Interhigh Track

Battle of the Potomac
Battle of the Potomac History
Hosted By: Battloe of the Potomac
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Saturday, November 21, 2015


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

                                                           Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 2:52 PM
PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Md                       69    1    2    3    6    7    8    9   10   11   12    17:54    1:01
  2 Va                      141    4    5   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20    19:04    2:17

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Dc

PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Md                       59    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    9   10   12     5:17    0:12
  2 Va                      151    8   11   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20     5:32    0:28

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Dc

PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Md                       68    1    2    3    5    7    8    9   10   11   12    11:29    0:31
  2 Va                      142    4    6   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20    12:14    1:27

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Dc

  ID#  PLACE           FINISHER            TIME     PACE

1. Md
  675     1  Colin SyBing                   17:18    5:35
  748     2  Liam Walsh                     17:31    5:39
  510     3  Justin Diehl                   17:33    5:39
  611     6  Jacob Rushkoff                 17:52    5:46
  540     7  Patrick Watson                 17:54    5:46
  784     8  Kieran McDermott               17:58    5:48
  665     9  Bradley Arbaugh                17:58    5:48
  685    10  Josh Fry                       18:16    5:53
  511    11  Declan Horner                  18:18    5:54
  778    12  Sam Verk                       18:18    5:54
Total Time = 2:58:56     Total Places = 69

2. Va
  625     4  Caleb McCurdy                  17:42    5:42
  674     5  Andrew Lackey                  17:50    5:45
  760    13  Benjamin Cheng                 19:07    6:10
  688    14  Miguel Daez                    19:11    6:11
  566    15  Jackson Burke                  19:17    6:13
  673    16  Kyle Misencik                  19:20    6:14
  632    17  Avery Fair                     19:22    6:15
  599    18  Jacob Kloman                   19:24    6:15
  619    19  Michael Rogers                 19:26    6:16
  569    20  Jacob Levine                   19:58    6:26
Total Time = 3:10:37     Total Places = 141
              TEAM                                 1M          2M       FINISH    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM


  675     1     1  Colin SyBing                    5:15       11:11        17:18    5:35  Md                   
  748     2     2  Liam Walsh                      5:15       11:19        17:31    5:39  Md                   
  510     3     3  Justin Diehl                    5:16       11:19        17:33    5:39  Md                   
  625     4     4  Caleb McCurdy                   5:17       11:21        17:42    5:42  Va                   
  674     5     5  Andrew Lackey                   5:20       11:27        17:50    5:45  Va                   
  611     6     6  Jacob Rushkoff                  5:21       11:32        17:52    5:46  Md                   
  540     7     7  Patrick Watson                  5:15       11:28        17:54    5:46  Md                   
  784     8     8  Kieran McDermott                5:10       11:24        17:58    5:48  Md                   
  665     9     9  Bradley Arbaugh                 5:15       11:31        17:58    5:48  Md                   
  738    10        Daniel Beavers III              5:21       11:48        18:04    5:50  Wv                   
  549    11        Tyreece Huff                                            18:07    5:51  Dc                   
  685    12    10  Josh Fry                        5:23       11:42        18:16    5:53  Md                   
  511    13    11  Declan Horner                   5:30       11:48        18:18    5:54  Md                   
  778    14    12  Sam Verk                        5:19       11:36        18:18    5:54  Md                   
  640    15        Andrew Christy                  5:23       11:45        18:24    5:56  Wv                   
  634    16        Adam Nakasaka                   5:16       11:41        18:25    5:56  Md                   
  692    17        Charles Wood                    5:24       12:01        18:28    5:57  Md                   
  716    18        Steve Shelter                   5:20       11:44        18:33    5:59  Wv                   
  781    19        David Dzambasow                 5:26       11:52        18:37    6:00  Md                   
  744    20        Chris Thoms                     5:28       11:59        18:41    6:02  Md                   
  743    21        Jake Rickards                   5:33       12:03        18:45    6:03  Md                   
  682    22        Bradley Moore                   5:29       12:00        18:46    6:03  Md                   
  507    23        Ben Aris                        5:28       12:01        18:46    6:03  Md                   
  612    24        Tommy Williams                  5:25       12:03        18:51    6:05  Md                   
  779    25        Ben Gorski                      5:31       12:02        18:56    6:06  Md                   
  538    26        John Dodsworth                  5:34       12:13        19:00    6:08  Md                   
  760    27    13  Benjamin Cheng                  5:36       12:09        19:07    6:10  Va                   
  688    28    14  Miguel Daez                     5:29       12:26        19:11    6:11  Va                   
  739    29        Matthew Andreoli                5:19       12:10        19:13    6:12  Md                   
  666    30        Brandon Arbaugh                 5:46       12:35        19:16    6:13  Md                   
  566    31    15  Jackson Burke                   5:42       12:26        19:17    6:13  Va                   
  673    32    16  Kyle Misencik                   5:29       12:22        19:20    6:14  Va                   
  632    33    17  Avery Fair                      5:32       12:21        19:22    6:15  Va                   
  618    34        Phillip D'Ambra                 5:41       12:22        19:23    6:15  Md                   
  599    35    18  Jacob Kloman                    5:22       12:14        19:24    6:15  Va                   
  556    36        Jett Hall                       5:32       12:20        19:26    6:16  Md                   
  619    37    19  Michael Rogers                  5:44       12:42        19:26    6:16  Va                   
  785    38        Ethan Gray                      5:36       12:27        19:27    6:16  Md                   
  802    39        Noah Clifford                   5:46       12:31        19:27    6:16  Md                   
  762    40        Matthew Owens                   5:40       12:34        19:32    6:18  Md                   
  726    41        Kyle Cotoia                     5:46       12:35        19:40    6:20  Md                   
  742    42        Kyle Shoemaker                  5:36       12:31        19:46    6:23  Md                   
  615    43        Colin Hayes                     5:39       12:37        19:50    6:24  Wv                   
  809    44        Sam Clemens                     5:51       12:44        19:54    6:25  Md                   
  782    45        Ryan Burgess                    5:48       12:48        19:56    6:26  Md                   
  569    46    20  Jacob Levine                    5:46       12:48        19:58    6:26  Va                   
  547    47        Stephen Byers                   5:45       12:44        20:07    6:29  Md                   
  684    48        Carlos Fernandes II             5:54       12:57        20:21    6:34  Va                   
  659    49        Austen Mudd                     5:42       13:00        20:21    6:34  Va                   
  660    50        Michael Belay                   5:46       13:09        20:36    6:38  Md                   
  602    51        Mason Young                     5:44       13:01        20:38    6:39  Wv                   
  706    52        John Gillum                     6:07       13:18        20:46    6:42  Va                   
  616    53        Christian Locke                 5:53       13:30        21:13    6:50  Va                   
  712    54        Griffin Floyd                   6:07       13:45        21:25    6:54  Va                   
  601    55        Jack McCabe                     6:11       14:24        22:33    7:16  Md                   


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

                                                      Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 3:31 PM
PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Va                       55    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10    21:46    2:17

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Md, Dc

PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Va                       55    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10     6:26    0:45

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Md, Dc

PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Va                       55    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10    14:01    1:21

Incomplete Teams: Wv, Md, Dc

 PLACE           FINISHER            TIME     PACE

1. Va
    1  Theresa Long                   20:18    6:33
    2  Deirdre Gilmore                20:47    6:42
    3  Kiera Bothwell                 21:05    6:48
    4  Reagan Bustamante              21:17    6:52
    5  Abby Snyder                    21:53    7:03
    6  Erin Olia                      22:18    7:12
    7  Kaitlyn Olia                   22:21    7:12
    8  Shea Brady                     22:26    7:14
    9  Monica Lannen                  22:33    7:16
   10  Emily Keast                    22:34    7:17
Total Time = 3:37:32     Total Places = 55
        TEAM                                 1M          2M       FINISH    
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM


