Interhigh Track

Glory Days Invitational
Glory Days Invitational History
Hosted By:
Centreville, Virginia
Saturday, October 08, 2005

 West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 8  Boys 5k Run CC Seeded Vars.
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1 #2809 Spooner, Mike       JR West Springf              5:14      16:15    1   
  2  #951 Daganchew, Abreham  SO Herndon High School       5:15      16:19    2   
  3  #350 Siragusa, Brad      SR Chantilly HS              5:16      16:20    3   
  4 #2106 Perlis, Jeffrey     12 Sidwell Friends           5:19      16:31        
  5  #980 Mujezinovic, Ermin  SO Herndon High School       5:22      16:38    4   
  6 #2318 Landry, Brian       SO T Jefferson XC            5:22      16:41    5   
  7 #2331 Norland, Paul       JR T Jefferson XC            5:23      16:42    6   
  8 #1778 Kroetch, Matt          Oakton High School        5:24      16:45    7   
  9 #2145 Bax, Nick           10 St. Albans School         5:27      16:54    8   
 10  #784 Chandler, Matt      12 Gonzaga High School       5:27      16:56    9   
 11  #268 Boatner, John       SR Wildcats                  5:28      16:58   10   
 12 #1139 Clark, Chris        SR Rams                      5:29      17:02   11   
 13 #2739 Stevens, Sam           West Potomac              5:31      17:07   12   
 14 #2339 Prevost, Richard    JR T Jefferson XC            5:32      17:09   13   
 15 #2978 Stasiowski, Ryan    11 Loyola                    5:33      17:13   14   
 16 #2580 Honey, Daniel       SR W.T. Woodson              5:33      17:13   15   
 17 #2718 Devar, Frank           West Potomac              5:33      17:14   16   
 18  #973 Kavazovic, Adin     SO Herndon High School       5:33      17:15   17   
 19 #2801 Martis, Alex        JR West Springf              5:34      17:15   18   
 20 #2300 Grimsley, Kyle      SR T Jefferson XC            5:34      17:16   19   
 21 #2781 Benton, Kris        SR West Springf              5:34      17:17   20   
 22   #95 Tynan, Mark         12 O\'Connell                 5:34      17:18   21   
 23  #962 Giorgis, Matt       SO Herndon High School       5:35      17:19   22   
 24 #1826 Lopacki, Mitch         Osbourn Park              5:35      17:20        
 25 #1786 Mason, Tommy        SR Oakton High School        5:36      17:22   23   
 26 #2146 Black, Alden        12 St. Albans School         5:36      17:23   24   
 27  #281 Jewkes, Nathan      SO Wildcats                  5:37      17:24   25   
 28 #2980 Kraft, Josh         12 Loyola                    5:37      17:25   26   
 29 #1924 Johnson, Andrew     12 Potomac Falls             5:37      17:26   27   
 30 #3025 Feyissa, Ephrem     SR STON                      5:38      17:28   28   
 31 #2347 Singh, Hersh        SR T Jefferson XC            5:38      17:28   29   
 32 #2814 Walker, Leo         JR West Springf              5:38      17:30   30   
 33 #1156 McHale, Dan         JR Rams                      5:38      17:30   31   
 34 #1792 Nissen, Alex        JR Oakton High School        5:38      17:30   32   
 35 #2156 Gillis, Brian       12 St. Albans School         5:38      17:31   33   
 36 #2979 Krizan, Tyler       12 Loyola                    5:39      17:31   34   
 37  #843 Taylor, Aaron       11 Gonzaga High School       5:39      17:33   35   
 38   #87 Petroski, Mark      12 O\'Connell                 5:39      17:34   36   
 39 #1936 Werner, Max         12 Potomac Falls             5:40      17:34   37   
 40  #807 Kelly, Tom          11 Gonzaga High School       5:40      17:35   38   
 41 #2728 Jachowski, Daniel      West Potomac              5:40      17:36   39   
 42  #989 Wilds, Greg         JR Herndon High School       5:40      17:36   40   
 43 #1319 Rissing, Doug       JR Langley Saxons            5:41      17:39   41   
 44  #279 Hogan, Mark         JR Wildcats                  5:42      17:40   42   
 45 #1783 Lorusso, Joe        SO Oakton High School        5:42      17:42   43   
 46 #1759 Braley, Colin       SR Oakton High School        5:43      17:44   44   
 47  #329 Brueneman, Peter    SO Chantilly HS              5:44      17:47   45   
 48 #2804 Ross, Loring        SO West Springf              5:44      17:47   46   
 49  #659 Pennington, Jason   07 Gcmcc                     5:44      17:49   47   
 50 #2182 Rooney, Brian       10 St. Albans School         5:45      17:51   48   
 51 #2719 Devar, Paul            West Potomac              5:45      17:51   49   
 52  #652 Haugh, William      08 Gcmcc                     5:45      17:52   50   
 53  #777 Barry, Richard      12 Gonzaga High School       5:46      17:53   51   
 54  #346 Palmer, Eric        SO Chantilly HS              5:46      17:54   52   
 55 #2977 Jubb, Greg          11 Loyola                    5:46      17:55   53   
 56 #2733 John, Dan           12 West Potomac              5:47      17:56   54   
 57 #3026 Flores, Corey       JR STON                      5:47      17:58   55   
 58 #2579 Honan, Stephen      JR W.T. Woodson              5:48      18:00   56   
 59  #267 Bierwirth, Scott    SO Wildcats                  5:48      18:01   57   
 60 #1757 Bernal, Jon         SR Oakton High School        5:48      18:01   58   
 61 #1066 Lofton, Corey       SO James Madison             5:49      18:02   59   
 62  #345 Palmer, Christophe  SR Chantilly HS              5:49      18:03   60   
 63 #2313 Kuebrich, Ben       SR T Jefferson XC            5:49      18:04   61   
 64 #2354 Treweek, Ben        JR T Jefferson XC            5:50      18:05   62   
 65 #1365 Reynolds, Robert    SO Lee-Davis                 5:50      18:06        
 66 #3047 Teferra, Gidey      JR STON                      5:50      18:06   63   
 67 #2226 Rissell, Ethan      JR Raiders                   5:50      18:07   64   
 68 #2787 Crompton, Tom       JR West Springf              5:50      18:08   65   
 69   #74 Jarvis, Andrew         O\'Connell                 5:50      18:08   66   
 70 #1909 Clark, Andrew       11 Potomac Falls             5:51      18:11   67   
 71  #877 McDermott, Ian      10 Good Counsel              5:52      18:11   68   
 72   #62 Carpenter, Drew     11 O\'Connell                 5:52      18:13   69   
 73 #2714 Carmichael, Kelly      West Potomac              5:52      18:14   70   
 74 #1596 Miracle, Michael    SR McLean HS                 5:54      18:18   71   
 75  #847 Turner, Kris        11 Gonzaga High School       5:54      18:19   72   
 76  #908 Mlinarcik, Phillip  JR Hay                       5:55      18:21   73   
 77 #1938 Young, Phil         12 Potomac Falls             5:55      18:22   74   
 78 #1313 Morse, Jeff         SR Langley Saxons            5:56      18:24   75   
 79 #2181 Pierce, Lenny       11 St. Albans School         5:56      18:25   76   
 80  #344 Mufti, Walleed      FR Chantilly HS              5:56      18:25   77   
 81 #2594 Miller, John        JR W.T. Woodson              5:56      18:26   78   
 82 #1168 Wester, Martin      SO Rams                      5:56      18:26   79   
 83  #288 Masouleh, Soroosh   SO Wildcats                  5:57      18:27   80   
 84 #1131 Barrineau, Tommy    SR Rams                      5:57      18:28   81   
 85 #1787 Maxfield, Scott     SO Oakton High School        5:57      18:28   82   
 86 #2811 Timmons, Ryan       JR West Springf              5:57      18:29   83   
 87  #645 Cvrk, Alex          07 Gcmcc                     5:58      18:30   84   
 88 #3039 Pandish, Michael    JR STON                      5:58      18:31   85   
 89 #2723 Gray, Corey            West Potomac              5:58      18:32   86   
 90 #1923 Holton, Brian       11 Potomac Falls             5:58      18:33   87   
 91 #2981 Kaplan, Matt        11 Loyola                    5:59      18:34   88   
 92 #1055 Fast, Ethan         JR James Madison             6:00      18:37   89   
 93 #1589 Goldman, Brian      SO McLean HS                 6:00      18:39   90   
 94  #649 Gollogley, Kevin    07 Gcmcc                     6:01      18:39   91   
 95 #1069 McKeen, Matt        SO James Madison             6:01      18:40   92   
 96 #2214 Haidat, Mubashar    SR Raiders                   6:01      18:42   93   
 97  #658 Olazo, Oscar        08 Gcmcc                     6:02      18:43   94   
 98 #1367 Webb, Ryan          SR Lee-Davis                 6:02      18:45        
 99 #3024 Dunn, Drew          SR STON                      6:02      18:45   95   
100 #3033 Larabee, Chris      JR STON                      6:03      18:46   96   
101 #2591 Martins, Nate       SO W.T. Woodson              6:03      18:46   97   
102 #2215 Haidat, Mustansar   JR Raiders                   6:05      18:52   98   
103 #1332 Weiss, Jonathan     SR Langley Saxons            6:05      18:54   99   
104  #848 Vilhauer, Matt      11 Gonzaga High School       6:06      18:56  100   
105 #2900 Mello, Fernando     FR Westfield HS              6:07      18:58  101   
106  #880 Quinn, James        12 Good Counsel              6:07      18:58  102   
107 #2908 Rourke, Gavin       JR Westfield HS              6:07      18:58  103   
108   #70 Gunst, Brian           O\'Connell                 6:07      18:59  104   
109 #1295 Claude, Nickolas    SO Langley Saxons            6:07      18:59  105   
110 #3036 McPoland, Ryan      FR STON                      6:07      19:00  106   
111 #1309 McCaffrey, Conor    SO Langley Saxons            6:08      19:01  107   
112 #1330 Valeiras, Michael   JR Langley Saxons            6:08      19:02  108   
113 #1934 Tatusko, Joe        10 Potomac Falls             6:08      19:03  109   
114 #2983 Amrhein, Mike       11 Loyola                    6:08      19:04  110   
115  #836 Riehle, Hudson      10 Gonzaga High School       6:09      19:04  111   
116  #651 Haugh, Daniel       08 Gcmcc                     6:09      19:05  112   
117 #1301 Holman, James       JR Langley Saxons            6:09      19:06  113   
118  #298 Salette, Keith      JR Wildcats                  6:10      19:08  114   
119 #2899 McMahon, Matt       JR Westfield HS              6:10      19:09  115   
120 #1150 Hahn, Adam          JR Rams                      6:10      19:10  116   
121 #1591 Harper, Grant       SR McLean HS                 6:11      19:11  117   
122  #655 Mencarini, Sam      07 Gcmcc                     6:11      19:12  118   
123 #1089 Stevenson, Dan      SO James Madison             6:12      19:14  119   
124 #2191 Warlick, Jason      12 St. Albans School         6:12      19:15  120   
125  #914 Schmidt, Matt       SR Hay                       6:12      19:15  121   
126 #2982 Voorhees, Alex      12 Loyola                    6:13      19:17  122   
127 #1363 Meade, Brett        SO Lee-Davis                 6:13      19:18        
128  #950 Craft, Greg         JR Herndon High School       6:13      19:19  123   
129 #2143 Baker, Courtney     12 St. Albans School         6:13      19:19  124   
130  #297 Saboe, Daniel       JR Wildcats                  6:14      19:21  125   
131 #1579 Baker, John         SO McLean HS                 6:14      19:22  126   
132  #899 Brown, Robert       SR Hay                       6:16      19:26  127   
133 #3081 Creaven, Michael    12 Edison                    6:16      19:27        
134 #1052 Coppola, Jeffrey    SR James Madison             6:17      19:30  128   
135 #2886 Franco, Mike        SO Westfield HS              6:17      19:31  129   
136 #2229 Tran, John          JR Raiders                   6:19      19:37  130   
137 #2224 Moy, Andrew         SO Raiders                   6:19      19:37  131   
138 #2901 Mitchell, Ryan      JR Westfield HS              6:21      19:41  132   
139 #1362 King, Matt          SR Lee-Davis                 6:21      19:44        
140 #1926 Keefe, Thomas       12 Potomac Falls             6:23      19:48  133   
141 #1073 O\'Leary, James      SO James Madison             6:23      19:50  134   
142 #1587 Fitzgerald, Eric    JR McLean HS                 6:24      19:53  135   
143  #966 Hamilton, Josh      FR Herndon High School       6:25      19:56  136   
144  #883 Stafford, Ross      10 Good Counsel              6:26      19:57  137   
145 #2587 Klevenz, Gregory    SR W.T. Woodson              6:26      20:00  138   
146  #884 Sullivan, David      9 Good Counsel              6:28      20:06  139   
147  #915 Scott, Andre        JR Hay                       6:29      20:07  140   
148 #2869 Andres, Craig       SO Westfield HS              6:29      20:09  141   
149   #63 Carter, Jonathan    11 O\'Connell                 6:31      20:15  142   
150 #2889 Howell, Chris       SO Westfield HS              6:32      20:18  143   
151  #874 Hill, Andrew        12 Good Counsel              6:33      20:19  144   
152  #909 Monaghan, Corey     SR Hay                       6:34      20:23  145   
153  #904 Kearney, John       SO Hay                       6:35      20:26  146   
154  #900 Button, Jerry       JR Hay                       6:40      20:42  147   
155 #1045 Billington, Jason   SR James Madison             6:41      20:45  148   
156  #881 Rainard, Sam         9 Good Counsel              6:43      20:52  149   
157 #1599 Powell, Brooks      JR McLean HS                 6:51      21:16  150   
158 #3094 Henry, Ryan         10 Edison                    7:12      22:21        
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 T Jefferson XC               72    5    6   13   19   29   61   62           
      Total Time:  1:25:16.00                                                     
         Average:    17:03.20                                                     
   2 Herndon High School          85    2    4   17   22   40  123  136           
      Total Time:  1:25:07.00                                                     
         Average:    17:01.40                                                     
   3 West Springfield High Sch   115    1   18   20   30   46   65   83           
      Total Time:  1:26:04.00                                                     
         Average:    17:12.80                                                     
   4 Oakton High School          149    7   23   32   43   44   58   82           
      Total Time:  1:27:03.00                                                     
         Average:    17:24.60                                                     
   5 West Potomac High School    170   12   16   39   49   54   70   86           
      Total Time:  1:27:44.00                                                     
         Average:    17:32.80                                                     
   6 St. Albans School           189    8   24   33   48   76  120  124           
      Total Time:  1:28:04.00                                                     
         Average:    17:36.80                                                     
   7 Gonzaga High School         205    9   35   38   51   72  100  111           
      Total Time:  1:28:16.00                                                     
         Average:    17:39.20                                                     
   8 Centreville Wildcats        214   10   25   42   57   80  114  125           
      Total Time:  1:28:30.00                                                     
         Average:    17:42.00                                                     
   9 Loyola Blakefield High Sc   215   14   26   34   53   88  110  122           
      Total Time:  1:28:38.00                                                     
         Average:    17:43.60                                                     
  10 Chantilly HS                237    3   45   52   60   77                     
      Total Time:  1:28:29.00                                                     
         Average:    17:41.80                                                     
  11 Potomac Falls High School   292   27   37   67   74   87  109  133           
      Total Time:  1:30:06.00                                                     
         Average:    18:01.20                                                     
  12 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch   296   21   36   66   69  104  142                
      Total Time:  1:30:12.00                                                     
         Average:    18:02.40                                                     
  13 James W. Robinson Seconda   318   11   31   79   81  116                     
      Total Time:  1:30:36.00                                                     
         Average:    18:07.20                                                     
  14 Stone Bridge High School    326   28   55   63   85   95   96  106           
      Total Time:  1:30:48.00                                                     
         Average:    18:09.60                                                     
  15 G.C. Marshall Cross Count   366   47   50   84   91   94  112  118           
      Total Time:  1:31:33.00                                                     
         Average:    18:18.60                                                     
  16 W.T. Woodson                384   15   56   78   97  138                     
      Total Time:  1:32:25.00                                                     
         Average:    18:29.00                                                     
  17 Langley Saxons              427   41   75   99  105  107  108  113           
      Total Time:  1:32:57.00                                                     
         Average:    18:35.40                                                     
  18 James Madison               487   59   89   92  119  128  134  148           
      Total Time:  1:34:03.00                                                     
         Average:    18:48.60                                                     
  19 Stuart Cross Country        516   64   93   98  130  131                     
      Total Time:  1:34:55.00                                                     
         Average:    18:59.00                                                     
  20 McLean HS                   539   71   90  117  126  135  150                
      Total Time:  1:35:23.00                                                     
         Average:    19:04.60                                                     
  21 Westfield HS                580  101  103  115  129  132  141  143           
      Total Time:  1:36:17.00                                                     
         Average:    19:15.40                                                     
  22 Good Counsel High School    590   68  102  137  139  144  149                
