Interhigh Track

Landon Invitational
Landon XC Invitational History
Hosted By: Landon School
Bethesda Maryland
Saturday, October 14, 2006

	Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 #1100 St. John, Ollie        Edmund Burke School   16:45.95    1
	  2 #1353 Gerdes, John           Field School          16:50.60
	  3 #1217 Mulder, Nick           Washington Inter      17:15.83    2
	  4  #954 Peterson, Joe          St. Andrews           17:28.03    3
	  5 #1000 Marinelli, Max         Landon School         17:30.34    4
	  6 #1009 Strabo, Jack           Landon School         17:39.93    5
	  7 #1253 Funger, Teddy          Bullis School         17:42.85    6
	  8  #935 Belikove, Tom          St. Andrews           17:43.13    7
	  9 #1069 Young, Dean            St. James School      17:43.90    8
	 10 #1015 Whalen, Spencer        Landon School         17:46.44    9
	 11  #968 Miller, Colby          Flint Hill School     17:52.44   10
	 12  #761 Vaughn, Timothy        Heights School        17:52.87   11
	 13  #760 Sushinsky, Matthew     Heights School        17:53.64   12
	 14  #959 Thayer, Dylan          St. Andrews           17:56.28   13
	 15  #788 Rivero, Kevin          Bishop Ireton         17:58.41   14
	 16 #1119 Danello, Chris         Maret School          17:59.99   15
	 17  #756 Hadley, Timothy        Heights School        18:03.55   16
	 18  #777 Gartner, Kenny         Bishop Ireton         18:10.16   17
	 19  #958 Taylor, John           St. Andrews           18:21.11   18
	 20 #1094 Messinger, Conor       Edmund Burke School   18:26.07   19
	 21  #758 Lulli, Sebastian       Heights School        18:28.90   20
	 22  #967 Gunasinghe, Meth       Flint Hill School     18:29.59   21
	 23 #1216 Millet-Sorsa, Alex     Washington Inter      18:31.57   22
	 24  #755 Guarente, Andrew       Heights School        18:32.22   23
	 25  #903 Parks, A.J.            Sidwell Friends       18:33.38   24
	 26 #1241 Overall, Jesse         Bullis School         18:36.17   25
	 27  #895 Hendler, Micah         Sidwell Friends       18:36.73   26
	 28  #896 Hendler, Reuben        Sidwell Friends       18:39.77   27
	 29  #793 Gottlieb, Kevin        Bishop Ireton         18:44.29   28
	 30  #941 Galicia, Pablo         St. Andrews           18:51.33   29
	 31 #1322 Waclowick, Carl        St. John's            18:56.04   30
	 32  #962 Barbalace, Colin       Flint Hill School     18:57.23   31
	 33  #938 Felker, Chase          St. Andrews           19:04.44   32
	 34 #1270 Gass, Henry            Bullis School         19:07.17   33
	 35 #1055 Buzzell, Zack          St. James School      19:07.73   34
	 36  #781 Krauss, Mike           Bishop Ireton         19:10.14   35
	 37 #1309 Frank, Travis          St. John's            19:11.21   36
	 38 #1120 Bess, Caleb            Maret School          19:12.11   37
	 39 #1327 Esherick, Andrew       St. John's            19:13.20   38
	 40 #1240 Hague, Chris           Bullis School         19:15.76   39
	 41  #950 Naughton, Ben          St. Andrews           19:22.92   40
	 42 #1220 Madden, William        Washington Inter      19:24.29   41
	 43  #997 McGinnis, Kyle         Landon School         19:27.57   42
	 44  #772 Blake, Patrick         Bishop Ireton         19:28.20   43
	 45  #782 Norris, Bryson         Bishop Ireton         19:29.04   44
	 46 #1052 Zaras, George          Potomac School        19:30.18   45
	 47 #1006 Rubin, Keith           Landon School         19:32.24   46
	 48  #906 Souders, Peter         Sidwell Friends       19:33.12   47
	 49 #1026 Paranti, Nicolas       Potomac School        19:33.76   48
	 50 #1264 Wright, Ryan           Bullis School         19:35.90   49
	 51 #1027 Paranti, Vincent       Potomac School        19:37.64   50
	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
	 52 #1088 Conrad, Simon          Edmund Burke School   19:38.05   51
	 53 #1063 Orlowski, Sean         St. James School      19:43.16   52
	 54 #1243 Schlanger, Nick        Bullis School         19:48.97   53
	 55 #1053 Boales, Drew           St. James School      19:54.78   54
	 56 #1007 Sammis, Jake           Landon School         19:57.61   55
	 57 #1023 Jory, Calvin           Potomac School        20:01.54   56
	 58  #774 Chelak, Joey           Bishop Ireton         20:05.94   57
	 59 #1095 Gretz, Sam             Edmund Burke School   20:09.17   58
	 60 #1005 Potts, Stephen         Landon School         20:13.07   59
	 61  #899 Kurzrok, Adam          Sidwell Friends       20:13.54   60
	 62  #898 Kleban, Jason          Sidwell Friends       20:14.04   61
	 63 #1124 Spodak, Jesse          Maret School          20:17.01   62
	 64 #1122 Murray, David          Maret School          20:18.20   63
	 65 #1221 Tusing, Scott          Washington Inter      20:21.65   64
	 66 #1021 Foust, Patrick         Potomac School        20:23.87   65
	 67 #1251 Marzella, Anthony      Bullis School         20:26.50   66
	 68 #1321 Royster, Charles       St. John's            20:30.34   67
	 69 #1320 Rivas, Manrique        St. John's            20:43.37   68
