33 Davenport, Caroline        9 Walt Whitman              9.21   4 
 34 Lyon, Jessica             10 Walt Whitman              9.23   3 
 35 Kamara, Dora              12 Paint Branch              9.30   4 
 36 Matthews, Aariel          10 Paint Branch              9.35   3 
 37 Smith-Taylor, Autumn      10 Paint Branch              9.52   2 
 38 Atsu, Olivia               9 Col. Zadok M              9.53   2 
 39 Gebrechirstos, Bemnet     10 Wheaton                   9.99   2 
 40 Chase, Naya                9 Springbrook              10.24   1 
 41 Teka, Betel               10 Northwood                10.88   2 
 -- Jones, Ke'Anya            11 Sherwood                    NT   3 
 -- Mudwari, Krishna           9 Watkins Mill                NT   2 
Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Shaw, Gwen                12 Thomas S Woo             41.76  13 
  2 Dakwa, Melanie            11 Watkins Mill             43.09  12 
  3 Woods, Lauren             10 Sherwood                 43.44  13 
  4 Ismail, Laila             11 Bethesda-Che             43.56  12 
  5 Juarez, Anicia            11 Col. Zadok M             44.19  11 
  6 White, Bethany            11 Col. Zadok M             44.30  13 
  7 Lewis, Jennifer           12 Winston Chur             44.69  12 
  8 Palmer, Mecalia           10 Rockville                44.71  10 
  9 Hanger, Grace             11 Richard Mont             44.72  13 
 10 Daramola, Funmi           11 Paint Branch             44.79   9 
 11 Woods, Tiffany            10 Sherwood                 44.90  12 
 12 Luo, Zeya                 11 Walt Whitman             45.00  10 
 13 Dorsu, Sisan              10 Bethesda-Che             45.01  11 
 14 Idler, Tenni              11 Walter Johns             45.02  11 
 15 Hardie, Taliah             9 Clarksburg               45.11  11 
 16 McDermott, Julia          10 Winston Chur             45.17  10 
 17 Galo, Kellyn              12 Watkins Mill             45.61  10 
 18 Thomas, Shaniel           11 Northwood                45.80  10 
 19 Adebayo, Yusrah           10 Paint Branch             45.99   8 
 20 Aka, Sandra               10 Seneca Valle             46.01   6 
 21 Akibo-Betts, Danielle     12 Northwood                46.16   8 
 22 Chen, Fanny               11 Winston Chur             46.40   5 
 23 D'Aguilar, Jeneil         10 Springbrook              46.74   8 
 24 Toy, Blair                11 Thomas S Woo             46.77   6 
 25 McLane, Mariah            10 Seneca Valle             46.78   7 
 26 Hierholzer, Molly         10 Sherwood                 47.13   6 
 27 Sollars, Jazmyn            9 Thomas S Woo             47.63   5 
 28 Cinada, Yamileh           10 Northwood                47.67   7 
 29 O'Dowd, Lily               9 Bethesda-Che             47.73   7 
 30 Armstrong, Megan          10 Winston Chur             47.76   6 
 31 Tchuindjo, Diane          10 Walter Johns             48.01   4 
 32 Penda, HelnSarah           9 Seneca Valle             48.10   6 
 33 Dowdy, Kei-lah             9 Clarksburg               48.75   6 
 34 Niedzielski, Alissa        9 Seneca Valle             48.85   5 
 35 Miller, Alexandra         10 Northwood                49.15   9 
 36 Mudwari, Krishna           9 Watkins Mill             49.24   5 
 37 Colliton, Lauren          10 Rockville                50.07   5 
 38 Hughes, Sarah             10 Sherwood                 50.43   3 
 39 Yen, Ivy                  11 Winston Chur             50.56   4 
 40 Atanasoff, Samantha        9 Winston Chur             50.84   4 
 41 Kim, Annabel               9 Thomas S Woo             51.30   3 
 42 Pugh, Teagan              10 Thomas S Woo             52.14   2 
 43 Davenport, Caroline        9 Walt Whitman             53.12   3 
 44 Sarakhman, Alesya          9 Poolesville              53.35   2 
 45 Chen, Evangeline           9 Winston Chur             53.37   4 
 46 Delgado, Andreina         11 Wheaton                  53.67   3 
 47 Reid, Kyla                10 Northwood                53.91   9 
 48 Koytcheva, Maria          11 Winston Chur             53.99   4 
 49 Hendricks, Madeleine      10 Winston Chur             54.00   2 
 50 Kamara, Dora              12 Paint Branch             54.20   5 
 50 Hirschfeld, Julie          9 Walt Whitman             54.20   3 
 52 Matthews, Aariel          10 Paint Branch             54.73   2 
 53 Lyon, Jessica             10 Walt Whitman             55.72   2 
 54 Kehnemouyi, Yasmine       10 Winston Chur             55.85   2 
 55 Deshmukh, Sanyukta         9 Thomas S Woo             56.05   3 
 56 Seyed-Ali, Sarah          11 Col. Zadok M             56.76   1 
 57 Atsu, Olivia               9 Col. Zadok M             60.22   1 
 58 Smith-Taylor, Autumn      10 Paint Branch             62.06   1 
Girls 500 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Deppen, Sylvia            12 Thomas S Woo             77.91   8 
  2 Dakwa, Melanie            11 Watkins Mill           1:21.02   8 
  3 Antwi, Celine             12 Col. Zadok M           1:23.26   8 
  4 Hanger, Grace             11 Richard Mont           1:24.23   8 
  5 Doon, Alexis               9 Northwood              1:25.39   8 
  6 Wright, Reyna             10 Walt Whitman           1:25.52   2 
  7 Pyles, Alexus              9 Clarksburg             1:25.78   6 
  8 Daramola, Funmi           11 Paint Branch           1:26.09   7 
  9 Rishell, Alyssa            9 Watkins Mill           1:26.64   7 
 10 Huie, Kara                11 Thomas S Woo           1:26.67   7 
