Interhigh Track

Friday Night Spikes
Friday Night Spikes History
Hosted By: Churchill
Potomac, Maryland
Friday, April 17, 2015

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/18/2015
                      Friday Night Spikes IV - 4/17/2015                
                        Wilson and Wootton at Churchill                 
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)           
                      Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 36               

             Winston Churchill  105.00     32.00 Thomas S Wootton       
         Woodrow Wilson Senior   94.00     43.00 Thomas S Wootton       
         Woodrow Wilson Senior   70.00     67.00 Winston Churchill      

             Winston Churchill   69.00     68.00 Thomas S Wootton       
         Woodrow Wilson Senior   85.00     52.00 Thomas S Wootton       
         Woodrow Wilson Senior   73.00     64.00 Winston Churchill      

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/18/2015 02:12 AM
                      Friday Night Spikes IV - 4/17/2015                
                        Wilson and Wootton at Churchill                 
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)           

Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                         10:15.90
     1) Cunningham, Lindsay             2) Kellogg, Lucy                
     3) Lehrich, Mayim                  4) Rakas, Julie                 
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                             10:28.60
     1) Clem, Rebecca                   2) Thomasian, Julie             
     3) Horn, Tess                      4) Kleyman, Paula               
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                              10:31.40
     1) Boyd, Hannah                    2) Hafeez, Maria                
     3) Pugh, Teagan                    4) Maizel, Rachel               

Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          8:24.70
     1) Askew, Chris                    2) Glick, Drew                  
     3) Grannis, Queston                4) Robinson, Sean               
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              8:28.30
     1) Fagan, Brendan                  2) Grant, Jacob                 
     3) Hughes, Michael                 4) Hyman, Jacob                 
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               8:42.00
     1) Folk, Trent                     2) Wakabayashi, Hiroyuki        
     3) Raphael, Johan                  4) Sybing, Colin                

Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Veator, Sydney               Churchill                16.1h   2
  2 Lee, Lucy                    Churchill                16.6h   2
  3 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             18.4h   2
  4 Teramoto, Elaina             Churchill                18.4h   2
  5 Zonghetti, Ashley            Churchill                19.4h   1
  6 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo             20.5h   2
  7 Jackson, Rebecca             Churchill                20.7h   1
  8 Woodward-Montes, Isabell     Churchill                20.8h   1
  8 Tanner, Alexandra            Churchill                20.8h   1
 10 Ogbemudia, Britney           Churchill                21.1h   1
 10 Fagan, McKenzie              Churchill                21.1h   1
 10 Schlesinger-Guevara, Sop     Churchill                21.1h   2
 13 Bergman, Reyna               Thomas S Woo             21.7h   2
 -- Pourahmad, Lily              Churchill                   NT   1
 -- Freeman, Kerryn              Woodrow Wils                NT   2

Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Cole, Justin                 Woodrow Wils             15.7h   2
  2 Jankel, Noah                 Churchill                16.0h   2
  3 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill                16.9h   2
  4 Sneed, Steven                Woodrow Wils             17.2h   2
  5 Su, Kyle                     Thomas S Woo             18.8h   1
  6 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo             20.4h   2
  7 Ko, Joshua                   Thomas S Woo             20.5h   2
  8 Plastrik, Alex               Churchill                20.7h   1
  9 Iglesias, Augusto            Churchill                20.8h   1

Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Collins, Druex               Woodrow Wils             12.4h   8
  2 Ballard, Marisa              Thomas S Woo             12.6h   8
  3 Ngwu, Mmasinachi             Churchill                13.0h   8
  4 Robinson, Alana              Woodrow Wils             13.1h   8
  5 Johnston, Sydney             Woodrow Wils             13.1h   8
  6 Prokos, Maria                Churchill                13.1h   8
  7 Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           Churchill                13.3h   6
  8 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             13.4h   7
  9 Nzang, Ana-Maria             Thomas S Woo             13.5h   7
 10 Matharu, Anisha              Churchill                13.6h   5
 10 Hahn, Victoria               Churchill                13.6h   8
 10 Chavoshi, Shireen            Thomas S Woo             13.6h   1
 13 Shosanya, Stephanie          Churchill                13.8h   6
 13 Kulkarni, Rhea               Thomas S Woo             13.8h   8
 15 Okudo, Nabila                Thomas S Woo             14.0h   7
 15 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill                14.0h   7
 17 Szamosszegi, Margot          Churchill                14.1h   7
 18 She, Luna                    Thomas S Woo             14.2h   5
 18 Joshi, Nisha                 Thomas S Woo             14.2h   7
 18 Foreman, Timmya              Woodrow Wils             14.2h   6
 21 Peng, Rachel                 Thomas S Woo             14.4h   7
 22 Armstrong, Megan             Churchill                14.5h   5
 23 Kom Liapoe, Liz-Maelle       Churchill                14.6h   5
 23 Martinez, Ashley             Thomas S Woo             14.6h   1
 25 Sissoko, Fama                Woodrow Wils             14.8h   6
 25 Bergman, Reyna               Thomas S Woo             14.8h   6
 25 Brown, Nina-Simone           Woodrow Wils             14.8h   3
 28 Zheng, Bliss                 Churchill                14.9h   3
 28 Zhu, Alice                   Churchill                14.9h   6
 28 Chase, Tirza                 Woodrow Wils             14.9h   5
 31 Manzoor, Sabrina             Churchill                15.0h   4
 31 Alexis, Madison              Churchill                15.0h   4
 31 Charles, Gracie              Churchill                15.0h   4
 34 Kong, Kristin                Thomas S Woo             15.1h   6
 34 Pyo, Rosa                    Thomas S Woo             15.1h   5
 34 Charles, Olivia              Churchill                15.1h   3
 37 Greenberg, Maddie            Thomas S Woo             15.2h   5
 38 Rustum, Tara                 Thomas S Woo             15.5h   3
 39 Menconi, Gabriella           Thomas S Woo             15.8h   4
 39 Yin, Jenny                   Thomas S Woo             15.8h   2
 41 Millet, Antonia              Churchill                15.9h   3
 42 Ahmed, Amani                 Thomas S Woo             16.0h   3
 42 Johnson, Caylin              Thomas S Woo             16.0h   4
 44 Geringer, Allison            Thomas S Woo             16.1h   3
 44 Rodriguez, Gabriela          Thomas S Woo             16.1h   4
 46 McLaughlin, Paige            Thomas S Woo             16.2h   3
 47 Barnes, Isabella             Woodrow Wils             16.7h   4
 48 Podrabinnik, Michelle        Thomas S Woo             17.3h   2
 49 Devarsu, Bavya               Thomas S Woo             20.3h   2
 -- Gross, Rachel                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Smith, Midori                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Rathburn, Meredith           Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Taylor, Barbara              Woodrow Wils                NT   4
 -- Hassan, Esraa                Churchill                   NT   7
 -- Griffin, Brittany            Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Peters, Kaila                Thomas S Woo                NT   6
 -- Zhang, Rongjia               Woodrow Wils                NT   5
 -- Frost, Stacie                Thomas S Woo                NT   2

Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Savoy, Sean                  Woodrow Wils             11.2h   5
  2 Jackson, Paul                Woodrow Wils             11.2h   5
  3 Kamara, Calvin               Churchill                11.2h   5
  4 Amobi, Michael               Thomas S Woo             11.3h   5
  5 Soumah, Oumar                Churchill                11.4h   5
  6 Zou, Steven                  Thomas S Woo             11.6h   5
  7 Silber, Matthew              Churchill                11.7h   4
  8 Lui, Michael                 Thomas S Woo             11.8h   4
  8 Sunda, Arshaan               Thomas S Woo             11.8h   4
  8 Ofori, Kingsley              Thomas S Woo             11.8h   5
  8 Golden, Christopher          Thomas S Woo             11.8h   3
  8 Morton, Matthew              Churchill                11.8h   4
 13 McCrae, Jonathan             Woodrow Wils             12.0h   4
 13 Sanu, Mikhail                Thomas S Woo             12.0h   3
 15 Jackson, KaVonte             Thomas S Woo             12.1h   1
 16 Penzes, Andre                Churchill                12.2h   4
 16 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo             12.2h   4
 16 Chui, Nicholas               Thomas S Woo             12.2h   2
 19 Welsh, Jared                 Thomas S Woo             12.3h   2
 19 Jung, Lawrence               Thomas S Woo             12.3h   3
 21 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             12.4h   4
 21 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo             12.4h   1
 23 Lee, Christopher             Churchill                12.5h   2
 24 Yang, David                  Churchill                12.6h   3
 25 Cheng, Li-Hsin               Churchill                12.7h   3
 25 Mbeng, Caleb                 Churchill                12.7h   3
 27 Thomasian, Robert            Churchill                12.8h   3
 27 Greenspun, Jordan            Thomas S Woo             12.8h   1
 29 Hung, Benjamin               Churchill                13.2h   2
 29 Tu, Patrick                  Churchill                13.2h   1
 -- Chen, Patrick                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Douglas, Franklin            Churchill                   NT   3
 -- Chang, Michael               Churchill                   NT   1
 -- Razavi, Syrus                Churchill                   NT   2
 -- Ibrahim, Ishaaq              Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Butler, Jabari               Churchill                   DQ   5

Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Srour, Lucy                  Churchill              5:21.80
  2 Peterson, Arrington          Woodrow Wils           5:28.30
  3 Reicin, Julia                Churchill              5:29.10
  4 Dellapa, Grace               Thomas S Woo           5:29.40
  5 Hannah, Alexandra            Woodrow Wils           5:49.90
  6 Rakas, Julie                 Woodrow Wils           5:52.10
  7 Brietzke, Theresa            Thomas S Woo           5:57.70
  8 Adkins, Caroline             Churchill              6:02.80
  9 Haass, Victoria              Churchill              6:05.60
 10 Silverman, Rachel            Churchill              6:06.30
 11 Raab, Emily                  Churchill              6:07.80
 12 Ding, Jessica                Churchill              6:11.70
 13 Hubert, Valerie              Thomas S Woo           6:16.30
 14 Doherty, Erin                Woodrow Wils           6:17.40
 15 Srour, Isabel                Churchill              6:18.60
 16 Deprey, Jacqueline           Thomas S Woo           6:21.70
 17 Stamer, Mira                 Woodrow Wils           6:27.70
 18 Su, Michelle                 Churchill              6:28.10
 19 Luu, Kiera                   Churchill              6:29.60
 20 Krotman, Emily               Thomas S Woo           6:30.20
 21 Wang, Cathelyn               Churchill              6:39.50
 22 Tse, Madison                 Thomas S Woo           6:43.50
 23 Ashe, Hannah                 Churchill              6:45.20
 24 Lawrence, Libba              Churchill              6:48.00
 25 Smith, Bailey                Churchill              6:48.30
 26 Wu, Sulan                    Thomas S Woo           6:50.80
 27 Gelfond, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           6:52.10
 28 Weaver, Talia                Churchill              6:56.70
 29 Shapiro, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           7:01.50
 30 Wittick, Natalie             Thomas S Woo           7:29.30
 -- Touhey, December             Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Kellogg, Lucy                Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Dellapa, Sarah               Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Wu, Yalan                    Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Ellison, Meredith            Woodrow Wils                NT

Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Nadal, Nathan                Thomas S Woo           4:31.10
  2 Munro, Patrick               Thomas S Woo           4:31.90
  3 Welter, Mitchell             Churchill              4:41.30
  4 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo           4:47.00
  5 Goldsmith, Matthew           Churchill              4:50.00
  6 Winkert, Thomas              Churchill              4:53.80
  7 Blackman, Sam                Thomas S Woo           4:56.00
  8 Dong, Grant                  Churchill              4:56.50
  9 Trotter, Leander             Woodrow Wils           4:57.10
 10 Zarynow, Alexander           Churchill              4:57.60
 11 Recht, Jason                 Thomas S Woo           4:58.90
 12 Smith, Max                   Churchill              5:01.40
 13 Swaminathan, Arjun           Churchill              5:04.10
 14 Halverson, Matthew           Churchill              5:04.90
 15 Haskins, Grant               Churchill              5:05.20
 16 Mulderig, Patrick            Woodrow Wils           5:06.20
 17 Foster, Ryan                 Thomas S Woo           5:06.90
 18 Nguyen, Steve                Woodrow Wils           5:07.10
 19 Huang Ventura, Francisco     Thomas S Woo           5:08.60
 20 Penry, Alex                  Thomas S Woo           5:08.90
 21 Van Gieson, Amir             Thomas S Woo           5:09.60
 22 Donohue, Mark                Churchill              5:13.10
 23 Rudolph, Vicente             Churchill              5:13.60
 24 Ali, Ahmed                   Woodrow Wils           5:13.70
 25 Lawrence, Connor             Thomas S Woo           5:16.60
 26 Mishra, Varun                Churchill              5:18.30
 27 Davis, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           5:20.40
 28 Murren, Ian                  Churchill              5:21.00
 29 Mirzaie, Amin                Churchill              5:23.10
 30 Virachittevin, Marcel        Woodrow Wils           5:27.40
 31 Kuo, Alexander               Churchill              5:28.60
 32 Klein, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           5:29.30
 33 Tong, George                 Churchill              5:35.80
 34 Balangero, Lucas             Thomas S Woo           5:37.20
 35 Lind, Matthew                Thomas S Woo           5:41.10
 36 Gross, Bryce                 Thomas S Woo           5:44.20
 37 Kidney, John                 Churchill              5:45.60
 38 Kaplan, Nathan               Thomas S Woo           5:52.20
 -- Lamas, Rodrigo               Churchill                   NT
 -- Peng, Jason                  Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Hunde, Nahil                 Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Li, Tim                      Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Coates, Aaron                Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Greenfeld, Bennet            Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Wallach, Ben                 Woodrow Wils                NT

Event 9  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          1:50.60
     1) Wheeler, Jordan                 2) Robinson, Alana              
     3) Jones-Morris, Soljala           4) Johnston, Sydney             
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:54.30
     1) Ngwu, Mmasinachi                2) Szamosszegi, Margot          
     3) Teramoto, Elaina                4) Lee, Lucy                    
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               1:55.50
     1) Kulkarni, Rhea                  2) Ballard, Marisa              
     3) Nzang, Ana-Maria                4) Peng, Rachel                 
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                              1:56.00
     1) Hassan, Esraa                   2) Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           
     3) Hahn, Victoria                  4) Shosanya, Stephanie          

Event 10  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:30.80
     1) Jankel, Noah                    2) Butler, Jabari               
     3) Assimaidou, Oda                 4) Lewis, Marquette             
  2 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          1:33.30
     1) Savoy, Sean                     2) Jackson, Paul                
     3) Sharp, Brandon                  4) Sneed, Steven                
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               1:40.90
     1) Amobi, Michael                  2) Zou, Steven                  
     3) Thomas, Langston                4) Golden, Christopher          
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                              1:46.00
     1) Chan, William                   2) Lee, Christopher             
     3) Douglas, Franklin               4) Penzes, Andre                

Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Collins, Druex               Woodrow Wils           1:00.1h   6
  2 Cunningham, Lindsay          Woodrow Wils           1:03.1h   6
  3 Talley, Iyana                Woodrow Wils           1:04.4h   5
  4 Rhodes, Tara                 Churchill              1:04.7h   6
  5 Poltorak, Alexandra          Thomas S Woo           1:07.0h   5
  6 Zonghetti, Ashley            Churchill              1:07.2h   5
  7 Wang, Caroline               Thomas S Woo           1:07.8h   6
  8 Baldwin, Emma                Thomas S Woo           1:08.8h   5
  9 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo           1:09.2h   4
 10 Darby, Laura                 Thomas S Woo           1:10.1h   5
 11 Urbina, Dariana              Churchill              1:10.6h   5
 12 Weinstein, Sydney            Churchill              1:11.0h   6
 13 Zachariah, Sara              Churchill              1:11.1h   5
 14 Su, Michelle                 Thomas S Woo           1:11.2h   6
 15 Johnston, Judy               Churchill              1:11.8h   4
 16 Srour, Meredith              Churchill              1:12.6h   6
 17 Christovich, Elizabeth       Thomas S Woo           1:13.2h   4
 18 Brietzke, Christina          Thomas S Woo           1:14.3h   4
 19 Song, Sharon                 Thomas S Woo           1:14.7h   4
 20 Pugh, Teagan                 Thomas S Woo           1:15.0h   1
 21 Kramer, Joanna               Churchill              1:15.9h   4
 22 Henderson, Emma              Thomas S Woo           1:17.0h   4
 23 Gunaratnam, Mythili          Thomas S Woo           1:17.4h   3
 24 She, Luna                    Thomas S Woo           1:18.3h   3
 25 Messing, Jenna               Thomas S Woo           1:18.9h   3
 26 Gupta, Smriti                Thomas S Woo           1:20.4h   3
 27 Ahmed, Amani                 Thomas S Woo           1:20.5h   3
 28 Greenberg, Maddie            Thomas S Woo           1:21.1h   3
 29 Rustum, Tara                 Thomas S Woo           1:22.3h   3
 30 McGrath, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           1:23.6h   2
 31 Llewelyn, Grace              Thomas S Woo           1:25.7h   1
 32 Klein, Samantha              Thomas S Woo           1:25.8h   2
 33 Bhanot, Shelly               Thomas S Woo           1:27.9h   2
 34 Samya, Neda                  Thomas S Woo           1:33.8h   2
 35 Hernandez-Delgado, Nicol     Thomas S Woo           1:36.1h   1
 36 Harjivan, Kinnari            Thomas S Woo           1:38.0h   2
 37 Chibber, Maia                Thomas S Woo           1:45.2h   2
 -- Pyo, Rosa                    Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Kong, Kristin                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Gonzalez, Laura              Woodrow Wils                NT   5
 -- White, Olivia                Churchill                   NT   4
 -- Maizel, Rachel               Thomas S Woo                NT   6
 -- Podrabinnik, Michelle        Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Rathburn, Meredith           Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Saha, Jaity                  Thomas S Woo                NT   3

Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Robinson, Sean               Woodrow Wils             51.9h   6
  2 Yazdani, David               Thomas S Woo             52.7h   6
  3 Zuckerman, Andrew            Churchill                54.0h   6
  4 Babers, Cameron              Churchill                54.7h   6
  5 Eticha, Samuel               Churchill                56.8h   6
  6 Chan, William                Churchill                57.0h   3
  6 Boss, Jacob                  Woodrow Wils             57.0h   6
  8 Salcidio, Sergio             Thomas S Woo             57.2h   1
  8 Folk, Trent                  Thomas S Woo             57.2h   6
 10 Kim, Jiyoon                  Churchill                57.5h   4
 11 Branche, Michael             Woodrow Wils             57.6h   5
 12 Roden-Burns, Antoni          Thomas S Woo             58.0h   1
 13 Copenheaver, Jacob           Churchill                58.1h   5
 14 Ma, Hollis                   Churchill                58.2h   4
 15 Okudo, Kemal                 Thomas S Woo             58.3h   6
 16 McCrae, Jonathan             Woodrow Wils             58.4h   5
 17 Falconer, Alec               Thomas S Woo             58.5h   5
 18 Dellafiora, Jack             Churchill                59.0h   5
 19 Bryant III, Lacy             Thomas S Woo             59.2h   5
 20 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             59.3h   3
 20 Hughes, Ryan                 Churchill                59.3h   3
 22 Borris, Frank                Woodrow Wils             59.8h   4
 22 Krieger, Jerry               Thomas S Woo             59.8h   3
 24 Wong, Ronald                 Thomas S Woo           1:00.4h   4
 25 Li, Enoch                    Churchill              1:00.6h   4
 26 Stern, Noah                  Thomas S Woo           1:00.8h   3
 26 Penry, Alex                  Thomas S Woo           1:00.8h   4
 26 Jung, Lawrence               Thomas S Woo           1:00.8h   5
 26 Jordan, Ashton               Churchill              1:00.8h   3
 30 Williams, Allee              Woodrow Wils           1:00.9h   4
 31 Arnold, Ry                   Churchill              1:01.2h   5
 31 Murphy, Ryan                 Thomas S Woo           1:01.2h   3
 33 Davis, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           1:01.4h   4
 34 Bock, Benji                  Thomas S Woo           1:03.6h   2
 34 Garrison, Diego              Thomas S Woo           1:03.6h   1
 36 Donohue, Matthew             Churchill              1:04.2h   2
 37 Yi, Ben                      Thomas S Woo           1:05.5h   1
 38 Balangero, Lucas             Thomas S Woo           1:05.7h   2
 39 Markenson, Joshua            Thomas S Woo           1:13.8h   2
 -- Garcia, Andonny              Woodrow Wils                NT   2
 -- Gross, Jake                  Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Sibert, Bakari               Woodrow Wils                NT   3
 -- Pavlak, Michael              Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Johns, Dennis                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Shin, Jin                    Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Peng, Jason                  Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Sunda, Arshaan               Thomas S Woo                NT   1

Event 13  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Dellapa, Grace               Thomas S Woo          11:46.30
  2 Lehrich, Mayim               Woodrow Wils          12:10.50
  3 Kleyman, Paula               Churchill             12:22.60
  4 Myers, Griffin               Churchill             12:57.20
  5 Hafeez, Maria                Thomas S Woo          13:04.80
  6 Boyd, Hannah                 Thomas S Woo          13:27.20
  7 Snyder, Katie                Thomas S Woo          14:08.90
  8 Fagan, Allison               Churchill             14:18.10
 -- Hannah, Alexandra            Woodrow Wils                NT

Event 14  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Sybing, Colin                Thomas S Woo           9:57.80
  2 Woodward-Montes, Arturo      Churchill             10:06.00
  3 Rushkoff, Jacob              Thomas S Woo          10:16.50
  4 Fagan, Brendan               Churchill             10:19.00
  5 Wakabayashi, Hiroyuki        Thomas S Woo          10:34.90
  6 Hyman, Jacob                 Churchill             10:37.10
  7 Glick, Drew                  Woodrow Wils          10:58.20
  8 Shapiro, Ben                 Thomas S Woo          11:02.20
  9 Trotter, Leander             Woodrow Wils          11:14.50
 10 Wadler, Matthew              Thomas S Woo          11:43.00
 11 Tarwater, Avery              Thomas S Woo          12:00.30
 12 Stanish, Benjamin            Churchill             12:11.10
 -- Mulderig, Patrick            Woodrow Wils                NT

Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Prokos, Maria                Churchill                50.1h   3
  2 Lee, Lucy                    Churchill                50.6h   3
  3 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             52.0h   3
  4 Teramoto, Elaina             Churchill                53.8h   3
  5 Morris, Ellen                Thomas S Woo             57.8h   3
  6 Tanner, Alexandra            Churchill                58.8h   1
  6 Woodward-Montes, Isabell     Churchill                58.8h   2
  8 Ogbemudia, Britney           Churchill                58.9h   2
  9 Tse, Madison                 Thomas S Woo             59.3h   1
 10 Fagan, McKenzie              Churchill                59.8h   2
 11 Schlesinger-Guevara, Sop     Churchill              1:00.3h   1
 12 Brietzke, Christina          Thomas S Woo           1:00.5h   2
 13 Jackson, Rebecca             Churchill              1:01.2h   1
 14 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo           1:01.3h   2
 15 Wittick, Natalie             Thomas S Woo           1:05.6h   1
 -- Pourahmad, Lily              Churchill                   NT   2
 -- Song, Sharon                 Thomas S Woo                NT   3
 -- Freeman, Kerryn              Woodrow Wils                NT   3

Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Cole, Justin                 Woodrow Wils             44.2h   2
  2 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo             48.0h   2
  3 Plastrik, Alex               Churchill                49.6h   1
  4 Su, Kyle                     Thomas S Woo             50.3h   2
  5 Foster, Ryan                 Thomas S Woo             50.9h   2
  6 Iglesias, Augusto            Churchill                51.6h   2
  7 Blackman, Sam                Thomas S Woo             51.9h   1
  8 Ko, Joshua                   Thomas S Woo             53.7h   1
  9 Deychman, Nathan             Churchill                59.5h   1
 -- Dellafiora, Jack             Churchill                   NT   2
 -- Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo                NT   1

