Interhigh Track

Friday Night Spikes
Friday Night Spikes History
Hosted By: Friday Night Spikes
Potomac, Maryland
Monday, April 25, 2016

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/26/2016
                Friday Night Spikes V (on a Monday) - 4/25/2016                
                        Wootton and Wilson at Churchill                        
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)                  
                      Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 36                      
             Winston Churchill   85.50     51.50 Thomas S Wootton              
         Woodrow Wilson Senior   90.00     47.00 Thomas S Wootton              
             Winston Churchill   76.00     61.00 Woodrow Wilson Senior         
             Winston Churchill   75.50     61.50 Thomas S Wootton              
              Thomas S Wootton   88.00     49.00 Woodrow Wilson Senior         
             Winston Churchill   85.00     51.00 Woodrow Wilson Senior         

Licensed to Winston Churchill High School
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/26/2016 12:45 AM
                Friday Night Spikes V (on a Monday) - 4/25/2016                
                        Wootton and Wilson at Churchill                        
                 Winston Churchill High School (Potomac, Md.)                  
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Veator, Sydney               Churchill                16.0h   3 
  2 Lee, Lucy                    Churchill                16.1h   3 
  3 Teramoto, Elaina             Churchill                16.6h   3 
  4 Kan, Elisabeth               Churchill                17.4h   2 
  5 Glenn, Xabriah               Woodrow Wils             17.6h   3 
  6 Reicin, Julia                Churchill                17.8h   2 
  7 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             18.1h   2 
  8 Ogbemudia, Britney           Churchill                18.5h   2 
  9 Tanner, Alexandra            Churchill                18.8h   1 
 10 Lee, Hannah                  Churchill                19.5h   1 
 11 Zarabian, Nikkia             Churchill                19.6h   1 
 12 Crema, Bianca                Churchill                20.2h   1 
 13 Hinds, Cecelia               Thomas S Woo             20.4h   2 
 13 Woodward-Montes, Isabell     Churchill                20.4h   1 
 13 Brietzke, Christina          Thomas S Woo             20.4h   3 
 16 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo             20.5h   3 
 17 Uriburu, Sophia              Woodrow Wils             20.6h   2 
 18 Fagan, McKenzie              Churchill                21.7h   1 
 19 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils             21.8h   3 
Event 2  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                              10:01.60  
     1) Chelf, Erin                     2) Dellapa, Grace                 
     3) Maizel, Rachel                  4) Wang, Caroline                 
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                             10:13.50  
     1) Clem, Rebecca                   2) Asbury, Gwenyth                
     3) Saisan, Anisa                   4) Bush, Hannah                   
  3 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                         10:44.40  
     1) Hannah, Alex                    2) Ellison, Meredith              
     3) Haynie, Zakyrah                 4) Laine, Sofia                   
Event 3  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Winston Churchill  'A'                              8:50.10  
     1) Dong, Grant                     2) Winkert, Thomas                
     3) Halverson, Matthew              4) Goldsmith, Matthew             
  2 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               9:07.40  
     1) Davis, Matthew                  2) Pohoryles, Joseph              
     3) Riker, John                     4) Rushkoff, Jacob                
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill                16.2h  
  2 Cole, Julian                 Woodrow Wils             16.9h  
  3 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo             17.6h  
  4 Su, Kyle                     Thomas S Woo             18.0h  
  5 Plastrik, Alex               Churchill                18.2h  
  6 Conklin, Anthony             Woodrow Wils             22.6h  
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lee, Karis                   Churchill                12.6h   8 
  2 Glenn, Xabriah               Woodrow Wils             12.8h   8 
  2 Robinson, Alana              Woodrow Wils             12.8h   7 
  4 Lee, Lucy                    Churchill                12.9h   4 
  5 Amis, Asia                   Woodrow Wils             13.0h   8 
  5 Brown, Kaliah                Woodrow Wils             13.0h   4 
  7 McEwen, Layla                Woodrow Wils             13.1h   7 
  8 Scherf, Ana                  Thomas S Woo             13.2h   7 
  9 Kottage, Dimagi              Thomas S Woo             13.3h   7 
  9 Okudo, Nabila                Thomas S Woo             13.3h   8 
 11 Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           Churchill                13.4h   8 
 12 Janis, Daryn                 Churchill                13.4h   8 
 13 Wright, Quinn                Woodrow Wils             13.4h   6 
 14 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill                13.5h   7 
 14 Lucas, Chanel                Thomas S Woo             13.5h   8 
 14 Goodman, Kaitlin             Charles E Sm             13.5h   7 
 14 Zifrony, Alexandra           Thomas S Woo             13.5h   7 
 18 Hahn, Victoria               Churchill                13.6h   7 
 18 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo             13.6h   8 
 18 Hahn, Sofia                  Churchill                13.6h   4 
 21 Nzang, Olivia                Thomas S Woo             13.7h   6 
 21 Hassan, Esraa                Churchill                13.7h   6 
 23 Young, Autumn                Woodrow Wils             13.8h   6 
 23 Weitzman, Hannah             Churchill                13.8h   3 
 23 Jackson, Natika              Woodrow Wils             13.8h   4 
 23 Zarabian, Nikkia             Churchill                13.8h   5 
 27 Sickels, Danielle            Churchill                13.9h   6 
 27 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             13.9h   4 
 29 Weaver, Brittany             Churchill                14.0h   5 
 29 Alexis, Madison              Churchill                14.0h   3 
 29 Douglas, Lexi                Thomas S Woo             14.0h   5 
 29 Peng, Rachel                 Thomas S Woo             14.0h   6 
