results from milestat.com
Licensed to West Springfield High School Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 4/3/04 09:42 PM
Metro Run & Walk Northern Virginia Inv.
Oakton High School, Vienna, VA - 4/2/04 to 4/3/04
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 10.6h 4/7/01 Jerry Rose
Concorde D: D 11.75
Northern Reg: R 11.46
Va State: S 11.17
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Berger, Dominic 12 DeMatha 11.16S 1
2 Moore, Larrone Wildcats 11.20R 1
2 Coles, Roy 12 Edison 11.20R 3
4 Zellner, Cedric 11 Archbishop S 11.54D 1
5 Sykes, Jaumale 10 DeMatha 11.61D 3
6 Beavers, Larry Annapolis HS 11.63D 1
7 Lavela, Joseph 12 DeMatha 11.69D 2
8 Brown, Kevin 12 Westfield 11.77 4
9 Nyanko, Ernest Wildcats 11.79 2
10 Nubour, Joe 12 Westfield 11.89 5
11 Simmons, Jared 10 Stonwall Jac 11.93 2
12 Stone, Avatus 11 Oakton High 11.98 8
13 Fornah, Michael 10 South Lakes 11.98 4
14 Sniezek, Edward Gonzaga 12.00 4
15 Daley, Geoffrey DeMatha 12.03 4
16 Scott, Delonte JR Northern 12.07 5
17 DeSandro, Antonio McNamara HS 12.08 16
18 Jones, Torrey 18 South Lakes 12.13 3
19 Lancaster, Chaise Wildcats 12.16 2
20 Allen, Isiejah Gonzaga 12.17 7
21 Smith, Justin 10 Edison 12.17 7
22 Williamson, Charles Annapolis HS 12.18 2
23 Renden, Anton 12 McNamara HS 12.20 1
24 Kelly, Brandon SO Northern 12.20 6
25 Hebron, Akeem 10 Good Counsel 12.21 7
26 Parker, Bernard Annapolis HS 12.24 2
27 McCombs, Maurice 12 South Lakes 12.25 3
28 McDonald, Antonio SO Woodlawn 12.29 6
29 Johnson, Gregory SO Warriors 12.31 12
30 Tracey, Adrian 11 Potomac Fall 12.33 11
31 Lyons, Sean FR Paul VI 12.34 8
32 Liaors, Paul SO Paul VI 12.38 9
33 Curry, Charles 11 Seton Hall 12.39 5
34 Gyamfi, Kenneth FR Herndon 12.43 12
35 Bassi, Bryon SR Tjst 12.44 12
36 Green, Parren Annapolis HS 12.45 5
37 Chavez, Frank 10 Stonwall Jac 12.46 8
38 Duncan, Matthew 12 Seton Hall 12.51 6
39 Henry, Ryan 09 Edison 12.56 11
39 Lefler, Chris SR Tjst 12.56 6
41 Stockel, Andy O'Connell 12.59 11
42 Ojumu, Adeyemi 05 Marshall 12.62 14
43 Joseph, Jorel 10 Ireton 12.67 13
44 Nduku, Chris JR Dominion 12.68 9
45 Humady, Dennis Woodson 12.68 10
46 Meister, Peter FR Herndon 12.70 13
47 Rodgers, Lionel Gonzaga 12.70 5
48 Gayles, Donte JR Lake Braddoc 12.75 10
49 Ford, Vallice 11 McNamara HS 12.76 9
50 Pickett, Nafis 11 McNamara HS 12.76 15
51 Verdell, Matthew FR Dul 12.77 13
52 Ali, Adreen JR Dominion 12.81 9
53 Slamowizc, Mike SR Tjst 12.85 8
54 Conaway, Justin FR Herndon 12.87 14
55 Ashton, David 11 Westfield 12.87 9
56 Williams, PJ 10 Edison 12.89 11
57 Baldwin, Edward 10 Edison 12.89 14
58 Pearson, Jerron 11 Good Counsel 12.90 4