	 70 #1323 Weigand, Phil          St. John's            20:45.26   69
	 71 #1123 Hager, Lee             Maret School          21:04.68   70
	 72 #1057 Egan, Kevin            St. James School      21:05.41   71
	 73 #1215 Danforth, Nick         Washington Inter      21:05.94   72
	 74 #1102 Wexler, Michael        Edmund Burke School   21:07.27   73
	 75 #1219 Henskens, Ronald       Washington Inter      21:10.11   74
	 76 #1061 McClenning, Michae     St. James School      21:12.93   75
	 77  #966 Coleman, Matt          Flint Hill School     21:14.56   76
	 78  #969 Redway, Ethan          Flint Hill School     21:26.48   77
	 79 #1306 Connors, Neil          St. John's            21:38.13   78
	 80 #1121 Eisenman, David        Maret School          21:45.95   79
	 81 #1127 Laponsky, Max          Maret School          22:41.70   80
	 82  #963 Bolduc, Curtis         Flint Hill School     22:47.57   81
	 83  #970 Rose, Davis            Flint Hill School     22:58.40   82
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	   1 St. Andrews Episcopal Sch    70    3    7   13   18   29   32   40
	      Total Time:  1:30:19.88
	         Average:    18:03.98
	   2 Heights School               82   11   12   16   20   23
	      Total Time:  1:30:51.18
	         Average:    18:10.24
	   3 Landon School               106    4    5    9   42   46   55   59
	      Total Time:  1:31:56.52
	         Average:    18:23.31
	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
	   4 Bishop Ireton               137   14   17   28   35   43   44   57
	      Total Time:  1:33:31.20
	         Average:    18:42.24
	   5 Bullis School               152    6   25   33   39   49   53   66
	      Total Time:  1:34:17.85
	         Average:    18:51.57
	   6 Sidwell Friends School      184   24   26   27   47   60   61
	      Total Time:  1:35:36.54
	         Average:    19:07.31
	   7 Washington International    201    2   22   41   64   72   74
	      Total Time:  1:36:39.28
	         Average:    19:19.86
	   8 Edmund Burke School         202    1   19   51   58   73
	      Total Time:  1:36:06.51
	         Average:    19:13.31
	   9 Flint Hill School           215   10   21   31   76   77   81   82
	      Total Time:  1:38:00.30
	         Average:    19:36.06
	  10 St. James School            219    8   34   52   54   71   75
	      Total Time:  1:37:34.98
	         Average:    19:31.00
	  11 St. John's College High S   239   30   36   38   67   68   69   78
	      Total Time:  1:38:34.16
	         Average:    19:42.84
	  12 Maret School                247   15   37   62   63   70   79   80
	      Total Time:  1:38:51.99
	         Average:    19:46.40
	  13 Potomac School              264   45   48   50   56   65
	      Total Time:  1:39:06.99
	         Average:    19:49.40

	Event 5  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 Roberts, Gloria              Arch Bishop Carroll   19:19.67
	  2 Seymour, Ashley              Arch Bishop Carroll   19:45.59
	  3 Tela, Julianne               Bishop Ireton         19:51.13    1
	  4 Lewis, Lauren                Sidwell Friends       20:27.40    2
	  5 Gass, Ellie                  Bullis School         20:50.64    3
	  6 Nash, Lisa                   St. Andrews           20:57.29    4
	  7 Addison, Yaa                 St. Andrews           21:03.56    5
	  8 Hart, Gie Gie                St. Andrews           21:14.50    6
	  9 Lansdale, Sadie              Sidwell Friends       21:14.63    7
	 10 Eichner, Kyle                Sidwell Friends       21:15.93    8
	 11 Huber, Anne                  Holton Arms School    21:17.83    9
	 12 Thomas, Adrienne             Elizabeth Seton       21:19.38
	 13 Greene, Melina               Sidwell Friends       21:26.75   10
	 14 Hatton, Emily                St. Andrews           21:28.05   11
	 15 Putterman, Sara              Bullis School         21:37.71   12
	 16 Nash, Megan                  St. Andrews           21:39.74   13
	 17 Beehler, Abby                Holton Arms School    21:42.37   14
	 18 Matuszak, Kelsey             Maryvale Prep         21:43.38   15
	 19 Matuszak, Katie              Maryvale Prep         21:50.50   16
	 20 Stier, Natalie               Bishop Ireton         21:57.53   17
	 21 Leith, Marina                Maret School          22:00.46   18
	 22 Seals, Ayanna                St. John's            22:05.59
	 23 Von Guggenberg, Rene         Bishop Ireton         22:08.63   19
	 24 Berberian, Megan             Bishop Ireton         22:10.62   20
	 25 Daniels, Khadeja             St. John's            22:10.98
	 26 Azzara, Alex                 St. Andrews           22:12.53   21
	 27 Kott, LJ                     Sidwell Friends       22:16.87   22
	 28 Strickland, Victoria         Maret School          22:18.01   23
	 29 Millard, Candice             Maryvale Prep         22:19.50   24
	 30 Riley, Mary                  Stone Ridge School    22:22.34   25
	 31 Takesuye, Grace              Bullis School         22:24.34   26
	 32 Michaud, Kristina            Maryvale Prep         22:25.00   27