 11 McClanahan, Erin          10 Walt Whitman           1:27.72   2 
 12 Escobedo, Karen           11 Springbrook            1:28.26   1 
 13 Palmer, Mecalia           10 Rockville              1:28.49   6 
 14 Kim, Juhee                11 Winston Chur           1:28.50   7 
 15 Coleman, Breanna          11 Paint Branch           1:28.80   6 
 16 Adebayo, Yusrah           10 Paint Branch           1:29.85   5 
 17 Cinada, Yamileh           10 Northwood              1:30.27   6 
 18 Hierholzer, Molly         10 Sherwood               1:31.03   5 
 19 Morrison, Kate             9 Walt Whitman           1:31.44   2 
 20 Niedzielski, Alissa        9 Seneca Valle           1:32.14   1 
 21 Akibo-Betts, Danielle     12 Northwood              1:33.56   5 
 22 Sollars, Jazmyn            9 Thomas S Woo           1:33.58   4 
 23 McCloskey, Shea            9 Clarksburg             1:34.14   4 
 24 Armstrong, Megan          10 Winston Chur           1:35.36   4 
 25 Pugh, Teagan              10 Thomas S Woo           1:38.43   4 
 26 McMahon, Heather          10 Richard Mont           1:40.60   5 
 27 Davenport, Caroline        9 Walt Whitman           1:40.89   2 
 28 Sarakhman, Alesya          9 Poolesville            1:41.74   3 
 29 Johnson, Erin             10 Rockville              1:44.47   3 
 30 Matthews, Aariel          10 Paint Branch           1:50.01   3 
 31 Atsu, Olivia               9 Col. Zadok M           1:57.83   2 
 32 Rennert, Elisabeth        10 Wheaton                1:58.45   3 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sung, Dana                11 Thomas S Woo           2:26.16  
  2 Beakes, Caroline          10 Bethesda-Che           2:26.90  
  3 Nakasaka, Laura           12 Bethesda-Che           2:29.57  
  4 Ismail, Laila             11 Bethesda-Che           2:30.66  
  5 Doon, Alexis               9 Northwood              2:32.43  
  6 Webster, Helen            11 Bethesda-Che           2:34.92  
  7 McDonald, Grace           11 Sherwood               2:37.11  
  8 Escobedo, Karen           11 Springbrook            2:37.80  
  9 Kim, Juhee                11 Winston Chur           2:38.21  
 10 O'Connor, Erin             9 Walt Whitman           2:39.19  
 11 Frayne-Reixa, Adriana     12 Walt Whitman           2:40.88  
 12 O'Dowd, Lily               9 Bethesda-Che           2:40.92  
 13 Yen, Ivy                  11 Winston Chur           2:41.90  
 14 Weinreich, Jessica        11 Winston Chur           2:43.04  
 15 Morrison, Kate             9 Walt Whitman           2:43.11  
 16 McCloskey, Shea            9 Clarksburg             2:45.14  
 17 Kirsch, Nathalie          10 Walter Johns           2:47.20  
 18 Leissa, Sophia            10 Sherwood               2:47.25  
 19 Landry, Carolyn           11 Rockville              2:48.38  
 20 Kidney, Katherine         10 Winston Chur           2:48.66  
 21 Dillon, Sophia            10 Rockville              2:50.94  
 22 Mittelstadt, Sophie       10 Bethesda-Che           2:51.74  
 23 Garrett, Jasmine           9 Walter Johns           2:52.12  
 24 Hardgrove, Emily          12 Bethesda-Che           2:53.21  
 25 Kronheim, Lauren           9 Bethesda-Che           2:53.24  
 26 Barney, Angela            10 Rockville              2:54.34  
 27 Smith, Stephanie          11 Thomas S Woo           2:55.19  
 28 Lopez, Karina              9 Col. Zadok M           2:55.70  
 29 Rishell, Alyssa            9 Watkins Mill           2:56.22  
 30 Hu, Yidong                 9 Winston Chur           2:56.45  
 31 Perry, Shadee             12 Watkins Mill           2:56.94  
 32 Smith, Lucy               10 Bethesda-Che           2:57.60  
 33 Perry, Kenya              12 Watkins Mill           2:59.41  
 34 Hirschfeld, Julie          9 Walt Whitman           3:02.78  
 35 Niedzielski, Alissa        9 Seneca Valle           3:09.93  
 36 Amaro, Maria              10 Col. Zadok M           3:14.00  
 37 Wesley, Emma               9 Walt Whitman           3:15.61  
 38 Dihn, Ngoc-Han (Nina)     11 Thomas S Woo           3:15.69  
 39 Rennert, Elisabeth        10 Wheaton                3:21.83  
 40 Seyed-Ali, Sarah          11 Col. Zadok M           3:23.91  
 41 Morgan, Nancy             10 Poolesville            3:30.38  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Beakes, Caroline          10 Bethesda-Che           5:19.32  
  2 Nakasaka, Laura           12 Bethesda-Che           5:27.18  
  3 Webster, Helen            11 Bethesda-Che           5:29.88  
  4 McDonald, Grace           11 Sherwood               5:33.97  
  5 Almeida, Sydney           12 Springbrook            5:35.14  
  6 Noall, Lucie              10 Clarksburg             5:39.10  
  7 Weinreich, Jessica        11 Winston Chur           5:52.32  
  8 Frayne-Reixa, Adriana     12 Walt Whitman           5:55.24  
  9 Dillon, Sophia            10 Rockville              5:56.28  
 10 Landry, Carolyn           11 Rockville              5:56.69  
 11 Kidney, Katherine         10 Winston Chur           5:58.49  
 12 O'Connor, Erin             9 Walt Whitman           6:00.60  
 13 Kronheim, Lauren           9 Bethesda-Che           6:08.79  
 14 Neher, Dorothy             9 Walt Whitman           6:09.06  
 15 Garrett, Jasmine           9 Walter Johns           6:10.73  
 16 Mittelstadt, Sophie       10 Bethesda-Che           6:12.17  
 17 Hardgrove, Emily          12 Bethesda-Che           6:13.34  
 18 Deprey, Jacqueline         9 Thomas S Woo           6:18.68  
 19 Barney, Angela            10 Rockville              6:21.00  