 29 Primus, Amber                Woodrow Wils             14.0h   5 
 29 Tsytsareva, Tanya            Thomas S Woo             14.0h   6 
 35 Uriburu, Sophia              Woodrow Wils             14.1h   3 
 36 Sissoko, Fama                Woodrow Wils             14.3h   4 
 37 Emery, Karly                 Churchill                14.4h   4 
 37 O'Brien, Sarah               Churchill                14.4h   2 
 37 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils             14.4h   4 
 40 Baylor, Colby                Churchill                14.6h   2 
 41 Wittenberg, Sydney           Churchill                14.8h   2 
 41 Monteferrante, Katherine     Churchill                14.8h   3 
 41 Charles, Gracie              Churchill                14.8h   3 
 44 Charles, Olivia              Churchill                14.9h   3 
 45 Pearson, Cristin             Woodrow Wils             15.0h   2 
 46 Smith, Anaya                 Woodrow Wils             15.1h   3 
 47 Hu, Rebecca                  Churchill                15.2h   2 
 47 Nassaj, Roya                 Churchill                15.2h   2 
 47 Hando, Lauren                Churchill                15.2h   1 
 50 Smith, Zahra                 Woodrow Wils             15.5h   3 
 51 Kabba, Fatima                Churchill                15.6h   2 
 52 Nguyen, Tina                 Woodrow Wils             16.1h   2 
 53 Barclay, Brooke              Churchill                16.2h   1 
 -- Weaver, Ashley               Churchill                   DQ   6 
Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Shaw, Redfield               Thomas S Woo             11.2h   7 
  2 Ofori, Kingsley              Thomas S Woo             11.2h   7 
  3 Amobi, Matthew               Thomas S Woo             11.4h   6 
  3 Antonescu, Robert            Churchill                11.4h   7 
  5 Gray, Evan                   Churchill                11.5h   6 
  5 Amobi, Michael               Thomas S Woo             11.5h   7 
  7 Cartwright, Keith            Thomas S Woo             11.6h   6 
  8 Zou, Steven                  Thomas S Woo             11.7h   6 
  9 Sunda, Arshaan               Thomas S Woo             11.8h   5 
  9 Anand, Govind                Churchill                11.8h   7 
  9 Golden, Christopher          Thomas S Woo             11.8h   5 
 12 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo             11.9h   4 
 12 Sanu, Mikhail                Thomas S Woo             11.9h   4 
 14 Li, Enoch                    Churchill                12.0h   6 
 14 Balina, Charles              Churchill                12.0h   6 
 14 Reed, Darius                 Churchill                12.0h   5 
 14 Choi, Philip                 Churchill                12.0h   4 
 14 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             12.0h   5 
 14 Smith, Danyl                 Woodrow Wils             12.0h   6 
 14 Cole, Julian                 Woodrow Wils             12.0h   7 
 21 Martin, Tafari               Thomas S Woo             12.1h   4 
 22 Penzes, Andre                Churchill                12.2h   7 
 22 Kong, Kevin                  Churchill                12.2h   3 
 22 Miller, Devante              Woodrow Wils             12.2h   7 
 25 Lee, Christopher             Churchill                12.3h   5 
 25 Berger, Aaron                Thomas S Woo             12.3h   5 
 25 Smyth, Nicholas              Churchill                12.3h   3 
 25 Chui, Nicholas               Thomas S Woo             12.3h   3 
 25 Conklin, Anthony             Woodrow Wils             12.3h   6 
 30 Fang, Bryan                  Churchill                12.4h   3 
 30 Tu, Patrick                  Churchill                12.4h   4 
 32 Wolf, Michael                Churchill                12.5h   2 
 33 Li, Weisheng                 Churchill                12.5h   2 
 34 Modi, Janaya                 Churchill                12.5h   2 
 35 Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo             12.5h   3 
 36 Nguyen, Kevin                Churchill                12.6h   3 
 37 Yang, David                  Churchill                12.7h   4 
 38 D'Arpa, Carl                 Thomas S Woo             12.8h   3 
 38 Bland, Brandon               Churchill                12.8h   1 
 40 Lambkin, Kayodo              Woodrow Wils             13.1h   5 
 40 Chen, William                Churchill                13.1h   1 
 42 Sherman, Will                Thomas S Woo             13.3h   2 
 42 Taubman, Joushua             Woodrow Wils             13.3h   4 
 42 Furgerson, Ian               Churchill                13.3h   1 
 42 Kang, Ji You                 Churchill                13.3h   2 
 46 Zhang, Mason                 Churchill                13.5h   1 
Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Reicin, Julia                Churchill              5:28.80  
  2 Trzeciak, Jessica            Thomas S Woo           5:32.60  
  3 Trakic, Adna                 Thomas S Woo           5:35.70  
  4 Thomasian, Julie             Churchill              5:38.20  
  5 Hubert, Valerie              Thomas S Woo           5:46.40  
  6 Myers, Griffin               Churchill              5:59.20  
  7 White, Olivia                Churchill              6:01.50  
  8 Boyd, Hannah                 Thomas S Woo           6:10.40  
  9 Wang, Mulan                  Thomas S Woo           6:11.00  
 10 Adkins, Caroline             Churchill              6:11.20  
 11 Menconi, Gabriella           Thomas S Woo           6:12.80  
 12 Srour, Isabel                Churchill              6:13.90  
 13 Tsui, Lauren                 Churchill              6:17.70  
 14 Blum, Carson                 Thomas S Woo           6:18.20  
 15 Qiu, Alice                   Churchill              6:22.00  
 16 Dellapa, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           6:22.70  
 17 Weiss, Zoe                   Thomas S Woo           6:25.70  
 18 Shuping, Daniela             Churchill              6:30.00  
 19 Christovich, Margaret        Thomas S Woo           6:34.00  
 20 Carpenter, Juliet            Thomas S Woo           6:41.10  
 21 Henderson, Emma              Thomas S Woo           6:42.40  
 22 Fagan, Allison               Churchill              6:43.20  
 23 Ashe, Hannah                 Churchill              6:44.90  
 24 Brodsky, Barrie              Thomas S Woo           6:48.10  
 25 Cousins, Krishna             Woodrow Wils           6:49.10  
 26 Tse, Madison                 Thomas S Woo           6:52.40  
 27 Wittick, Natalie             Thomas S Woo           6:52.90  
 28 Joshi, Nina                  Thomas S Woo           6:53.40  
 29 Smith, Bailey                Churchill              6:54.70  
 30 Galanis, Christina           Thomas S Woo           7:00.80  