	 33 Vassar, Julie                Potomac School        22:44.10   28
	 34 Broader, Melanie             Maret School          22:44.31   29
	 35 Brown, Diana                 St. Andrews           22:46.61   30
	 36 Peters, Bianca               Holton Arms School    23:00.85   31
	 37 Gragnolati, Kate             Bullis School         23:01.27   32
	 38 Reseta, Laura                Bishop Ireton         23:01.48   33
	 39 Illana, Caplan               Bullis School         23:04.40   34
	 40 Green, Mary Katherine        Holy Child            23:06.42   35
	 41 Moore, Amelia                Potomac School        23:06.76   36
	 42 Baird, Emily                 Bishop Ireton         23:07.71   37
	 43 Moulton, Molly               Holton Arms School    23:09.07   38
	 44 Daly, kate                   Elizabeth Seton       23:10.38
	 45 Tela, Janet                  Bishop Ireton         23:11.01   39
	 46 Geen, BG                     Potomac School        23:11.24   40
	 47 Harris, Irene                Maryvale Prep         23:16.55   41
	 48 Scheineson, Sara             Holton Arms School    23:17.09   42
	 49 Fortier, Rachel              Bullis School         23:17.35   43
	 50 Roumell, Nina                Bullis School         23:19.68   44
	 51 Lipsher, Cat                 Potomac School        23:23.26   45
	....Event 5  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
	 52 Ghent, Lauren                Elizabeth Seton       23:41.43
	 53 Wilde, Emily                 Holton Arms School    23:41.62   46
	 54 LeDain, Katie                Stone Ridge School    23:53.64   47
	 55 Timbers, Emma                Edmund Burke School   24:09.60
	 56 Butler, Lily                 Maret School          24:11.63   48
	 57 Sullivan, Cara               Stone Ridge School    24:16.44   49
	58 Gallahue 
	, Becca            Maret School          24:47.40   50
	 59 Nyparer, Ellie               Maryvale Prep         24:49.01   51
	 60 Johnson, jai                 Elizabeth Seton       24:53.69
	 61 Inglesby, Caroline           Holton Arms School    24:57.58   52
	 62 Cortese, Guili               Stone Ridge School    25:11.07   53
	 63 Nadler, Lauren               Edmund Burke School   25:23.48
	 64 Kleb, Cerise                 Maryvale Prep         25:25.01   54
	 65 Aguirre, Nikol               St. John's            25:26.96
	 66 Runner, No tag               Sidwell Friends       25:51.94   55
	 67 Whitnah, Charis              Stone Ridge School    26:00.59   56
	 68 Cosgrove, Bernie             Stone Ridge School    26:02.70   57
	 69 Shea, Ann                    St. John's            26:18.03
	 70 Drozdoski, Anne Elise        Stone Ridge School    26:32.75   58
	 71 Thronson, Margo              Potomac School        26:53.89   59
	 72 Sissin, Amy                  Holy Child            27:09.20   60
	 73 Hill, Karen                  Holy Child            27:10.90   61
	 74 Pang, Katie                  Holy Child            27:51.20   62
	 75 Frederick, Logan             Flint Hill School     27:57.70
	 76 Gibian, Kiah                 Sidwell Friends       28:03.20   63
	 77 Ewing, Aja                   Potomac School        28:17.35   64
	 78 Clifton, Olivia              Holy Child            30:58.64   65
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	   1 St. Andrews Episcopal Sch    39    4    5    6   11   13   21   30
	      Total Time:  1:46:23.15
	         Average:    21:16.63
	   2 Sidwell Friends School       49    2    7    8   10   22   55   63
	      Total Time:  1:46:41.58
	         Average:    21:20.32
	   3 Bishop Ireton                90    1   17   19   20   33   37   39
	      Total Time:  1:49:09.39
	         Average:    21:49.88
	   4 Bullis School               107    3   12   26   32   34   43   44
	      Total Time:  1:50:58.36
	         Average:    22:11.68
	   5 Maryvale Prep               123   15   16   24   27   41   51   54
	      Total Time:  1:51:34.93
	         Average:    22:18.99
	....Event 5  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
	   6 Holton Arms School          134    9   14   31   38   42   46   52
	      Total Time:  1:52:27.21
	         Average:    22:29.45
	   7 Maret School                168   18   23   29   48   50
	      Total Time:  1:56:01.81
	         Average:    23:12.37
	   8 Potomac School              208   28   36   40   45   59   64
	      Total Time:  1:59:19.25
	         Average:    23:51.85
	   9 Stone Ridge School          230   25   47   49   53   56   57   58
	      Total Time:  2:01:44.08
	         Average:    24:20.82
	  10 Holy Child                  283   35   60   61   62   65
	      Total Time:  2:16:16.36
	         Average:    27:15.28

	Event 1  Girls 3k Run CC MS/Jr High
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 #1070 Arandia, Mathilde      Edmund Burke MS       15:13.41
	  2 #1212 Mulder, Charlotta      Wis MS                15:15.37    1
	  3 #1414 Wagner, Madison        Sidwell MS            15:23.89
	  4  #746 Rosenburg, Kaleigh     Loudoun Country       15:30.64