 20 Perry, Shadee             12 Watkins Mill           6:29.02  
 21 Lopez, Karina              9 Col. Zadok M           6:29.75  
 22 Greenstein, Leah          10 Walt Whitman           6:31.09  
 23 Hu, Yidong                 9 Winston Chur           6:37.24  
 24 Hirschfeld, Julie          9 Walt Whitman           6:38.78  
 25 Smith, Lucy               10 Bethesda-Che           6:51.43  
 26 Zwick, Emma                9 Walter Johns           7:03.61  
 27 Amaro, Maria              10 Col. Zadok M           7:06.78  
 28 Wesley, Emma               9 Walt Whitman           7:09.28  
 29 Delacour, Tasha            9 Walt Whitman           7:09.30  
 30 Morgan, Nancy             10 Poolesville            7:38.69  
 -- McMahon, Heather          10 Richard Mont               DNF  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Almeida, Sydney           12 Springbrook           12:14.34  
  2 Kirsch, Nathalie          10 Walter Johns          12:25.24  
  3 Noall, Lucie              10 Clarksburg            12:29.39  
  4 Dosik, Jaclyn             11 Winston Chur          12:30.69  
  5 Deprey, Jacqueline         9 Thomas S Woo          13:51.64  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Shaw, Gwen                12 Thomas S Woo              8.46   3 
  2 Deppen, Sylvia            12 Thomas S Woo              8.86   3 
  3 Thomas, Shaniel           11 Northwood                 9.36   1 
  4 Chen, Fanny               11 Winston Chur              9.86   3 
  5 Ismail, Laila             11 Bethesda-Che             10.16   3 
  6 Pyles, Alexus              9 Clarksburg               10.40   1 
  7 Dorsu, Sisan              10 Bethesda-Che             10.55   2 
  8 Daye, Asia                10 Clarksburg               10.77   3 
  9 Koytcheva, Maria          11 Winston Chur             10.88   3 
 10 Hendricks, Madeleine      10 Winston Chur             10.98   2 
 11 Adebayo, Yusrah           10 Paint Branch             11.35   2 
 12 Hughes, Sarah             10 Sherwood                 11.38   1 
 13 Williams, Zoe             10 Richard Mont             11.44   3 
 14 Kehnemouyi, Yasmine       10 Winston Chur             11.66   2 
 15 Cinada, Yamileh           10 Northwood                11.75   1 
 16 Johnson, Erin             10 Rockville                12.74   2 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Col. Zadok Magruder                                 1:47.52   2 
  2 Thomas S Wootton                                    1:48.30   2 
  3 Paint Branch                                        1:52.46   2 
  4 Sherwood                                            1:52.64   2 
  5 Watkins Mill  'B'                                  x1:53.15   2 
  6 Walt Whitman  'B'                                  x1:53.85   1 
  7 Clarksburg                                          1:55.67   1 
  8 Seneca Valley                                       1:58.68   1 
  9 Wheaton                                             2:12.34   1 
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Pyles, Alexus              9 Clarksburg             4-10.00  
  2 Williams, Zoe             10 Richard Mont           4-04.00  
  3 McLane, Mariah            10 Seneca Valle           4-02.00  
  3 Dowdy, Kei-lah             9 Clarksburg             4-02.00  
  5 Miller, Alexandra         10 Northwood              4-00.00  
 -- Turcios, Carolina R       10 Sherwood                    NH  
 -- Penda, HelnSarah           9 Seneca Valle                NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Chen, Fanny               11 Winston Chur          16-06.00  
  2 Christopher, Ashley       12 Richard Mont          16-05.00  
  3 Robertson, Keila           9 Col. Zadok M          16-01.00  
  4 McDermott, Julia          10 Winston Chur          15-10.00  
  4 Ismail, Laila             11 Bethesda-Che          15-10.00  
  6 Antwi, Celine             12 Col. Zadok M          14-10.00  
  7 Huie, Kara                11 Thomas S Woo          14-09.00  
  8 Miller, Alexandra         10 Northwood             13-06.00  
  9 Chen, Evangeline           9 Winston Chur          13-03.00  
 10 Oh, Rachel                11 Walt Whitman          12-11.00  
 11 Penda, HelnSarah           9 Seneca Valle          11-06.00  
 12 Kehnemouyi, Yasmine       10 Winston Chur          11-05.50  
 13 Seyed-Ali, Sarah          11 Col. Zadok M          10-03.00  
 -- Hendricks, Madeleine      10 Winston Chur                ND  
 -- Pyles, Alexus              9 Clarksburg                  ND  
 -- Hardie, Taliah             9 Clarksburg                  ND  
 -- Gomerez, Ana              12 Walter Johns                ND  
 -- Turcios, Carolina R       10 Sherwood                    ND  
 -- Vos, Jessica               9 Richard Mont                ND  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Robertson, Jeida          12 Col. Zadok M          33-00.50  
  2 Coleman, Breanna          11 Paint Branch          32-08.00  
  3 Gomerez, Ana              12 Walter Johns          32-07.00  
  4 McDermott, Julia          10 Winston Chur          32-03.50  
  5 Huie, Kara                11 Thomas S Woo          31-09.00  
  6 Chen, Fanny               11 Winston Chur          30-10.50  
  7 Oh, Rachel                11 Walt Whitman          27-04.00  
  8 Peterson, Angelina        11 Bethesda-Che          26-08.00  
  9 Koytcheva, Maria          11 Winston Chur          25-08.00  
 -- Dorsu, Sisan              10 Bethesda-Che                ND  