 31 Lawrence, Libba              Churchill              7:10.50  
 32 David, Judy                  Thomas S Woo           7:10.80  
 33 Weiss, Jennifer              Thomas S Woo           7:11.10  
 34 Gelfond, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           7:12.00  
 35 Gonzalez, Laura              Woodrow Wils           7:12.50  
 36 Oringher, Jenna              Thomas S Woo           7:14.40  
 37 Hardee, Dallas               Woodrow Wils           7:15.20  
 38 Brennan, Niamh               Woodrow Wils           7:16.90  
 39 Schuermann, Veronika         Thomas S Woo           7:19.50  
 40 Podrabinnik, Michelle        Thomas S Woo           7:24.60  
 41 Fischer, Emma                Thomas S Woo           7:40.40  
 42 Ross, Carly                  Thomas S Woo           7:45.80  
 43 Bhanot, Shelly               Thomas S Woo           8:11.40  
 44 Geier, Taylor                Thomas S Woo           8:16.20  
Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Grant, Jacob                 Churchill              4:27.60  
  2 Welter, Mitchell             Churchill              4:27.90  
  3 Hughes, Michael              Churchill              4:33.90  
  4 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo           4:39.50  
  5 Shefferman, Jason            Churchill              4:42.20  
  6 Grannis, Queston             Woodrow Wils           4:42.60  
  7 Van Gieson, Amir             Thomas S Woo           4:51.10  
  8 Blackman, Sam                Thomas S Woo           4:51.40  
  9 Coates, Aaron                Woodrow Wils           4:51.80  
 10 Fanger, Mitchell             Thomas S Woo           4:52.80  
 11 Davis, Troy                  Thomas S Woo           4:52.90  
 12 Penry, Alexander             Thomas S Woo           4:54.30  
 13 Katz, Zev                    Charles E Sm           4:55.40  
 14 Mulderig, Patrick            Woodrow Wils           4:56.20  
 15 Freilich, Joshua             Churchill              4:56.80  
 16 Arking, Alex                 Charles E Sm           4:57.60  
 17 Mirzaie, Amin                Churchill              4:57.90  
 18 Goldsmith, Matthew           Churchill              5:00.40  
 19 Mishra, Varun                Churchill              5:01.40  
 20 Homana, Zac                  Charles E Sm           5:02.00  
 21 Rudolph, Vicente             Churchill              5:02.70  
 22 Winston, Reuben              Charles E Sm           5:03.80  
 23 Huang Ventura, Francisco     Thomas S Woo           5:05.10  
 24 Forest, Aaron                Churchill              5:05.50  
 25 Smith, Jacob                 Thomas S Woo           5:06.20  
 26 Murren, Ian                  Churchill              5:06.40  
 27 Tan-Fahed, Adrian            Churchill              5:06.80  
 28 Klein, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           5:07.10  
 29 Emery, Kyle                  Churchill              5:07.90  
 30 Li, Ethan                    Churchill              5:09.00  
 31 Tarwater, Avery              Thomas S Woo           5:12.20  
 32 Virachittevin, Marcel        Woodrow Wils           5:13.50  
 33 Bhalla, Meehir               Thomas S Woo           5:14.30  
 34 Wang, Simon                  Churchill              5:14.60  
 35 Penzes, Marcel               Churchill              5:16.70  
 36 Lind, Matthew                Thomas S Woo           5:19.10  
 37 Xie, Nathan                  Thomas S Woo           5:21.20  
 38 Li, Tianming                 Thomas S Woo           5:21.70  
 39 Jordan, Ashton               Churchill              5:24.10  
 40 Bock, Brendon                Thomas S Woo           5:24.40  
 41 Lee, Daniel                  Churchill              5:27.20  
 42 Shah, Jaiden                 Thomas S Woo           5:27.50  
 43 Carter, William              Churchill              5:27.80  
 44 Aly, Omar                    Churchill              5:30.10  
 45 Bock, Benji                  Thomas S Woo           5:30.90  
 46 Christovich, Nicholas        Thomas S Woo           5:31.10  
 47 Balangero, Lucas             Thomas S Woo           5:32.40  
 48 Peng, Jason                  Thomas S Woo           5:34.30  
 49 Lowengrub, Evan              Woodrow Wils           5:35.80  
 50 Mishra, Devansh              Thomas S Woo           5:38.30  
 51 Kidney, John                 Churchill              5:39.90  
 52 Mahon, Ryan                  Thomas S Woo           5:40.20  
 53 Peng, Chase                  Thomas S Woo           5:42.60  
 54 Arfa Russo, Sean             Churchill              5:44.80  
 55 Eisler, Benjamin             Churchill              5:47.40  
 56 Hugelier, Viktor             Thomas S Woo           5:49.60  
 57 Sardelis, Alexander          Thomas S Woo           5:49.90  
 58 Croker, Jacob                Thomas S Woo           5:50.30  
 59 Gracyalny, Nicholas          Thomas S Woo           5:54.70  
 60 Greenfeld, Avi               Thomas S Woo           5:56.80  
 61 Rabinowitz, Joshua           Thomas S Woo           6:11.90  
 62 Cho, Kyung-Uk                Thomas S Woo           6:20.20  
 63 Mason, Nicholas              Churchill              6:42.40  
 64 Shrager, Drew                Thomas S Woo           7:06.10  
 65 Markenson, Joshua            Thomas S Woo           7:09.70  
Event 9  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          1:47.8h  
     1) Wright, Quinn                   2) Dean, Jordan                   
     3) Jones, Soljala                  4) Robinson, Alana                
  2 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               1:50.4h  
     1) Chavoshi, Shireen               2) Lucas, Chanel                  
     3) Okudo, Nabila                   4) Smith, Midori                  
  3 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:53.1h  
     1) Janis, Daryn                    2) Teixeira, Tatiana              
     3) Szamosszegi, Margot             4) Rhodes, Tara                   
  4 Winston Churchill  'B'                              1:59.0h  
     1) Hassan, Esraa                   2) Hahn, Victoria                 
     3) Emery, Karly                    4) Weitzman, Hannah               
Event 10  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               1:33.8h  
     1) Ofori, Kingsley                 2) Golden, Christopher            
     3) Cartwright, Keith               4) Shaw, Redfield                 
  2 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          1:35.8h  
     1) Boss, Jacob                     2) Latimer, Erik                  
     3) Mlipha, Lethu                   4) Smith, Danyl                   
  3 Winston Churchill  'A'                              1:37.7h  