      Total Time:  1:37:31.00                                                     
         Average:    19:30.20                                                     
  23 Hayfield Secondary School   606   73  121  127  140  145  146  147           
      Total Time:  1:37:32.00                                                     
         Average:    19:30.40                              

 West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity B
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1  #566 Chrisinger, Ben     12 Fauquier High Sc          5:35      17:18    1   
  2 #2494 Ross, Johns            Potomac School            5:38      17:30        
  3  #374 Gould, Brian        JR Dominion                  5:39      17:32    2   
  4  #723 Panzer, Mike        12 Georgetown Day            5:40      17:35    3   
  5 #1409 Hauptman, Ryan      SR LCHS                      5:40      17:36    4   
  6 #2311 Komen, James        JR T Jefferson XC            5:41      17:38    5   
  7  #197 Fuller, Corey       JR Brhs                      5:42      17:41    6   
  8 #1406 Glennon, Brian      JR LCHS                      5:43      17:45    7   
  9  #382 Reigel, Ryan        SR Dominion                  5:44      17:48    8   
 10 #2285 Cohen, Ben          SR T Jefferson XC            5:45      17:52    9   
 11 #1803 Smith, Tony         JR Oakton High School        5:46      17:53   10   
 12  #524 Cornett, Kevin      JR FC                        5:46      17:55   11   
 13 #1414 Lyford, Andy        SR LCHS                      5:47      17:56   12   
 14 #1765 Fielding, Russel    SR Oakton High School        5:48      18:00   13   
 15  #293 Moore, Alex         JR Wildcats                  5:49      18:04   14   
 16 #2607 Waltrip, Charlie    SO W.T. Woodson              5:51      18:08   15   
 17 #1400 Budiansky, Andrew   SO LCHS                      5:51      18:11   16   
 18 #2278 Brown, Kevin        JR T Jefferson XC            5:53      18:16   17   
 19 #1686 Thoman, Matthew     SR \'majors\'                  5:53      18:17        
 20 #2272 Bernstein, Aaron    SO T Jefferson XC            5:54      18:20   18   
 21  #286 Knight, Taylor      SO Wildcats                  5:55      18:21   19   
 22 #2359 Williamson, Wesley  SR T Jefferson XC            5:56      18:25   20   
 23  #703 Campbell, Jason     11 Georgetown Day            5:56      18:25   21   
 24 #2326 McGuigan, Alex      SO T Jefferson XC            5:57      18:27   22   
 25 #1855 Harrison, Stephen   JR Patriots                  5:57      18:28   23   
 26  #212 Nestor, Ryan        SR Brhs                      5:58      18:31   24   
 27 #1300 Holland, Jason      JR Langley Saxons            5:58      18:32   25   
 28  #265 Barchet, David      SR Wildcats                  5:59      18:34   26   
 29  #811 Kriel, Eric            Gonzaga High School       5:59      18:35        
 30 #1800 Saunders, Matt      JR Oakton High School        5:59      18:35   27   
 31 #2294 Ethier, Alex        SO T Jefferson XC            5:59      18:35   28   
 32 #2610 Wilson, Christophe  JR W.T. Woodson              6:00      18:36   29   
 33 #2729 Joseph, Dunford        West Potomac              6:00      18:36   30   
 34 #2602 Regan, Joseph       SO W.T. Woodson              6:00      18:37   31   
 35 #1394 Anderson, Chad      SR LCHS                      6:00      18:37   32   
 36 #2126 greene, mike        SR South Lakes               6:01      18:40   33   
 37 #2795 Hamilton, Matt      SR West Springf              6:01      18:40   34   
 38 #2133 Osinovsky, Lev      SR South Lakes               6:01      18:41   35   
 39 #1222 Howick, Ryan        SO Lake Braddoc              6:02      18:42   36   
 40 #1410 Hylton, Jonathan    JR LCHS                      6:03      18:47   37   
 41 #2799 Hughes, Patrick     SR West Springf              6:03      18:48   38   
 42 #2117 Allen, Chris        SO South Lakes               6:04      18:49   39   
 43 #2490 Metcalf, Andrew        Potomac School            6:05      18:54        
 44  #206 Kish, Nick          SR Brhs                      6:08      19:03   40   
 45 #2967 Marker, Christophe  10 Yorktown                  6:09      19:04        
 46  #720 Moss, James         11 Georgetown Day            6:09      19:04   41   
 47 #1396 Bitzer, Ryan        SR LCHS                      6:10      19:07   42   
 48 #2573 Griendling, Zachar  JR W.T. Woodson              6:10      19:08   43   
 49 #1851 Dean, Scott         JR Patriots                  6:11      19:11   44   
 50 #2735 Motley, Matt           West Potomac              6:11      19:12   45   
 51  #270 Chorney, Chris      SO Wildcats                  6:11      19:12   46   
 52  #970 Heintz, Matt        JR Herndon High School       6:12      19:15   47   
 53 #2813 Trueheart, Anthony  JR West Springf              6:12      19:16   48   
 54 #1153 Hymes, Will         SO Rams                      6:13      19:17   49   
 55 #2496 Tanabe, Zenzan         Potomac School            6:13      19:17        
 56  #952 Davis, Alex         SO Herndon High School       6:13      19:17   50   
 57  #982 Newlon, Josh        JR Herndon High School       6:13      19:18   51   
 58  #264 Austin, Brian       JR Wildcats                  6:13      19:18   52   
 59 #1065 Lacy, Michael       SO James Madison             6:13      19:19   53   
 60 #2731 Knitter, Zack          West Potomac              6:13      19:19   54   
 61 #1293 Chisholm, Michael   SO Langley Saxons            6:13      19:19   55   
 62 #2132 ong, kelby          SR South Lakes               6:14      19:20   56   
 63 #1216 Galvin, Danny       JR Lake Braddoc              6:14      19:20   57   
 64  #368 Alvarado, Jonathan  JR Dominion                  6:14      19:22   58   
 65 #1165 Shaw, Wes           JR Rams                      6:14      19:22   59   
 66 #1210 Bridgham, Ross      SO Lake Braddoc              6:15      19:24   60   
 67  #494 LeGros, Pete        SO Fairfax High School       6:15      19:24   61   
 68 #2099 Iscoe, Mark         12 Sidwell Friends           6:15      19:25   62   
 69 #2741 Wasilewski, Nick       West Potomac              6:16      19:27   63   
 70 #2564 Bauserman, James    JR W.T. Woodson              6:16      19:28   64   
 71  #582 Taggart, David      11 Fauquier High Sc          6:18      19:32   65   
 72  #373 Futrell, Jef        SR Dominion                  6:18      19:33   66   
 73 #1326 Stone, Randolf      JR Langley Saxons            6:18      19:33   67   
 74  #540 Uriarte, Ervin      JR FC                        6:18      19:34   68   
 75 #1142 Curry, Joseph       JR Rams                      6:18      19:35   69   
 76 #2130 Montague, Hill      JR South Lakes               6:19      19:35   70   
 77  #152 Ball, Matt          10 Briar Woods               6:19      19:36   71   
 78 #1209 Betts, Jon          SO Lake Braddoc              6:19      19:37   72   
 79 #1149 Glass, Patrick      JR Rams                      6:19      19:38   73   
 80  #208 Leahy, Jake         SO Brhs                      6:19      19:38   74   
 81 #2108 Ross, Andrew        11 Sidwell Friends           6:20      19:39   75   
 82 #1859 Walker, Kenny       JR Patriots                  6:20      19:39   76   
 83  #294 O\'Connor, Daniel    JR Wildcats                  6:20      19:41   77   
 84 #1227 Letson, Chris       SO Lake Braddoc              6:21      19:42   78   
 85 #2816 Walsh, Richard      SR West Springf              6:21      19:43   79   
 86  #722 Needell, Zach       11 Georgetown Day            6:22      19:45   80   
 87 #3084 Forester, VJ        10 Edison                    6:22      19:46        
 88 #2808 Slifko, Eric        JR West Springf              6:22      19:46   81   
 89 #1305 Kuhnsman, Grant     SO Langley Saxons            6:22      19:46   82   
 90  #220 Vannauker, Richard  SR Brhs                      6:22      19:47   83   
 91 #2589 Louie, Daniel       SR W.T. Woodson              6:22      19:47   84   
 92 #1299 Hodges, Sam         SO Langley Saxons            6:23      19:48   85   
 93 #1756 Bennett, Jeff          Oakton High School        6:23      19:48   86   
 94  #571 Gilbert, Phillip    11 Fauquier High Sc          6:23      19:49   87   
 95  #521 Arkwright, George   SO FC                        6:23      19:50   88   
 96 #1797 Ramsey, Kyle           Oakton High School        6:23      19:50   89   
 97 #1057 Gabor, Andrew       FR James Madison             6:24      19:50   90   
 98 #2722 Feinstein, Zachery     West Potomac              6:24      19:51   91   
 99 #1166 Slocom, Richie      JR Rams                      6:24      19:52   92   
100 #1213 Doyle, Kevin        SO Lake Braddoc              6:25      19:57   93   
101  #574 Hilleary, Patrick   10 Fauquier High Sc          6:26      19:57   94   
102 #1678 Labrada, Luis       SR \'majors\'                  6:26      19:58        
103  #266 Beaton, Nathan      SO Wildcats                  6:26      19:58   95   
104 #1294 Chopra, Arjun       JR Langley Saxons            6:27      20:00   96   
105 #1876 Grazioli, Robert    JR Paul VI                   6:27      20:01        
106  #977 Mahoney, Rylan      SO Herndon High School       6:27      20:02   97   
107  #731 Whitmarsh, Colin    10 Georgetown Day            6:27      20:02   98   
108 #2791 Gardner, Willem     JR West Springf              6:27      20:03   99   
109 #1854 Harmon, Jonathan    SR Patriots                  6:28      20:04  100   
110 #1077 Porter, Garrett     SO James Madison             6:29      20:09  101   
111  #209 Lillegard, Phil     JR Brhs                      6:30      20:10  102   
112  #505 Thurston, Devin     SO Fairfax High School       6:31      20:14  103   
113 #1777 Kadasi, Laith       SR Oakton High School        6:32      20:15  104   
114  #870 Bock, Mike          11 Good Counsel              6:32      20:17        
115  #377 Nguyen, Christian   SO Dominion                  6:33      20:19  105   
116  #701 Bradley, Matt       12 Georgetown Day            6:33      20:21  106   
117 #3098 Yousuf, Mohammed    12 Edison                    6:34      20:22        
118 #2872 Bent, Alex          JR Westfield HS              6:34      20:24  107   
119 #1857 Scales, Sean        SO Patriots                  6:35      20:25  108   
120 #1874 Bordelon, Martin    SR Paul VI                   6:35      20:26        
121 #1298 Giordano, Andrew    JR Langley Saxons            6:35      20:27  109   
122  #529 Loar, Graydon       SR FC                        6:36      20:28  110   
123 #2105 Parks, AJ            9 Sidwell Friends           6:36      20:28  111   
124 #1245 Villiva, Alec       SO Lake Braddoc              6:36      20:30  112   
125   #89 Rita, Brian         12 O\'Connell                 6:38      20:35  113   
126 #1082 Salim, Michael      SO James Madison             6:38      20:35  114   
127  #988 Weins, Mark         SO Herndon High School       6:38      20:36  115   
128  #712 Grace, Robbie       11 Georgetown Day            6:38      20:37  116   
129  #578 Miller, Jacob       11 Fauquier High Sc          6:38      20:37  117   
130  #536 Schor, Taylor       JR FC                        6:39      20:37  118   
131  #523 Blincoe, Brian      JR FC                        6:39      20:38  119   
132 #2141 webb, chris         JR South Lakes               6:40      20:40  120   
133 #1853 Harbour, Daniel     JR Patriots                  6:40      20:42  121   
134  #207 Lange, Ted          SR Brhs                      6:41      20:44  122   
135  #378 O\'Donnell, Kyle     SO Dominion                  6:42      20:47  123   
136 #1137 Byerley, Chris      JR Rams                      6:42      20:49  124   
137 #2096 Hecht, Ben          11 Sidwell Friends           6:43      20:50  125   
138 #2097 Hendler, Micah      11 Sidwell Friends           6:43      20:50  126   
139  #580 Robison, Ricky      11 Fauquier High Sc          6:43      20:51  127   
140 #2098 Hendler, Reuben        Sidwell Friends           6:43      20:51  128   
141  #154 Carmean, Nick        9 Briar Woods               6:44      20:53  129   
142 #1133 Beckett, Matt       SR Rams                      6:45      20:56  130   
143 #2876 Carmody, Ethan      JR Westfield HS              6:46      21:00  131   
144 #1094 Williamson, Mark    JR James Madison             6:46      21:02  132   
145 #1883 Wojtan, Eddie       SO Paul VI                   6:47      21:02        
146 #2911 Schreiber, Matt     JR Westfield HS              6:51      21:15  133   
147   #67 Dundon, Matt        12 O\'Connell                 6:51      21:17  134   
148 #1072 Nappi, Michael      SR James Madison             6:52      21:19  135   
149 #2878 Cimino, Curtis      SO Westfield HS              6:52      21:20  136   
150 #1088 Stanton, Andrew     SO James Madison             6:53      21:21  137   
151 #2906 Plummer, Nick       JR Westfield HS              6:54      21:26  138   
152 #2879 Day, Russel         SO Westfield HS              6:56      21:32  139   
153  #502 Schenaker, Matt     JR Fairfax High School       6:57      21:33  140   
154 #2867 Anderson, Matt      SO Westfield HS              6:57      21:35  141   
155  #968 Hatch, Tanner       FR Herndon High School       6:58      21:38  142   
156  #164 Rogerson, Wes       10 Briar Woods               7:00      21:43  143   
157 #2100 Kielban, Jason      11 Sidwell Friends           7:02      21:51  144   
158  #872 Collins, Drew       10 Good Counsel              7:03      21:53        
159  #162 Owens, Conor        10 Briar Woods               7:05      22:00  145   
160 #2710 Allik, Brian           West Potomac              7:09      22:11  146   
161   #68 Dunn, Michael          O\'Connell                 7:09      22:12  147   
162  #163 Renzi, Matt         11 Briar Woods               7:12      22:20  148   
163  #875 Hoag, Drew           9 Good Counsel              7:12      22:21        
164  #161 Owen, Matt          10 Briar Woods               7:13      22:23  149   
165  #491 Dowell, Samuel      SO Fairfax High School       7:20      22:44  150   
166 #1676 Garrity, Michael    SR \'majors\'                  7:23      22:57        
167   #71 Hix, Joseph         12 O\'Connell                 7:27      23:09  151   
168   #93 Speshock, Kyle      12 O\'Connell                 7:28      23:10  152   
169 #2212 Banerjee, Soham     FR Raiders                   7:28      23:11        
170 #2227 Rudwick, Thomas     JR Raiders                   7:36      23:36        
171 #1877 Hamilton, Matt      SR Paul VI                   7:58      24:43        
172  #158 Garither, Ben        9 Briar Woods               8:03      25:00  153   
173 #2228 Santos, Daniel      FR Raiders                   8:04      25:04        
174  #492 Gillen, Mark        SO Fairfax High School       8:29      26:19  154   
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 T Jefferson XC               69    5    9   17   18   20   22   28           
      Total Time:  1:30:31.00                                                     
         Average:    18:06.20                                                     
   2 Loudoun County High Schoo    71    4    7   12   16   32   37   42           
      Total Time:  1:30:05.00                                                     
         Average:    18:01.00                                                     
   3 Centreville Wildcats        157   14   19   26   46   52   77   95           
      Total Time:  1:33:29.00                                                     
         Average:    18:41.80                                                     
   4 W.T. Woodson                182   15   29   31   43   64   84                
      Total Time:  1:33:57.00                                                     
         Average:    18:47.40                                                     
   5 Oakton High School          225   10   13   27   86   89  104                
      Total Time:  1:34:06.00                                                     
         Average:    18:49.20                                                     
   6 Broad Run High School       227    6   24   40   74   83  102  122           
      Total Time:  1:34:40.00                                                     
         Average:    18:56.00                                                     
   7 South Lakes High School     233   33   35   39   56   70  120                
      Total Time:  1:35:05.00                                                     
         Average:    19:01.00                                                     
   8 Dominion High School        239    2    8   58   66  105  123                
      Total Time:  1:34:34.00                                                     
         Average:    18:54.80                                                     
   9 Georgetown Day School       243    3   21   41   80   98  106  116           
      Total Time:  1:34:51.00                                                     
         Average:    18:58.20                                                     
  10 West Springfield High Sch   280   34   38   48   79   81   99                
      Total Time:  1:36:13.00                                                     
         Average:    19:14.60                                                     
  11 West Potomac High School    283   30   45   54   63   91  146                
      Total Time:  1:36:25.00                                                     
         Average:    19:17.00                                                     
  12 Lake Braddock Secondary     303   36   57   60   72   78   93  112           
      Total Time:  1:36:45.00                                                     
         Average:    19:21.00                                                     
  13 Langley Saxons              314   25   55   67   82   85   96  109           
      Total Time:  1:36:58.00                                                     
         Average:    19:23.60                                                     
  14 James W. Robinson Seconda   342   49   59   69   73   92  124  130           
      Total Time:  1:37:44.00                                                     
         Average:    19:32.80                                                     
  15 Park View H. S. Cross Cou   351   23   44   76  100  108  121                
      Total Time:  1:37:47.00                                                     
         Average:    19:33.40                                                     
  16 Herndon High School         360   47   50   51   97  115  142                