	  5 #1071 McCabe, Molly          Edmund Burke MS       15:38.30
	  6  #551 Mann, Rebecca          Loudoun Country       16:01.28
	  7 #1349 Whitehead, Daniell     McLean MS             16:30.35
	  8  #367 Allen, Destiny         Holy Family School    16:36.34
	  9 #1405 Aziz, Jenna            Holton Arms MS        17:08.21    2
	 10 #1418 Lasher, Rebecca        Sidwell MS            17:23.34
	 11 #1109 Ni, Ping               St. Andrew's MS       17:25.35
	 12 #1214 van den Heuvel, An     Wis MS                17:26.02    3
	 13 #1164 Dzyak, Katrina         Holy Child MS         17:36.16
	 14  #373 Mason, Francesa        Holy Family School    18:12.68
	 15 #1112 Miller, Nicolle        St. Andrew's MS       18:13.31
	 16 #1213 Reuss, Sophie          Wis MS                18:34.76    4
	 17  #552 Newman, Tiffany        Loudoun Country       18:35.11
	 18 #1400 Brady, Julia           Bullis MS             18:35.51
	 19 #1411 Williams, Rachel       Holton Arms MS        18:35.90    5
	 20 #1442 Weinberg, Quinn        Norwood               18:37.90    6
	 21 #1210 Mongelous, Mai Lin     Wis MS                18:50.26    7
	 22 #1443 Webster, Caroline      Norwood               18:50.98    8
	 23  #550 Gunberg, Emily         Loudoun Country       19:03.53
	 24 #1333 Evans, Colby           McLean MS             19:22.83
	 25 #1332 DePaul, Jamie          McLean MS             19:40.56
	 26 #1407 Reaux-McNeil, Sier     Holton Arms MS        19:48.73    9
	 27 #1410 Krishnan, Priya        Holton Arms MS        19:51.21   10
	 28 #1408 Menafee, Heather       Holton Arms MS        19:53.07   11
	 29 #1211 Mohrmann, Aurelia      Wis MS                19:54.43   12
	 30 #1440 Forman, Ellie          Norwood               19:55.57   13
	 31 #1444 Mahaffey, Julliett     Norwood               20:19.30   14
	 32 #1409 Foley, Maeve           Holton Arms MS        20:23.53   15
	 33 #1441 Marstellar, Emily      Norwood               20:39.57   16
	 34 #1404 Sand, Elly             Bullis MS             20:39.77
	 35 #1110 Hunt, Eli              St. Andrew's MS       21:46.84
	 36 #1108 Harris, Morgan         St. Andrew's MS       21:47.13
	 37 #1073 Pafford, Lenore        Edmund Burke MS       21:47.55
	 38  #546 Savannah, Godbey       St. Johns Episco      22:27.39
	 39 #1406 Walk, Emma             Holton Arms MS        22:32.78   17
	 40 #1165 Lynch, Trisha          Holy Child MS         23:15.43
	 41 #1163 Berry, Charlotte       Holy Child MS         23:24.26
	 42 #1402 Willaims, Morgan       Bullis MS             23:42.25
	 43 #1403 Grimmett, Gabby        Bullis MS             25:55.73
	....Event 1  Girls 3k Run CC MS/Jr High
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	   1 Washington International     27    1    3    4    7   12
	      Total Time:  1:30:00.84
	         Average:    18:00.17
	   2 Holton Arms Middle School    37    2    5    9   10   11   15   17
	      Total Time:  1:35:17.12
	         Average:    19:03.43
	   3 Norwood Middle School        57    6    8   13   14   16
	      Total Time:  1:38:23.32
	         Average:    19:40.67

	Event 3  Girls 5k Run CC JV
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 #1273 Meyd, Caitlin          Maryvale Prep         21:14.03    1
	  2 #1278 Lawson, Lauren         Maryvale Prep         21:14.75    2
	  3  #843 Connell, Christine     Holy Cross            21:27.21    3
	  4  #915 Bodnar, Victoria       St. Andrews           22:27.28    4
	  5  #873 McGann, Grace          Holy Cross            22:27.86    5
	  6 #1228 Wendling, Adrienne     Bullis School         22:45.00    6
	  7  #816 Hopke, Michelle        Bishop Ireton         22:48.43    7
	  8 #1197 Chang, Angela          Holton Arms School    22:52.37    8
	  9  #810 Fabi, Kristina         Bishop Ireton         23:17.64    9
	 10  #929 Taub, Elana            St. Andrews           23:20.24   10
	 11  #812 Fracasso, Ali          Bishop Ireton         23:38.57   11
	 12  #809 Degnan, Caitlin        Bishop Ireton         23:45.44   12
	 13  #821 Moran, Tara            Bishop Ireton         23:46.15   13
	 14 #1287 Hynson, Autumn         Maryvale Prep         23:59.84   14
	 15  #807 Conron, Emily          Bishop Ireton         24:02.07   15
	 16 #1223 Herbick, Marian        Bullis School         24:03.42   16
	 17 #1285 Heese, Robin           Maryvale Prep         24:05.73   17
	 18  #819 Lontos, Gaby           Bishop Ireton         24:07.63   18
	 19  #822 Muffler, Kelsey        Bishop Ireton         24:09.09
	 20  #930 Tiadem, Franny         St. Andrews           24:21.30   19
	 21 #1147 Amore, Mimi            Stone Ridge School    24:26.55   20
	 22  #918 Fiuzat, Emily          St. Andrews           24:27.97   21
	 23 #1237 Putterman, Kari        Bullis School         24:40.66   22
	 24  #983 Mccaffrey, Tori        Potomac School        24:42.00
	 25 #1298 Steinmetz, Melissa     Maryvale Prep         24:43.69   23
	 26 #1295 Sample, Maddy          Maryvale Prep         24:45.95   24
	 27 #1234 Pahlavi, Noor          Bullis School         24:46.77   25