59 Frazier, Shawn 10 McNamara HS 12.91 12
60 Graham, Michael Woodson 12.91 15
61 Tsao, Alan FR Dul 12.94 14
62 Coatsworth, Andrew 05 Marshall 12.94 14
63 Ligon, Greg 11 Good Counsel 12.95 9
64 Leber, Edmond Ireton 13.00 13
65 Kelican, Kasey FR Warriors 13.01 14
66 Johnson, CJ O'Connell 13.03 13
67 Lomax, kellen SO Dul 13.13 7
68 Ellington, John 10 McNamara HS 13.16 16
69 Penn, Arron 10 Stonwall Jac 13.23 6
70 Miller, Joshua SO Warriors 13.32 15
71 Luu, Brian SO Tjst 13.36 8
72 Batky, Scott 12 Ireton 13.46 12
73 Soloman, Mark 11 Seton Hall 13.47 5
74 Robinson, Theo 06 Marshall 13.50 15
75 Grey, Casey 11 Tri-Valley 13.63 16
76 Cipriani, John 9 Stonwall Jac 13.70 16
77 Head-Williams, Soloman JR Herndon 14.04 11
78 Hyde, Brett 11 Tri-Valley 14.23 16
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 21.9h 4/7/01 Jerry Rose
Concorde D: D 23.78
Northern Reg: R 23.18
Va State: S 22.32
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Coles, Roy 12 Edison 22.44R 2
2 Moore, Larrone Wildcats 22.51R 1
3 Zellner, Cedric 11 Archbishop S 22.64R 1
4 Nubour, Joe 12 Westfield 23.02R 3
5 Sykes, Jaumale 10 DeMatha 23.18R 2
6 Garrett, Chris Stonwall Jac 23.24D 5
7 Fornah, Michael 10 South Lakes 23.31D 2
8 Courson, Chris 12 Westfield 23.36D 3
9 Black, Chris 12 Westfield 23.41D 2
10 Lefler, Chris SR Tjst 23.51D 4
11 Cheeks, Justin SR Woodlawn 23.52D 1
12 Gore, Wayne SR Herndon 23.54D 5
13 Simmons, Jared 10 Stonwall Jac 23.75D 1
14 Brown, Kevin 12 Westfield 23.87 3
15 Lavela, Joseph 12 DeMatha 23.90 2
16 Scott, Delonte JR Northern 23.92 3
17 Artis, Maurice 10 Potomac Fall 23.99 9
18 Gooch, Reggie 11 Good Counsel 23.99 10
19 Smith, Justin 10 Edison 24.00 8
20 Ali, Adreen JR Dominion 24.17 6
21 Ford, Chris 11 Oakton High 24.18 7
22 Okafor, Joe 12 DeMatha 24.20 4
23 Batky, Scott 12 Ireton 24.28 13
24 Soloman, Mark 11 Seton Hall 24.34 4
25 Cooper, Michael 9 DeMatha 24.37 6
26 Pearson, Jerron 11 Good Counsel 24.38 7
27 Jones, Tyrell 10 Good Counsel 24.42 8
28 Bush, Zack 12 Oakton High 24.44 6
29 Kelly, Brandon SO Northern 24.48 6
30 Hawkins, Alex 11 Good Counsel 24.54 8
31 Ryan, Joel 06 Marshall 24.64 5
32 Hafker, Billy 11 Oakton High 24.65 11
33 Parker, Kyle SR Northern 24.72 4
34 Stone, Avatus 11 Oakton High 24.74 10
35 Coatsworth, Andrew 05 Marshall 24.76 1
36 Duncan, Matthew 12 Seton Hall 24.92 5
37 Bassi, Bryon SR Tjst 24.92 5
38 Oseth, Daniel 12 Potomac Fall 25.02 8
39 Crain, Jon Eric 11 Oakton High 25.06 8
40 Johnson, Gregory SO Warriors 25.08 11
41 Egbufoana, Mitchell Wildcats 25.09 16
42 Verdell, Matthew FR Dul 25.12 12
43 Lomax, kellen SO Dul 25.12 9
44 Tsao, Alan FR Dul 25.24 12