    1     1  Theresa Long                    6:08       13:12        20:18    6:33  Va                   
    2        Abby Colbert                    6:01       13:20        20:28    6:36  Wv                   
    3     2  Deirdre Gilmore                 5:56       13:17        20:47    6:42  Va                   
    4     3  Kiera Bothwell                  6:26       13:41        21:05    6:48  Va                   
    5     4  Reagan Bustamante               6:19       13:32        21:17    6:52  Va                   
    6        Abigail Levine                  6:11       13:46        21:23    6:54  Md                   
    7        Erin Bell                       6:18       13:54        21:23    6:54  Dc                   
    8        Michaela Peterson               6:21       13:55        21:32    6:57  Md                   
    9        Desirae Schoonover              6:19       13:50        21:35    6:58  Wv                   
   10        Emelia Carroll                  6:22       13:53        21:38    6:59  Md                   
   11     5  Abby Snyder                     6:41       14:13        21:53    7:03  Va                   
   12     6  Erin Olia                       6:30       14:13        22:18    7:12  Va                   
   13     7  Kaitlyn Olia                                            22:21    7:12  Va                   
   14     8  Shea Brady                      6:25       14:24        22:26    7:14  Va                   
   15     9  Monica Lannen                   6:43       14:45        22:33    7:16  Va                   
   16    10  Emily Keast                     6:41       14:29        22:34    7:17  Va                   
   17        Rebecca Bosanko                 6:38       14:34        22:35    7:17  Md                   
   18        Sarah Coleman                   6:41       14:31        22:37    7:18  Va                   
   19        Julia Pitts                     6:40       14:33        22:40    7:19  Md                   
   20        Margaret Thoren                 6:44       14:35        22:43    7:20  Dc                   
   21        Clare Toner                     6:40       14:33        22:47    7:21  Md                   
   22        Lily Penn                       6:58       14:46        22:51    7:22  Va                   
   23        Grace Vandelac                  6:42       14:33        22:56    7:24  Va                   
   24        Breanna Barbera                 6:42       14:55        23:09    7:28  Wv                   
   25        Grace Tarbrake                  6:42       14:55        23:10    7:28  Md                   
   26        Anne Akagi                      6:33       14:51        23:11    7:29  Va                   
   27        Grace Richardson                6:49       15:02        23:18    7:31  Va                   
   28        Bowman Shaughnessy              6:58       14:46        23:33    7:36  Va                   
   29        Raphaelle Hupez                 6:46       15:15        23:44    7:39  Dc                   
   30        Kasey McNamara                  6:48       15:21        23:45    7:40  Wv                   
   31        Cat Fidd                        6:58       15:26        23:56    7:43  Va                   
   32        Ariel Hostettler                7:04       15:29        24:14    7:49  Wv                   
   33        Isobel Hermans                  7:18       16:17        25:23    8:11  Md                   
   34        Zora Hermans                    7:18       16:18        25:23    8:11  Md                   
   35        Carsen Lee Hesson               7:21       16:35        25:50    8:20  Wv                   
   36        Shannon Woods                   7:07       16:46        26:03    8:24  Va                   
   37        Lisa Ryan                       7:15       16:44        26:24    8:31  Va                   
   38        Courtney Wild                   7:20       17:30        27:35    8:54  Va                   


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

                                      Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 1:15 PM

  1 Md                       23    2    3    5    6    7    9   12    19:05    0:29
  2 Wv                       40    1    4    8   13   14   17   19    19:20    1:37
  3 Va                       70   10   11   15   16   18   20   21    19:59    1:18


 1* Md                       29    1    4    7    8    9   10   11     5:33    0:23
 2* Wv                       29    2    3    5    6   13   14   19     5:32    0:33
  3 Va                       78   12   15   16   17   18   20   21     5:56     0:9