      Total Time:  1:38:28.00                                                     
         Average:    19:41.60                                                     
  17 Fauquier High School        364    1   65   87   94  117  127                
      Total Time:  1:37:13.00                                                     
         Average:    19:26.60                                                     
  18 Falls Church Jaguars        395   11   68   88  110  118  119                
      Total Time:  1:38:24.00                                                     
         Average:    19:40.80                                                     
  19 James Madison               490   53   90  101  114  132  135  137           
      Total Time:  1:40:55.00                                                     
         Average:    20:11.00                                                     
  20 Sidwell Friends School      499   62   75  111  125  126  128  144           
      Total Time:  1:41:12.00                                                     
         Average:    20:14.40                                                     
  21 Fairfax High School         608   61  103  140  150  154                     
      Total Time:  1:50:14.00                                                     
         Average:    22:02.80                                                     
  22 Briar Woods High School     636   71  129  143  145  148  149  153           
      Total Time:  1:46:32.00                                                     
         Average:    21:18.40                                                     
  23 Westfield HS                645  107  131  133  136  138  139  141           
      Total Time:  1:45:25.00                                                     
         Average:    21:05.00                                                     
  24 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch   697  113  134  147  151  152                     
      Total Time:  1:50:23.00                                                     
         Average:    22:04.60    

West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Boys 5k Run CC Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1 #1917 Hagen, Ryan          9 Potomac Falls             5:54      18:19    1   
  2 #1148 Flanagan, Eric      FR Rams                      5:54      18:20    2   
  3 #1769 Hendricks, Brian    FR Oakton High School        5:55      18:23    3   
  4 #1920 Hardin, Jos          9 Potomac Falls             5:56      18:26    4   
  5  #954 Dicicco, Matt       FR Herndon High School       6:00      18:38    5   
  6  #383 Rion, James         FR Dominion                  6:01      18:41    6   
  7 #1808 Weil, Chris         FR Oakton High School        6:02      18:43    7   
  8  #379 Phillips, Nick      FR Dominion                  6:05      18:54    8   
  9 #2868 Anderson, Matt      FR Westfield HS              6:07      19:00    9   
 10  #500 Paster, Ethan       FR Fairfax High School       6:08      19:01        
 11 #3082 Degfae, Leoule      09 Edison                    6:08      19:01   10   
 12 #1880 McGinn, Ian         FR Paul VI                   6:09      19:04        
 13   #66 Dunbar, William        O\'Connell                 6:09      19:05   11   
 14  #532 Parker, William     FR FC                        6:09      19:06        
 15 #2297 Gates, Logan        FR T Jefferson XC            6:10      19:07   12   
 16 #1169 Whiteley, Ari       FR Rams                      6:10      19:09   13   
 17 #1058 Hartnett, Robert    FR James Madison             6:11      19:13   14   
 18 #2345 Roh, Daniel         FR T Jefferson XC            6:12      19:14   15   
 19 #2575 Hain, Andrew        FR W.T. Woodson              6:14      19:21   16   
 20 #2597 Mulloy, Tyler       FR W.T. Woodson              6:14      19:22   17   
 21 #2585 Katz, Ethan         FR W.T. Woodson              6:14      19:22   18   
 22 #2726 Hammond, Ben           West Potomac              6:16      19:28   19   
 23  #810 Kerwin, Joe          9 Gonzaga High School       6:17      19:29   20   
 24 #1770 Hendricks, Neal     FR Oakton High School        6:17      19:29   21   
 25 #2189 Thumpasery, Franci   9 St. Albans School         6:17      19:29   22   
 26 #2727 Hammond, Thomas        West Potomac              6:17      19:31   23   
 27 #1762 Despins, Stephen    FR Oakton High School        6:18      19:34   24   
 28  #987 Van Luling, Todd       Herndon High School       6:19      19:35   25   
 29 #2713 Brendan, Murphy        West Potomac              6:19      19:36   26   
 30 #1764 Doyle, Ethan        FR Oakton High School        6:20      19:39   27   
 31 #1095 Zolper, JJ          FR James Madison             6:21      19:43   28   
 32 #1600 Radelet, Samuel     FR McLean HS                 6:23      19:47        
 33  #506 Tonia, Luke         FR Fairfax High School       6:23      19:48        
 34  #289 McColloch, Austin   FR Wildcats                  6:24      19:51   29   
 35  #793 Findley, Allen       9 Gonzaga High School       6:24      19:52   30   
 36 #2593 Miller, Alex        FR W.T. Woodson              6:24      19:52   31   
 37  #813 Lewis, Billy         9 Gonzaga High School       6:25      19:54   32   
 38  #978 Matthews, Andrew       Herndon High School       6:25      19:54   33   
 39  #990 Williams, Nathan       Herndon High School       6:25      19:55   34   
 40 #2874 Canatsey, Jack      FR Westfield HS              6:25      19:55   35   
 41 #2360 Witko, Alexander    FR T Jefferson XC            6:25      19:56   36   
 42 #1063 Ivey, Kevin         FR James Madison             6:25      19:56   37   
 43 #1415 Lyford, Chris       FR LCHS                      6:26      19:57   38   
 44   #81 Maloney, Colin         O\'Connell                 6:26      19:57   39   
 45   #96 Welch, Dan             O\'Connell                 6:28      20:03   40   
 46 #1411 Joseph, Matt        FR LCHS                      6:28      20:03   41   
 47 #1912 Dehnboster, Jacque   9 Potomac Falls             6:28      20:05   42   
 48 #2350 Stumvoll, Ryan      FR T Jefferson XC            6:29      20:07   43   
 49 #2296 Galvin, Timmy       FR T Jefferson XC            6:29      20:08   44   
 50 #1315 Ningard, Ryan       FR Langley Saxons            6:30      20:11   45   
 51 #1237 Roy, Matt           FR Lake Braddoc              6:32      20:18   46   
 52 #2783 Bradley, Matt       FR West Springf              6:32      20:18   47   
 53 #2803 Prohoda, Christoph  FR West Springf              6:32      20:18   48   
 54  #821 McLaughlin, Liam     9 Gonzaga High School       6:34      20:22   49   
 55 #2304 Hookey, Glen        FR T Jefferson XC            6:34      20:22   50   
 56 #1395 Anderson, Jared     FR LCHS                      6:34      20:22   51   
 57 #1906 Belin, Josh          9 Potomac Falls             6:35      20:27   52   
 58 #1289 Bohlen, Hunter      FR Langley Saxons            6:36      20:28   53   
 59 #1225 Klein, Matt         FR Lake Braddoc              6:36      20:30   54   
 60 #1878 Higginbotham, Gran  FR Paul VI                   6:37      20:31        
 61  #806 Kelly, Devin         9 Gonzaga High School       6:37      20:33   55   
 62  #972 Hughes, Ethan          Herndon High School       6:38      20:36   56   
 63 #2604 Sues, Joel          FR W.T. Woodson              6:38      20:36   57   
 64 #1483 Cockrill, Rick         Lvhs Vikings              6:39      20:39        
 65 #1929 Mott, Andrew         9 Potomac Falls             6:39      20:39   58   
 66 #1138 Casciano, Dominick  FR Rams                      6:39      20:39   59   
 67 #2896 Malm, Peter         FR Westfield HS              6:40      20:42   60   
 68  #981 Neely, Wyatt           Herndon High School       6:40      20:43   61   
 69 #1688 Wendelin, Henry     FR \'majors\'                  6:41      20:43        
 70 #1211 Cruz, John          FR Lake Braddoc              6:41      20:44   62   
 71 #2314 Kuprenas, Mikas     FR T Jefferson XC            6:42      20:48   63   
 72  #979 Medvene, Matt          Herndon High School       6:42      20:48   64   
 73 #1791 Mohammadi, Abdulla  FR Oakton High School        6:42      20:49   65   
 74 #1408 Hauptman, James     FR LCHS                      6:43      20:50   66   
 75  #219 Spaseff, Stephen    FR Brhs                      6:43      20:50        
 76 #2292 Dreo, Max           FR T Jefferson XC            6:43      20:51        
 77 #1171 Zanaletto, Joe      FR Rams                      6:44      20:53   67   
 78 #2302 Herreras, Carlos    FR T Jefferson XC            6:46      21:01        
 79 #1146 DiLuccio, Michael   FR Rams                      6:47      21:03   68   
 80 #1359 Brown, Ryan         FR Lee-Davis                 6:47      21:04        
 81 #1413 Lord, Sid           FR LCHS                      6:47      21:04   69   
 82 #2969 Papavizas, John     09 Yorktown                  6:49      21:10        
 83 #2888 Holleran, Andrew    FR Westfield HS              6:50      21:12   70   
 84  #276 Hawk, Dean          FR Wildcats                  6:51      21:15   71   
 85  #269 Caviness, Stephen   FR Wildcats                  6:51      21:17   72   
 86 #1429 Tagg, Brett         FR LCHS                      6:52      21:19   73   
 87  #296 Pulsipher, John     FR Wildcats                  6:52      21:19   74   
 88 #1767 Grissen, Eric       FR Oakton High School        6:52      21:20   75   
 89 #3083 Degfae, Tihut       09 Edison                    6:54      21:25   76   
 90  #539 Silvester, Scott    FR FC                        6:55      21:27        
 91  #650 Greatrex, Sean      09 Gcmcc                     6:55      21:28   77   
 92  #786 Creamer, Kevin       9 Gonzaga High School       6:55      21:28   78   
 93 #2810 Tate, Grayson       FR West Springf              6:55      21:29   79   
 94 #1241 Sokvary, Darren     FR Lake Braddoc              6:55      21:29   80   
 95 #2170 Maletta, Gabe        9 St. Albans School         6:56      21:30   81   
 96 #1766 Gillions, Cord      FR Oakton High School        6:56      21:31        
 97  #774 Aghdam, Cyrus        9 Gonzaga High School       6:56      21:31   82   
 98 #1595 McGee, Ian          FR McLean HS                 6:56      21:32        
 99  #789 Devlin, Jack         9 Gonzaga High School       6:56      21:32        
100 #2716 Chris, Shields         West Potomac              6:59      21:41   83   
101 #1499 Pearson, Matthew       Lvhs Vikings              6:59      21:42        
102 #2005 Gibbs, Jared        11 Quince Orchard            7:00      21:44        
103 #1927 Keifer, Ryan         9 Potomac Falls             7:00      21:45   84   
104 #2309 Kim, Ryan           FR T Jefferson XC            7:00      21:45        
105 #1426 Shields, Michael    FR LCHS                      7:01      21:46   85   
106 #1366 Spott, Eric         FR Lee-Davis                 7:01      21:47        
107 #1922 Hodges, Mason        9 Potomac Falls             7:02      21:49   86   
108 #1921 Herrera, Gabe        9 Potomac Falls             7:02      21:52        
109 #1402 Cipriano, Frank     FR LCHS                      7:03      21:52        
110 #1905 Beichler, Andrew     9 Potomac Falls             7:04      21:55        
111 #2122 Dana-Haskell, Will  FR South Lakes               7:05      21:59        
112  #280 Hong, Jiihn         FR Wildcats                  7:05      22:00   87   
113 #1604 Torres Jr, Carlos   FR McLean HS                 7:05      22:00        
114 #2613 Young, James        FR W.T. Woodson              7:06      22:02   88   
115 #1937 Young, Matt          9 Potomac Falls             7:06      22:03        
116   #91 Sheley, Kevin          O\'Connell                 7:06      22:03   89   
117  #338 Gramstad, Ethan     FR Chantilly HS              7:06      22:03        
118  #974 Kim, Dan               Herndon High School       7:06      22:04        
119 #2356 Wang, David         FR T Jefferson XC            7:07      22:04        
120 #2603 Slattery, Peter     FR W.T. Woodson              7:07      22:06   90   
121 #1793 Nissen, Sam         FR Oakton High School        7:07      22:07        
122 #1158 McShea, Connor      FR Rams                      7:10      22:16   91   
123  #787 Curl, Mitchle        9 Gonzaga High School       7:11      22:19        
124 #1083 Schmidt, Quincy     FR James Madison             7:12      22:20   92   
125 #1303 Jassal, Akash       FR Langley Saxons            7:12      22:20   93   
126 #2721 Eiseman, Philip        West Potomac              7:12      22:21   94   
127 #1093 White, Andrew       FR James Madison             7:12      22:22   95   
128 #1049 Clinton, Evan       FR James Madison             7:12      22:23   96   
129 #2148 Cunningham, James    9 St. Albans School         7:13      22:25   97   
130 #2176 Moorhead, Will       9 St. Albans School         7:14      22:26   98   
131 #2796 Harrison, Matt      FR West Springf              7:14      22:26   99   
132  #385 Runner, Matt        FR Dominion                  7:15      22:30  100   
133  #818 Mccarthy, Reilly     9 Gonzaga High School       7:16      22:32        
134 #1147 Fischer, Eric       FR Rams                      7:16      22:33  101   
135 #2295 Freedman, Mason     FR T Jefferson XC            7:17      22:37        
136 #3089 Lee, Richard        09 Edison                    7:17      22:37  102   
137  #332 Clapp, Michael      FR Chantilly HS              7:19      22:44        
138  #387 Tran, Don           FR Dominion                  7:20      22:45  103   
139 #2784 Bradshaw, Jimmy     FR West Springf              7:20      22:46  104   
140  #205 Kelley, Sean        FR Brhs                      7:20      22:47        
141 #1223 Kaufman, Brad       FR Lake Braddoc              7:22      22:53  105   
142 #2299 Granados, Daniel    FR T Jefferson XC            7:23      22:56        
143  #292 Merker, Brett       FR Wildcats                  7:24      22:57  106   
144 #2562 Andrukonis, John    FR W.T. Woodson              7:25      23:02        
145 #1084 Schmitz, William    FR James Madison             7:26      23:04  107   
146  #646 Desai, Tarun        09 Gcmcc                     7:26      23:06  108   
147  #819 Mcgowan, Marty       9 Gonzaga High School       7:27      23:07        
148 #2966 Madison, Zachary    09 Yorktown                  7:28      23:12        
149  #834 Prominski, Peter     9 Gonzaga High School       7:29      23:14        
150  #535 Rucker, Brian       FR FC                        7:29      23:15        
151 #2485 Glazer, Lewis        9 Potomac School            7:30      23:17        
152   #83 Mason, Kyle            O\'Connell                 7:30      23:17  109   
153 #2715 Charles, Paulin        West Potomac              7:30      23:18  110   
154 #2634 Jacobs, Thomas      09 Warriors                  7:31      23:19        
155 #1087 Sills, Michael      FR James Madison             7:32      23:23        
156  #969 Hawes, Conor           Herndon High School       7:32      23:24        
157 #1161 Parady, Brian       FR Rams                      7:32      23:24        
158  #955 Donner, Kevin       FR Herndon High School       7:33      23:25        
159 #2732 Krohmal, Zack          West Potomac              7:33      23:27  111   
160  #822 McNamara, William    9 Gonzaga High School       7:34      23:28        
161 #1329 Underhill, Jimmy    FR Langley Saxons            7:34      23:29  112   
162 #1398 Brown, Seth         FR LCHS                      7:34      23:30        
163 #2571 Gibbons, Peter      FR W.T. Woodson              7:35      23:33        
164 #2312 Kremer, Micheal     FR T Jefferson XC            7:36      23:37        
165  #824 Meyerson, Will       9 Gonzaga High School       7:37      23:40        
166 #2789 Dolan, Joe          FR West Springf              7:38      23:42  113   
167 #2348 Spalding, Alex      FR T Jefferson XC            7:39      23:44        
168  #272 Fite, Ben           FR Wildcats                  7:39      23:45  114   
169  #369 Ashton, Sean        FR Dominion                  7:40      23:47  115   
170   #84 Nirschl, Tom           O\'Connell                 7:40      23:47  116   
171 #1297 Gimbert, Jimmy      FR Langley Saxons            7:40      23:49  117   
172 #3087 Iredell, Jonathan   09 Edison                    7:43      23:57  118   
173 #1776 Johnson, Matt       FR Oakton High School        7:44      24:00        
174 #2168 Lindsey, Matt        9 St. Albans School         7:44      24:01  119   
175 #1044 Berlow, Scott       FR James Madison             7:47      24:11        
176 #1048 Cassady, Brandon    SR James Madison             7:49      24:17        
177 #2882 DeFluri, Peter      FR Westfield HS              7:49      24:17  120   
178 #1331 Weinheimer, Michae  FR Langley Saxons            7:50      24:18  121   
179 #2166 Johnson, Matthew     9 St. Albans School         7:51      24:22  122   
180 #1911 Crain, Phil          9 Potomac Falls             7:52      24:26        
181 #1290 Brassel, Christoph  FR Langley Saxons            7:53      24:28  123   
182 #1062 Holdaway, Chris     FR James Madison             7:54      24:33        
183 #3088 Kinston, Derwin     09 Edison                    7:55      24:34  124   
184  #291 Meador, Thomas      FR Wildcats                  7:56      24:39        
185  #495 Mendoza, Alex       FR Fairfax High School       7:57      24:40        
186  #829 O\'Sullivan, Taylor   9 Gonzaga High School       7:57      24:40        
187 #1433 Whitsett, Danny     FR LCHS                      7:57      24:40        
188 #2567 DeFrancis, Lukas    FR W.T. Woodson              7:58      24:44        
189  #271 Dively, Thomas      FR Wildcats                  8:03      24:59        
190  #352 Townsend, Andrew    FR Chantilly HS              8:04      25:01        
191  #193 beck, brian         FR Brhs                      8:06      25:09        
192  #798 Grinc, Peter           Gonzaga High School       8:06      25:10        
193 #1249 Worfolk, James      FR Lake Braddoc              8:07      25:11  125   
194  #654 Melfino, Tomas      09 Gcmcc                     8:07      25:12  126   
195 #1422 Robinson, Patrick   FR LCHS                      8:07      25:13        
196 #1092 Weller, Andrew      FR James Madison             8:07      25:13        
197 #1419 Parker, Jeremy      FR LCHS                      8:08      25:14        
198 #2595 Moore, Thomas       FR W.T. Woodson              8:08      25:16        
199 #2570 Foster, Alex        FR W.T. Woodson              8:09      25:17        