Event 17  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Collins, Druex               Woodrow Wils             26.0h   8
  2 Ballard, Marisa              Thomas S Woo             27.0h   8
  3 Robinson, Alana              Woodrow Wils             27.2h   8
  4 Veator, Sydney               Churchill                27.2h   8
  5 Ngwu, Mmasinachi             Churchill                28.0h   8
  6 Talley, Iyana                Woodrow Wils             28.5h   7
  7 Chavoshi, Shireen            Thomas S Woo             28.6h   1
  7 Nzang, Ana-Maria             Thomas S Woo             28.6h   8
  9 Shosanya, Stephanie          Churchill                28.7h   5
 10 Primus, Amber                Woodrow Wils             28.8h   7
 10 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill                28.8h   8
 12 Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           Churchill                29.0h   6
 13 Hassan, Esraa                Churchill                29.1h   7
 14 Kulkarni, Rhea               Thomas S Woo             29.4h   8
 15 Hahn, Victoria               Churchill                29.5h   7
 16 Joshi, Nisha                 Thomas S Woo             29.7h   6
 16 Zonghetti, Ashley            Churchill                29.7h   5
 18 Darby, Laura                 Thomas S Woo             29.8h   5
 19 Foreman, Timmya              Woodrow Wils             29.9h   6
 19 Urbina, Dariana              Churchill                29.9h   7
 21 Armstrong, Megan             Churchill                30.0h   6
 22 Sissoko, Fama                Woodrow Wils             30.5h   6
 23 Zachariah, Sara              Churchill                30.6h   4
 24 Srour, Meredith              Churchill                30.8h   6
 25 Christovich, Elizabeth       Thomas S Woo             31.2h   7
 26 Peng, Rachel                 Thomas S Woo             31.3h   7
 27 Okudo, Nabila                Thomas S Woo             31.4h   7
 27 Johnston, Judy               Churchill                31.4h   5
 29 Fagan, McKenzie              Churchill                31.5h   4
 29 Tanner, Alexandra            Churchill                31.5h   2
 31 Charles, Gracie              Churchill                31.6h   4
 32 Charles, Olivia              Churchill                31.7h   3
 33 Bergman, Reyna               Thomas S Woo             31.8h   6
 33 Zheng, Bliss                 Churchill                31.8h   3
 35 Kom Liapoe, Liz-Maelle       Churchill                32.2h   4
 36 Martinez, Ashley             Thomas S Woo             32.3h   1
 36 Manzoor, Sabrina             Churchill                32.3h   3
 38 Brown, Nina-Simone           Woodrow Wils             32.4h   4
 39 Alexis, Madison              Churchill                32.5h   3
 40 Millet, Antonia              Churchill                33.2h   3
 41 Menconi, Gabriella           Thomas S Woo             33.4h   2
 42 Taylor, Barbara              Woodrow Wils             34.0h   5
 42 Yin, Jenny                   Thomas S Woo             34.0h   5
 44 McLaughlin, Paige            Thomas S Woo             34.6h   4
 45 Rodriguez, Gabriela          Thomas S Woo             35.1h   4
 46 Frost, Stacie                Thomas S Woo             36.4h   3
 47 Hernandez-Delgado, Nicol     Thomas S Woo             42.6h   2
 48 Devarsu, Bavya               Thomas S Woo             46.7h   2
 -- Saha, Jaity                  Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- McGrath, Sarah               Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Gross, Rachel                Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Zhang, Rongjia               Woodrow Wils                NT   5
 -- Geringer, Allison            Thomas S Woo                NT   5
 -- Peters, Kaila                Thomas S Woo                NT   6
 -- Griffin, Brittany            Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Masood, Saniya               Thomas S Woo                NT   1
 -- Johnson, Caylin              Thomas S Woo                NT   4

Event 18  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Robinson, Sean               Woodrow Wils             22.6h   8
  2 Assimaidou, Oda              Churchill                22.9h   8
  3 Kamara, Calvin               Churchill                23.0h   8
  4 Amobi, Michael               Thomas S Woo             23.4h   8
  5 Sharp, Brandon               Woodrow Wils             23.6h   7
  6 Soumah, Oumar                Churchill                23.7h   7
  7 Silber, Matthew              Churchill                24.4h   7
  8 Morton, Matthew              Churchill                24.6h   6
  8 Golden, Christopher          Thomas S Woo             24.6h   8
 10 Douglas, Franklin            Churchill                24.7h   6
 11 Zou, Steven                  Thomas S Woo             24.8h   7
 12 Boss, Jacob                  Woodrow Wils             25.1h   7
 13 Chan, William                Churchill                25.2h   5
 13 McCrae, Jonathan             Woodrow Wils             25.2h   6
 15 Lui, Michael                 Thomas S Woo             25.4h   7
 16 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo             25.5h   6
 16 Sunda, Arshaan               Thomas S Woo             25.5h   4
 18 Penzes, Andre                Churchill                25.6h   7
 18 Jackson, KaVonte             Thomas S Woo             25.6h   6
 20 Dellafiora, Jack             Churchill                25.7h   5
 21 Lee, Christopher             Churchill                25.8h   2
 21 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             25.8h   6
 21 Copenheaver, Jacob           Churchill                25.8h   3
 21 Sanu, Mikhail                Thomas S Woo             25.8h   6
 21 Chai, Zhenzhou               Churchill                25.8h   3
 26 Chui, Nicholas               Thomas S Woo             25.9h   5
 27 Arnold, Ry                   Churchill                26.1h   6
 27 Mbeng, Caleb                 Churchill                26.1h   3
 27 Cheng, Li-Hsin               Churchill                26.1h   2
 27 Myers, Michael               Thomas S Woo             26.1h   7
 31 Thomasian, Robert            Churchill                26.2h   4
 31 Kim, Jiyoon                  Churchill                26.2h   3
 33 Bryant III, Lacy             Thomas S Woo             26.4h   5
 33 Yang, David                  Churchill                26.4h   4
 33 Welsh, Jared                 Thomas S Woo             26.4h   1
 33 Hughes, Ryan                 Churchill                26.4h   2
 37 Kristiansen, Alexander       Thomas S Woo             26.5h   3
 38 Li, Enoch                    Churchill                26.6h   3
 39 Garrison, Diego              Thomas S Woo             26.7h   1
 39 Krieger, Jerry               Thomas S Woo             26.7h   3
 41 Murphy, Ryan                 Thomas S Woo             27.0h   4
 42 Hung, Benjamin               Churchill                27.3h   1
 42 Jordan, Ashton               Churchill                27.3h   1
 44 Tu, Patrick                  Churchill                27.4h   1
 45 Donohue, Matthew             Churchill                28.8h   1
 46 Razdan, Kundan               Thomas S Woo             30.9h   2
 -- Williams, Allee              Woodrow Wils                NT   5
 -- Okudo, Kemal                 Thomas S Woo                NT   3
 -- Sibert, Bakari               Woodrow Wils                NT   4
 -- Garcia, Andonny              Woodrow Wils                NT   4
 -- Chen, Patrick                Thomas S Woo                NT   2
 -- Lewis, Marquette             Churchill                   NT   8
 -- Chang, Michael               Churchill                   NT   2
 -- Ofori, Kingsley              Thomas S Woo                NT   8
 -- Razavi, Syrus                Churchill                   NT   4
 -- Eticha, Samuel               Churchill                   NT   5
 -- Ibrahim, Ishaaq              Thomas S Woo                NT   4
 -- Borris, Frank                Woodrow Wils                NT   5
 -- Cole, Justin                 Woodrow Wils                NT   8
 -- Huang Ventura, Francisco     Thomas S Woo                NT   5