	 28 #1154 Mauk, Taylor           Stone Ridge School    24:48.01   26
	 29  #814 Harper, Claire         Bishop Ireton         24:55.07
	 30  #927 Nolan, Teresa          St. Andrews           24:55.62   27
	 31  #921 Griffen, Katie         St. Andrews           25:14.55   28
	 32 #1079 Glist, Anna            Edmund Burke School   25:20.51
	 33  #877 Conti, Elizabeth       Holy Cross            25:20.75   29
	 34 #1074 Hundley, Amanda        Edmund Burke School   25:34.53
	 35  #833 Velez, Gaby            Bishop Ireton         25:38.77
	 36 #1236 Kasasa, Sharon         Bullis School         25:40.04   30
	 37 #1076 Taft-Morales, Maya     Edmund Burke School   25:43.73
	 38  #831 Thompson, Jocelyn      Bishop Ireton         25:44.47
	 39  #817 Jenkins, Jen           Bishop Ireton         26:08.38
	 40 #4000 Shaw, m                Washington Inter      26:09.84
	 41  #826 Schab, Kara            Bishop Ireton         26:17.08
	 42 #1141 Sloan, Annie           Maret School          26:23.64
	 43 #1203 Kelly, Courtney        Holton Arms School    26:29.25   31
	 44 #1299 Tewey, Kat             Maryvale Prep         26:29.45   32
	 45 #1199 Heller, Susan          Holton Arms School    26:34.50   33
	 46 #1279 Allshouse, Margare     Maryvale Prep         26:46.11
	 47 #1140 Abernethy, Janie       Maret School          26:49.45
	 48 #1208 Unger, Rachel          Holton Arms School    27:02.91   34
	 49  #806 Connor, Maddy          Bishop Ireton         27:05.18
	 50  #811 Felt, Kim              Bishop Ireton         27:06.36
	 51 #1231 Terr, Ashley           Bullis School         27:20.40   35
	....Event 3  Girls 5k Run CC JV
	 52 #1233 Sherman, Jennifer      Bullis School         27:22.57   36
	 53 #1143 Ryan, Mary             Maret School          27:25.24
	 54  #916 Brenner, Callen        St. Andrews           27:28.67   37
	 55  #802 Bednarek, Carolyn      Bishop Ireton         27:37.13
	 56 #1157 Quinn, Meghan          Stone Ridge School    27:45.17   38
	 57 #1155 Nickens, Caitlin       Stone Ridge School    27:51.69   39
	 58 #1198 Haley, Calyn           Holton Arms School    28:09.64   40
	 59 #1159 Ruginski, Kirsten      Stone Ridge School    28:10.91   41
	 60  #872 Mary, Meola            Holy Cross            28:29.01   42
	 61  #800 Baehre, Julia          Bishop Ireton         28:31.27
	 62 #1195 Abdur-Ra'oof, Saar     Holton Arms School    28:33.80   43
	 63 #1178 Kane, Jenna            Holy Child            28:35.79
	 64 #1151 Huizenga, Marcelle     Stone Ridge School    28:37.26   44
	 65 #1177 Flynn, Laura           Holy Child            28:49.08
	 66  #827 Stepka, Rachel         Bishop Ireton         29:17.20
	 67 #1161 Tangchaibura, Sabr     Stone Ridge School    29:44.86   45
	 68  #823 Neatrour, Mary Kat     Bishop Ireton         29:46.83
	 69 #1174 Dees, Maggie           Holy Child            30:47.14
	 70 #1170 Caufield, Tierney      Holy Child            30:55.56
	 71 #1200 Henochowicz, Emily     Holton Arms School    31:11.38   46
	 72  #870 Perez, Cecilia         Holy Cross            31:45.49   47
	 73 #1152 Kim, Jeanna            Stone Ridge School    32:37.26
	 74 #1156 Omenitsch, Sarah       Stone Ridge School    32:37.55
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	   1 Bishop Ireton                52    7    9   11   12   13   15   18
	      Total Time:  1:57:16.23
	         Average:    23:27.25
	   2 Maryvale Prep                57    1    2   14   17   23   24   32
	      Total Time:  1:55:18.04
	         Average:    23:03.61
	   3 St. Andrews Episcopal Sch    81    4   10   19   21   27   28   37
	      Total Time:  1:59:32.41
	         Average:    23:54.49
	   4 Bullis School                99    6   16   22   25   30   35   36
	      Total Time:  2:01:55.89
	         Average:    24:23.18
	   5 Holy Cross (Academy of Th   126    3    5   29   42   47
	      Total Time:  2:09:30.32
	         Average:    25:54.07
	   6 Holton Arms School          146    8   31   33   34   40   43   46
	      Total Time:  2:11:08.67
	         Average:    26:13.74
	....Event 3  Girls 5k Run CC JV
	   7 Stone Ridge School          164   20   26   38   39   41   44   45
	      Total Time:  2:13:02.33
	         Average:    26:36.47

	Event 2  Boys 3k Run CC MS/Jr High
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 #1361 Webster, Paul          St. Alban's           13:18.84    1
	  2  #380 Brown, Wendall         Holy Family School    13:21.93
	  3 #1365 Harrison, Frank        St. Alban's           13:34.21    2
	  4 #1344 Sawyer, Nick           McLean MS             13:34.46    3
	  5 #1035 Katkish, Chris         Landon MS             13:34.93    4
	  6 #1412 Kim, Matt              Sidwell MS            13:35.25    5
	  7 #1413 Steinback, David       Sidwell MS            13:52.97    6
	  8  #370 Mason, Franklin        Holy Family School    14:03.47
	  9  #377 Allen, Jared           Holy Family School    14:05.96
	 10 #1366 Gibson, Johnn          St. Alban's           14:15.74    7
	 11 #1364 Cunningham, Bobby      St. Alban's           14:27.23    8