 -- Benjamin, Jasmine         12 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Kronheim, Lauren           9 Bethesda-Che                ND  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Ababio, Claudia           11 Clarksburg            39-11.50  
  2 Olatunde, Ameerat         11 Sherwood              30-00.50  
  3 Ababio, Justina            9 Clarksburg            29-05.50  
  4 Ansah, Doris               9 Clarksburg            25-09.00  
  5 Toure, Aissa               9 Clarksburg            25-00.00  
  6 Ramlal, Heather           10 Clarksburg            24-08.50  
  7 Baker, Suzanne            12 Richard Mont          23-01.50  
  8 Sirleaf, Amanda           11 Seneca Valle          21-09.00  
  9 Roberts, Erica            12 Winston Chur          20-10.00  
  9 Antwi, Celine             12 Col. Zadok M          20-10.00  
 11 Seyed-Ali, Mariam         12 Col. Zadok M          19-05.00  
 12 Fofanah, Fatima           10 Paint Branch          17-11.00  
 13 Hardgrove, Emily          12 Bethesda-Che          17-10.00  
 14 Teka, Betel               10 Northwood             14-05.00  
 15 Thiam, Asmaou              - Seneca Valle          14-02.00  
 -- Sandoval, Genesis         11 Springbrook                 ND  
 -- Edokobi, Ozioma           11 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Akibo-Betts, Danielle     12 Northwood                   ND  
 -- Robertson, Jeida          12 Col. Zadok M                ND  
 -- Afolabi-Brown, Tiffany    11 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Gnammakou, Stephanie      10 Walter Johns                ND  
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Joseph, Paul              12 Clarksburg                6.80  10 
  2 Bedell, Vicco             11 Col. Zadok M              6.88  10 
  3 Johnson, Zavae            11 Col. Zadok M              6.93  10 
  4 McCloskey, Jack           11 Clarksburg                6.99   9 
  5 Holland, Tavis            10 Clarksburg                7.00   9 
  6 Alexandris, Vangelis      11 Paint Branch              7.02   9 
  7 Banks, Alan               11 Thomas S Woo              7.04  10 
  8 Platt, Korey              11 Seneca Valle              7.09   9 
  8 Bowes, Gerard             12 Sherwood                  7.09  10 
  8 McUmber, Keenan           11 Bethesda-Che              7.09   9 
 11 Bynum, Kurtis             10 Clarksburg                7.11  10 
 12 Thompson, Jared           12 Clarksburg                7.14   8 
 13 Barry, Sytta              12 Paint Branch              7.15   1 
 13 Doris, Matt               12 Wheaton                   7.15   5 
 15 Rowe, Damion              10 Seneca Valle              7.16   9 
 16 Cook, Dominique           12 Paint Branch              7.18   7 
 17 Richardson-Jack, Zachery  11 Seneca Valle              7.24   9 
 18 Adedeji, Matthew          11 Clarksburg                7.25   7 
 19 Penda, Sone               10 Watkins Mill              7.26   8 
 20 Schloss, Benjamin         10 Walt Whitman              7.28   5 
 20 Roman, Sheldon            11 Paint Branch              7.28   4 
 22 Dean, Martias             12 Clarksburg                7.29   7 
 23 Tellez, James             12 Wheaton                   7.30   3 
 24 Anya, Chuk                10 Clarksburg                7.34   7 
 25 Maraviglia, Anders        12 Walt Whitman              7.35   8 
 26 Adegun, Hafis              9 Paint Branch              7.37   7 
 26 Stoll, Malachi            11 Walt Whitman              7.37   5 
 28 Emakoua, Randal           11 Northwood                 7.38   6 
 29 Russ, Eric                10 Winston Chur              7.42   6 
 30 Martinez, Alberto          9 Col. Zadok M              7.47   6 
 30 Emakoua, Cindel           12 Northwood                 7.47   8 
 32 Shaw, Redfield             9 Thomas S Woo              7.50   6 
 33 Taby, Michael             10 Col. Zadok M              7.53   8 
 34 Obajemu, Michael          10 Col. Zadok M              7.55   6 
 35 Addo, Emmanuel            12 Paint Branch              7.56   5 
 36 Colocho, Daniel           11 Col. Zadok M              7.60   6 
 37 Carroll, Brandon          10 Paint Branch              7.61   4 
 38 Leby, Chris                9 Clarksburg                7.62   6 
 39 Pelton, Jordan            12 Paint Branch              7.69   4 
 40 Williams, Marquese         - Watkins Mill              7.70   4 
 41 Gobern, Joshua            11 Bethesda-Che              7.71   5 
 42 White, Isaiah             10 Paint Branch              7.72   3 
 43 Odeh, Mustafa              9 Clarksburg                7.73   6 
 44 Ashby, Brenden            10 Seneca Valle              7.76   3 
 45 Rogers, Jason             12 Clarksburg                7.81   5 
 46 Miranda, Marcus            9 Northwood                 7.83   3 
 47 Gibbs, Andrew             11 Seneca Valle              7.97   3 
 48 Liu, Ethan                 9 Winston Chur              8.01   4 
 49 Alexander, Stephen        11 Richard Mont              8.07   2 
 50 Nida, Soulihe             11 Wheaton                   8.13   2 
 51 Shea, Aidan                9 Poolesville               8.16   3 
 52 Wu, Dawei                 12 Clarksburg                8.31   4 
 53 Kelly, Brendan            10 Walt Whitman              8.36   2 
 54 Zhang, Joshua             11 Richard Mont              8.44   2 
 55 Christy, Victor           12 Winston Chur              8.51   2 
 56 Cinada, Mardoche           9 Northwood                 8.70   3 