200 #1322 Schadoff, Steven    FR Langley Saxons            8:10      25:21        
201  #797 Greening, Gary       9 Gonzaga High School       8:12      25:29        
202 #2338 Pollock, Nolan      FR T Jefferson XC            8:14      25:34        
203  #796 Fuchs, Andrew        9 Gonzaga High School       8:15      25:36        
204  #662 Sullivan, Patrick   09 Gcmcc                     8:15      25:37  127   
205 #1333 White, Dylan        FR Langley Saxons            8:16      25:39        
206 #1232 O\'Neill, Conor      FR Lake Braddoc              8:16      25:40  128   
207 #2353 Tracy, Robert       FR T Jefferson XC            8:18      25:46        
208 #1080 Reilly, John        FR James Madison             8:21      25:55        
209 #3085 Gibert, Jeffery     09 Edison                    8:23      26:01  129   
210  #794 Fitzgerald, Garret   9 Gonzaga High School       8:23      26:03        
211   #90 Sheeran, Patrick       O\'Connell                 8:25      26:07  130   
212 #1930 Prompovitch, Chris   9 Potomac Falls             8:26      26:11        
213 #1674 Dempkowski, Sean    FR \'majors\'                  8:30      26:22        
214  #773 Adagio, Max          9 Gonzaga High School       8:32      26:31        
215 #2352 Tallapragada, Nare  FR T Jefferson XC            8:33      26:32        
216 #2599 Nozaki, Colin       FR W.T. Woodson              8:44      27:08        
217 #1059 Hastings, Will      FR James Madison             8:46      27:15        
218 #1311 Miller, Devon       FR Langley Saxons            8:48      27:21        
219 #1875 Clautice, Tom       FR Paul VI                   8:59      27:53        
220  #657 Ng, Matthew         09 Gcmcc                     8:59      27:54  131   
221 #2153 Egge, Colin          9 St. Albans School         9:05      28:12  132   
222 #1068 McEnrue, Daniel     FR James Madison             9:06      28:14        
223 #2164 Ink, Nick            9 St. Albans School         9:08      28:23        
224 #1761 Dale, Philip        FR Oakton High School        9:09      28:25        
225 #1882 Smith, Ryan         FR Paul VI                   9:18      28:53        
226 #2139 Tirona, Arvin       FR South Lakes               9:20      28:59        
227 #2162 Hofmann, Harry       9 St. Albans School         9:30      29:29        
228 #2881 Deegan, George      FR Westfield HS             10:16      31:53  133   
229 #1325 Snedden, Benjamin   FR Langley Saxons           10:19      32:02        
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Oakton High School           82    3    7   21   24   27   65   75           
      Total Time:  1:35:48.00                                                     
         Average:    19:09.60                                                     
   2 W.T. Woodson                139   16   17   18   31   57   88   90           
      Total Time:  1:38:33.00                                                     
         Average:    19:42.60                                                     
   3 T Jefferson XC              150   12   15   36   43   44   50   63           
      Total Time:  1:38:32.00                                                     
         Average:    19:42.40                                                     
   4 Herndon High School         153    5   25   33   34   56   61   64           
      Total Time:  1:38:38.00                                                     
         Average:    19:43.60                                                     
   5 Potomac Falls High School   157    1    4   42   52   58   84   86           
      Total Time:  1:37:56.00                                                     
         Average:    19:35.20                                                     
   6 Gonzaga High School         186   20   30   32   49   55   78   82           
      Total Time:  1:40:10.00                                                     
         Average:    20:02.00                                                     
   7 James W. Robinson Seconda   209    2   13   59   67   68   91  101           
      Total Time:  1:40:04.00                                                     
         Average:    20:00.80                                                     
   8 West Potomac High School    245   19   23   26   83   94  110  111           
      Total Time:  1:42:37.00                                                     
         Average:    20:31.40                                                     
   9 Loudoun County High Schoo   265   38   41   51   66   69   73   85           
      Total Time:  1:42:16.00                                                     
         Average:    20:27.20                                                     
  10 James Madison               266   14   28   37   92   95   96  107           
      Total Time:  1:43:34.00                                                     
         Average:    20:42.80                                                     
  11 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch   288   11   39   40   89  109  116  130           
      Total Time:  1:44:25.00                                                     
         Average:    20:53.00                                                     
  12 Westfield HS                294    9   35   60   70  120  133                
      Total Time:  1:45:06.00                                                     
         Average:    21:01.20                                                     
  13 Dominion High School        332    6    8  100  103  115                     
      Total Time:  1:46:37.00                                                     
         Average:    21:19.40                                                     
  14 Centreville Wildcats        333   29   71   72   74   87  106  114           
      Total Time:  1:45:42.00                                                     
         Average:    21:08.40                                                     
  15 Lake Braddock Secondary     347   46   54   62   80  105  125  128           
      Total Time:  1:45:54.00                                                     
         Average:    21:10.80                                                     
  16 West Springfield High Sch   377   47   48   79   99  104  113                
      Total Time:  1:47:17.00                                                     
         Average:    21:27.40                                                     
  17 St. Albans School           417   22   81   97   98  119  122  132           
      Total Time:  1:49:51.00                                                     
         Average:    21:58.20                                                     
  18 Langley Saxons              420   45   53   93  112  117  121  123           
      Total Time:  1:50:17.00                                                     
         Average:    22:03.40                                                     
  19 Thomas Edison High School   430   10   76  102  118  124  129                
      Total Time:  1:51:34.00                                                     
         Average:    22:18.80                                                     
  20 G.C. Marshall Cross Count   569   77  108  126  127  131                     
      Total Time:  2:03:17.00                                                     
         Average:    24:39.40             

 West Springfield High School                                       Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                    Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                    
                           Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                            
                                  Centreville, Virginia                                  
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Boys 5k Run CC JV Race \"1\"
      Comp#  Name                            School                           Time Points
    1   327  Bever, Daniel               JR  Chantilly HS                    18:56      1
    2  1682  Robinson, Anwar             SO  Mount Vernon High School        19:02      2
    3  2158  Gowen, Justin               10  St. Albans School               19:05      3
    4   341  Idol, Sean                  JR  Chantilly HS                    19:21      4
    5   299  Schmidt, Michael            SR  Centreville Wildcats            19:27      5
    6   333  Clelland, Mark              SO  Chantilly HS                    19:29      6
    7   349  Romano, Nicholas            SR  Chantilly HS                    19:39      7
    8   839  Shannon, Ryan               11  Gonzaga High School             19:41      8
    9   781  Brooks, Ben                 11  Gonzaga High School             19:45      9
   10  2142  Asbill, Matt                11  St. Albans School               19:47     10
   11   783  Bur, Sean                   10  Gonzaga High School             19:50     11
   12  2150  Dale, Willie                10  St. Albans School               19:53     12
   13  2717  Cox, Forrest                10  West Potomac High School        19:53     13
   14  2631  Davis, Appache              12  Wakefield High School           19:54       
   15   274  Grimm, Andy                 JR  Centreville Wildcats            19:55     14
   16   830  O\'Toole, Ryan               10  Gonzaga High School             19:56     15
   17   828  O\'Brien, Pat                12  Gonzaga High School             20:08     16
   18  2797  Hart, Sam                   JR  West Springfield High Sch       20:15     17
   19  2174  McCarten, James             11  St. Albans School               20:19     18
   20   826  Nealon, Chris               10  Gonzaga High School             20:25     19
   21   778  Bieberich, Joe              10  Gonzaga High School             20:28     20
   22   222  Yoder, Kane                 SO  Broad Run High School           20:29     21
   23   850  Wilbur, Danny               11  Gonzaga High School             20:31       
   24  2793  Gooch, John                 SO  West Springfield High Sch       20:31     22
   25   336  DiValentin, Louis           JR  Chantilly HS                    20:40     23
   26  2149  Cunningham, John            12  St. Albans School               20:40     24
   27  2152  Drobkov, Gleb               10  St. Albans School               20:40     25
   28   713  Grove, Julian               12  Georgetown Day School           20:41     26
   29    69  Gonzalez, Richard               Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       20:41     27
   30   728  St.John, Max                10  Georgetown Day School           20:43     28
   31  2190  Udovic, Andrew              12  St. Albans School               20:51     29
   32    77  Klenna, Brian                   Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       20:57     30
   33   340  Holton, Michael             SO  Chantilly HS                    20:58     31
   34  2730  Justin, Kremmer                 West Potomac High School        20:58     32
   35   780  Bolka, Andrew               10  Gonzaga High School             21:00       
   36  2642  Umanzor-Alverez, Jose       12  Wakefield High School           21:00       
   37   285  Kistner, Robert             SO  Centreville Wildcats            21:02     33
   38   203  Jones, Travis               SR  Broad Run High School           21:02     34
   39  2499  Weisgall, Ben                   The Potomac School McLean       21:03       
   40  2788  DeMarr, Matt                SR  West Springfield High Sch       21:04     35
   41  2807  Shea, Tim                   SR  West Springfield High Sch       21:08     36
   42   370  Cantanzaro, Joseph          SO  Dominion High School            21:11     37
   43   717  Masurovsky, Adam            10  Georgetown Day School           21:14     38
   44   837  Russell, Matt               10  Gonzaga High School             21:14       
   45   718  Masurovsky, Alex            12  Georgetown Day School           21:15     39
   46  1683  Saxon, Ricky                SR  Mount Vernon High School        21:15     40
   47   803  Howard, Brooks              10  Gonzaga High School             21:17       
   48    92  Sinnott, William                Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       21:18     41
   49   330  Butler, Andrew              SO  Chantilly HS                    21:18     42
   50  2188  Thompson, Peter             10  St. Albans School               21:20       
   51   714  Hemmer, Adam                10  Georgetown Day School           21:20     43
   52   698  Baer, Nicky                     Georgetown Day School           21:21     44
   53   202  James, Olson                    Broad Run High School           21:25     45
   54  2720  Dressing, James                 West Potomac High School        21:31     46
   55  1687  Thompson, Tait              JR  Mount Vernon High School        21:34     47
   56   283  Kerins, Douglas             SO  Centreville Wildcats            21:36     48
   57   799  Hadeed, Mike                12  Gonzaga High School             21:37       
   58    75  Jones, Matthew                  Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       21:37     49
   59   835  Regan, Jimmy                11  Gonzaga High School             21:41       
   60   827  O\'Brien, Mike               10  Gonzaga High School             21:42       
   61  2178  Nelson, John                12  St. Albans School               21:42       
   62   331  Camacho, Enrique            JR  Chantilly HS                    21:44       
   63    59  Belo, Benjamin                  Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       21:46     50
   64  2144  Barkats, Alek               10  St. Albans School               21:49       
   65   804  Huizenga, Neil              10  Gonzaga High School             21:51       
   66   527  Giblin, Jeremy              SO  Falls Church Jaguars            21:51     51
   67    65  Donnelly, Patrick               Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       21:52     52
   68   213  O\'Connell, Kevin            SO  Broad Run High School           21:55     53
   69   775  Albornoz, Dan               11  Gonzaga High School             21:56       
   70   157  Ganson, Devlin               9  Briar Woods High School         21:56     54
   71  2626  Anderson, Jesse             12  Wakefield High School           21:57       
   72   380  Ramirez, Daniel             SO  Dominion High School            22:11     55
   73    97  Young, Mattt                    Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       22:11     56
   74   334  Cumberbatch, Oswald         JR  Chantilly HS                    22:11       
   75   815  Lopez, Dan                  10  Gonzaga High School             22:12       
   76   812  Lavin, Luke                 10  Gonzaga High School             22:15       
   77   386  Salimi, Darius              SR  Dominion High School            22:20     57
   78  2179  Nelson, Mark                11  St. Albans School               22:21       
   79  2171  Maseda, Jaime               11  St. Albans School               22:27       
   80   353  Trinh, Kenneth              SO  Chantilly HS                    22:28       
   81  2734  McGee, Casey                    West Potomac High School        22:34     58
   82   842  Stranix, Pat                10  Gonzaga High School             22:35       
   83   809  Kent, Doug                  10  Gonzaga High School             22:35       
   84  2815  Walsh, Joe                  SO  West Springfield High Sch       22:36     59
   85   808  Kennedy, Chris              10  Gonzaga High School             22:37       
   86   301  Wentzel, Jacob              JR  Centreville Wildcats            22:41     60
   87   284  Kim, Myeong Jeung           JR  Centreville Wildcats            22:42     61
   88   199  Godman, Andrew              SO  Broad Run High School           22:44     62
   89   278  Ho, David                   JR  Centreville Wildcats            22:45     63
   90  2114  Uy, CJ                      10  Sidwell Friends School          22:46     64
   91  2115  Winton, David               10  Sidwell Friends School          22:48     65
   92   198  Gilbride, Tommy             SO  Broad Run High School           22:50     66
   93   776  Barry, Peter                10  Gonzaga High School             22:52       
   94   832  Paul, Brian                 10  Gonzaga High School             23:00       
   95   849  Wallace, Brandon            10  Gonzaga High School             23:00       
   96  2186  Sobin, Neil                 11  St. Albans School               23:01       
   97   851  Yania, Kevin                10  Gonzaga High School             23:05       
   98  2169  Lloyd, Gabe                 10  St. Albans School               23:07       
   99  2184  Scott, Ethan                10  St. Albans School               23:07       
  100   833  Pizzano, Will               10  Gonzaga High School             23:07       
  101   846  Tigani, Tommy               10  Gonzaga High School             23:08       
  102   790  Elie, Shane                 10  Gonzaga High School             23:09       
  103  2480  Chu, Jonathan                   The Potomac School McLean       23:14       
  104  1679  Leblanc, Alex               SO  Mount Vernon High School        23:15     67
  105  2101  Kurzrok, Adam               11  Sidwell Friends School          23:20     68
  106   160  Mejia, Diego                 9  Briar Woods High School         23:26     69
  107   376  Maranon, Oscar              SO  Dominion High School            23:26     70
  108   840  Sheehy, Kevin               10  Gonzaga High School             23:26       
  109   792  Feller, Josh                11  Gonzaga High School             23:27       
  110   381  Ramos, Osvaldo              SO  Dominion High School            23:33     71
  111   339  Hangen, Jesse               SR  Chantilly HS                    23:35       
  112   277  Helme, Charles              SO  Centreville Wildcats            23:40       
  113  2167  Kingham, Robin              12  St. Albans School               23:41       
  114  2110  Shulman, Matthew             9  Sidwell Friends School          23:44     72
  115  2155  Fonseka, Prashant           10  St. Albans School               23:45       
  116   159  Klees, John                  9  Briar Woods High School         23:46     73
  117  2725  Greg, Son                       West Potomac High School        23:49     74