  1 Md                       25    2    3    5    7    8    9   10    12:14    0:18
  2 Wv                       40    1    4    6   14   15   18   20    12:24    1:11
  3 Va                       69   11   12   13   16   17   19   21    12:46    0:27

 PLACE           FINISHER            TIME     PACE

1. Md
    2  Ethan Mara                     18:48    6:04
    3  Nathan Jecelin                 18:57    6:07
    5  Noah Griffin                   19:06    6:09
    6  Ben Shapiro                    19:13    6:12
    7  Christian Jordan               19:17    6:13
    9  Stephen Porembski              19:24    6:15
   12  Michael Mattson                19:32    6:18
Total Time = 1:35:21     Total Places = 23

2. Wv
    1  Hunter Deem                    18:26    5:57
    4  Logan Heironimus               19:02    6:08
    8  Daniel Cooper                  19:22    6:15
   13  Samuel Garrett                 19:48    6:23
   14  William Clarkson               20:02    6:28
   17  Aaron Farris                   20:19    6:33
   19  Cameron Wee                    20:50    6:43
Total Time = 1:36:40     Total Places = 40

3. Va
   10  Brendan Morgan                 19:25    6:16
   11  Daniel Wood                    19:30    6:17
   15  Curtin Metcalf                 20:07    6:29
   16  Josh Buontempo                 20:07    6:29
   18  Nathanael Ferrante             20:42    6:41
   20  Justin Graziani                21:08    6:49
   21  Matthew Stann                  21:12    6:50
Total Time = 1:39:51     Total Places = 70
        TEAM                                 1M          2M       FINISH    
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM


    1     1  Hunter Deem                     5:20       11:42        18:26    5:57  Wv                   
    2     2  Ethan Mara                      5:24       12:05        18:48    6:04  Md                   
    3     3  Nathan Jecelin                  5:20       12:04        18:57    6:07  Md                   
    4     4  Logan Heironimus                5:34       12:18        19:02    6:08  Wv                   
    5     5  Noah Griffin                    5:49       12:25        19:06    6:09  Md                   
    6     6  Ben Shapiro                     5:38       12:18        19:13    6:12  Md                   
    7     7  Christian Jordan                5:42       12:19        19:17    6:13  Md                   
    8     8  Daniel Cooper                   5:23       12:16        19:22    6:15  Wv                   
    9     9  Stephen Porembski               5:46       12:26        19:24    6:15  Md                   
   10    10  Brendan Morgan                  5:57       12:35        19:25    6:16  Va                   
   11    11  Daniel Wood                     5:57       12:35        19:30    6:17  Va                   
   12    12  Michael Mattson                 5:39       12:22        19:32    6:18  Md                   
   13        #805                            5:55       12:39        19:35    6:19                       
   14        Arihant Chadda                             12:31        19:39    6:20  Md                   
   15        Connor Lawrence                 5:49       12:41        19:40    6:21  Md                   
   16    13  Samuel Garrett                  5:30       12:47        19:48    6:23  Wv                   
   17        Natha Vandemeulebroecke         5:47       12:53        19:50    6:24  Md                   
   18    14  William Clarkson                5:56       12:53        20:02    6:28  Wv                   
   19    15  Curtin Metcalf                  5:57       12:56        20:07    6:29  Va                   
   20    16  Josh Buontempo                  6:02       13:01        20:07    6:29  Va                   
   21        Amir Van Gieson                 5:45       12:48        20:08    6:30  Md                   
   22    17  Aaron Farris                    6:01       13:02        20:19    6:33  Wv                   
   23        Benjamin Harris                 6:06       13:06        20:27    6:36  Md                   
   24        Zachary McEwan                  5:56       13:08        20:38    6:39  Md                   
   25        Colin Mosley                    5:47       12:51        20:39    6:40  Md                   
   26        Quentin Stephenson              5:56       13:21        20:41    6:40  Md                   
   27        Andrew Dimaggio                 6:07       13:20        20:42    6:40  Md                   
   28    18  Nathanael Ferrante              6:04       13:11        20:42    6:41  Va                   
   29        Jeremy Carter                   5:58       13:00        20:43    6:41  Md                   
   30    19  Cameron Wee                     6:06       13:23        20:50    6:43  Wv                   
   31        Zachary Cousino                 6:17       13:29        20:53    6:44  Md                   
   32        Wesley Colyer                   6:09       13:40        20:53    6:44  Wv                   
   33        William Hanna-Leverett          6:16       13:35        20:58    6:46  Md                   
   34        Hunter Reed                     5:53       13:16        21:00    6:46  Wv                   
   35    20  Justin Graziani                 5:49       13:26        21:08    6:49  Va                   
   36    21  Matthew Stann                   6:12       13:40        21:12    6:50  Va                   
   37        Franklin Moats                  6:05       13:31        21:17    6:52  Wv                   
   38        Chuckie Welch                   6:01       13:38        21:30    6:56  Wv                   
   39        Brody Price                     6:01       13:39        21:30    6:56  Wv                   
   40        Isaac Roe                       6:22       13:54        21:31    6:56  Md                   
   41        Luke Beckwith                   6:08       13:43        21:42    7:00  Va                   
   42        Christopher Nyborg              6:24       14:13        21:50    7:02  Md                   
   43        Sajan Mistry                    6:19       14:15        21:53    7:03  Md                   
   44        Philippe Castillo               6:19       14:15        21:54    7:04  Md                   
   45        Silas Andrews                   6:28       14:06        21:59    7:05  Va                   
   46        Kyle Kestner                    6:15       14:11        21:59    7:05  Md                   
   47        David Carter                    6:30       14:12        22:02    7:06  Md                   
   48        Matthew Scheffel                6:29       14:12        22:02    7:06  Md                   
   49        Chris Kowalski                  6:16       14:08        22:18    7:12  Wv                   
   50        Brian Kearney                   6:45       14:18        22:19    7:12  Va                   
   51        Sam Keeler                      6:35       14:19        22:20    7:12  Md                   
   52        Quinn Zajicek                   6:12       14:09        22:28    7:15  Wv                   
   53        Kyle Bassett                    6:11       14:24        22:28    7:15  Va                   
   54        Bradley Gamez                   6:03       14:13        22:29    7:15  Md                   
   55        Paul Goldsmith                  6:41       14:34        22:47    7:21  Md                   
   56        Sergie Daez                     6:46       14:48        22:49    7:21  Va                   
   57        Jaiden Shah                     6:39       14:36        22:51    7:22  Md                   
   58        Nathan Moore                    6:26       14:36        22:52    7:22  Md                   
   59        Gunnar Eklund                   6:44       14:46        23:03    7:26  Md                   
   60        Vincent Herrell                 6:29       15:10        23:18    7:31  Wv                   
   61        Koman Kirk                      6:33       14:51        23:18    7:31  Wv                   
   62        Jeffrey Riker                   6:44       14:58        23:31    7:35  Md                   
   63        Shahnewaz Khan                  6:57       15:18        23:49    7:41  Va                   
   64        Andrew Serrano                  6:43       15:09        23:50    7:41  Md                   
   65        Benji Bock                      6:32       15:17        23:51    7:41  Md                   
   66        Rusty Moats                     6:45       15:01        23:52    7:42  Wv                   
   67        Alex Konkel                     6:25       14:58        24:06    7:46  Md                   
   68        Isaac McCurdy                   6:46       15:26        24:08    7:47  Va                   
   69        Patrick McCloskey               6:57       15:37        24:18    7:50  Md                   
   70        Adam McCloskey                  7:06       15:40        24:24    7:52  Md                   
   71        Casey Gendwila                  7:00       15:37        24:35    7:56  Md                   
   72        Matthew Moats                   7:01       15:53        25:05    8:05  Wv                   
   73        Ethan Jennette                  7:20       16:11        25:13    8:08  Va                   
   74        Anthony Crone                   7:07       16:13        25:27    8:12  Wv                   
   75        Ryan Johnston                   7:26       16:19        25:31    8:14  Md                   
   76        Jared Gott                      7:04       16:01        25:31    8:14  Md                   
   77        Graham Hogg                     7:04       16:18        25:33    8:14  Va                   
   78        Brandon Stark                   7:35       16:30        26:08    8:26  Md                   
   79        Jon Sprague                     7:30       16:37        26:47    8:38  Md                   
   80        Alec Delcambre                  7:37       16:39        27:37    8:54  Md                   
   81        Billy Burch                     7:37       16:39        27:38    8:55  Md                   
   82        Alex Truby                      7:37       16:40        27:38    8:55  Md                   