     1) Douglas, Franklin               2) Gray, Evan                     
     3) Antonescu, Robert               4) Reed, Darius                   
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'B'                               1:37.7h  
     1) Amobi, Matthew                  2) Brown, Mikhail                 
     3) Sanu, Mikhail                   4) Zou, Steven                    
Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Maizel, Rachel               Thomas S Woo             59.2h   7 
  2 Amis, Asia                   Woodrow Wils           1:01.4h   7 
  3 Shosanya, Stephanie          Churchill              1:02.9h   7 
  4 Goodman, Kaitlin             Charles E Sm           1:03.3h   7 
  5 Talley, Iyana                Woodrow Wils           1:05.0h   7 
  6 Brown, Kaliah                Woodrow Wils           1:05.9h   4 
  7 McEwen, Layla                Woodrow Wils           1:06.4h   6 
  8 Primus, Amber                Woodrow Wils           1:06.5h   6 
  9 Correa, Catarina             Churchill              1:06.6h   6 
 10 Robinson, Morgan             Churchill              1:06.7h   4 
 11 Deprey, Nicole               Thomas S Woo           1:07.2h   6 
 12 Okudo, Nabila                Thomas S Woo           1:07.7h   6 
 13 Hahn, Sofia                  Churchill              1:08.0h   5 
 13 Wang, Caroline               Thomas S Woo           1:08.0h   7 
 15 White, Gwenyth               Churchill              1:08.6h   4 
 16 O'Brien, Sarah               Churchill              1:08.7h   3 
 17 Ruvo, Allison                Churchill              1:09.9h   6 
 18 Young, Autumn                Woodrow Wils           1:10.1h   5 
 19 Asbury, Fiona                Churchill              1:10.4h   4 
 20 Hinds, Sophia                Thomas S Woo           1:11.8h   6 
 20 Pearson, Cristin             Woodrow Wils           1:11.8h   3 
 22 Jackson, Natika              Woodrow Wils           1:12.1h   2 
 23 Ronin, Dana                  Churchill              1:12.6h   5 
 24 Naiknavare, Ritika           Thomas S Woo           1:13.4h   5 
 25 Srour, Meredith              Churchill              1:13.7h   6 
 26 Kramer, Joanna               Churchill              1:13.9h   3 
 27 Crowe, Reagan                Woodrow Wils           1:14.0h   2 
 28 Zachariah, Sara              Churchill              1:14.3h   5 
 29 Nguyen, Tina                 Woodrow Wils           1:19.0h   3 
 30 Sissoko, Fama                Woodrow Wils           1:21.4h   4 
 31 Delavary, Delyar             Thomas S Woo           1:28.8h   1 
Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Yazdani, David               Thomas S Woo             51.8h   5 
  2 Diaite, Raheem               Woodrow Wils             53.7h   5 
  3 Strother, Dylan              Churchill                54.3h   5 
  4 Chan, William                Churchill                55.2h   4 
  5 Mohiuddin, Humza             Thomas S Woo             55.3h   5 
  6 Garrison, Diego              Thomas S Woo             55.9h   5 
  7 Miller, Devante              Woodrow Wils             56.0h   3 
  8 Chan, William                Churchill                56.6h   4 
  9 Okudo, Kemal                 Thomas S Woo             56.7h   3 
 10 Winkert, Thomas              Churchill                56.8h   5 
 11 Ma, Hollis                   Churchill                57.9h   4 
 12 Bryant III, Lacy             Thomas S Woo             58.1h   2 
 13 Krieger, Gerald              Thomas S Woo             58.2h   4 
 14 Xie, Nathan                  Thomas S Woo             58.3h   3 
 15 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             58.5h   4 
 16 Kong, Kevin                  Churchill                58.7h   3 
 17 Lambkin, Kayodo              Woodrow Wils             58.9h   2 
 18 Folk, Trent                  Thomas S Woo             59.3h   1 
 19 Van Gieson, Yusuf            Thomas S Woo             59.4h   2 
 20 O'Brien, Achmad              Thomas S Woo             59.5h   2 
 21 Wong, Ronald                 Thomas S Woo           1:00.1h   1 
 22 Borris, Frank                Woodrow Wils           1:01.7h   4 
 23 Kristiansen, Alexander       Thomas S Woo           1:01.9h   3 
 24 Nguyen, Kevin                Churchill              1:02.4h   3 
 25 Lugenbeel, Frazier           Thomas S Woo           1:02.5h   1 
 26 Chun, Philip                 Churchill              1:02.6h   3 
 27 Mlipha, Lethu                Woodrow Wils           1:03.0h   5 
 27 Greenfeld, Bennet            Thomas S Woo           1:03.0h   2 
 29 Kim, Matthew                 Thomas S Woo           1:04.5h   1 
 30 Taubman, Joushua             Woodrow Wils           1:05.7h   2 
 31 King, Emmanuel               Woodrow Wils           1:11.4h   3 
Event 13  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Dellapa, Grace               Thomas S Woo          12:08.90  
  2 Haass, Victoria              Churchill             12:38.90  
  3 Shapiro, Sarah               Thomas S Woo          12:40.90  
  4 Grainger, Maddie             Thomas S Woo          13:06.40  
  5 Hannah, Alex                 Woodrow Wils          13:08.70  
  6 Ding, Jessica                Churchill             13:14.00  
  7 Deprey, Jacqueline           Thomas S Woo          13:15.80  
  8 Ellison, Meredith            Woodrow Wils          13:26.60  
  9 Kumar, Sage                  Thomas S Woo          13:26.90  
 10 Fischer, Ana                 Woodrow Wils          14:59.00  
 -- Bush, Hannah                 Churchill                  DNF  
Event 14  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 SyBing, Colin                Thomas S Woo           9:48.90  
  2 Rushkoff, Jacob              Thomas S Woo           9:57.50  
  3 Glick, Drew                  Woodrow Wils          10:07.40  
  4 Riker, John                  Thomas S Woo          10:25.00  
  5 Chaslus, Ulysses             Woodrow Wils          10:26.90  
  6 Welter, Mitchell             Churchill             10:38.70  
  7 White, Conner                Thomas S Woo          10:51.70  
  7 Halverson, Matthew           Churchill             10:51.70  
  9 Dong, Grant                  Churchill             11:00.10  
 10 Lawrence, Connor             Thomas S Woo          11:10.90  
 11 Pohoryles, Joseph            Thomas S Woo          11:11.70  
 12 Tarwater, Avery              Thomas S Woo          11:35.20  
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lee, Lucy                    Churchill                47.1h   3 
  2 Haynie, Zakyrah              Woodrow Wils             49.7h   3 
  3 Teramoto, Elaina             Churchill                49.9h   3 
  4 Asbury, Eliza                Churchill                52.6h   1 
  5 Ogbemudia, Britney           Churchill                53.7h   2 