Event 19  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Srour, Lucy                  Churchill              2:23.80
  2 Peterson, Arrington          Woodrow Wils           2:27.40
  3 Reicin, Julia                Churchill              2:30.50
  4 Dellapa, Grace               Thomas S Woo           2:34.00
  5 Thomasian, Julie             Churchill              2:36.00
  6 Asbury, Gwenyth              Churchill              2:39.30
  7 Clem, Rebecca                Churchill              2:39.90
  8 Kellogg, Lucy                Woodrow Wils           2:40.30
  9 Boyd, Hannah                 Thomas S Woo           2:42.80
 10 Horn, Tess                   Churchill              2:43.50
 11 Carpenter, Juliet            Thomas S Woo           2:44.60
 12 Silverman, Rachel            Churchill              2:45.10
 13 Su, Michelle                 Thomas S Woo           2:45.50
 14 Brietzke, Theresa            Thomas S Woo           2:45.80
 15 Stamer, Mira                 Woodrow Wils           2:46.00
 16 Adkins, Caroline             Churchill              2:46.70
 17 Ellison, Meredith            Woodrow Wils           2:47.40
 18 Srour, Isabel                Churchill              2:48.60
 19 Danziger, Kate               Churchill              2:49.60
 20 Hubert, Valerie              Thomas S Woo           2:50.90
 21 Deprey, Jacqueline           Thomas S Woo           2:51.30
 22 Weinstein, Sydney            Churchill              2:52.70
 23 Raab, Emily                  Churchill              2:53.70
 24 Su, Michelle                 Churchill              2:53.90
 25 Baldwin, Emma                Thomas S Woo           2:55.80
 26 Haass, Victoria              Churchill              2:56.10
 27 Fagan, Allison               Churchill              2:57.60
 28 Wang, Cathelyn               Churchill              2:57.70
 29 Myers, Griffin               Churchill              2:57.80
 30 Kramer, Joanna               Churchill              3:00.30
 31 Tse, Madison                 Thomas S Woo           3:00.60
 32 Ashe, Hannah                 Churchill              3:01.20
 33 Smith, Bailey                Churchill              3:02.10
 34 Shapiro, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           3:02.50
 35 Henderson, Emma              Thomas S Woo           3:04.50
 35 Luu, Kiera                   Churchill              3:04.50
 37 Snyder, Katie                Thomas S Woo           3:06.20
 38 Weaver, Talia                Churchill              3:10.60
 39 Gelfond, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           3:11.40
 40 Lawrence, Libba              Churchill              3:12.10
 41 Llewelyn, Grace              Thomas S Woo           3:17.40
 42 Gunaratnam, Mythili          Thomas S Woo           3:20.50
 43 Gupta, Smriti                Thomas S Woo           3:21.80
 44 Klein, Samantha              Thomas S Woo           3:25.20
 45 Harjivan, Kinnari            Thomas S Woo           3:47.50
 46 Bhanot, Shelly               Thomas S Woo           4:03.10
 47 Chibber, Maia                Thomas S Woo           4:12.20
 -- Wu, Yalan                    Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Rakas, Julie                 Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Maizel, Rachel               Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Doherty, Erin                Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Ding, Jessica                Churchill                   NT
 -- White, Olivia                Churchill                   NT
 -- Gonzalez, Laura              Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Touhey, December             Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Wu, Sulan                    Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Pugh, Teagan                 Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Dellapa, Sarah               Thomas S Woo                NT

Event 20  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Nadal, Nathan                Thomas S Woo           2:03.20
  2 Munro, Patrick               Thomas S Woo           2:04.40
  3 Grant, Jacob                 Churchill              2:06.70
  4 Freilich, Joshua             Churchill              2:07.50
  5 Welter, Mitchell             Churchill              2:09.30
  6 Askew, Chris                 Woodrow Wils           2:09.60
  7 Hughes, Michael              Churchill              2:10.20
  8 Dong, Grant                  Churchill              2:11.10
  9 Winkert, Thomas              Churchill              2:11.40
 10 Yazdani, David               Thomas S Woo           2:11.90
 11 Woodward-Montes, Arturo      Churchill              2:12.30
 12 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo           2:13.10
 13 Rushkoff, Jacob              Thomas S Woo           2:13.30
 14 Coates, Aaron                Woodrow Wils           2:13.60
 15 Ali, Ahmed                   Woodrow Wils           2:15.00
 16 Folk, Trent                  Thomas S Woo           2:16.50
 17 Goldsmith, Matthew           Churchill              2:17.00
 18 Nguyen, Steve                Woodrow Wils           2:18.10
 19 Blackman, Sam                Thomas S Woo           2:18.40
 19 Halverson, Matthew           Churchill              2:18.40
 21 Swaminathan, Arjun           Churchill              2:19.80
 22 Virachittevin, Marcel        Woodrow Wils           2:20.70
 23 Recht, Jason                 Thomas S Woo           2:20.90
 24 Fanger, Mitchell             Thomas S Woo           2:21.40
 25 Shapiro, Ben                 Thomas S Woo           2:21.70
 26 Ma, Hollis                   Churchill              2:22.00
 27 Bryant III, Lacy             Thomas S Woo           2:22.10
 28 Donohue, Mark                Churchill              2:22.60
 29 Haskins, Grant               Churchill              2:23.00
 30 Yi, Justin                   Churchill              2:24.10
 31 Wong, Ronald                 Thomas S Woo           2:24.40
 32 Rudolph, Vicente             Churchill              2:25.80
 33 Wadler, Matthew              Thomas S Woo           2:27.00
 34 Mirzaie, Amin                Churchill              2:27.20
 35 Greenfeld, Bennet            Thomas S Woo           2:27.30
 36 Lawrence, Connor             Thomas S Woo           2:27.80
 37 Van Gieson, Amir             Thomas S Woo           2:28.60
 38 Murren, Ian                  Churchill              2:30.30
 39 Mishra, Varun                Churchill              2:31.00
 40 Kuo, Alexander               Churchill              2:32.10
 41 Klein, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           2:33.60
 42 Tong, George                 Churchill              2:34.40
 43 Kaplan, Nathan               Thomas S Woo           2:37.50
 44 Bock, Benji                  Thomas S Woo           2:37.90
 45 Lind, Matthew                Thomas S Woo           2:41.30
 46 Stanish, Benjamin            Churchill              2:42.20
 47 Kidney, John                 Churchill              2:46.50
 48 Salcidio, Sergio             Thomas S Woo           2:50.40
 -- Stern, Noah                  Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Yi, Ben                      Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Sibert, Bakari               Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Hunde, Nahil                 Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Wallach, Ben                 Woodrow Wils                NT
 -- Penry, Alex                  Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Smith, Max                   Churchill                   NT
 -- Davis, Matthew               Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Wakabayashi, Hiroyuki        Thomas S Woo                NT
 -- Lamas, Rodrigo               Churchill                   NT

Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                            51.7h
     1) Collins, Druex                  2) Jones-Morris, Soljala        
     3) Johnston, Sydney                4)                              
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                                53.4h
     1) Ngwu, Mmasinachi                2) Szamosszegi, Margot          
     3) Veator, Sydney                  4) McDermott, Julia             
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                                 55.0h
     1) Ballard, Marisa                 2) Kulkarni, Rhea               
     3) Nzang, Ana-Maria                4) Peng, Rachel                 
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                                55.8h
     1) Hassan, Esraa                   2) Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           
     3) Hahn, Victoria                  4) Shosanya, Stephanie          
  5 Winston Churchill  'C'                              1:05.1h
     1) Kleyman, Paula                  2) Wang, Cathelyn               
     3) Myers, Griffin                  4) Silverman, Rachel            

Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                                43.6h
     1) Jankel, Noah                    2) Butler, Jabari               
     3) Assimaidou, Oda                 4) Lewis, Marquette             
  2 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                            45.7h
     1) Fields, Marcus                  2) Savoy, Sean                  
     3) Jackson, Paul                   4) Sharp, Brandon               
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                                 47.4h
     1) Zou, Steven                     2) Amobi, Michael               
     3) Ofori, Kingsley                 4) Golden, Christopher          
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                                47.8h
     1) Kamara, Calvin                  2) Mbeng, Caleb                 
     3) Soumah, Oumar                   4) Morton, Matthew              
  5 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'B'                            57.8h
  6 Winston Churchill  'C'                                58.9h
     1) Deychman, Nathan                2) Wagman, Robert               
     3) Okhowat, Robert                 4) Correa, Vincent              

Event 23  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          4:15.40
     1) Ellison, Meredith               2) Freeman, Kerryn              
     3) Talley, Iyana                   4) Peterson, Arrington          
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              4:25.80
     1) Rhodes, Tara                    2) Szamosszegi, Margot          
     3) Prokos, Maria                   4) Reicin, Julia                
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               4:42.20
     1) Baldwin, Emma                   2) Poltorak, Alexandra          
     3) Carpenter, Juliet               4) Wang, Caroline               

Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals
  1 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               3:43.30
     1) Thomas, Langston                2) Yazdani, David               
     3) Munro, Patrick                  4) Folk, Trent                  
  2 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          3:52.60
     1) McCrae, Jonathan                2) Frazier, Marcus              
     3) Ali, Ahmed                      4) Nguyen, Steve                
  3 Winston Churchill  'A'                              3:56.70
     1) Babers, Cameron                 2) Zuckerman, Andrew            
     3) Freilich, Joshua                4) Liu, Ethan                   

Event 25  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Johnson, Kiana               Thomas S Woo          27-03.00
  2 McDermott, Julia             Churchill             26-03.00
  3 Wolf, Renee                  Churchill             25-11.00
  4 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill             21-02.00
  5 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils          21-00.00
  6 Zehrung, Haley               Thomas S Woo          19-04.00
  7 Johnson, Kierra              Thomas S Woo          17-04.00
  8 Bhanot, Shelly               Thomas S Woo          14-05.00
 -- Washington, Mykia            Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Jones, Shikira               Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Riddick, Melody              Woodrow Wils                ND

Event 26  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 King, Julian                 Woodrow Wils          38-10.00
  2 Yeldell, Khalil              Woodrow Wils          35-05.00
  3 Randriambololona, Jacqui     Woodrow Wils          33-08.00
  4 Zuckerman, Andrew            Churchill             30-01.00
  5 Clark, Ricky                 Thomas S Woo          29-03.00
  6 Arana, Javier                Thomas S Woo          27-10.00
  7 Correa, Vincent              Churchill             27-02.00
  8 Razdan, Kundan               Thomas S Woo          24-08.00
  9 Wagman, Robert               Churchill             22-05.00
 10 Deychman, Nathan             Churchill             20-09.00
 11 Brodsky, Jonathan            Thomas S Woo          16-08.00
 -- Nazarian, Michael            Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Tarwater, Avery              Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Okhowat, Robert              Churchill                   ND
 -- Penzes, Andre                Churchill                   ND
 -- Jones, Nate                  Woodrow Wils                ND

Event 27  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Johnson, Kiana               Thomas S Woo             68-06
  2 Wolf, Renee                  Churchill                65-02
  3 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils             56-04
  4 Johnson, Kierra              Thomas S Woo             54-08
  5 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill                52-06
  6 Zehrung, Haley               Thomas S Woo             44-01
 -- Riddick, Melody              Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Jones, Shikira               Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Washington, Mykia            Woodrow Wils                ND