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

                                                           Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 2:53 PM

  1 Md                       30    3    5    6    7    9   10   11    22:49    0:37
  2 Va                       36    1    2    8   12   13   14   15    23:06    2:15
  3 Wv                       74    4   16   17   18   19              25:41    5:10

Incomplete Teams: 


  1 Md                       30    1    5    7    8    9   10   11     6:48    0:12
  2 Va                       36    2    3    6   12   13   16   17     6:50    0:27
  3 Wv                       70    4   14   15   18   19   20          7:20    1:13

Incomplete Teams: 


  1 Md                       29    3    4    6    7    9   10   11    14:47    0:33
  2 Va                       36    1    2    8   12   13   14   16    14:51    0:53
  3 Wv                       74    5   15   17   18   19              16:25    3:04

Incomplete Teams: 

  ID#  PLACE           FINISHER            TIME     PACE

1. Md
  680     3  Kimberly Gerber                22:31    7:16
  522     5  Kaylee Ryan                    22:44    7:20
  800     6  Nandini Satsangi               22:49    7:22
  670     7  Grace Dellapa                  22:50    7:22
  597     9  Chloe Salkheld                 23:07    7:27
  751    10  Marie Caspard                  23:12    7:29
  593    11  Alexandra Herschelman          23:13    7:29
Total Time = 1:54:01     Total Places = 30

2. Va
  737     1  Elise Abbe                     22:04    7:07
  553     2  Alice Roberts                  22:06    7:08
  795     8  Alessandra Stankaitis          23:04    7:26
  774    12  Alyssa Rucker                  23:56    7:43
  749    13  Sara Waugh                     24:18    7:50
  794    14  Sophia Murray                  24:36    7:56
  638    15  Isabel Hogg                    24:46    7:59
Total Time = 1:55:28     Total Places = 36

3. Wv
  574     4  Amanda Lupton                  22:38    7:18
  575    16  Ciara McDaniel                 25:04    8:05
  700    17  Alexa Gorondy                  25:41    8:17
  512    18  Eliza Caperton                 27:11    8:46
  754    19  Ashley Griffin                 27:47    8:58
Total Time = 2:08:21     Total Places = 74
              TEAM                                 1M          2M       FINISH    
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TIME         TIME     PACE        TEAM