45 McNeil, Steve 12 Oakton High 25.26 10
46 Sniezek, Edward Gonzaga 25.29 4
47 Rodgers, Lionel Gonzaga 25.29 6
48 Shannon, Patrick 11 Ireton 25.42 14
49 Liaors, Paul SO Paul VI 25.43 11
50 Meister, Peter FR Herndon 25.45 13
51 Niere, Pierre JR Warriors 25.53 13
52 Tracey, Adrian 11 Potomac Fall 25.64 7
53 Barry, Matt SO Lake Braddoc 25.71 15
54 McDonald, Antonio SO Woodlawn 25.71 2
55 Derosa, Tom JR Lake Braddoc 25.76 12
56 Humady, Dennis Woodson 25.77 15
57 Coombs, Joshua SO Dominion 25.80 14
58 Robinson, Theo 06 Marshall 25.84 13
59 Ojumu, Adeyemi 05 Marshall 25.85 8
60 Joseph, Jorel 10 Ireton 25.93 14
61 Baldwin, Edward 10 Edison 25.94 12
62 Biber, Ben 9 Potomac Fall 25.96 12
63 Haw, Will SR Tjst 26.00 10
64 Spriggs, Ricardo SR Northern 26.00 7
65 Stockel, Andy O'Connell 26.03 9
66 Conaway, Justin FR Herndon 26.05 14
67 Islam, Jahidul JR Dominion 26.30 12
68 Chappelear, Dayton Woodson 26.47 15
69 Graham, Michael Woodson 26.74 14
70 Daniels, Trevor SO Warriors 26.88 16
71 Goode, Jason SR Woodlawn 26.89 1
72 Lyons, Sean FR Paul VI 27.01 13
73 Rivera, Francisco 10 Edison 27.05 16
74 Ellington, John 10 McNamara HS 27.30 16
75 Grey, Casey 11 Tri-Valley 27.33 15
76 Hyde, Brett 11 Tri-Valley 27.69 16
77 Tran, David 10 Stonwall Jac 27.73 15
78 Leber, Edmond Ireton 27.80 13
79 Hornbeck, Kevin 10 Tri-Valley 28.42 15
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 49.32 4/5/03 Anthony Wiseman
Concorde D: D 53.10
Northern Reg: R 51.26
Va State: S 50.17
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Gore, Wayne SR Herndon 51.03R 2
2 Courson, Chris 12 Westfield 51.38D 1
3 Black, Chris 12 Westfield 51.43D 1
4 Buckner, Dante 11 DeMatha 51.73D 2
5 Lemon, Michael 12 DeMatha 51.81D 2
6 Kestranek, Michael 11 Edison 51.93D 3
7 Zellner, Cedric 11 Archbishop S 51.96D 1
8 Groff, David 12 Westfield 51.96D 2
9 Blackie, Pat 9 Seton Hall 52.40D 1
10 Cones, Kendall 11 Westfield 52.52D 3
11 Cheeks, Justin SR Woodlawn 52.94D 2
12 Perrier, D'Angelo Wildcats 53.02D 2
13 Altema, Pat 11 Seton Hall 53.15 1
14 Allen, Isiejah Gonzaga 53.27 3
15 Lavela, Joel 11 DeMatha 53.74 5
16 Jones, Tyrell 10 Good Counsel 54.46 3
17 Hokamp, Brian 12 Potomac Fall 54.72 5
18 Plucinski, Brad 10 Seton Hall 54.75 3
19 Adams, Devin 12 McNamara HS 54.79 7
20 Crain, Jon Eric 11 Oakton High 54.85 3
21 Holloway, Michael 11 Ireton 54.97 1
22 Taylor, Chris SR Herndon 55.03 7
23 Ogunsunlade, Sheun 11 DeMatha 55.14 7
24 McLaughlin, Denis Gonzaga 55.31 4
25 Bridgeforth, Edward SR Warriors 55.35 6
26 Brent, James 11 York 55.59 4
27 Moquin, Aaron SR Warriors 55.60 6
28 Berry, Mark SR Tjst 55.69 5
29 Bassi, Bryon SR Tjst 55.85 6