  6 Zarabian, Nikkia             Churchill                54.7h   2 
  7 Tran, Abbie                  Thomas S Woo             56.4h   3 
  8 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             56.5h   2 
  9 Brietzke, Christina          Thomas S Woo             56.7h   3 
 10 Tanner, Alexandra            Churchill                58.4h   1 
 11 Uriburu, Sophia              Woodrow Wils             58.9h   2 
 12 Woodward-Montes, Isabell     Churchill                59.1h   1 
 13 Lee, Hannah                  Churchill                59.3h   2 
 13 Hinds, Cecelia               Thomas S Woo             59.3h   2 
 15 Fagan, McKenzie              Churchill              1:02.1h   1 
 -- Pourahmad, Lily              Churchill                  DNF   1 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Cole, Julian                 Woodrow Wils             45.5h  
  2 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo             45.6h  
  3 Su, Kyle                     Thomas S Woo             47.1h  
  4 Ma, Hollis                   Churchill                47.6h  
  5 Tu, Patrick                  Churchill                49.3h  
  6 Plastrik, Alex               Churchill                49.6h  
Event 17  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lee, Karis                   Churchill                26.1h  10 
  2 Robinson, Alana              Woodrow Wils             27.1h   9 
  2 Dean, Jordan                 Woodrow Wils             27.1h  10 
  4 Smith, Midori                Thomas S Woo             27.2h  10 
  5 McEwen, Layla                Woodrow Wils             27.5h   8 
  6 Onu-Chiedo, Ijeoma           Churchill                27.6h  10 
  6 Hill, Kayla                  Thomas S Woo             27.6h   9 
  8 Brown, Kaliah                Woodrow Wils             27.8h   6 
  9 Scherf, Ana                  Thomas S Woo             27.9h  10 
 10 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill                28.5h   9 
 10 Primus, Amber                Woodrow Wils             28.5h   5 
 12 Ruvo, Allison                Churchill                28.9h   8 
 13 Young, Autumn                Woodrow Wils             29.0h   6 
 14 Wheeler, Jordan              Woodrow Wils             29.1h   7 
 15 Sissoko, Fama                Woodrow Wils             29.2h   2 
 16 Jackson, Natika              Woodrow Wils             29.3h   2 
 16 Asbury, Eliza                Churchill                29.3h   7 
 18 Tsytsareva, Tanya            Thomas S Woo             29.4h   9 
 18 Kottage, Dimagi              Thomas S Woo             29.4h   1 
 18 Porter, Angela               Thomas S Woo             29.4h   9 
 21 Weaver, Brittany             Churchill                29.8h   7 
 22 Hinds, Sophia                Thomas S Woo             29.9h   7 
 22 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils             29.9h   5 
 24 Sickels, Danielle            Churchill                30.0h   8 
 25 Escalante, Catalina          Thomas S Woo             30.1h   7 
 25 Alexis, Madison              Churchill                30.1h   4 
 27 Emery, Karly                 Churchill                30.2h   4 
 27 Weitzman, Hannah             Churchill                30.2h   3 
 29 O'Brien, Sarah               Churchill                30.6h   3 
 30 Johnston, Judy               Churchill                30.7h   6 
 31 Charles, Gracie              Churchill                30.8h   5 
 32 Monteferrante, Katherine     Churchill                30.9h   2 
 32 Hassan, Esraa                Churchill                30.9h   9 
 34 Uriburu, Sophia              Woodrow Wils             31.0h   4 
 35 Wittenberg, Sydney           Churchill                31.1h   2 
 35 Baylor, Colby                Churchill                31.1h   2 
 37 Charles, Olivia              Churchill                31.5h   3 
 37 White, Gwenyth               Churchill                31.5h   5 
 39 Pearson, Cristin             Woodrow Wils             31.6h   3 
 39 Srour, Meredith              Churchill                31.6h   6 
 41 Nassaj, Roya                 Churchill                31.8h   4 
 42 Hu, Rebecca                  Churchill                32.3h   1 
 42 Yarmovsky, Jenny             Thomas S Woo             32.3h   7 
 44 Masood, Saniya               Thomas S Woo             32.5h   6 
 45 Kabba, Fatima                Churchill                32.6h   2 
 46 Lavertu, Madina              Thomas S Woo             32.8h   5 
 47 Hando, Lauren                Churchill                33.1h   1 
 48 Barclay, Brooke              Churchill                33.4h   1 
 49 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils             33.6h   4 
 50 Abediyeh, Soraya             Thomas S Woo             34.1h   5 
Event 18  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Diaite, Raheem               Woodrow Wils             23.4h   9 
  2 Amobi, Michael               Thomas S Woo             23.4h   9 
  3 Gray, Evan                   Churchill                23.6h   7 
  3 Strother, Dylan              Churchill                23.6h   9 
  5 Chan, William                Churchill                23.6h   7 
  6 Smith, Danyl                 Woodrow Wils             23.9h   7 
  7 Kaovasia, Anush              Thomas S Woo             24.0h   7 
  7 Frazier, Marcus              Woodrow Wils             24.0h   7 
  9 Golden, Christopher          Thomas S Woo             24.1h   9 
 10 Zou, Steven                  Thomas S Woo             24.2h   8 
 11 Mlipha, Lethu                Woodrow Wils             24.4h   8 
 12 Balina, Charles              Churchill                24.8h   8 
 12 Berger, Aaron                Thomas S Woo             24.8h   7 
 12 Miller, Devante              Woodrow Wils             24.8h   8 
 15 Sanu, Mikhail                Thomas S Woo             24.9h   8 
 15 Lee, Christopher             Churchill                24.9h   7 
 17 Reed, Darius                 Churchill                25.0h   2 
 18 Choi, Philip                 Churchill                25.3h   6 
 18 Li, Enoch                    Churchill                25.3h   6 
 20 Martin, Tafari               Thomas S Woo             25.4h   6 
 20 Penzes, Andre                Churchill                25.4h   8 
 22 Stern, Noah                  Thomas S Woo             25.6h   6 
 23 Brietzke, Stephen            Thomas S Woo             25.8h   5 
 23 Smyth, Nicholas              Churchill                25.8h   5 
 25 Modi, Janaya                 Churchill                26.0h   5 
 25 Kang, Ji You                 Churchill                26.0h   4 
 25 Lambkin, Kayodo              Woodrow Wils             26.0h   6 
 28 Adams, Stephen               Woodrow Wils             26.1h   5 