 -- Nickens, Oronde           11 Springbrook                 NT   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Joseph, Paul              12 Clarksburg               37.08  15 
  2 Holland, Tavis            10 Clarksburg               37.39  15 
  3 Bedell, Vicco             11 Col. Zadok M             37.45  14 
  4 Barry, Sytta              12 Paint Branch             38.26  14 
  5 Lloyd, Oliver             10 Paint Branch             39.27  14 
  6 Hammer, Mikael            12 Winston Chur             39.44  14 
  7 Yahaya, Mustapha          12 Paint Branch             39.55  12 
  8 Doris, Matt               12 Wheaton                  39.70  13 
  9 Johnson, DJ                - Clarksburg               39.74  11 
 10 Kim, Taewoo               10 Walter Johns             39.93  13 
 11 Banks, Alan               11 Thomas S Woo             39.96  14 
 12 Haamid, DeWayne           11 Paint Branch             39.99  15 
 13 Dominah, Daniel           12 Paint Branch             40.10  13 
 14 Cook, Dominique           12 Paint Branch             40.27  12 
 14 McCoy, Derek              11 Springbrook              40.27  13 
 16 Penda, Sone               10 Watkins Mill             40.30  12 
 17 McUmber, Keenan           11 Bethesda-Che             40.32  13 
 18 Shaw, Redfield             9 Thomas S Woo             40.38  10 
 19 Janssen, Elijah           12 Springbrook              40.52   2 
 20 Russ, Eric                10 Winston Chur             40.58   6 
 21 Guar, Gartee              12 Wheaton                  40.91  10 
 22 Tellez, James             12 Wheaton                  40.94  10 
 23 Roman, Sheldon            11 Paint Branch             41.00   9 
 24 Rowe, Damion              10 Seneca Valle             41.22  11 
 25 Young, Kemar               9 Paint Branch             41.34   5 
 26 Emakoua, Randal           11 Northwood                41.42   8 
 27 Melville, Damien          12 Springbrook              41.53   1 
 28 Satia, Malik              11 Paint Branch             41.64   1 
 29 Liegey, Gabe              12 Rockville                41.65   6 
 30 Decolin, Dimitry          11 Paint Branch             41.80  12 
 31 Emakoua, Cindel           12 Northwood                41.95   7 
 32 Adegun, Hafis              9 Paint Branch             42.65   7 
 32 Santosa, Tim              10 Clarksburg               42.65   8 
 34 Carroll, Brandon          10 Paint Branch             42.67   8 
 35 Martinez, Alberto          9 Col. Zadok M             42.69  10 
 36 Rogers, Jason             12 Clarksburg               42.84   5 
 37 Gobern, Joshua            11 Bethesda-Che             42.87   5 
 38 Lopez, Bryan              11 Wheaton                  42.93   7 
 39 Odeh, Mustafa              9 Clarksburg               42.97   7 
 40 Colocho, Daniel           11 Col. Zadok M             43.01   3 
 41 Alexandris, Vangelis      11 Paint Branch             43.05   1 
 42 Leby, Chris                9 Clarksburg               43.17   6 
 43 Masson, Philippe           9 Bethesda-Che             43.22   3 
 44 Obajemu, Michael          10 Col. Zadok M             43.28   3 
 45 Jankel, Noah              10 Winston Chur             43.32  10 
 46 Nuako, Magnus             10 Northwood                43.51   4 
 47 Leserve, Franklin         11 Northwood                43.63   5 
 48 Grows, Corey              11 Paint Branch             44.24   9 
 49 Zhang, Joshua             11 Richard Mont             44.29   6 
 50 Verduguez, Randy          11 Wheaton                  44.54   6 
 51 Miranda, Marcus            9 Northwood                44.67   4 
 52 Robinson, Onaje           10 Seneca Valle             44.88   2 
 53 Wilson, Vonte             12 Sherwood                 44.93   8 
 54 Addo, Emmanuel            12 Paint Branch             45.27  12 
 55 Gibbs, Andrew             11 Seneca Valle             45.96   4 
 56 Kyle, Victor              10 Wheaton                  46.58   8 
 57 Wu, Dawei                 12 Clarksburg               46.68   3 
 58 Christy, Victor           12 Winston Chur             47.98   2 
 59 Cinada, Mardoche           9 Northwood                50.94   2 
Boys 500 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Smith, Edward             11 Walt Whitman             70.49   8 
  2 Holland, Tavis            10 Clarksburg               71.18   9 
  3 Lloyd, Oliver             10 Paint Branch             71.83   9 
  4 Haamid, DeWayne           11 Paint Branch             71.90   7 
  5 Schloss, Benjamin         10 Walt Whitman             72.12   8 
  6 Johnson, DJ                - Clarksburg               72.84   9 
  7 Counsil, Shyheim          11 Seneca Valle             73.53   7 
  8 Boliek, West              12 Northwood                73.72   6 
  9 Yahaya, Mustapha          12 Paint Branch             74.05   8 
 10 Hammer, Mikael            12 Winston Chur             74.23   8 
 11 Kim, Taewoo               10 Walter Johns             74.31   8 
 12 Joseph, Paul              12 Clarksburg               74.65   9 
 13 Tian, Aaron               12 Thomas S Woo             74.98   8 
 14 Neil, Lorenzo             10 Paint Branch             75.28   7 
 15 Brewer, Mark              10 Watkins Mill             75.86   5 
 16 Flores, Erick             12 Wheaton                  76.69   6 
 17 Spielman, Benjamin        12 Winston Chur             76.75   5 
 18 Platt, Korey              11 Seneca Valle             77.11   7 
 19 Porquin, Emmanuel         10 Richard Mont             77.16   5 
 20 Young, Kemar               9 Paint Branch             77.17   6 