  118   210  Loiko, Alex                 SO  Broad Run High School           23:53     75
  119   216  Peddi, Gotham               SO  Broad Run High School           23:53       
  120  2154  El Daher, Henri             10  St. Albans School               23:58       
  121  2175  Menard, Austin              11  St. Albans School               23:59       
  122   814  Long, Matt                  10  Gonzaga High School             24:00       
  123  2157  Glazier, Gregory            11  St. Albans School               24:00       
  124   215  Orr, David                  SO  Broad Run High School           24:05       
  125  2818  Zuniga, Zack                JR  West Springfield High Sch       24:08     76
  126   151  Aube, Danny                 10  Briar Woods High School         24:11     77
  127   800  Harris, Vince               12  Gonzaga High School             24:12       
  128  2633  El Ghoraiby, Mohamed        12  Wakefield High School           24:13       
  129    79  Macmanus, Christopher           Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       24:26       
  130  2147  Chandler, Carl              12  St. Albans School               24:28       
  131  2177  Murphy, Will                11  St. Albans School               24:29       
  132    60  Boland, Matthew                 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       24:33       
  133  1685  Stebbins, Christpher        SO  Mount Vernon High School        24:49     78
  134  2094  Cohn, Alex                  11  Sidwell Friends School          24:51     79
  135  2193  Worsham, Alex               10  St. Albans School               24:59       
  136   295  O\'Connor, Joseph            SO  Centreville Wildcats            25:05       
  137  2482  Dobeck, Stephen                 The Potomac School McLean       25:11       
  138   503  Stewart, Hunter             JR  Fairfax High School             25:16       
  139   537  Sequeira, Jacob             SO  Falls Church Jaguars            25:17     80
  140  2187  Song, In Sung               10  St. Albans School               25:19       
  141   699  Blinkhorn, Patrick           9  Georgetown Day School           25:21     81
  142  2500  Zaras, George                   The Potomac School McLean       25:27       
  143   155  Caulfield, Josh              9  Briar Woods High School         25:29     82
  144   528  Huggins, Thomas             JR  Falls Church Jaguars            25:44     83
  145  2195  Zhang, Ming                 10  St. Albans School               25:52       
  146   526  Frank, Aaron                SR  Falls Church Jaguars            25:56     84
  147    -9  Unknown                                                         26:01       
  148  1675  Deneault, Ryan              SO  Mount Vernon High School        26:18     85
  149   538  Shallant, Michael           SO  Falls Church Jaguars            26:21     86
  150   719  Middlebrooks, Rodney         9  Georgetown Day School           26:33       
  151   825  Miller, Tom                 10  Gonzaga High School             26:36       
  152  2160  he, Richard                 11  St. Albans School               26:40       
  153   165  Schmidt, Gunnar              9  Briar Woods High School         26:41     87
  154  2093  Cohen, Eli                  11  Sidwell Friends School          27:21     88
  155   153  Brown, David                 9  Briar Woods High School         28:40     89
  156   727  Slater, Carl                 9  Georgetown Day School           29:24       
  157  3090  Medley, Michael             10  Thomas Edison High School       30:35       
  158  2111  Slosberg, Nathan             9  Sidwell Friends School          31:54     90

 West Springfield High School                                       Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                    Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                    
                           Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                            
                                  Centreville, Virginia                                  
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Boys 5k Run CC JV Race \"2\"
      Comp#  Name                            School                           Time Points
    1  1428  Sullivan, Brian             JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       18:36      1
    2  2363  Zhang, Haonan               JR  T Jefferson XC                  18:40      2
    3  2574  Grosicki, Greg              JR  W.T. Woodson                    18:58      3
    4  2351  Svestka, Robert             JR  T Jefferson XC                  19:03      4
    5  2301  Heflin, Evan                SO  T Jefferson XC                  19:04      5
    6  2333  Octjen, Steven              JR  T Jefferson XC                  19:06      6
    7  2328  Metzel, Dan                 JR  T Jefferson XC                  19:07      7
    8  2324  Markowitz, Jesse            JR  T Jefferson XC                  19:10      8
    9  2315  Kusuma, Asa                 SO  T Jefferson XC                  19:11      9
   10  1784  Mahony, Ryan                SO  Oakton High School              19:13     10
   11  2337  Pelham-Webb, Arthur         SO  T Jefferson XC                  19:15       
   12  2308  Keating, Patrick            FR  T Jefferson XC                  19:17       
   13  1812  Zhang, George               SO  Oakton High School              19:19     11
   14  1910  Cleveland, Matt             12  Potomac Falls High School       19:26     12
   15  1482  Chambers, Elliot                Loudoun Valley High Schoo       19:34       
   16  2319  Lash, Ben                   JR  T Jefferson XC                  19:38       
   17  1804  Tatariw, Jonathan           SO  Oakton High School              19:44     13
   18  1405  Gayek, David                SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       19:45     14
   19  2581  Honey, Jonathan             SO  W.T. Woodson                    19:46     15
   20  1931  Reiss, Mike                 10  Potomac Falls High School       19:51     16
   21  2563  Barron, Patrick             SO  W.T. Woodson                    19:57     17
   22  2307  Kassing, Kevin              JR  T Jefferson XC                  20:01       
   23  2298  Glorioso, Russell           SO  T Jefferson XC                  20:02       
   24  2336  Parr, Ben                   SO  T Jefferson XC                  20:03       
   25  1809  Westcott, Greg              SO  Oakton High School              20:05     18
   26  2134  Phillips, Adam              JR  South Lakes High School         20:06     19
   27  1763  Doty, Duane                 SO  Oakton High School              20:06     20
   28  2341  Rathi, Vinay                JR  T Jefferson XC                  20:11       
   29  1234  Rollo, Drew                 JR  Lake Braddock Secondary         20:12     21
   30  2317  Lamson, Kyle                JR  T Jefferson XC                  20:13       
   31  2576  Harrison, Daniel            SO  W.T. Woodson                    20:15     22
   32  1399  Bryan, Timmy                JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       20:16     23
   33  1306  Laws, Aaron                 SO  Langley Saxons                  20:18     24
   34  1918  Halatyn, Justin             10  Potomac Falls High School       20:19     25
   35  1412  Knepper, Ian                SR  Loudoun County High Schoo       20:22     26
   36   961  Geyer, Chris                FR  Herndon High School             20:24     27
   37  1794  O\'Neil, Pat                 JR  Oakton High School              20:25     28
   38  1228  Mann, Stephen               SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         20:26     29
   39   648  Freeman, Stuart             07  G.C. Marshall Cross Count       20:27       
   40  2281  Catina, Jeff                SO  T Jefferson XC                  20:28       
   41   661  Stripe, Matthew             08  G.C. Marshall Cross Count       20:29       
   42  2310  Kobayashi, Simon            SO  T Jefferson XC                  20:37       
   43  1597  Nielsen, Matthew            JR  McLean HS                       20:39     30
   44  1219  Green, Cameron              SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         20:39     31
   45  2601  Probus, Aaron               SO  W.T. Woodson                    20:40     32
   46   975  Lange, Garreth              JR  Herndon High School             20:44     33
   47  2893  Kurland, Chris              SO  Westfield HS                    20:44     34
   48  2611  Yang, Christopher           SO  W.T. Woodson                    20:46     35
   49  1919  Hall, Woody                 11  Potomac Falls High School       20:48     36
   50  2279  Calvey, Robert              SO  T Jefferson XC                  20:48       
   51  1071  Moad, Christopher           SO  James Madison                   20:48     37
   52  1915  Galvan, Nick                11  Potomac Falls High School       20:49     38
   53  2284  Coffee, Stuart              JR  T Jefferson XC                  20:52       
   54  1164  Prosack, David              JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       20:53     39
   55  2283  Clark, John                 JR  T Jefferson XC                  20:54       
   56   976  Leopold, Ben                JR  Herndon High School             20:55     40
   57  1603  Tompkins, Andrew            SO  McLean HS                       20:55     41
   58   959  Garten, Brandon             JR  Herndon High School             20:59     42
   59  1081  Reines, Jon                 JR  James Madison                   21:00     43
   60  2357  Wang, John                  SO  T Jefferson XC                  21:02       
   61  1484  Cotter, James                   Loudoun Valley High Schoo       21:05       
   62  1240  Smedley, Erik               SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         21:07     44
   63  2288  Crihfield, Roy              SO  T Jefferson XC                  21:07       
   64  1076  Pivik, Michael              SO  James Madison                   21:13     45
   65  1501  Ritmiller, Will                 Loudoun Valley High Schoo       21:17       
   66  2140  Trowbridge, Cooper          JR  South Lakes High School         21:20     46
   67  1494  Lovasz, James                   Loudoun Valley High Schoo       21:21       
   68  1780  Lawson, David               SO  Oakton High School              21:21     47
   69  2121  Cox, Chris                  SR  South Lakes High School         21:22     48
   70  1423  Roddewig, Brian             JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       21:25     49
   71  2124  Devolites, Sean             JR  South Lakes High School         21:30     50
   72  1849  Chua, Nathan                JR  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       21:33     51
   73  2890  Hutchens, Joel              JR  Westfield HS                    21:33     52
   74  1064  Kidwell, Grant              JR  James Madison                   21:39     53
   75  2578  Hogan, Samuel               SO  W.T. Woodson                    21:42     54
   76  1907  Castor, Michael             10  Potomac Falls High School       21:43     55
   77  1908  Chilli, Frank               10  Potomac Falls High School       21:43     56
   78  2273  Bird, Jack                  JR  T Jefferson XC                  21:46       
   79  1586  Finland, David              SR  McLean HS                       21:49     57
   80  2355  Volaric, Martin             SR  T Jefferson XC                  21:50       
   81  1790  Metcalf, Justin             JR  Oakton High School              21:50       
   82  1914  Fraino, Mike                12  Potomac Falls High School       21:55       
   83   956  Dorsett, David              SR  Herndon High School             22:01     58
   84  2605  Thomassen, Mark                 W.T. Woodson                    22:02       
   85  1046  Brown, Daniel               SO  James Madison                   22:03     59
   86  2290  Deng, Huanqi                SO  T Jefferson XC                  22:05       
   87  1208  Ally, Jason                 SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         22:06     60
   88  1858  Villalobos, Michael         SO  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       22:10     61
   89  1847  Ayala, Raul                 SO  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       22:13     62
   90  1070  McMinimy, Chris             SR  James Madison                   22:15     63
   91  1244  Sweet, Steven               SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         22:18     64
   92  1292  Calderwood, Jordan          JR  Langley Saxons                  22:19     65
   93  2963  Klingebiel, Arne            10  Yorktown                        22:22       
   94  1916  Giannetta, Robert           10  Potomac Falls High School       22:23       
   95  2131  Nicklas, Paul               JR  South Lakes High School         22:25     66
   96   647  Dungan, Steven              08  G.C. Marshall Cross Count       22:25       
   97  2137  Saracena, Nick              JR  South Lakes High School         22:26     67
   98  2877  Chilton, James              SO  Westfield HS                    22:27     68
   99  1157  McShea, Brian               SR  James W. Robinson Seconda       22:29     69
  100  2561  Albright, Andrew            SR  W.T. Woodson                    22:29       
  101  1054  Duffy, Connor               JR  James Madison                   22:31     70
  102  1086  Scott, Jason                SO  James Madison                   22:34       
  103  1317  Phibbs, Liam                SO  Langley Saxons                  22:36     71
  104  2608  Watkins, Oakley             SR  W.T. Woodson                    22:38       
  105  1585  Evans, James                SR  McLean HS                       22:41     72
  106  1852  Fischer, David              FR  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       22:42     73
  107  1848  Carlson, Andrew             SR  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       22:43     74
  108  2316  Lahiff, Dylan               JR  T Jefferson XC                  22:47       
  109  2912  Serroka, James              SO  Westfield HS                    22:48     75
  110  1416  McMullen, Mike              SR  Loudoun County High Schoo       22:49     76
  111  1590  Hardock, Duncan             JR  McLean HS                       22:54     77
  112  2976  Vernau, Christian           10  Yorktown                        23:04       
  113  1904  Baird, Austin               10  Potomac Falls High School       23:05       
  114  1779  Kubiak, Adam                SO  Oakton High School              23:09       
  115  1141  Collins, Evan               SO  James W. Robinson Seconda       23:10     78
  116  1799  Roller, John                    Oakton High School              23:11       
  117  1602  Seikaly, Mark               SO  McLean HS                       23:12     79
  118  1051  Cook, Sam                   SR  James Madison                   23:15       
  119  2913  Tindall, Andrew             SO  Westfield HS                    23:22     80
  120  2303  Hood, Bryon                 SO  T Jefferson XC                  23:24       
  121  1135  Brooks, Jimmy               JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       23:25     81
  122  1424  Roddewig, Eric              SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       23:34     82
  123  2138  Thompson, Brian             SR  South Lakes High School         23:34     83
  124  1928  Caudle, Joe                 12  Potomac Falls High School       23:35       
  125  1320  Robbins, Erik               SO  Langley Saxons                  23:39     84
  126  1242  Stinson, Alex               SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         23:41     85
  127  1321  Sanson, Joe                 SO  Langley Saxons                  23:50     86
  128  1078  Raskind, Sidney             JR  James Madison                   23:59       
  129  1154  Kavanaugh, Ryan             JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       24:01     87
  130  2344  Rice, Edward                JR  T Jefferson XC                  24:02       
  131  2891  Hutchens, Tyler             SO  Westfield HS                    24:09     88
  132  1806  Tucker, Paul                SO  Oakton High School              24:09       
  133  1238  Short, Frank                SR  Lake Braddock Secondary         24:23       
  134  2129  Moein, Arvand               SO  South Lakes High School         24:27       
  135  1397  Brandon, David              SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       24:30       
  136  2136  Sanjak, Jaleel              JR  South Lakes High School         24:32       
  137  1287  Baheti, Rajiv               SO  Langley Saxons                  24:35     89
  138  1167  Swim, Mike                  JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       24:55     90
  139  2590  Mailand, Ryan               SR  W.T. Woodson                    25:10       
  140  1772  Huang, Joseph               SO  Oakton High School              25:17       
  141  2884  Dwyer, Robert               FR  Westfield HS                    25:18     91
  142  2907  Qaium, Eshan                JR  Westfield HS                    25:22       
  143  1160  OH, Peter                   JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       25:30     92
  144  2119  Cavalieri, David            SO  South Lakes High School         25:41       
  145  2362  Young, Greg                 JR  T Jefferson XC                  25:48       
  146  1314  Nance, James                JR  Langley Saxons                  26:28     93
  147  1304  Johnson, Timothy            SR  Langley Saxons                  26:30       
  148  2135  Quinn, Joe                  SO  South Lakes High School         26:43       
  149  1798  Rawles, Stephan             SO  Oakton High School              26:58       
  150  2866  Altenhaus, Robert           JR  Westfield HS                    28:14       
  151  1935  Ulsh, Ryan                  10  Potomac Falls High School       29:33       
  152  2118  Baum, Aron                  JR  South Lakes High School         31:27       
  153  1427  Spiering, Jamie             SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       31:33       

 West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 9  Girls 5k Run CC Seeded Vars.