Event 28  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 King, Julian                 Woodrow Wils            107-05
  2 Yeldell, Khalil              Woodrow Wils             96-10
  3 Clark, Ricky                 Thomas S Woo             91-10
  4 Zarynow, Alexander           Churchill                91-09
  5 Randriambololona, Jacqui     Woodrow Wils             88-00
  6 Nazarian, Michael            Thomas S Woo             84-08
  7 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo             81-10
  8 Dong, Grant                  Churchill                72-04
  9 Chai, Zhenzhou               Churchill                72-01
 10 Arana, Javier                Thomas S Woo             66-09
 11 Deychman, Nathan             Churchill                61-02
 12 Stanish, Benjamin            Churchill                53-11
 13 Tarwater, Avery              Thomas S Woo             48-00
 14 Wagman, Robert               Churchill                47-04
 15 Brodsky, Jonathan            Thomas S Woo             44-03
 16 Keppler, Andrew              Thomas S Woo             43-11
 17 Correa, Vincent              Churchill                41-08
 -- Okhowat, Robert              Churchill                   ND
 -- Jones, Nate                  Woodrow Wils                ND

Event 29  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Talley, Iyana                Woodrow Wils           5-02.00
  2 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill              4-10.00
  3 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill              4-08.00
  4 Jones-Morris, Soljala        Woodrow Wils           4-08.00
  5 Zhu, Alice                   Churchill              4-06.00
  6 Morris, Ellen                Thomas S Woo           4-02.00
  7 Chase, Tirza                 Woodrow Wils           4-00.00
  7 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils           4-00.00
 -- Barnes, Isabella             Woodrow Wils                NH
 -- Okudo, Nabila                Thomas S Woo                NH
 -- Freeman, Kerryn              Woodrow Wils                NH

Event 30  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Robinson, Sean               Woodrow Wils           6-00.00
  2 Ofori, Kingsley              Thomas S Woo           5-10.00
  3 Sneed, Steven                Woodrow Wils           5-10.00
  4 Jackson, KaVonte             Thomas S Woo           5-02.00
  4 Branche, Michael             Woodrow Wils           5-02.00
  6 Akor, Agbo                   Thomas S Woo           5-02.00
  7 Tan-Fahed, Brendan           Churchill              5-00.00
  7 Iglesias, Augusto            Churchill              5-00.00
 -- Kristiansen, Alexander       Thomas S Woo                NH
 -- Soumah, Oumar                Churchill                   NH
 -- Johns, Dennis                Thomas S Woo                NH

Event 33  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 McDermott, Julia             Churchill             16-01.75
  2 Johnston, Sydney             Woodrow Wils          15-06.75
  3 Matharu, Anisha              Churchill             15-03.50
  4 Primus, Amber                Woodrow Wils          13-04.00
  5 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils          13-03.75
  6 Carpenter, Juliet            Thomas S Woo          12-09.50
  7 Chase, Tirza                 Woodrow Wils          12-03.50
  8 Wang, Caroline               Thomas S Woo          12-03.25
  9 Danziger, Kate               Churchill             12-02.50
  9 Messing, Jenna               Thomas S Woo          12-02.50
 -- Morris, Ellen                Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Poltorak, Alexandra          Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Freeman, Kerryn              Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Yeh, Chelsea                 Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Samya, Neda                  Thomas S Woo              FOUL

Event 34  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill             20-03.50
  2 Sneed, Steven                Woodrow Wils          20-02.75
  3 Savoy, Sean                  Woodrow Wils          19-02.00
  4 Myers, Michael               Thomas S Woo          18-01.00
  5 Sharp, Brandon               Woodrow Wils          18-00.00
  6 Leptoukh, Daniel             Churchill             17-05.00
  7 Chang, Evan                  Thomas S Woo          16-05.00
  8 Chui, Nicholas               Thomas S Woo          16-04.50
  9 Jackson, Paul                Woodrow Wils          16-03.00
 10 Vadalia, Dev                 Thomas S Woo          16-02.75
 11 D'Arpa, Carl                 Thomas S Woo          16-01.75
 12 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo          16-00.75
 13 Jung, Lawrence               Thomas S Woo          16-00.00
 14 Greenspun, Jordan            Thomas S Woo          15-05.50
 15 Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo          14-07.75
 16 Gross, Bryce                 Thomas S Woo          14-04.00
 17 Sherman, Will                Thomas S Woo          13-05.00
 18 Juhnn, Arthur                Thomas S Woo          12-08.50
 19 Pavlak, Michael              Thomas S Woo          12-04.00
 20 Christovich, Nicholas        Thomas S Woo          11-10.00
 21 Abedini, Fareed              Thomas S Woo          10-03.50
 -- Ko, Joshua                   Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Ibrahim, Ishaaq              Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Shin, Jin                    Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Keppler, Andrew              Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Akor, Agbo                   Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Tan-Fahed, Brendan           Churchill                   ND
 -- Cheung, Justin               Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Mehdizadeh, Spencer          Churchill                   ND
 -- Askew, Chris                 Woodrow Wils                ND
 -- Thomas, Langston             Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Garrison, Diego              Thomas S Woo                ND

Event 35  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 McDermott, Julia             Churchill             35-09.00
  2 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils          31-04.00
  3 Matharu, Anisha              Churchill             31-01.00
  4 Danziger, Kate               Churchill             30-11.00
  5 Zehrung, Haley               Thomas S Woo          29-05.00
  6 Carpenter, Juliet            Thomas S Woo          27-07.00
  7 Messing, Jenna               Thomas S Woo          26-01.75
  8 Chase, Tirza                 Woodrow Wils          25-05.50

Event 36  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Askew, Chris                 Woodrow Wils          39-02.25
  2 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill             38-10.00
  3 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo          37-01.50
  4 Leptoukh, Daniel             Churchill             37-01.00
  5 Roden-Burns, Antoni          Thomas S Woo          34-02.50
  6 Chang, Evan                  Thomas S Woo          32-04.25
  7 Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo          32-00.00
  8 Boss, Jacob                  Woodrow Wils          31-05.00
  9 Vadalia, Dev                 Thomas S Woo          30-06.00
 10 D'Arpa, Carl                 Thomas S Woo          29-11.00
 11 Christovich, Nicholas        Thomas S Woo          28-08.00
 12 Juhnn, Arthur                Thomas S Woo          25-08.00
 13 Abedini, Fareed              Thomas S Woo          24-09.50
 -- Sherman, Will                Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Cheung, Justin               Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Mehdizadeh, Spencer          Churchill                   ND
 -- Gross, Bryce                 Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Akor, Agbo                   Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Thomas, Langston             Thomas S Woo                ND
 -- Tan-Fahed, Brendan           Churchill                   ND

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