 21 McCoy, Derek              11 Springbrook              79.02   4 
 22 Satia, Malik              11 Paint Branch             79.12   6 
 23 Vargas, Jason             10 Wheaton                  79.39   4 
 24 Liegey, Gabe              12 Rockville              1:20.18   5 
 25 Richardson-Jack, Zachery  11 Seneca Valle           1:20.33   7 
 26 Nuako, Magnus             10 Northwood              1:21.29   2 
 27 Anderson, Will            11 Rockville              1:21.31   2 
 28 Hussein, Irre             11 Paint Branch           1:21.54   6 
 29 Harouna, Ismael           10 Richard Mont           1:21.69   4 
 30 Rogers, Jason             12 Clarksburg             1:21.92   2 
 31 Masson, Philippe           9 Bethesda-Che           1:22.59   2 
 32 Emakoua, Cindel           12 Northwood              1:23.17   5 
 33 Odeh, Mustafa              9 Clarksburg             1:24.18   3 
 34 Ashby, Brenden            10 Seneca Valle           1:24.48   1 
 35 Nakasaka, Kyle            10 Bethesda-Che           1:24.51   1 
 36 Miranda, Marcus            9 Northwood              1:25.07   3 
 37 Sempebwa, Calvin           9 Paint Branch           1:27.12   5 
 38 Grows, Corey              11 Paint Branch           1:28.77   3 
 39 King, Jason               10 Paint Branch           1:29.19   2 
 40 Cinada, Mardoche           9 Northwood              1:41.33   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Alexander, Stephen        11 Richard Mont           2:06.14  
  2 Lloyd, Oliver             10 Paint Branch           2:06.43  
  3 Neil, Lorenzo             10 Paint Branch           2:10.09  
  4 Boliek, West              12 Northwood              2:10.68  
  5 Liu, Chengyu              12 Thomas S Woo           2:10.98  
  6 Alli, Raquon               - Clarksburg             2:12.33  
  7 Koech, Victor             12 Paint Branch           2:12.85  
  8 Haamid, DeWayne           11 Paint Branch           2:12.93  
  9 Kamdoum, Teddy            12 Clarksburg             2:13.44  
 10 Nguyen, Alex              12 Springbrook            2:13.50  
 11 Alemu, Dereje- Wondima    12 Sherwood               2:15.30  
 12 Riishojgaard, Alex           Bethesda-Che           2:15.98  
 13 Suero, Miguel             10 Rockville              2:16.01  
 14 Clark, Mark                  Winston Chur           2:16.73  
 15 Guar, Gartee              12 Wheaton                2:17.39  
 16 Pai, Tai                  12 Richard Mont           2:18.02  
 17 Meneses, Geovanni         12 Rockville              2:18.27  
 18 Counsil, Shyheim          11 Seneca Valle           2:20.19  
 19 Walden, Nicholas          11 Thomas S Woo           2:20.57  
 20 Suero, Manuel             10 Rockville              2:20.59  
 21 Almeida, Lucas            11 Col. Zadok M           2:22.44  
 22 Kyle, Victor              10 Wheaton                2:22.91  
 23 Mercado-Ruiz, Jefferson   10 Sherwood               2:23.35  
 24 Nuako, Magnus             10 Northwood              2:23.92  
 25 Mitchell, Andrew          10 Richard Mont           2:24.99  
 26 Flores, Erick             12 Wheaton                2:25.16  
 27 Zavala, David             11 Sherwood               2:25.39  
 28 Satia, Malik              11 Paint Branch           2:25.45  
 29 Iqbal, Samad               9 Richard Mont           2:25.68  
 30 Vargas, Jason             10 Wheaton                2:25.74  
 31 Verduguez, Randy          11 Wheaton                2:26.03  
 32 Spielman, Benjamin        12 Winston Chur           2:26.29  
 32 Rennert, David            11 Wheaton                2:26.29  
 34 Jirata, JT                10 Clarksburg             2:26.69  
 35 Yahaya, Mustapha          12 Paint Branch           2:27.35  
 36 McUmber, Keenan           11 Bethesda-Che           2:27.69  
 37 Murray, Andrew             9 Walt Whitman           2:27.92  
 38 Ryba, William              9 Walt Whitman           2:28.49  
 39 Harouna, Ismael           10 Richard Mont           2:28.56  
 40 Bennet, Nathan            11 Walt Whitman           2:28.70  
 41 Nguyen, Michael           11 Col. Zadok M           2:29.37  
 42 Nakasaka, Kyle            10 Bethesda-Che           2:30.12  
 43 Assamenew, Leul           11 Bethesda-Che           2:31.03  
 44 Cherrie, Christopher      11 Wheaton                2:31.92  
 45 Brewer, Mark              10 Watkins Mill           2:32.21  
 46 Lee, Jason                12 Clarksburg             2:32.38  
 47 Adams, Spencer             9 Walt Whitman           2:32.85  
 48 McDermott, Robert         11 Winston Chur           2:32.88  
 49 Feleke, Yohannes          12 Springbrook            2:33.50  
 50 Zarynow, Alexander         9 Winston Chur           2:34.75  
 51 Martin, Brandon           12 Watkins Mill           2:36.82  
 52 Mapoku, Kevine            10 Watkins Mill           2:45.96  
 53 Sempebwa, Calvin           9 Paint Branch           2:55.20  
 54 Young, Tyler               9 Col. Zadok M           3:05.00  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Trzeciak, Josh            12 Thomas S Woo           4:29.75  
  2 Bertrand, William         12 Clarksburg             4:32.50  
  3 Alexander, Stephen        11 Richard Mont           4:34.44  
  4 Jung, Adam                11 Richard Mont           4:42.89  
  5 Bezherano, Itai           10 Walter Johns           4:44.68  
  6 Neil, Lorenzo             10 Paint Branch           4:45.22  
  7 Kebede, Robel             12 Sherwood               4:45.79  
  8 Liu, Chengyu              12 Thomas S Woo           4:46.01  