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1 #2474 Nelson, Michaeline     Potomac School            6:13      19:19        
  2 #2831 Deegan, Alexis      JR Westfield HS              6:19      19:36    1   
  3 #2261 Reaves, Stephany    SR T Jefferson XC            6:20      19:40    2   
  4 #1713 Byrne, Kayley       SR Oakton High School        6:21      19:44    3   
  5  #863 McCall, Nora        11 Good Counsel              6:23      19:48    4   
  6 #2984 Pfeiffer, Nina         Strasburg                 6:23      19:50        
  7  #170 Garcia, Stephanie   SR Brhs                      6:27      20:00    5   
  8  #484 Trapeni, Jessica    JR Fairfax High School       6:28      20:04    6   
  9 #1111 Hovland, Anne       FR Rams                      6:30      20:12    7   
 10 #1709 Berlin, Rebekah     SR Oakton High School        6:31      20:13    8   
 11 #1753 Tighe, Meredith     JR Oakton High School        6:31      20:15    9   
 12 #3001 Jacoutot, Nikki     SO STON                      6:35      20:27   10   
 13 #1742 Meehan, Nora        SO Oakton High School        6:37      20:34   11   
 14 #2268 Underwood, Allison  SO T Jefferson XC            6:39      20:40   12   
 15 #2705 Rinehardt, Octavia     West Potomac              6:39      20:40   13   
 16 #2549 Pastor, Aaren       FR W.T. Woodson              6:40      20:42   14   
 17 #1105 Criman, Monika      FR Rams                      6:40      20:43   15   
 18  #320 Shaw, Natalie       JR Chantilly HS              6:41      20:44   16   
 19  #472 Auble, Natalie      JR Fairfax High School       6:41      20:45   17   
 20 #3004 Malacarne, Kelly    SO STON                      6:41      20:46   18   
 21   #57 Walls, Katie           O\'Connell                 6:42      20:47   19   
 22  #258 Sane, Chrissy       SO Wildcats                  6:43      20:50   20   
 23 #2538 Galloway, Molly     JR W.T. Woodson              6:43      20:52   21   
 24  #324 Trevino, Kristina   SR Chantilly HS              6:44      20:53   22   
 25  #474 Dowd, Frances       FR Fairfax High School       6:45      20:56   23   
 26  #475 Duncan, Anne-Marie  JR Fairfax High School       6:45      20:57   24   
 27 #1112 Hovland, Jennifer   SR Rams                      6:45      20:57   25   
 28   #43 Fitzpatrick, Megan     O\'Connell                 6:46      20:59   26   
 29 #1256 Cook, Victoria      SO Langley Saxons            6:47      21:03   27   
 30 #2702 Lewis, Amara           West Potomac              6:47      21:05   28   
 31 #1865 Kew, Michelle       JR Paul VI                   6:48      21:06   29   
 32 #1567 Gabriel, Suzanne    SR McLean HS                 6:48      21:07   30   
 33 #2855 Sevachko, Brittany  SO Westfield HS              6:48      21:08   31   
 34 #1103 Collins, Madeleine  JR Rams                      6:49      21:08   32   
 35  #257 Sanders, Amy        SR Wildcats                  6:50      21:12   33   
 36 #2745 Barber, Rosemary    SO West Springf              6:50      21:12   34   
 37 #1267 Lyons, Laura        SR Langley Saxons            6:50      21:14   35   
 38 #1730 Hiller, Sara        SR Oakton High School        6:51      21:15   36   
 39 #1042 Zaharoff, Jade      SO James Madison             6:51      21:17   37   
 40 #2840 Henry, Christine    JR Westfield HS              6:52      21:18   38   
 41 #2844 Measell, Kayla      JR Westfield HS              6:52      21:19   39   
 42  #326 Witek, Kristin      JR Chantilly HS              6:53      21:21   40   
 43 #1104 Coster, Abby        SR Rams                      6:53      21:23   41   
 44 #2699 Jemison, Kelly         West Potomac              6:54      21:24   42   
 45  #478 Kakouris, Thia      SR Fairfax High School       6:54      21:25   43   
 46 #1119 McElroy, Megan      JR Rams                      6:56      21:30   44   
 47  #246 Hadsell, Sarah      FR Wildcats                  6:56      21:31   45   
 48 #2937 Oaxaca, Andrea      09 Yorktown                  6:57      21:36        
 49 #1043 Zell, Lauren        SO James Madison             6:58      21:36   46   
 50  #856 Bardon, Stephanie   10 Good Counsel              6:58      21:37   47   
 51 #1720 Eilerts, Hallie     SO Oakton High School        6:58      21:39   48   
 52 #2853 Pramstaller, Laura  JR Westfield HS              6:59      21:42   49   
 53 #1860 Budd, Kelsey        JR Paul VI                   6:59      21:42   50   
 54 #1714 Capehart, Suzanne   JR Oakton High School        7:00      21:44   51   
 55 #2704 Regensburg, Brooke     West Potomac              7:01      21:47   52   
 56   #56 Terrell, Julia         O\'Connell                 7:01      21:47   53   
 57  #865 Myers, Janey        11 Good Counsel              7:01      21:47   54   
 58  #477 Kakouris, Liz       SR Fairfax High School       7:02      21:51   55   
 59 #2692 Burk, Diana            West Potomac              7:03      21:52   56   
 60 #2760 Kenney, Caitlin     SO West Springf              7:03      21:53   57   
 61 #2857 Stephens, Carly     SO Westfield HS              7:03      21:54   58   
 62 #3002 Keyes, Katherine    JR STON                      7:03      21:54   59   
 63 #1012 Colas, Kelly        SO James Madison             7:04      21:55   60   
 64 #1013 Cook, Deborah       SO James Madison             7:04      21:55   61   
 65 #1276 Shaw, Lauren        FR Langley Saxons            7:05      21:59   62   
 66 #2703 Lord, Natalie          West Potomac              7:05      21:59   63   
 67 #1275 Shaw, Carlyn        FR Langley Saxons            7:06      22:03   64   
 68 #2270 Warchall, Iris      SR T Jefferson XC            7:06      22:03   65   
 69 #3005 Martinez, Victoria  FR STON                      7:07      22:06   66   
 70 #2697 Heath, Elizabeth       West Potomac              7:07      22:06   67   
 71 #1260 Gunter, Madeline    JR Langley Saxons            7:07      22:07   68   
 72 #1573 Lundquist, Marlene  JR McLean HS                 7:08      22:09   69   
 73 #2260 Ready, Shannon      JR T Jefferson XC            7:08      22:10   70   
 74 #1868 Reed, Tessa         JR Paul VI                   7:09      22:12   71   
 75  #885 Bivins, Ashley      SR Hay                       7:10      22:13        
 76  #308 Foley, Eileen       JR Chantilly HS              7:11      22:18   72   
 77 #1570 Harper, Cassandra   SO McLean HS                 7:12      22:22   73   
 78 #2766 Mazzello, Sarah     JR West Springf              7:13      22:24   74   
 79 #2544 Jakubek, Jaclyn     JR W.T. Woodson              7:13      22:25   75   
 80 #3010 Schindler, Andie    FR STON                      7:13      22:26   76   
 81 #1115 Kavanaugh, Kelly    FR Rams                      7:14      22:26   77   
 82 #2266 Sheldon, Caitlin    JR T Jefferson XC            7:14      22:28   78   
 83  #888 Dominquez, Jennife  SO Hay                       7:14      22:29        
 84 #2768 Rijhwani, Anisha    SO West Springf              7:15      22:30   79   
 85  #312 Lenski, Lauren      SO Chantilly HS              7:15      22:31   80   
 86 #2545 Kerrigan, Shannon   SO W.T. Woodson              7:16      22:33   81   
 87  #886 Cain, Christina     SR Hay                       7:17      22:36        
 88   #55 Tamberrino, Lucy       O\'Connell                 7:17      22:37   82   
 89  #486 Uricoli, Gina       SR Fairfax High School       7:18      22:39   83   
 90 #2753 Friederich, Trish   JR West Springf              7:19      22:42   84   
 91 #3006 Menefee, Lauren     FR STON                      7:19      22:42   85   
 92  #323 Stillwell, Jessica  FR Chantilly HS              7:20      22:45   86   
 93 #1020 Evans, Nancy        SO James Madison             7:20      22:46   87   
 94 #1864 Kauffman, Nichole   JR Paul VI                   7:22      22:52   88   
 95   #51 Nnaji, Susan           O\'Connell                 7:27      23:06   89   
 96 #2772 Wenz, Kim           SO West Springf              7:27      23:07   90   
 97  #185 Scharf, Ashley      SR Brhs                      7:27      23:09   91   
 98  #181 Passauer, Amy       JR Brhs                      7:28      23:10   92   
 99 #1284 Wijesekera, Olindi  SO Langley Saxons            7:28      23:11   93   
100 #3008 Reinhart, Lauren    FR STON                      7:30      23:17   94   
101 #1282 Wheat, Laura        JR Langley Saxons            7:32      23:23   95   
102 #2540 Greenberg, Chloe    FR W.T. Woodson              7:33      23:26   96   
103 #2548 Oppenheim, Rebecca  JR W.T. Woodson              7:34      23:28   97   
104  #319 Shaw, Allison       SO Chantilly HS              7:35      23:33   98   
105  #244 Domnarski, Sarah    SR Wildcats                  7:37      23:39   99   
106  #254 Moughon, Caroline   SO Wildcats                  7:41      23:52  100   
107 #1869 Scolese, Jennifer   SR Paul VI                   7:41      23:52  101   
108  #859 Giusti, Maureen     11 Good Counsel              7:42      23:54  102   
109  #862 Manturano, Nancy    12 Good Counsel              7:42      23:55  103   
110   #36 Bolton, Lauren         O\'Connell                 7:44      24:00  104   
111 #1038 Stevenson, Rachel   JR James Madison             7:45      24:02  105   
112 #1578 Yorczyk, Alexis     JR McLean HS                 7:46      24:08  106   
113  #247 Jenkins, Deba       SO Wildcats                  7:49      24:16  107   
114  #174 Higgins, Caroline   JR Brhs                      8:02      24:55  108   
115  #867 Riely, Kara          9 Good Counsel              8:07      25:13  109   
116  #256 Rosas, Jacqueline   SO Wildcats                  8:10      25:21  110   
117  #173 Haurin, Kristen     JR Brhs                      8:21      25:55  111   
118 #1577 Seburn, Anji        JR McLean HS                 8:43      27:05  112   
119 #1576 Salame, Megan       JR McLean HS                 8:53      27:33  113   
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Oakton High School           67    3    8    9   11   36   48   51           
      Total Time:  1:42:01.00                                                     
         Average:    20:24.20                                                     
   2 Fairfax High School         113    6   17   23   24   43   55   83           
      Total Time:  1:44:07.00                                                     
         Average:    20:49.40                                                     
   3 James W. Robinson Seconda   120    7   15   25   32   41   44   77           
      Total Time:  1:44:23.00                                                     
         Average:    20:52.60                                                     
   4 Westfield HS                158    1   31   38   39   49   58                
      Total Time:  1:45:03.00                                                     
         Average:    21:00.60                                                     
   5 West Potomac High School    191   13   28   42   52   56   63   67           
      Total Time:  1:46:48.00                                                     
         Average:    21:21.60                                                     
   6 T Jefferson XC              227    2   12   65   70   78                     
      Total Time:  1:47:01.00                                                     
         Average:    21:24.20                                                     
   7 Stone Bridge High School    229   10   18   59   66   76   85   94           
      Total Time:  1:47:39.00                                                     
         Average:    21:31.80                                                     
   8 Chantilly HS                230   16   22   40   72   80   86   98           
      Total Time:  1:47:47.00                                                     
         Average:    21:33.40                                                     
   9 Langley Saxons              256   27   35   62   64   68   93   95           
      Total Time:  1:48:26.00                                                     
         Average:    21:41.20                                                     
  10 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch   269   19   26   53   82   89  104                
      Total Time:  1:49:16.00                                                     
         Average:    21:51.20                                                     
  11 W.T. Woodson                287   14   21   75   81   96   97                
      Total Time:  1:49:58.00                                                     
         Average:    21:59.60                                                     
  12 James Madison               291   37   46   60   61   87  105                
      Total Time:  1:49:29.00                                                     
         Average:    21:53.80                                                     
  13 Centreville Wildcats        297   20   33   45   99  100  107  110           
      Total Time:  1:51:04.00                                                     
         Average:    22:12.80                                                     
  14 Good Counsel High School    310    4   47   54  102  103  109                
      Total Time:  1:51:01.00                                                     
         Average:    22:12.20                                                     
  15 West Springfield High Sch   328   34   57   74   79   84   90                
      Total Time:  1:50:41.00                                                     
         Average:    22:08.20                                                     
  16 Paul VI Catholic High Sch   339   29   50   71   88  101                     
      Total Time:  1:51:44.00                                                     
         Average:    22:20.80                                                     
  17 McLean HS                   390   30   69   73  106  112  113                
      Total Time:  1:56:51.00                                                     
         Average:    23:22.20                                                     
  18 Broad Run High School       407    5   91   92  108  111                     
      Total Time:  1:57:09.00                                                     
         Average:    23:25.80                             

 West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 7  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity B
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1 #1895 Petersen, Kiersten  12 Potomac Falls             6:33      20:20        
  2 #1175 Corrigan, Anna      SO Lake Braddoc              6:42      20:47    1   
  3 #3073 Bergstrom, Cynthia  12 Edison                    6:48      21:05        
  4 #1844 White, Kelly        SO Patriots                  6:52      21:18    2   
  5  #689 Maravell, Sophia    12 Georgetown Day            6:52      21:19        
  6  #547 Loba, Grace         10 Fauquier High Sc          6:55      21:27    3   
  7 #1348 Gouldman, Crystal   JR Lee-Davis                 6:55      21:28        
  8  #734 Atabek, Natalie      9 Visitation                6:55      21:29    4   
  9 #1129 Yamaguchi, Mana     JR Rams                      6:57      21:34    5   
 10  #513 Long, Anne          SR FC                        6:58      21:38        
 11 #1192 Moore, Christin     SO Lake Braddoc              6:58      21:39    6   
 12  #933 Manos, Ally         JR Herndon High School       6:59      21:40    7   
 13 #1723 Esselburn, Katie    JR Oakton High School        7:00      21:42    8   
 14 #2088 Lewis, Lauren        9 Sidwell Friends           7:00      21:45    9   
 15 #1738 Livingston, Jessie  JR Oakton High School        7:00      21:45   10   
 16 #1272 Roueche, Rachael    SR Langley Saxons            7:01      21:46   11   
 17 #3077 Lawler, Katherine   10 Edison                    7:02      21:50        
 18 #2470 Caastellis, Nina       Potomac School            7:03      21:53        
 19  #930 Keeling, Megan      SO Herndon High School       7:03      21:53   12   
 20 #1741 McCallister, Emily  SR Oakton High School        7:05      22:00   13   
 21 #1202 Sands, Michaela     SO Lake Braddoc              7:07      22:04   14   
 22  #770 Thompson, Cami      10 Visitation                7:07      22:05   15   
 23  #938 Reid, Erin             Herndon High School       7:08      22:09   16   
 24 #1356 Upshaw, Jamie       JR Lee-Davis                 7:09      22:11        
 25  #560 Vincie, Kaitlyn     12 Fauquier High Sc          7:09      22:12   17   
 26 #1696 Durling, Becky      10 National Cathedr          7:10      22:15   18   
 27  #544 Davidson, Taylor    12 Fauquier High Sc          7:11      22:17   19   
 28 #1106 DiLuccio, Amy       SR Rams                      7:11      22:19   20   
 29  #563 Wonch, Julia        12 Fauquier High Sc          7:12      22:20   21   
 30 #1689 Aufhauser, Anne     12 National Cathedr          7:12      22:20   22   
 31 #1113 Hymes, Karen        SR Rams                      7:14      22:27   23   
 32 #1173 Barry, Emily        JR Lake Braddoc              7:15      22:30   24   
 33 #1704 Nakamura, Toriko    11 National Cathedr          7:18      22:39   25   
 34  #642 Tapia, Ana          08 Gcmcc                     7:20      22:47        
 35 #1724 Flanagan, Casey        Oakton High School        7:20      22:47   26   