	 12 #1397 Hillman, Matt          Bullis MS             14:32.04    9
	 13 #1356 Henderson, Landon      St. Alban's           14:41.15   10
	 14 #1434 Pugliakisi, Dom        Norwood               14:45.75   11
	 15 #1334 Greenberg, Sam         McLean MS             14:48.26   12
	 16 #1362 Beresford, Alex        St. Alban's           14:49.34   13
	 17 #1331 Carras, Andrew         McLean MS             14:53.48   14
	 18 #1368 Winchester, Jamie      St. Alban's           15:03.80   15
	 19 #1103 Fuller, Michael        St. Andrew's MS       15:11.45
	 20 #1416 Lesey, Colin           Sidwell MS            15:11.76   16
	 21 #1399 Funger, Nick           Bullis MS             15:12.70   17
	 22 #1415 Alkes, Alex            Sidwell MS            15:18.07   18
	 23 #1339 Kelly, Patrick         McLean MS             15:19.84   19
	 24 #1395 Brundred, John         Bullis MS             15:21.91   20
	 25 #1390 McCabe, Luke           Heights MS            15:22.39   21
	 26 #1393 Green, Amos            Bullis MS             15:24.03   22
	 27 #1039 Anderson, Mike         Landon MS             15:30.57   23
	 28 #1045 Hightower, Mac         Landon MS             15:34.16   24
	 29 #1363 Dodge, Samm            St. Alban's           15:35.31
	 30 #1038 Sears, Jack            Landon MS             15:36.84   25
	 31 #1354 Brown, Andrew          St. Alban's           15:40.19
	 32 #1036 Dougherty, Ryan        Landon MS             15:40.43   26
	 33 #1392 Green, Aaron           Bullis MS             15:56.37   27
	 34 #1389 Friddle, Jack          Heights MS            15:57.46   28
	 35 #1040 Bednar, Marty          Landon MS             15:58.15   29
	 36 #1419 Pineda, Sergio         Sidwell MS            16:02.44   30
	 37 #1381 Callahan, Peter        Heights MS            16:04.11   31
	 38 #1359 Grigg, Dylan           St. Alban's           16:07.00
	 39 #1398 Pan, Eric              Bullis MS             16:12.71   32
	 40 #1438 Desantris, Mike        Norwood               16:13.87   33
	 41  #750 Rosenburg, Damon       Loudoun Country       16:14.87   34
	 42 #1436 MacPherson, Alex       Norwood               16:15.87   35
	 43 #1417 Malone, Matt           Sidwell MS            16:18.11   36
	 44 #1329 Beatty, Kyle           McLean MS             16:24.68   37
	 45 #1394 Bass, Jeff             Bullis MS             16:25.78   38
	 46  #751 Burkey, Alexander      Loudoun Country       16:36.16   39
	 47 #1358 Beresford, Erik        St. Alban's           16:42.48
	 48 #1355 Drebbin, James         St. Alban's           16:42.70
	 49 #1343 Rapaport, Joey         McLean MS             16:46.14   40
	 50 #1432 Augustine, Robert      Norwood               16:47.37   41
	 51 #1428 Johnston, Hunter       Norwood               16:51.67   42
	....Event 2  Boys 3k Run CC MS/Jr High
	 52  #753 Colturi, Matt          Loudoun Country       16:52.23   43
	 53 #1348 Ulisney, Justin        McLean MS             16:58.73   44
	 54 #1357 Kerry, Joshua          St. Alban's           17:01.42
	 55 #1391 McCleary, Teddy        Heights MS            17:03.86   45
	 56  #747 Cowen, Ryan            Loudoun Country       17:16.75   46
	 57 #1420 Joyce, Henry           Sidwell MS            17:19.19   47
	 58 #1346 Stinner, Dylan         McLean MS             17:21.62
	 59 #1336 Halpern, Kyle          McLean MS             17:23.51
	 60  #754 Gennari, Spencer       Loudoun Country       17:29.91   48
	 61 #1423 Winton, Danny          Sidwell MS            17:32.60
	 62 #1345 Schoenfeld, Mikey      McLean MS             17:40.34
	 63 #1328 Altizer, Drew          McLean MS             17:42.65
	 64  #752 Vento, Tommy           Loudoun Country       17:42.94   49
	 65 #1388 Friddle, Mike          Heights MS            18:02.11   50
	 66 #1435 Wilson, John           Norwood               18:05.45   51
	 67 #1421 Nafhani, Rian          Sidwell MS            18:05.71
	 68 #1330 Blizzard, Bradley      McLean MS             18:34.10
	 69 #1396 Cheng, Kevin           Bullis MS             18:35.78
	 70 #1104 Fiuzat, Hunter         St. Andrew's MS       18:36.08
	 71 #1367 Rasamussen, Rob        St. Alban's           18:49.16
	 72 #1347 Sussman, Nick          McLean MS             19:01.63
	 73 #1341 Luzier, Nick           McLean MS             19:04.13
	 74 #1044 Graham, Jay            Landon MS             19:10.83   52
	 75 #1086 Saperstein, Ari        Edmund Burke MS       19:11.59
	 76 #1429 Poston, Will           Norwood               19:17.48   53
	 77 #1431 Reityes, Andrew        Norwood               19:19.37
	 78 #1387 Beatty, Chris          Heights MS            19:20.53   54
	 79 #1338 Jacoby, Ben            McLean MS             19:22.58
	 80 #1350 Philipson, Ben         McLean MS             19:34.07
	 81 #1433 Gill, R                Norwood               19:55.48
	 82 #1360 Hannes, Kealan         St. Alban's           20:16.60
	 83 #1105 O'Dell, Nate           St. Andrew's MS       21:17.11
	 84 #1046 Frum, Nat              Landon MS             21:48.44