  9 Riishojgaard, Alex           Bethesda-Che           4:47.77  
 10 Koech, Victor             12 Paint Branch           4:49.53  
 11 Alli, Raquon               - Clarksburg             4:50.85  
 12 Suero, Miguel             10 Rockville              4:52.06  
 13 Porquin, Emmanuel         10 Richard Mont           4:52.10  
 14 Alemu, Dereje- Wondima    12 Sherwood               4:53.74  
 15 Washington, Ryan          11 Springbrook            4:54.09  
 16 Clink, Jeremy             10 Clarksburg             4:54.46  
 17 Almeida, Lucas            11 Col. Zadok M           4:56.05  
 18 Hussein, Irre             11 Paint Branch           5:08.00  
 19 Kamdoum, Teddy            12 Clarksburg             5:09.81  
 20 Suero, Manuel             10 Rockville              5:10.47  
 21 Meneses, Geovanni         12 Rockville              5:11.10  
 22 Herrera, Xavier           11 Seneca Valle           5:12.28  
 23 Ryba, William              9 Walt Whitman           5:14.80  
 24 Mercado-Ruiz, Jefferson   10 Sherwood               5:15.47  
 25 McGovern, Shane            9 Paint Branch           5:15.76  
 26 Di-Reumante, Andree'       9 Northwood              5:16.07  
 27 Mitchell, Andrew          10 Richard Mont           5:16.75  
 28 Rennert, David            11 Wheaton                5:17.53  
 29 Wurtzel, Scott             9 Clarksburg             5:18.36  
 30 Stolove, Jared             9 Richard Mont           5:19.92  
 31 Nguyen, Michael           11 Col. Zadok M           5:21.73  
 32 Murray, Andrew             9 Walt Whitman           5:22.52  
 33 Lee, Jason                12 Clarksburg             5:22.54  
 34 Walden, Nicholas          11 Thomas S Woo           5:29.83  
 35 Bennet, Nathan            11 Walt Whitman           5:33.07  
 36 Zarynow, Alexander         9 Winston Chur           5:33.69  
 37 Adams, Spencer             9 Walt Whitman           5:33.85  
 38 Nida, Soulihe             11 Wheaton                5:35.78  
 39 Quiroga, Richard          10 Wheaton                5:36.90  
 40 McDermott, Robert         11 Winston Chur           5:39.00  
 41 Tegegn, Dawit             10 Springbrook            5:45.93  
 42 Scherr, Preston            9 Walt Whitman           5:46.10  
 43 Reddy, Uttej               - Watkins Mill           6:10.89  
 44 Mizell, Sheldon           11 Northwood              6:12.48  
 45 Young, Tyler               9 Col. Zadok M           6:54.28  
 46 Boakye, David             10 Clarksburg             7:00.72  
 47 Hendricks, Samuel          9 Wheaton                7:30.24  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bertrand, William         12 Clarksburg             9:46.23  
  2 Dorsey, Harold            11 Paint Branch          10:27.33  
  3 Alemu, Dereje- Wondima    12 Sherwood              10:27.43  
  4 Bezherano, Itai           10 Walter Johns          10:37.56  
  5 Singh, Hartej             11 Paint Branch          10:44.08  
  6 Assamenew, Leul           11 Bethesda-Che          10:45.56  
  7 Piedramartel, Bryan       12 Col. Zadok M          10:46.41  
  8 Baginski, Jonaton         11 Rockville             10:46.84  
  9 Kirk, Billy               10 Rockville             10:51.81  
 10 Wurtzel, Scott             9 Clarksburg            10:52.56  
 11 Anderson, Ryun            10 Paint Branch          10:56.07  
 12 Devine, Declan            11 Thomas S Woo          10:57.29  
 13 Kebede, Robel             12 Sherwood              11:17.14  
 14 Ryba, William              9 Walt Whitman          11:34.86  
 15 McGovern, Shane            9 Paint Branch          11:35.63  
 16 Bowman, Christian         12 Col. Zadok M          11:37.62  
 17 Iqbal, Samad               9 Richard Mont          11:46.16  
 18 Herrera, Xavier           11 Seneca Valle          11:47.28  
 19 Khaghani, Amir            10 Walt Whitman          12:12.01  
 20 Lee, Jason                12 Clarksburg            12:26.76  
 -- Crites, Ben               12 Walter Johns                DQ  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Joseph, Paul              12 Clarksburg                8.03   3 
  2 Banks, Alan               11 Thomas S Woo              8.39   3 
  3 Tian, Aaron               12 Thomas S Woo              8.58   3 
  4 Teah, Chris               11 Wheaton                   8.73   3 
  5 Decolin, Dimitry          11 Paint Branch              8.85   3 
  6 Bynum, Kurtis             10 Clarksburg                8.96   3 
  7 Dean, Martias             12 Clarksburg                9.38   2 
  8 Aaron, Jaanai             11 Clarksburg                9.53   2 
  9 Wilson, Vonte             12 Sherwood                  9.62   1 
 10 Stoll, Malachi            11 Walt Whitman              9.74   2 
 11 Kelly, Brendan            10 Walt Whitman             10.54   1 
 12 Khaghani, Amir            10 Walt Whitman             10.69   1 
 12 Ahishakiye, Teddy         12 Col. Zadok M             10.69   2 
 14 Barrett, Matt             10 Walt Whitman             11.10   1 
 15 Meneses, Geovanni         12 Rockville                11.16   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Clarksburg                                          1:37.76   4 
  2 Paint Branch                                        1:38.61   5 
  3 Seneca Valley                                       1:38.65   5 
  4 Thomas S Wootton                                    1:40.22   4 
  5 Col. Zadok Magruder                                 1:40.78   5 
  6 Watkins Mill                                        1:41.65   5 