 36 #1703 Nabel, Elisa        12 National Cathedr          7:21      22:48   27   
 37 #2842 Krizay, Lauren      SO Westfield HS              7:23      22:57   28   
 38 #1695 Dougherty, Kat      10 National Cathedr          7:24      22:59   29   
 39 #2849 Podo, Natalie       SO Westfield HS              7:25      23:01   30   
 40 #1838 Gutierrez, Jessica  JR Patriots                  7:25      23:03   31   
 41 #3076 Krueger, Jessica    10 Edison                    7:26      23:06        
 42 #1269 Pluta, Maria        JR Langley Saxons            7:28      23:09   32   
 43  #925 Harvey, Erika       SO Herndon High School       7:28      23:11   33   
 44  #934 Merrill, Katie      FR Herndon High School       7:28      23:12   34   
 45 #1701 Meehan, Kathryn     10 National Cathedr          7:29      23:14   35   
 46 #1746 AdamsNotorangelo,   SR Oakton High School        7:29      23:14   36   
 47  #555 Shofkom, MJ         12 Fauquier High Sc          7:30      23:16   37   
 48 #2196 Banh, Linh          JR Raiders                   7:31      23:19   38   
 49 #1872 Still, Kate         SO Paul VI                   7:32      23:25        
 50  #150 Ronk, Rebecca        9 Briar Woods               7:33      23:26   39   
 51 #2856 Sevel, Danielle     JR Westfield HS              7:33      23:27   40   
 52  #141 Davis, Caitlin      10 Briar Woods               7:33      23:28   41   
 53 #1726 Hanner, Whitni      SR Oakton High School        7:34      23:29   42   
 54 #2919 Causey, Emma        12 Yorktown                  7:35      23:33        
 55 #1842 Rymer, Laura        FR Patriots                  7:36      23:37   43   
 56 #1280 Thomas-Holland, Al  JR Langley Saxons            7:37      23:40   44   
 57 #1176 Cutler, Lindsay     SO Lake Braddoc              7:38      23:43   45   
 58 #1266 Lynch, Hannah       JR Langley Saxons            7:39      23:45   46   
 59 #1670 Valdez, Paula       SR \'majors\'                  7:40      23:48        
 60 #1731 Holden, Jenny       SO Oakton High School        7:42      23:53   47   
 61 #1278 Smith, Liljana      SO Langley Saxons            7:42      23:55   48   
 62  #548 Machamer, Cassie     9 Fauquier High Sc          7:44      24:00   49   
 63 #1123 Shinal, Bridget     JR Rams                      7:44      24:01   50   
 64 #1102 Clayton, Caroline   SR Rams                      7:45      24:02   51   
 65 #2827 Boyles, Mary        SO Westfield HS              7:45      24:03   52   
 66  #637 Hargrove, Jacqueli  07 Gcmcc                     7:45      24:03        
 67 #1866 Loftus, Rosie       JR Paul VI                   7:45      24:04        
 68 #1101 Burgess, Katherine  SR Rams                      7:46      24:06   53   
 69 #1195 Myrick, Lindsey     SO Lake Braddoc              7:47      24:11   54   
 70  #737 Bowen, Audrey       10 Visitation                7:48      24:12   55   
 71 #1177 Durbin, Ashley      JR Lake Braddoc              7:50      24:18   56   
 72 #1668 Tish, Brandi        SR \'majors\'                  7:50      24:18        
 73 #2542 Herndon, Dana       SR W.T. Woodson              7:50      24:19        
 74 #3067 Taylor, Alyssa      SO South Lakes               7:50      24:20   57   
 75 #1110 Hodgkins, Miriam    JR Rams                      7:52      24:25   58   
 76  #680 Atha, Katie         11 Georgetown Day            7:54      24:32        
 77 #2829 Clevland, Megan     SO Westfield HS              7:56      24:37   59   
 78  #762 Morrissey, Colleen  11 Visitation                7:57      24:42   60   
 79  #476 Henderson, Jordana  SR Fairfax High School       7:59      24:48        
 80 #2755 Grzankowski, Julie  SR West Springf              8:00      24:51        
 81 #2083 Eichner, Kyle       10 Sidwell Friends           8:01      24:53   61   
 82  #736 Balla, Lauren       10 Visitation                8:01      24:55   62   
 83 #2759 Kelley, Rosemary    SR West Springf              8:02      24:56        
 84  #939 Rodakowski, Katrin  SO Herndon High School       8:03      25:00   63   
 85  #746 Cunningham, Mara     9 Visitation                8:04      25:01   64   
 86 #3056 DeAtley, Tess       FR South Lakes               8:04      25:02   65   
 87  #857 Cascio, Laura       12 Good Counsel              8:04      25:03        
 88  #890 Heffernan, Dana     JR Hay                       8:05      25:07        
 89  #638 Khandpur, Tanya     07 Gcmcc                     8:06      25:09        
 90 #2202 Nguyen, Viann       SR Raiders                   8:09      25:18   66   
 91 #1867 Manning, Caroline   JR Paul VI                   8:14      25:35        
 92 #1835 Bilbow, Christa     JR Patriots                  8:17      25:44   67   
 93 #3061 Levi, Danielle      SO South Lakes               8:18      25:45   68   
 94 #1251 Buchholtz, Kristen  JR Langley Saxons            8:18      25:48   69   
 95 #2209 Yoon, Jenny         SO Raiders                   8:20      25:52   70   
 96  #519 Stegemiller, Megan  SR FC                        8:21      25:56        
 97 #2198 Fowler, Victoria    FR Raiders                   8:23      26:02   71   
 98  #855 Adam, Nicole         9 Good Counsel              8:25      26:08        
 99 #2197 Ferri, Andrea       SO Raiders                   8:25      26:09   72   
100 #2087 Jones, Caitlin      12 Sidwell Friends           8:28      26:18   73   
101 #3078 Martin, Rachel      12 Edison                    8:29      26:22        
102  #898 Spacy, Rikki        SR Hay                       8:34      26:36        
103 #1861 Clark, Meg          SO Paul VI                   8:36      26:42        
104 #2825 Border, Caroline    JR Westfield HS              8:37      26:44   74   
105  #861 Lopez, Elissa       12 Good Counsel              8:38      26:49        
106  #897 Seetin, Tressa      SO Hay                       8:40      26:56        
107  #692 Silberman, Lauren   10 Georgetown Day            8:43      27:03        
108 #2207 Twigg, Elaine       FR Raiders                   8:53      27:35   75   
109 #2086 Hoover, Stephanie   10 Sidwell Friends           8:53      27:35   76   
110 #1841 Quispe, Karen       SR Patriots                  8:59      27:53   77   
111 #1840 Lobo, Paola         SO Patriots                  9:00      27:55   78   
112 #2082 Bernstein, Emily     9 Sidwell Friends           9:02      28:02   79   
113  #146 Knight, Stephanie    9 Briar Woods               9:02      28:04   80   
114 #3062 McCrea, Naomi       SO South Lakes               9:04      28:10   81   
115  #143 Gristwood, Georgia   9 Briar Woods               9:05      28:13   82   
116 #2090 Shi, Yilun          12 Sidwell Friends           9:15      28:43   83   
117  #507 Asihel, Selam       JR FC                        9:17      28:50        
118  #894 Leake, Hillary      SO Hay                       9:24      29:12        
119 #2700 Krohmal, Gabriella     West Potomac              9:32      29:35        
120 #3066 Smith, Havens       SR South Lakes               9:37      29:53   84   
121 #2547 Nurre, Stephanie    SR W.T. Woodson              9:46      30:20        
122  #515 May, Becky          JR FC                        9:46      30:20        
123  #147 Lee, Stephanie       9 Briar Woods              10:14      31:47   85   
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Lake Braddock Secondary      90    1    6   14   24   45   54   56           
      Total Time:  1:50:43.00                                                     
         Average:    22:08.60                                                     
   2 Oakton High School           93    8   10   13   26   36   42   47           
      Total Time:  1:51:28.00                                                     
         Average:    22:17.60                                                     
   3 Fauquier High School         97    3   17   19   21   37   49                
      Total Time:  1:51:32.00                                                     
         Average:    22:18.40                                                     
   4 Herndon High School         102    7   12   16   33   34   63                
      Total Time:  1:52:05.00                                                     
         Average:    22:25.00                                                     
   5 National Cathedral High S   121   18   22   25   27   29   35                
      Total Time:  1:53:01.00                                                     
         Average:    22:36.20                                                     
   6 James W. Robinson Seconda   149    5   20   23   50   51   53   58           
      Total Time:  1:54:23.00                                                     
         Average:    22:52.60                                                     
   7 Langley Saxons              181   11   32   44   46   48   69                
      Total Time:  1:56:15.00                                                     
         Average:    23:15.00                                                     
   8 Georgetown Visitation Sch   196    4   15   55   60   62   64                
      Total Time:  1:57:23.00                                                     
         Average:    23:28.60                                                     
   9 Westfield HS                209   28   30   40   52   59   74                
      Total Time:  1:58:05.00                                                     
         Average:    23:37.00                                                     
  10 Park View H. S. Cross Cou   220    2   31   43   67   77   78                
      Total Time:  2:01:35.00                                                     
         Average:    24:19.00                                                     
  11 Sidwell Friends School      298    9   61   73   76   79   83                
      Total Time:  2:08:33.00                                                     
         Average:    25:42.60                                                     
  12 Stuart Cross Country        317   38   66   70   71   72   75                
      Total Time:  2:06:40.00                                                     
         Average:    25:20.00                                                     
  13 Briar Woods High School     327   39   41   80   82   85                     
      Total Time:  2:14:58.00                                                     
         Average:    26:59.60                                                     
  14 South Lakes High School     355   57   65   68   81   84                     
      Total Time:  2:13:10.00                                                     
         Average:    26:38.00                                                     

 West Springfield High School                                Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                 
                        Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                        
                              Centreville, Virginia                               
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Girls 5k Run CC Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1  #941 Wijayarante, Harun     Herndon High School       7:01      21:48    1   
  2 #1345 Ferrance, Jacki     FR Lee-Davis                 7:05      21:58    2   
  3 #1660 Kehoe, Kaitlyn      FR \'majors\'                  7:05      22:00        
  4 #1885 Brady, Shannon       9 Potomac Falls             7:08      22:08        
  5 #1564 Blaber, Kylie       FR McLean HS                 7:10      22:16        
  6 #1739 Maher, Allison      FR Oakton High School        7:18      22:41    3   
  7  #184 Rogers, Meredith    FR Brhs                      7:21      22:48    4   
  8  #485 Trapeni, Lauren     FR Fairfax High School       7:22      22:51        
  9  #309 Fraumeni, Julie     FR Chantilly HS              7:24      22:57        
 10 #2695 Cooksey, Amelia        West Potomac              7:25      23:01        
 11  #245 Edmundson, Erin     FR Wildcats                  7:25      23:01        
 12 #1183 Khoury, Nadeen      JR Lake Braddoc              7:25      23:03    5   
 13  #634 Carter, Lisa        09 Gcmcc                     7:27      23:08        
 14  #242 Bueno, Anjelica     FR Wildcats                  7:28      23:10        
 15 #2839 Hartman, Jessie     FR Westfield HS              7:28      23:11        
 16 #1745 Monahan, Amanda     FR Oakton High School        7:29      23:13    6   
 17 #1194 Myrick, Brittany    FR Lake Braddoc              7:29      23:14    7   
 18  #365 Reyes, Cary         FR Dominion                  7:31      23:19    8   
 19  #919 Barker, Chelsea     FR Herndon High School       7:36      23:35    9   
 20 #1033 Psaltis, Caroline   FR James Madison             7:40      23:47   10   
 21  #513 Long, Anne          SR FC                        7:46      24:08        
 22 #1357 Webb, Cara             Lee-Davis                 7:48      24:12   11   
 23 #1734 Ladson, Lindsay     FR Oakton High School        7:50      24:20   12   
 24  #936 O\'Bryan, Joan          Herndon High School       7:51      24:21   13   
 25 #1258 Foward, Katherine   FR Langley Saxons            7:51      24:23        
 26 #1004 Armitage, Elizabet  FR James Madison             7:55      24:33   14   
 27 #1197 Nolan, Katie        FR Lake Braddoc              7:55      24:34   15   
 28 #1344 Cario, Stephanie       Lee-Davis                 7:58      24:45   16   
 29  #362 Melchione, Laurie   FR Dominion                  8:01      24:52   17   
 30  #168 Davis, Taylor       FR Brhs                      8:02      24:58   18   
 31 #1389 Tompkins, Allison   FR LCHS                      8:03      25:00        
 32 #2821 Aurora, Julie       FR Westfield HS              8:05      25:04        
 33 #2742 Adams, Veronica     FR West Springf              8:05      25:05        
 34 #1565 Bugel, Jamie        FR McLean HS                 8:07      25:11        
 35 #1896 Poisson, Kate        9 Potomac Falls             8:08      25:15        
 36 #1352 Ravensbergen, Jess  FR Lee-Davis                 8:11      25:24   19   
 37 #1205 Thom, Katie         FR Lake Braddoc              8:12      25:28   20   
 38  #366 Siegfield, Sarah    FR Dominion                  8:12      25:29   21   
 39  #357 Cadima, Mariela     FR Dominion                  8:12      25:29   22   
 40 #1563 Audet, Samantha     FR McLean HS                 8:15      25:38        
 41 #2257 Lewis, Ashley       FR T Jefferson XC            8:16      25:41        
 42 #1031 Morris, Madison     FR James Madison             8:22      25:58   23   
 43 #1898 Rodgers, Suzanne     9 Potomac Falls             8:22      26:00        
 44 #1897 Robrecht, Nicole    11 Potomac Falls             8:22      26:00        
 45  #753 Getacher, Martha     9 Visitation                8:23      26:02        
 46 #2536 Dimond, Nicole      FR W.T. Woodson              8:25      26:09        
 47 #1747 Outterbridge, Kate  FR Oakton High School        8:29      26:22   24   
 48 #1273 Ryan, Jessie        FR Langley Saxons            8:30      26:22        
 49  #769 Tamrat, Hermona      9 Visitation                8:30      26:23        
 50 #1259 Giordano, Emily     FR Langley Saxons            8:30      26:23        
 51  #763 Patenaude, Meg       9 Visitation                8:30      26:23        
 52 #1034 Richards, Madelynn  FR James Madison             8:30      26:24   25   
 53  #920 Burkeen, Lily       FR Herndon High School       8:32      26:29   26   
 54  #928 Jensen, Ashley         Herndon High School       8:32      26:30   27   
 55 #1439 Cody, Megan            Lvhs Vikings              8:32      26:31        
 56 #2761 Kim, Gloria         FR West Springf              8:34      26:35        
 57 #1718 Dickman, Kelsey     FR Oakton High School        8:35      26:40   28   
 58 #2550 Pomeroy, Chelsea    FR W.T. Woodson              8:37      26:45        
 59  #633 Burgess, Claire     09 Gcmcc                     8:41      26:57        
 60  #361 Khattar, Christell  FR Dominion                  8:43      27:03   29   
 61 #2537 Fritts, Charity     FR W.T. Woodson              8:46      27:12        
 62 #1021 Feazel-Orr, Molly   FR James Madison             8:47      27:15   30   
 63 #2694 Connor, Meghan         West Potomac              8:49      27:21        
 64 #1196 Newby, Lora         FR Lake Braddoc              8:50      27:24   31   
 65  #354 Ayers, Rachel       FR Dominion                  8:52      27:32   32   
 66 #1662 Loftus, Devin       FR \'majors\'                  8:55      27:42        
 67  #508 Boveri, Bethany     FR FC                        8:57      27:48        
 68   #41 Donovan, Mary          O\'Connell                 8:58      27:50        
 69 #2546 Lowe, Alice         FR W.T. Woodson              9:03      28:05        
 70  #772 Vilhaure, Lolly      9 Visitation                9:08      28:21        
 71  #356 Bucher, Lauren      FR Dominion                  9:08      28:21   33   
 72 #1372 Cederle, Victoria   FR LCHS                      9:12      28:33        
 73 #1098 Apgar, Briana       FR Rams                      9:12      28:35        
 74 #1125 Sparks, Dana        FR Rams                      9:18      28:52        
 75 #3068 Whitlock, Allison   FR South Lakes               9:23      29:07        