 29 Chun, Philip                 Churchill                26.2h   3 
 30 Bland, Brandon               Churchill                26.4h   3 
 30 Wolf, Michael                Churchill                26.4h   4 
 30 Yang, David                  Churchill                26.4h   6 
 30 Krieger, Gerald              Thomas S Woo             26.4h   2 
 34 Li, Weisheng                 Churchill                26.6h   4 
 35 Bryant III, Lacy             Thomas S Woo             26.7h   5 
 35 Furgerson, Ian               Churchill                26.7h   4 
 35 Kristiansen, Alexander       Thomas S Woo             26.7h   6 
 38 Van Gieson, Yusuf            Thomas S Woo             26.8h   4 
 39 Chen, William                Churchill                27.0h   4 
 40 Lewis, Ralin                 Thomas S Woo             27.1h   4 
 40 Fang, Bryan                  Churchill                27.1h   5 
 42 Moinfar, Max                 Thomas S Woo             27.4h   3 
 42 O'Brien, Achmad              Thomas S Woo             27.4h   3 
 44 Zhang, Mason                 Churchill                27.8h   3 
 45 Taubman, Joushua             Woodrow Wils             27.9h   5 
 46 Lugenbeel, Frazier           Thomas S Woo             28.3h   2 
 47 Laibstain, Marc              Thomas S Woo             28.6h   3 
Event 19  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Reicin, Julia                Churchill              2:27.30  
  2 Maizel, Rachel               Thomas S Woo           2:27.80  
  3 Chelf, Erin                  Thomas S Woo           2:32.20  
  4 Trzeciak, Jessica            Thomas S Woo           2:32.60  
  5 Trakic, Adna                 Thomas S Woo           2:32.90  
  6 Boyd, Hannah                 Thomas S Woo           2:35.60  
  7 Clem, Rebecca                Churchill              2:36.50  
  8 Thomasian, Julie             Churchill              2:37.40  
  9 Deprey, Nicole               Thomas S Woo           2:38.60  
 10 Laine, Sofia                 Woodrow Wils           2:40.70  
 11 Shapiro, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           2:40.80  
 12 Hubert, Valerie              Thomas S Woo           2:41.10  
 13 Asbury, Fiona                Churchill              2:41.60  
 14 Grainger, Maddie             Thomas S Woo           2:42.00  
 15 Srour, Isabel                Churchill              2:44.40  
 16 Deprey, Jacqueline           Thomas S Woo           2:44.70  
 17 White, Olivia                Churchill              2:45.50  
 18 Blum, Carson                 Thomas S Woo           2:47.30  
 19 Adkins, Caroline             Churchill              2:47.90  
 20 Tsui, Lauren                 Churchill              2:49.40  
 21 Wang, Mulan                  Thomas S Woo           2:50.70  
 22 Ronin, Dana                  Churchill              2:51.40  
 23 Qiu, Alice                   Churchill              2:52.70  
 24 Kumar, Sage                  Thomas S Woo           2:53.40  
 25 Haass, Victoria              Churchill              2:54.00  
 26 Carpenter, Juliet            Thomas S Woo           2:54.10  
 27 Robinson, Morgan             Churchill              2:54.20  
 27 Menconi, Gabriella           Thomas S Woo           2:54.20  
 29 Henderson, Emma              Thomas S Woo           2:55.30  
 30 Dellapa, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           2:55.50  
 31 Cousins, Krishna             Woodrow Wils           2:56.30  
 32 Weiss, Zoe                   Thomas S Woo           2:57.40  
 33 Kramer, Joanna               Churchill              2:58.00  
 34 Sachs, Lauren                Thomas S Woo           2:59.00  
 35 Ashe, Hannah                 Churchill              3:00.00  
 36 Christovich, Margaret        Thomas S Woo           3:02.50  
 37 Smith, Bailey                Churchill              3:02.70  
 38 Gonzalez, Laura              Woodrow Wils           3:03.00  
 39 Fagan, Allison               Churchill              3:04.60  
 40 Tse, Madison                 Thomas S Woo           3:07.30  
 41 Wittick, Natalie             Thomas S Woo           3:11.40  
 42 Brodsky, Barrie              Thomas S Woo           3:12.70  
 43 Brennan, Niamh               Woodrow Wils           3:13.40  
 44 Hardee, Dallas               Woodrow Wils           3:13.80  
 45 Joshi, Nina                  Thomas S Woo           3:15.90  
 46 Gelfond, Sarah               Thomas S Woo           3:17.20  
 47 Oringher, Jenna              Thomas S Woo           3:18.10  
 48 David, Judy                  Thomas S Woo           3:19.40  
 49 Weiss, Jennifer              Thomas S Woo           3:22.60  
 50 Crowe, Reagan                Woodrow Wils           3:22.90  
 51 Galanis, Christina           Thomas S Woo           3:23.20  
 51 Podrabinnik, Michelle        Thomas S Woo           3:23.20  
 53 Ross, Carly                  Thomas S Woo           3:24.50  
 54 Geier, Taylor                Thomas S Woo           3:38.10  
 55 Bhanot, Shelly               Thomas S Woo           3:42.10  
 -- Asbury, Gwenyth              Churchill                  DNF  
Event 20  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Glick, Drew                  Woodrow Wils           1:59.80  
  2 Grant, Jacob                 Churchill              2:01.60  
  3 Hughes, Michael              Churchill              2:01.90  
  4 Yazdani, David               Thomas S Woo           2:04.80  
  5 Coates, Aaron                Woodrow Wils           2:06.80  
  6 Tilley, Cliff                Thomas S Woo           2:07.40  
  7 Grannis, Queston             Woodrow Wils           2:07.70  
  8 Shefferman, Jason            Churchill              2:08.00  
  9 Freilich, Joshua             Churchill              2:08.40  
 10 Davis, Troy                  Thomas S Woo           2:08.80  
 10 Homana, Zac                  Charles E Sm           2:08.80  
 12 Goldsmith, Matthew           Churchill              2:09.30  
 13 Blackman, Sam                Thomas S Woo           2:09.70  
 14 Chaslus, Ulysses             Woodrow Wils           2:11.70  
 15 Mulderig, Patrick            Woodrow Wils           2:11.90  
 16 Winkert, Thomas              Churchill              2:12.20  
 17 Davis, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           2:12.40  
 18 Fanger, Mitchell             Thomas S Woo           2:13.40  
 19 Van Gieson, Amir             Thomas S Woo           2:14.10  
 20 Smith, Jacob                 Thomas S Woo           2:17.00  
 21 Virachittevin, Marcel        Woodrow Wils           2:18.20  
 22 Rudolph, Vicente             Churchill              2:18.70  
 23 Wong, Ronald                 Thomas S Woo           2:19.00  
 24 Huang Ventura, Francisco     Thomas S Woo           2:19.20  
 25 Klein, Matthew               Thomas S Woo           2:19.50  