  7 Clarksburg  'B'                                    x1:42.32   3 
  8 Paint Branch  'B'                                  x1:43.39   4 
  9 Paint Branch  'D'                                  x1:45.95   3 
 10 Walt Whitman                                        1:46.77   2 
 11 Sherwood                                            1:47.54   5 
 12 Seneca Valley  'B'                                 x1:49.17   4 
 13 Wheaton                                             1:49.45   4 
 14 Paint Branch  'C'                                  x1:50.54   3 
 15 Wheaton  'B'                                       x1:50.99   2 
 16 Clarksburg  'C'                                    x1:53.86   4 
 17 Col. Zadok Magruder  'B'                           x1:54.73   2 
 18 Wheaton  'C'                                       x1:59.86   2 
 -- Springbrook                                              NT   1 
 -- Walt Whitman  'B'                                        NT   1 
 -- Bethesda-Chevy Chase                                     NT   1 
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Adedeji, Matthew          11 Clarksburg             5-08.00  
  1 McUmber, Keenan           11 Bethesda-Che           5-08.00  
  1 Kirksey, Sonny            12 Richard Mont           5-08.00  
  4 McCloskey, Jack           11 Clarksburg             5-06.00  
  4 Awojoodu, Richie          11 Paint Branch           5-06.00  
  6 Bacchus, Sean             11 Seneca Valle           5-02.00  
  6 Anya, Chuk                10 Clarksburg             5-02.00  
 -- Masson, Philippe           9 Bethesda-Che                NH  
 -- Dominah, Daniel           12 Paint Branch                NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Barry, Sytta              12 Paint Branch          20-06.00  
  2 McCloskey, Jack           11 Clarksburg            18-07.00  
  3 Thompson, Jared           12 Clarksburg            18-02.50  
  4 Bowes, Gerard             12 Sherwood              17-04.00  
  5 Adedeji, Matthew          11 Clarksburg            17-03.00  
  6 Dominah, Daniel           12 Paint Branch          17-02.50  
  7 Gobern, Joshua            11 Bethesda-Che          16-08.25  
  8 Ahishakiye, Teddy         12 Col. Zadok M          15-08.00  
  9 Anya, Chuk                10 Clarksburg            15-06.00  
 10 Bowman, Christian         12 Col. Zadok M          15-04.25  
 11 Maraviglia, Anders        12 Walt Whitman          15-03.50  
 12 Santosa, Tim              10 Clarksburg            14-11.00  
 13 Barrett, Matt             10 Walt Whitman          14-03.50  
 14 Nguyen, Michael           11 Col. Zadok M          14-03.00  
 15 Jirata, JT                10 Clarksburg            13-10.00  
 -- Carroll, Brandon          10 Paint Branch                ND  
 -- Szwerc, Peter             10 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Norris, Yapheth           10 Walter Johns                ND  
 -- Toombs, Eric              11 Seneca Valle                ND  
 -- Rowe, Nathanial           10 Walter Johns                ND  
 -- Asamoah, Kwabena          10 Watkins Mill                ND  
 -- Williams, Marquese         - Watkins Mill                ND  
 -- Moore, Trenton            10 Walter Johns                ND  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Thompson, Jared           12 Clarksburg            41-09.50  
  2 Adedeji, Matthew          11 Clarksburg            39-09.25  
  3 Bowes, Gerard             12 Sherwood              38-08.00  
  4 Bacchus, Sean             11 Seneca Valle          36-02.25  
  5 Teah, Chris               11 Wheaton               35-06.25  
  6 Gobern, Joshua            11 Bethesda-Che          33-11.00  
  7 Awojoodu, Richie          11 Paint Branch          33-06.00  
  8 Ahishakiye, Teddy         12 Col. Zadok M          32-02.00  
  9 Nguyen, Michael           11 Col. Zadok M          31-11.50  
 10 Nakasaka, Kyle            10 Bethesda-Che          30-11.00  
 11 Colocho, Daniel           11 Col. Zadok M          29-04.50  
 -- Szwerc, Peter             10 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Johnson, Zavae            11 Col. Zadok M                ND  
 -- McCloskey, Jack           11 Clarksburg                  ND  
 -- Alexandris, Vangelis      11 Paint Branch                ND  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Johnson, Devonte          11 Paint Branch          39-04.50  
  2 Kinguela, Abraham         10 Clarksburg            39-02.50  
  3 Broussoul, Patrick        12 Clarksburg            39-02.00  
  4 Zavala, David             11 Sherwood              33-04.00  
  5 Shaer, Griffin            12 Col. Zadok M          32-10.00  
  6 Ryczek, Daniel            11 Sherwood              32-02.00  
  7 Ahishakiye, Teddy         12 Col. Zadok M          30-10.50  
  8 Robinson, Onaje           10 Seneca Valle          30-06.00  
  9 Opiekun, Joe              10 Clarksburg            27-03.50  
 10 James, Morgan              9 Clarksburg            22-00.00  
 11 Martin, Brett             10 Clarksburg            21-06.00  
 -- Kyselyon, Bogdan          11 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Hogan, Trevon             11 Springbrook                 ND  
 -- Costello, Nick            11 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- Soto-Hernandez, Franklin  11 Springbrook                 ND  
 -- Song, David               11 Richard Mont                ND  
 -- White, Isaiah             10 Paint Branch                ND  

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