  737     1     1  Elise Abbe                      6:41       14:26        22:04    7:07  Va                   
  553     2     2  Alice Roberts                   6:41       14:26        22:06    7:08  Va                   
  680     3     3  Kimberly Gerber                 6:39       14:27        22:31    7:16  Md                   
  574     4     4  Amanda Lupton                   6:42       14:45        22:38    7:18  Wv                   
  522     5     5  Kaylee Ryan                     6:45       14:41        22:44    7:20  Md                   
  800     6     6  Nandini Satsangi                7:16       15:07        22:49    7:22  Md                   
  670     7     7  Grace Dellapa                   7:16       15:07        22:50    7:22  Md                   
  795     8     8  Alessandra Stankaitis           6:52       14:56        23:04    7:26  Va                   
  597     9     9  Chloe Salkheld                  6:51       14:54        23:07    7:27  Md                   
  751    10    10  Marie Caspard                   6:53       15:00        23:12    7:29  Md                   
  593    11    11  Alexandra Herschelman           6:52       15:00        23:13    7:29  Md                   
  591    12        Riley Leeds                     6:51       14:49        23:13    7:29  Md                   
  588    13        Anmol Wahla                     6:51       15:00        23:22    7:32  Md                   
  585    14        Jillian Parisi                  6:52       15:04        23:35    7:36  Md                   
  803    15        Taylor Manley                   6:54       15:07        23:35    7:36  Md                   
  584    16        Lauren Herschelman              6:52       15:07        23:39    7:38  Md                   
  774    17    12  Alyssa Rucker                   7:12       15:19        23:56    7:43  Va                   
  763    18        Clara Caspard                   6:55       15:18        23:59    7:44  Md                   
  749    19    13  Sara Waugh                      6:46       15:06        24:18    7:50  Va                   
  523    20        Erin McCrath                    7:17       15:45        24:20    7:51  Md                   
  516    21        Jessica Misiorek                7:03       15:31        24:22    7:51  Md                   
  517    22        Natalie Cloak                   7:04       15:35        24:24    7:52  Md                   
  794    23    14  Sophia Murray                   7:11       15:35        24:36    7:56  Va                   
  586    24        Becca Collings                  7:20       15:55        24:39    7:57  Md                   
  638    25    15  Isabel Hogg                     7:08       15:49        24:46    7:59  Va                   
  520    26        Jilly Wagner                    7:17       15:55        24:52    8:01  Md                   
  527    27        Kamilla Halderson               7:19       15:55        24:53    8:01  Md                   
  524    28        Chandra Reiff                   7:19       15:55        24:53    8:02  Md                   
  575    29    16  Ciara McDaniel                  7:10       15:48        25:04    8:05  Wv                   
  598    30        Sydney Hamracek                 7:19       16:03        25:14    8:08  Md                   
  662    31        Ciara Summersgill               7:12       16:02        25:17    8:09  Va                   
  697    32        Hannah Ferrante                 7:13       16:03        25:27    8:13  Va                   
  700    33    17  Alexa Gorondy                   7:11       16:19        25:41    8:17  Wv                   
  761    34        Katie Coulson                   7:35       16:38        25:54    8:21  Md                   
  766    35        Jessica Tulloch                 7:36       16:38        25:56    8:22  Md                   
  713    36        Adna Trakic                     7:39       16:41        25:57    8:22  Md                   
  727    37        Lauren Sachs                    7:40       16:42        25:58    8:22  Md                   
  563    38        Lauren Blechl                   7:36       16:42        26:00    8:23  Va                   
  594    39        Joelle Cingel                   7:43       16:43        26:04    8:24  Md                   
  595    40        Meghan Cronin                   7:43       16:42        26:04    8:24  Md                   
  589    41        Kaitlyn Simmons                 7:43       16:43        26:04    8:24  Md                   
  530    42        Brittney Douglas                7:26       16:34        26:08    8:26  Md                   
  658    43        Ali Nichols                     7:16       16:36        26:17    8:29  Md                   
  775    44        Janice Mun                      7:57       16:55        26:17    8:29  Va                   
  798    45        Catherine Cassell               7:35       16:41        26:19    8:29  Md                   
  577    46        Emily Deyo                      7:36       16:44        26:26    8:32  Md                   
  671    47        Allyson Hall                    7:54       17:01        26:35    8:34  Md                   
  630    48        Katie Snyder                    7:41       17:04        26:35    8:34  Md                   
  725    49        Hannah Boyd                     7:41       17:05        26:35    8:34  Md                   
  534    50        Alexis Johnson                  7:47       17:03        26:37    8:35  Md                   
  693    51        Catherine Wood                  7:54       17:02        26:37    8:35  Md                   
  773    52        Emily Potter                    8:09       17:29        27:01    8:43  Va                   
  628    53        Jacqueline Deprey               7:44       17:07        27:09    8:45  Md                   
  512    54    18  Eliza Caperton                  7:42       17:23        27:11    8:46  Wv                   
  537    55        Emma Dodsworth                  7:35       17:38        27:46    8:57  Md                   
  515    56        Abigail Moller                  7:56       17:38        27:46    8:57  Md                   
  754    57    19  Ashley Griffin                  7:54       17:48        27:47    8:58  Wv                   
  758    58        Gwen Klein                      7:53       17:15        27:48    8:58  Md                   
  629    59        Dimagi Kottage                  7:53       17:28        27:48    8:58  Md                   
  690    60        Madeline Grainger               7:53       17:15        27:48    8:58  Md                   
  776    61        Olivia Voekel                   8:09       18:01        28:06    9:04  Va                   
  705    62        Madison Tse                     7:53       17:50        28:28    9:11  Md                   
  701    63        Hannah Weiss                    7:53       17:50        28:28    9:11  Md                   
  528    64        Abby Bollinger                  8:15       18:29        28:43    9:16  Md                   
  526    65        Lilli DeJordy                   8:25       19:13        30:15    9:45  Md                   
  606    66        Katherine Lannen                9:11       19:46        31:02   10:00  Va                   
  607    67        Emily Lannen                    9:11       19:46        31:02   10:00  Va                   
  521    68        Lauren Hill                     8:15       19:19        31:30   10:10  Md                   