	 85 #1437 Rich, Taylor           Norwood               21:54.51
	 86 #1425 Anderson, Eric         Sidwell MS            22:06.60
	 87 #1422 Sandermeyer, Mark      Sidwell MS            22:16.46
	 88 #1439 Stuart, Gary           Norwood               22:55.87
	 89 #1113 Stewart, John          St. Andrew's MS       23:00.37
	 90 #1427 Kelsall, Colin         Sidwell MS            23:02.11
	 91 #1335 Grifo-Hahn, Luca       McLean MS             23:24.52
	 92 #1424 Tamanga, Brian         Sidwell MS            24:03.73
	 93  #749 Penderville, Patri     Loudoun Country       24:55.80   55
	 94 #1342 Pinover, Chris         McLean MS             25:32.43
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	....Event 2  Boys 3k Run CC MS/Jr High
	   1 St. Alban's Middle School    28    1    2    7    8   10   13   15
	      Total Time:  1:10:17.17
	         Average:    14:03.44
	   2 Sidwell Friends Middle Sc    75    5    6   16   18   30   36   47
	      Total Time:  1:14:00.49
	         Average:    14:48.10
	   3 McLean Middle School         85    3   12   14   19   37   40   44
	      Total Time:  1:15:00.72
	         Average:    15:00.15
	   4 Bullis Middle School         95    9   17   20   22   27   32   38
	      Total Time:  1:16:27.05
	         Average:    15:17.41
	   5 Landon Middle School        102    4   23   24   25   26   29   52
	      Total Time:  1:15:56.93
	         Average:    15:11.39
	   6 Norwood Middle School       162   11   33   35   41   42   51   53
	      Total Time:  1:20:54.53
	         Average:    16:10.91
	   7 Heights Middle School       175   21   28   31   45   50   54
	      Total Time:  1:22:29.93
	         Average:    16:29.99
	   8 Loudoun Country Day Schoo   210   34   39   43   46   48   49   55
	      Total Time:  1:24:29.92
	         Average:    16:53.99

	Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC JV
	    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
	  1 #1300 Park, Brock            Landon School         18:44.93    1
	  2  #948 Jeffrey, Bob           St. Andrews           19:24.36    2
	  3  #957 Sturgeon, David        St. Andrews           19:37.26    3
	  4  #953 Parker, Daniel         St. Andrews           19:37.97    4
	  5  #961 Wyatt, Kevin           St. Andrews           19:48.80    5
	  6 #1004 Perry, John            Landon School         19:50.40    6
	  7  #771 Bezold, Mark           Bishop Ireton         19:56.02    7
	  8  #992 Harvey, Duncan         Landon School         19:56.52    8
	  9  #790 Vacarro, Steve         Bishop Ireton         19:57.61    9
	 10  #943 Gray, Colin            St. Andrews           19:58.67   10
	 11  #989 David, CJ              Landon School         20:00.92   11
	 12 #1312 Hayes, Charles         St. John's            20:19.10   12
	 13 #1245 McGovern, Pat          Bullis School         20:25.40   13
	 14  #784 Pastorino, Richard     Bishop Ireton         20:26.82   14
	 15 #1126 Houstoun, Will         Maret School          20:27.47
	 16  #773 Bouffard, Mike         Bishop Ireton         20:33.54   15
	 17 #1247 Lim, Michael           Bullis School         20:35.21   16
	 18 #1017 Zhu, Henry             Landon School         20:37.48   17
	 19  #909 Wescott, Adam          Sidwell Friends       20:40.41
	 20  #779 Hickman, Andy          Bishop Ireton         20:42.04   18
	 21  #778 Hahn, Nathan           Bishop Ireton         20:43.14   19
	 22  #993 Jagannathan, Pavan     Landon School         20:55.02   20
	 23  #956 Silverman, Elliot      St. Andrews           20:56.32   21
	 24  #908 Uy, C.J                Sidwell Friends       20:58.63
	 25  #934 Banner, Banner, Ry     St. Andrews           21:07.45   22
	 26 #1003 Parrish, Robert        Landon School         21:08.51   23
	 27 #1261 Little, KaQuan         Bullis School         21:09.33   24
	 28 #1001 Muchoki, Mbugua        Landon School         21:11.21
	 29  #937 Duvall, Brenton        St. Andrews           21:12.80
	 30 #1248 Schoen, Patrick        Bullis School         21:14.47   25
	 31 #1246 Nienaber, Adrian       Bullis School         21:16.42   26
	 32 #1308 Frank, Adam            St. John's            21:17.30   27
	 33 #1010 Su, William            Landon School         21:24.18
	 34  #960 Vaveris, Matt          St. Andrews           21:26.93
	 35 #1265 Stroup, Michael        Bullis School         21:31.94   28
	 36  #998 Modarres, Ceena        Landon School         21:32.58
	 37  #949 Madrid, Gevon          St. Andrews           21:33.49
	 38 #1271 Chu, Steven            Bullis School         21:35.04   29
	 39 #1013 Ta, Christopher        Landon School         21:36.86
	 40 #1066 Rosenman, Phil         St. James School      21:37.47   30
	 41  #794 Andrew, Kicinski       Bishop Ireton         21:38.16   31
	 42  #945 Henry, Severn          St. Andrews           21:39.09
	 43  #795 Kiesner, Patrick       Bishop Ireton         21:43.03
	 44  #891 Cohen, Eli             Sidwell Friends       21:44.16
	 45 #1058 Graham, Alex           St. James School      21:48.19   32
	 46 #1008 Sherry, Matt           Landon School         21:48.69