 26 Mishra, Varun                Churchill              2:19.80  
 27 Tan-Fahed, Adrian            Churchill              2:20.10  
 28 Xie, Nathan                  Thomas S Woo           2:20.40  
 29 Li, Ethan                    Churchill              2:20.70  
 30 Forest, Aaron                Churchill              2:20.90  
 31 Penzes, Marcel               Churchill              2:22.20  
 32 Wang, Simon                  Churchill              2:23.40  
 33 Li, Tianming                 Thomas S Woo           2:23.60  
 34 Jordan, Ashton               Churchill              2:23.90  
 35 Emery, Kyle                  Churchill              2:25.40  
 36 Murren, Ian                  Churchill              2:26.40  
 37 Bock, Benji                  Thomas S Woo           2:26.60  
 38 Lind, Matthew                Thomas S Woo           2:26.90  
 39 Bhalla, Meehir               Thomas S Woo           2:27.30  
 40 Carter, William              Churchill              2:27.70  
 41 Bock, Brendon                Thomas S Woo           2:27.90  
 42 Aly, Omar                    Churchill              2:28.80  
 43 Lawrence, Connor             Thomas S Woo           2:29.10  
 44 Peng, Jason                  Thomas S Woo           2:29.30  
 45 Christovich, Nicholas        Thomas S Woo           2:30.10  
 46 Lee, Daniel                  Churchill              2:31.20  
 47 Mahon, Ryan                  Thomas S Woo           2:31.50  
 48 Mishra, Devansh              Thomas S Woo           2:32.60  
 49 Eisler, Benjamin             Churchill              2:34.60  
 50 Shah, Jaiden                 Thomas S Woo           2:35.40  
 51 Arfa Russo, Sean             Churchill              2:36.10  
 52 Kidney, John                 Churchill              2:38.10  
 53 Croker, Jacob                Thomas S Woo           2:39.30  
 54 Lowengrub, Evan              Woodrow Wils           2:40.80  
 55 Sardelis, Alexander          Thomas S Woo           2:44.50  
 56 Gracyalny, Nicholas          Thomas S Woo           2:46.10  
 57 Greenfeld, Avi               Thomas S Woo           2:47.90  
 58 Mason, Nicholas              Churchill              2:50.30  
 59 Cho, Kyung-Uk                Thomas S Woo           2:54.10  
 60 Myers, Brian                 Thomas S Woo           3:04.90  
 61 Shrager, Drew                Thomas S Woo           3:22.50  
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                            50.9h  
     1) Robinson, Alana                 2) Amis, Asia                     
     3) Dawson, Alicia                  4) Glenn, Xabriah                 
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                                52.1h  
     1) Veator, Sydney                  2) Lee, Karis                     
     3) Lee, Lucy                       4) Janis, Daryn                   
  3 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                                 52.2h  
     1) Okudo, Nabila                   2) Smith, Midori                  
     3) Chavoshi, Shireen               4) Lucas, Chanel                  
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                                 44.5h  
     1) Amobi, Michael                  2) Shaw, Redfield                 
     3) Cartwright, Keith               4) Ofori, Kingsley                
  2 Thomas S Wootton  'B'                                 45.8h  
     1) Zou, Steven                     2) Amobi, Matthew                 
     3) Golden, Christopher             4) Sunda, Arshaan                 
  3 Winston Churchill  'A'                                45.9h  
     1) Liu, Ethan                      2) Tan-Fahed, Brendan             
     3) Anand, Govind                   4) Young, Thomas                  
  4 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                            46.6h  
     1) Diaite, Raheem                  2) Boss, Jacob                    
     3) Latimer, Erik                   4) Williams, Stevie               
Event 23  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          4:18.20  
     1) Frank, Kyla                     2) Dean, Jordan                   
     3) Haynie, Zakyrah                 4) Laine, Sofia                   
  2 Thomas S Wootton  'A'                               4:26.40  
     1) Chavoshi, Shireen               2) Wang, Caroline                 
     3) Deprey, Nicole                  4) Maizel, Rachel                 
  3 Winston Churchill  'B'                              4:30.90  
     1) Asbury, Eliza                   2) Asbury, Fiona                  
     3) Asbury, Gwenyth                 4) Clem, Rebecca                  
  4 Winston Churchill  'A'                              4:31.40  
     1) Shosanya, Stephanie             2) Saisan, Anisa                  
     3) Ruvo, Allison                   4) Rhodes, Tara                   
Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Woodrow Wilson Senior  'A'                          3:37.00  
     1) Diaite, Raheem                  2) Coates, Aaron                  
     3) Glick, Drew                     4) Grannis, Queston               
  2 Winston Churchill  'A'                              3:40.20  
     1) Grant, Jacob                    2) Hughes, Michael                
     3) Freilich, Joshua                4) Tan-Fahed, Brendan             
 -- Thomas S Wootton  'A'                                    DQ  
     1) Garrison, Diego                 2) Mohiuddin, Humza               
     3) Thomas, Langston                4) Brown, Mikhail                 
Event 25  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils          28-11.00  
  2 Johnson, Kiana               Thomas S Woo          25-08.00  
  3 Moorer, Kaylin               Thomas S Woo          25-00.00  
  3 Quackenbush, Mary            Thomas S Woo          25-00.00  
  5 Thomas, Emily                Churchill             24-05.00  
  6 Riddick, Melody              Woodrow Wils          23-05.00  
  7 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill             23-04.00  
  8 Smith, Kaya                  Woodrow Wils          23-01.00  
  9 Wang, Haoxuan                Thomas S Woo          21-02.00  
 10 McLaughlin, May              Woodrow Wils          15-05.00  
Event 26  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Whittaker, Dylan             Churchill             33-08.00  
  2 Mishkin, William             Churchill             33-07.00  
  3 Portes, Lucas                Thomas S Woo          31-05.00  
  4 Houston, Emmanuel            Woodrow Wils          30-06.00  
  5 Zaslavsky, Daniel            Thomas S Woo          26-08.00  
  6 Papageorge, Nicholas         Churchill             26-07.00  