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

BOYS                                     Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 1:39 PM
        TEAM                                 1M       FINISH    
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME        TEAM

    1        Silas Fair                      5:56         9:49    Va                   
    2        John Hurley                     5:57         9:53    Va                   
    3        Jake Gelfand                    6:10        10:24    Md                   
    4        Ben Moseman                     6:26        10:44    Va                   
    5        Atticus Fair                    6:28        10:45    Va                   
    6        T Q. Williamson                 6:35        10:53    Va                   
    7        Michael Long                    6:38        11:02    Va                   
    8        Luke Stann                      6:41        11:03    Va                   
    9        Sean Kim                        6:34        11:06    Md                   
   10        Micah Kao                       7:10        11:49    Va                   
   11        Ian Hoffman                     7:20        12:14    Md                   
   12        Matthew Byers                   7:44        13:38    Md                   
   13        Philip Williams                 8:44        14:51    Md                   


Smokey Glenn Farm

Nov. 21, 2015

Results by

GIRLS                                    Last updated Nov. 21, 2015 1:40 PM
        TEAM                                 1M       FINISH    
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME         TIME        TEAM

    1        Ella Hesson                     6:30        10:40    Wv                   
    2        Molly Robinson                  6:26        10:42    Va                   
    3        Ricky Fetterolf                 6:40        11:00    Va                   
    4        Paula Bathalon                  6:24        11:08    Md                   
    5        Carol Long                      6:47        11:12    Va                   
    6        Jaklin Schoonover               6:46        11:19    Wv                   
    7        Emilee Ellison                  6:50        11:24    Wv                   
    8        Perrin Myers                    6:50        11:30    Md                   
    9        Allie Martin                    7:03        11:33    Wv                   
   10        Emma Buxton                     6:57        11:45    Md                   
   11        Cecilia Fetterolf               7:07        12:00    Va                   
   12        Mia Herschelman                 7:19        12:26    Md                   
   13        Rachel Hurley                   7:32        12:33    Va                   
   14        McKenzie Miller                 7:31        12:35    Wv                   
   15        Maegen Peppe                    7:50        12:55    Va                   
   16        Kaitlyn Olia                    7:34        12:55    Va                   
   17        Sydney Peppe                    7:50        13:00    Va                   
   18        April Herschelman               7:50        13:24    Md                   
   19        Erin Sadler                     8:02        13:48    Va                   
   20        Olivia Wilson                   7:54        13:52    Wv                   
   21        Emily Herschelman               8:15        14:13    Md                   

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