	 47  #991 Gelb, Mike             Landon School         21:49.96
	 48 #1255 Howard, Zach           Bullis School         21:53.73
	 49 #1002 Papazain, Arlen        Landon School         21:56.04
	 50 #1012 Sunshine, Daniel       Landon School         21:57.60
	 51  #951 Nelson, Jack           St. Andrews           22:00.71
	....Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC JV
	 52 #1254 Kirby-Smith, Sean      Bullis School         22:07.38
	 53 #1262 Park, Paul             Bullis School         22:09.07
	 54  #766 Friddle, Harlan        Heights School        22:13.27
	 55 #1030 Sullivan, Charlie      Potomac School        22:18.24
	 56 #1022 Gerchick, Adam         Potomac School        22:19.10
	 57 #1092 Phillips, Noah         Edmund Burke School   22:26.61   33
	 58  #762 Beatty, James          Heights School        22:27.30
	 59 #1252 King, Woody            Bullis School         22:28.03
	 60 #1315 Mooney, Stephen        St. John's            22:29.11   34
	 61 #1268 Cook, Kelly            Bullis School         22:40.59
	 62 #1325 Winters, Ian           St. John's            22:41.17   35
	 63  #955 Robinson, Roger        St. Andrews           22:43.18
	 64 #1011 Summers, Malcolm       Landon School         22:47.98
	 65 #1098 Rehman, Faaz           Edmund Burke School   22:49.37   36
	 66  #775 Fracasso, Mark         Bishop Ireton         22:50.20
	 67  #764 Chmura, Christophe     Heights School        22:52.31
	 68 #1263 Campanella, Derek      Bullis School         22:52.81
	 69  #776 Fritts, John           Bishop Ireton         22:53.21
	 70 #1326 Zink, Mac              St. John's            22:53.71   37
	 71 #1260 Longley, Kevin         Bullis School         22:54.29
	 72  #995 Marquedant, Nile       Landon School         22:56.05
	 73 #1090 Geltman, Jeff          Edmund Burke School   22:57.67   38
	 74  #902 Nicoletti, Ryan        Sidwell Friends       23:00.69
	 75 #1014 Thompson, William      Landon School         23:05.34
	 76  #787 Ring, Chris            Bishop Ireton         23:09.59
	 77 #1319 Prust, Nick            St. John's            23:10.88   39
	 78 #1256 Hernandez, Chris       Bullis School         23:19.07
	 79 #1016 Yusef, Zane            Landon School         23:20.17
	 80  #942 Gill, Charlie          St. Andrews           23:22.23
	 81  #786 Philips, Spencer       Bishop Ireton         23:27.06
	 82 #1128 King, Asa              Maret School          23:31.16
	 83  #780 Kane, Michael          Bishop Ireton         23:34.65
	 84 #1032 Valano, Teddy          Potomac School        23:37.07
	 85 #1097 Hammer, Aaron          Edmund Burke School   23:38.41   40
	 86 #1129 Spector, Julian        Maret School          23:44.16
	 87 #1311 Hackett, Donny         St. John's            23:53.74   41
	 88 #1257 Grady, Blake           Bullis School         24:07.28
	 89  #770 Tansey, Christophe     Heights School        24:08.80
	 90  #965 Campbell, Ian          Flint Hill School     24:20.61
	 91  #936 Bridgeman, David       St. Andrews           24:24.26
	 92 #1269 Gordon, Nick           Bullis School         24:41.57
	 93 #1025 Ness, Austin           Potomac School        24:49.71
	 94 #1060 Howard, Will           St. James School      25:01.76   42
	 95 #1317 Pinover, Rob           St. John's            25:03.53
	 96 #1054 Brooks, Bobby          St. James School      25:05.30   43
	 97 #1091 Gray, Ezra             Edmund Burke School   25:13.63   44
	 98 #1099 Hanover, Jeremy        Edmund Burke School   25:29.40   45
	 99 #1250 Palombi, Michael       Bullis School         25:35.99
	100 #1051 Anderson, Karl         St. James School      26:50.43   46
	101 #1352 McNamerra, Will        St. John's            27:16.37
	102 #1318 Pomary, Victor         St. John's            28:01.64
	103 #1259 Warren, David          Bullis School         28:09.77
	104 #4002 Bannister, Roger       Unknown Runner        30:01.96
	....Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC JV
	                                   Team Scores
	Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
	   1 St. Andrews Episcopal Sch    24    2    3    4    5   10   21   22
	      Total Time:  1:38:27.06
	         Average:    19:41.42
	   2 Landon School                43    1    6    8   11   17   20   23
	      Total Time:  1:39:10.25
	         Average:    19:50.05
	   3 Bishop Ireton                63    7    9   14   15   18   19   31
	      Total Time:  1:41:36.03
	         Average:    20:19.21
	   4 Bullis School               104   13   16   24   25   26   28   29
	      Total Time:  1:44:40.83
	         Average:    20:56.17
	   5 St. John's College High S   145   12   27   34   35   37   39   41
	      Total Time:  1:49:40.39
	         Average:    21:56.08
	   6 Edmund Burke School         191   33   36   38   40   44   45
	      Total Time:  1:57:05.69
	         Average:    23:25.14
	   7 St. James School            193   30   32   42   43   46
	      Total Time:  2:00:23.15
	         Average:    24:04.63

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