  7 Hannah, Javaughn             Woodrow Wils          25-07.00  
  8 Okhowat, Robert              Churchill             25-02.00  
  9 Razdan, Kundan               Thomas S Woo          24-07.00  
 10 Deychman, Nathan             Churchill             24-06.00  
 10 Correa, Vinicius             Churchill             24-06.00  
 12 Chinnasamy, Harish           Thomas S Woo          22-08.00  
 13 Sincyr, Eddie                Woodrow Wils          22-00.00  
 14 Brodsky, Jonathan            Thomas S Woo          20-10.00  
Event 27  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Brittingham, Johnae          Woodrow Wils             71-08  
  2 Thomas, Emily                Churchill                71-06  
  3 Smith, Kaya                  Woodrow Wils             67-00  
  4 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill                63-06  
  5 Johnson, Kiana               Thomas S Woo             63-04  
  6 Riddick, Melody              Woodrow Wils             62-07  
  7 Moorer, Kaylin               Thomas S Woo             62-03  
  8 Wang, Haoxuan                Thomas S Woo             58-02  
  9 Quackenbush, Mary            Thomas S Woo             52-05  
 10 McLaughlin, May              Woodrow Wils             41-01  
Event 28  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Whittaker, Dylan             Churchill                94-08  
  2 Dong, Grant                  Churchill                82-09  
  3 Mishkin, William             Churchill                82-00  
  4 Houston, Emmanuel            Woodrow Wils             78-07  
  5 Hannah, Javaughn             Woodrow Wils             78-03  
  6 Plastrik, Alex               Churchill                72-09  
  7 Razdan, Kundan               Thomas S Woo             72-03  
  8 Portes, Lucas                Thomas S Woo          70-09.50  
  9 Correa, Vinicius             Churchill                69-01  
 10 Sincyr, Eddie                Woodrow Wils             68-05  
 11 Papageorge, Nicholas         Churchill                67-03  
 12 Zaslavsky, Daniel            Thomas S Woo             60-00  
 13 Okhowat, Robert              Churchill                59-05  
 14 Deychman, Nathan             Churchill                57-06  
 15 Brodsky, Jonathan            Thomas S Woo             54-10  
 16 Chinnasamy, Harish           Thomas S Woo             47-01  
Event 29  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jones, Soljala               Woodrow Wils           5-00.00  
  2 Teixeira, Tatiana            Churchill              4-10.00  
  2 Dawson, Alicia               Woodrow Wils           4-10.00  
  4 Conway, Alexandra            Churchill              4-08.00  
  5 Talley, Iyana                Woodrow Wils           4-06.00  
  6 Douglas, Lexi                Thomas S Woo           4-04.00  
  6 Darby, Laura                 Thomas S Woo           4-04.00  
Event 30  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Brown, Mikhail               Thomas S Woo           5-10.00  
  2 Ofori, Kingsley              Thomas S Woo           5-08.00  
  3 Conklin, Anthony             Woodrow Wils           5-06.00  
  3 Jennings, Isaiah             Woodrow Wils           5-06.00  
  5 Coates, Stephen              Woodrow Wils           5-06.00  
  6 Akor, Agbo                   Thomas S Woo           5-06.00  
  7 Reed, Darius                 Churchill              5-02.00  
  8 Sherman, Will                Thomas S Woo           5-00.00  
 -- Laibstain, Marc              Thomas S Woo                NH  
 -- Smyth, Nicholas              Churchill                   NH  
 -- Brietzke, Stephen            Thomas S Woo                NH  
 -- Lewis, Ralin                 Thomas S Woo                NH  
Event 33  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kan, Elisabeth               Churchill             16-00.75  
  2 Jones, Soljala               Woodrow Wils          15-09.25  
  3 Dawson, Alicia               Woodrow Wils          15-01.00  
  4 McEwen, Layla                Woodrow Wils          15-00.00  
  5 Brown, Kaliah                Woodrow Wils          14-08.75  
  6 Weaver, Brittany             Churchill             14-07.00  
  7 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils          14-04.00  
  8 Kottage, Dimagi              Thomas S Woo          13-10.75  
  9 Zifrony, Alexandra           Thomas S Woo          13-02.00  
 10 Hinds, Cecelia               Thomas S Woo          11-07.75  
 11 Messing, Jenna               Thomas S Woo          11-07.50  
Event 34  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill             20-00.50  
  2 Tan-Fahed, Brendan           Churchill             19-04.75  
  3 Anand, Govind                Churchill             19-02.00  
  4 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo          19-01.00  
  5 Coates, Stephen              Woodrow Wils          19-01.00  
  6 Myers, Michael               Thomas S Woo          19-00.75  
  7 Devine, Ambrose              Thomas S Woo          18-09.00  
  8 D'Arpa, Carl                 Thomas S Woo          16-11.75  
  9 Jung, Lawrence               Thomas S Woo          16-03.00  
  9 Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo          16-03.00  
 11 Chang, Evan                  Thomas S Woo          14-10.00  
 12 Moinfar, Max                 Thomas S Woo          14-09.25  
 13 Stern, Noah                  Thomas S Woo          13-07.25  
 -- Garrison, Diego              Thomas S Woo              FOUL  
 -- Chui, Nicholas               Thomas S Woo              FOUL  
 -- Shaw, Redfield               Thomas S Woo              FOUL  
 -- Juhnn, Arthur                Thomas S Woo              FOUL  
Event 35  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kan, Elisabeth               Churchill             34-06.00  
  2 Jones, Soljala               Woodrow Wils          33-00.50  
  3 Weaver, Ashley               Churchill             31-07.00  
  4 Randriambololona, Mariah     Woodrow Wils          31-04.25  
  5 Dawson, Alicia               Woodrow Wils          31-02.50  
  6 Peng, Rachel                 Thomas S Woo          30-03.25  
  7 Messing, Jenna               Thomas S Woo          29-03.00  
Event 36  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Liu, Ethan                   Churchill             41-10.75  
  2 Tan-Fahed, Brendan           Churchill             40-03.00  
  3 Chow, Dominic                Thomas S Woo          39-04.50  
  4 Myers, Michael               Thomas S Woo          36-04.75  
  5 Eisen, Jason                 Thomas S Woo          34-06.75  
  6 D'Arpa, Carl                 Thomas S Woo          31-11.00  
  7 Peng, Chase                  Thomas S Woo          30-06.75  

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