 76 #2246 Goeller, Diana      FR T Jefferson XC            9:25      29:14        
 77 #1722 Espinoza, Carmen    FR Oakton High School        9:25      29:15   34   
 78 #2263 Ruth, Ali           FR T Jefferson XC            9:32      29:38        
 79 #1182 Khordehpaz, Tiffan  FR Lake Braddoc              9:33      29:38   35   
 80  #322 Srivastava, Megha   FR Chantilly HS              9:41      30:03        
 81   #45 Golojuch, Laura        O\'Connell                 9:43      30:10        
 82 #1728 Hill, Kelsey        FR Oakton High School        9:43      30:10   36   
 83 #1355 Unger, Emily           Lee-Davis                 9:43      30:11   37   
 84 #1729 Hiller, Laura       FR Oakton High School        9:47      30:22        
 85  #252 Maney, Alison       FR Wildcats                  9:50      30:33        
 86 #1277 Smith, Adrianne     FR Langley Saxons            9:58      30:58        
 87 #3065 Plesko, Rose        FR South Lakes              10:10      31:33        
 88   #37 Corbin, Nicole         O\'Connell                10:21      32:08        
 89   #53 Sears, Caroline        O\'Connell                10:26      32:24        
 90  #186 Sistare, Kate       FR Brhs                     10:35      32:52   38   
 91  #182 Patterson, Emily    FR Brhs                     10:39      33:05   39   
 92 #2618 Goodwin, Alexandra  09 Warriors                 11:44      36:27        
 93  #191 Williams, Ashley    FR Brhs                     11:46      36:33   40   
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Oakton High School           73    3    6   12   24   28   34   36           
      Total Time:  2:03:16.00                                                     
         Average:    24:39.20                                                     
   2 Herndon High School          76    1    9   13   26   27                     
      Total Time:  2:02:43.00                                                     
         Average:    24:32.60                                                     
   3 Lake Braddock Secondary      78    5    7   15   20   31   35                
      Total Time:  2:03:43.00                                                     
         Average:    24:44.60                                                     
   4 Lee-Davis High School        85    2   11   16   19   37                     
      Total Time:  2:06:30.00                                                     
         Average:    25:18.00                                                     
   5 Dominion High School         97    8   17   21   22   29   32   33           
      Total Time:  2:06:12.00                                                     
         Average:    25:14.40                                                     
   6 James Madison               102   10   14   23   25   30                     
      Total Time:  2:07:57.00                                                     
         Average:    25:35.40                                                     
   7 Broad Run High School       139    4   18   38   39   40                     
      Total Time:  2:30:16.00                                                     
         Average:    30:03.20     

 West Springfield High School                                       Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                    Glory Days Bull Run Invitational 2005 - 10/8/2005                    
                           Bull Run Regional Park Event Cente                            
                                  Centreville, Virginia                                  
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Girls 5k Run CC Junior Varsi
      Comp#  Name                            School                           Time Points
    1  2473  Green, BG                       The Potomac School McLean       22:09       
    2    42  Fernandez, Lu                   Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       22:45       
    3  1894  McMunn, Kristianna          10  Potomac Falls High School       23:04       
    4  2707  Staples, Caroline               West Potomac High School        23:13       
    5  1436  Boisjolie, Melinda              Loudoun Valley High Schoo       23:13       
    6  2693  Cate, Mara                      West Potomac High School        23:21       
    7  1010  Chrostowski, Sandra         JR  James Madison                   23:23       
    8   305  Cox, Jordan                 JR  Chantilly HS                    23:28       
    9  2256  Lee, Grace                  SO  T Jefferson XC                  23:32       
   10  2247  Hempenius, Katie            SO  T Jefferson XC                  23:39       
   11  1902  Wall, Amanda                11  Potomac Falls High School       23:40       
   12  1900  Szoke, Holly                10  Potomac Falls High School       23:43       
   13   479  Lamb, Sara                  JR  Fairfax High School             23:45       
   14  1039  Tuazon, Francesca           JR  James Madison                   23:47       
   15  1370  Bradley, Chelsea            JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       23:48       
   16  1694  Dick, Emily                 11  National Cathedral High S       24:00       
   17    49  McDonough, Meredith             Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       24:13       
   18  1379  Lynes, Carson               SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       24:16       
   19  1375  Griffin, Molly              SO  Loudoun County High Schoo       24:17       
   20   304  Byrne, Erin                 SO  Chantilly HS                    24:18       
   21  1181  Hwang, Sara                 SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         24:21       
   22  2258  Ran, Kelly                  SO  T Jefferson XC                  24:22       
   23  1735  Larson, Stephanie           JR  Oakton High School              24:23       
   24   249  Kim, Eunsoo                 SO  Centreville Wildcats            24:24       
   25  2248  Holland, Veronica           JR  T Jefferson XC                  24:25       
   26  1019  Ehsani, Roxana              JR  James Madison                   24:25       
   27  1901  Thomas, Shannon             10  Potomac Falls High School       24:30       
   28  1700  Li, Lillian                  9  National Cathedral High S       24:38       
   29  2476  Vassar, Julie                   The Potomac School McLean       24:40       
   30  2238  Dee, Hanah                  SO  T Jefferson XC                  24:41       
   31  1888  Daczkowski, Courtney        11  Potomac Falls High School       24:46       
   32  1890  Endres, Alex                10  Potomac Falls High School       24:48       
   33  1899  Shirzadi, Ariana            10  Potomac Falls High School       24:48       
   34  1459  Mullen, Cecily                  Loudoun Valley High Schoo       24:52       
   35  1437  Budesheim, Francesca            Loudoun Valley High Schoo       24:54       
   36  1461  O\'Connor, Reilly                Loudoun Valley High Schoo       24:54       
   37   315  Mutchler, Natalie           SR  Chantilly HS                    24:58       
   38  1279  Snedden, Katherine          JR  Langley Saxons                  24:58       
   39  2625  Wolfman, Wendy              12  Wakefield High School           25:01       
   40  1390  Van Nuys, Alexandria        JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       25:05       
   41  1206  vargas, Val                 SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         25:12       
   42  2852  Powers, Erica               SO  Westfield HS                    25:15       
   43  1755  Yacoe, Morgan               JR  Oakton High School              25:17       
   44  1903  Werner, Stefani             10  Potomac Falls High School       25:18       
   45    38  Craig, Roxy                     Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       25:23       
   46  1754  Vesia, Danielle             JR  Oakton High School              25:24       
   47  1737  Linski, Morgan              JR  Oakton High School              25:24       
   48   255  O\'Boyle, Allison            JR  Centreville Wildcats            25:28       
   49  1889  Dwyer, Erin                 11  Potomac Falls High School       25:29       
   50  1040  Wendel, Sarah               JR  James Madison                   25:33       
   51  1035  Sagatov, Anna               SO  James Madison                   25:35       
   52  1699  Glass, Susan                11  National Cathedral High S       25:39       
   53  2254  Kleiber, Kaitlin            SO  T Jefferson XC                  25:41       
   54  1736  Leonard, Stephanie          SO  Oakton High School              25:43       
   55  1096  Ali, Emily                  SO  James W. Robinson Seconda       25:47       
   56    46  Homan, Lisa                     Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       25:48       
   57  1268  Nagia, Seville              JR  Langley Saxons                  25:49       
   58  2915  Belcher, Bethany            11  Yorktown                        25:51       
   59  1097  Allwine, Anastasia          JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       25:51       
   60  1014  Crumley, Jennifer           SO  James Madison                   25:52       
   61  1887  Dacanay, Katie              10  Potomac Falls High School       25:54       
   62   259  Seneca, Amber               FR  Centreville Wildcats            25:55       
   63    39  Criley, Nikki                   Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       25:55       
   64  1446  George, Katie                   Loudoun Valley High Schoo       25:56       
   65    48  Martin, Heather                 Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       25:59       
   66  2858  Sykes, Abby                 SR  Westfield HS                    26:00       
   67    44  Fox, Celia                      Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       26:04       
   68   358  Cadima, Scarleth            SR  Dominion High School            26:06       
   69  1886  Crocker, Sarah              11  Potomac Falls High School       26:06       
   70  1693  Conly, Gillian              11  National Cathedral High S       26:09       
   71   682  Coursey, Julia              10  Georgetown Day School           26:11       
   72   171  Geoghegan, Janet            JR  Broad Run High School           26:16       
   73  1108  Griffin, Lauren             SO  James W. Robinson Seconda       26:18       
   74  1893  King, Courtney              11  Potomac Falls High School       26:19       
   75  2233  Bell, Julie                 SO  T Jefferson XC                  26:20       
   76  2619  Noucair, Meryem             11  Wakefield High School           26:26       
   77  1455  Marcellin, Courtney             Loudoun Valley High Schoo       26:31       
   78   243  Caviness, Emily             JR  Centreville Wildcats            26:39       
   79   175  Johnson, Kristin            SO  Broad Run High School           26:40       
   80   167  Choi, Jiwon                 SO  Broad Run High School           26:41       
   81  1261  Harwood, Maria              SR  Langley Saxons                  26:42       
   82  1255  Colliton, Lindsay           SO  Langley Saxons                  26:43       
   83  2250  Jeffers, Olivia             SO  T Jefferson XC                  26:43       
   84  1250  Boccarosse, Elizabeth       SO  Langley Saxons                  26:47       
   85  1690  Aufhauser, Kate              9  National Cathedral High S       26:54       
   86  1099  Baker, Stephanie            JR  James W. Robinson Seconda       26:56       
   87  1661  Kuhn, Danielle              SR  Mount Vernon High School        27:06       
   88  1011  Clark, Jessica              JR  James Madison                   27:07       
   89  1665  Reed, Jea\'ne                SO  Mount Vernon High School        27:15       
   90   260  Shankle-Donald, Zoe         SO  Centreville Wildcats            27:18       
   91  1884  Lauw, Monica                12  Potomac Falls High School       27:21       
   92  2244  Gilbert, Sappho             SO  T Jefferson XC                  27:31       
   93   314  Mariano, Ellen              SO  Chantilly HS                    27:33       
   94   482  Sachlis, Heather            JR  Fairfax High School             27:34       
   95  2240  Durana, Alieza              JR  T Jefferson XC                  27:36       
   96   687  Kelin, Emily                10  Georgetown Day School           27:37       
   97   179  Murray, Elizabeth           JR  Broad Run High School           27:46       
   98    54  Stuver, Katie                   Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       27:53       
   99  1380  Murray, Emily               FR  Loudoun County High Schoo       27:54       
  100  1892  Caccia, Elizabeth           11  Potomac Falls High School       27:55       
  101  2932  Marker, Hillary             09  Yorktown                        28:04       
  102  1203  Southee, Jennifer           SO  Lake Braddock Secondary         28:05       
  103    40  Donovan, Anna                   Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       28:07       
  104  2234  Bell, Morgan                SO  T Jefferson XC                  28:09       
  105  3059  Jost, Chanel                SO  South Lakes High School         28:16       
  106  1028  MacDonald, Kelly            SO  James Madison                   28:16       
  107  1457  Milich, Ellie                   Loudoun Valley High Schoo       28:35       
  108  1568  Gillis, Sadie Evelyn        JR  McLean HS                       28:39       
  109  1748  Phillips, Iona                  Oakton High School              28:50       
  110  1036  Seibert, Allison            SO  James Madison                   28:58       
  111  1022  Freund, Anna                JR  James Madison                   29:04       
  112   768  Stephenson, Nellie          10  Georgetown Visitation Sch       29:08       
  113  1005  Bolon, Chloe                JR  James Madison                   29:09       
  114   187  Smaltz, Jessica             JR  Broad Run High School           29:11       
  115    52  Roesch, Christine               Bishop O\'Connell High Sch       29:13       
  116   690  Meyer, Lily                  9  Georgetown Day School           29:15       
  117   738  Bullock, Tiffany            10  Georgetown Visitation Sch       29:16       
  118  1658  Garrity, Lisa               JR  Mount Vernon High School        29:41       
  119   639  Kolbe, Kara                 08  G.C. Marshall Cross Count       29:53       
  120  3060  King, Courtney              JR  South Lakes High School         30:01       
  121   685  Fisher, Julia                9  Georgetown Day School           30:03       
  122  3052  Bour, Caroline                  Potomac Falls High School       30:05       
  123  2770  Stratton, Esther                West Springfield High Sch       30:13       
  124   735  Backus, Frances             11  Georgetown Visitation Sch       30:32       
  125   144  Itchkawish, Mariko              Briar Woods High School         30:33       
  126  3053  Nielsen, Anna                   Potomac Falls High School       30:44       
  127  1891  Fry, Melissa                11  Potomac Falls High School       30:44       
  128  1837  Dang, Christine             SR  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       31:14       
  129  1845  Zelaya, Dilcia              JR  Park View H. S. Cross Cou       31:23       
  130  2765  Lukeman, Julie              JR  West Springfield High Sch       31:34       
  131  1663  Newman, Kathyren            JR  Mount Vernon High School        31:39       
  132  1750  Scherer, Colleen            JR  Oakton High School              31:39       
  133  2749  Cryer, Becky                SO  West Springfield High Sch       32:45       
  134  3055  Boone, Elizabeth            JR  South Lakes High School         32:46       
  135  1382  Orrison, Mallary            JR  Loudoun County High Schoo       33:12       
  136   473  Bruington, Paddy            JR  Fairfax High School             33:18       
  137   764  Rabbitt, Emily              11  Georgetown Visitation Sch       33:52       
  138   743  Covert, Nora                    Georgetown Visitation Sch       34:00       
  139  2251  Jepsen, Lynn                JR  T Jefferson XC                  34:02       
  140  1015  Day, Veronica               JR  James Madison                   35:18       
  141   148  Miller, Taylor               9  Briar Woods High School         35:33       
  142  1749  Riner, Christine            FR  Oakton High School              35:39       
  143   241  Bronstein, Lydia            SO  Centreville Wildcats            35:40       
  144  2236  Chen, Amanda                JR  T Jefferson XC                  36:13       
  145  2624  Wolfman, Samantha           10  Wakefield High School           36:24       
  146  1708  Barsanti, Erin              SO  Oakton High School              36:32       
  147  2754  Grossman, Emily             SR  West Springfield High Sch       38:04       

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