30 Arifin, Andrew SR Lake Braddoc 56.27 5
31 Rhea, Larry Gonzaga 56.27 6
32 Bean, William SR Woodlawn 56.41 4
33 Castelli, Nick SO Paul VI 56.47 9
34 Nkwangan, Michael Stonwall Jac 56.60 8
35 Alwan, Adel FR Dominion 56.66 9
36 Hubbard, Desmond SR Dul 56.71 4
37 Harris, Earl 9 McNamara HS 56.73 10
38 Miller, David Woodson 56.74 7
39 Barry, Matt SO Lake Braddoc 56.82 9
40 Lobb, Andrew Woodson 56.91 10
41 Trimble, Jeremy O'Connell 57.20 4
42 Haley, John 10 Potomac Fall 57.55 5
43 Corbett, Leif 12 Potomac Fall 57.58 8
44 Martin, Joseph Woodson 57.98 8
45 Gyau, Eugene SR Herndon 57.99 7
46 Leopold, Ben SO Herndon 58.05 8
47 George, David O'Connell 58.27 10
48 Williams, Rayvon McNamara HS 58.38 11
49 Bedeau, Jon-Paul 10 McNamara HS 58.56 8
50 Addie, Jason JR Dominion 58.70 11
51 Crew, Mike 11 Potomac Fall 58.72 9
52 Covin, Larry SR Woodlawn 59.46 5
53 James, Jonathan FR Woodlawn 59.66 6
54 Dade, Zack O'Connell 59.71 9
55 Leon, Abram 11 Tri-Valley 59.85 11
56 Daly, Chris 9 Good Counsel 59.98 12
57 Heineman, Joey 9 Good Counsel 1:00.73 10
58 Dell, Brendon FR Paul VI 1:00.92 8
59 Daniels, Trevor SO Warriors 1:01.03 11
60 Ryan, Noah 06 Marshall 1:01.06 10
61 Rivera, Francisco 10 Edison 1:01.31 9
62 Reese, Vincent 06 Marshall 1:01.73 11
63 Allen, Maxwell 9 Stonwall Jac 1:02.92 10
64 Reinhag, Adam 07 Marshall 1:04.27 12
65 Collins, LeRoy 9 Stonwall Jac 1:07.49 11
-- Gooch, Reggie 11 Good Counsel FS 7
Boys 800 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 1:55.22 4/6/02 Richard Smith
Concorde D: D 2:01.87
Northern Reg: R 1:58.94
Va State: S 1:57.86
Name Year School Finals
1 Murphy, Ryan SR Northern 1:59.83D
2 Cruz, Kris 12 Oakton High 1:59.96D
3 Young, Shane SR Herndon 2:00.87D
4 Henry, Samuel SR Woodlawn 2:02.17
5 Landry, Christo Tjst 2:02.27
6 Colas, Ryan Gonzaga 2:02.52
7 Mconnell, John SR Tjst 2:03.13
8 Gordon, Danny JR Herndon 2:03.13
9 Price, Dave SR Tjst 2:03.35
10 Lang, Karl 12 Oakton High 2:04.17
11 Jura, Jason SR Dul 2:04.36
12 Katilie, Chris JR Tjst 2:05.08
13 Driscoll, Jason 10 Stonwall Jac 2:05.24
14 Vick, Jason 11 Oakton High 2:05.45
15 Eden, Will Annapolis HS 2:05.71
16 Epley, Pat 11 Oakton High 2:06.15
17 Hammond, Clarence 11 DeMatha 2:06.23
18 Shapiro, Doug 04 Marshall 2:06.43
19 Loughery, Andrew O'Connell 2:06.56
20 Mitchell, William 10 DeMatha 2:07.11
21 Thomas, Robert JR Northern 2:07.45
22 Weiskopf, Jason 11 Westfield 2:08.45
23 Beach, David JR Paul VI 2:08.83
24 Johnson, Daniel 12 DeMatha 2:09.51
25 Spencer, Peter JR Dul 2:09.97
26 Muldoon, Pat 10 Seton Hall 2:10.18
27 Faulkner, Geoff 12 Westfield 2:10.27
28 Schneider, Mark 11 Seton Hall 2:10.50
29 Honan, Stephen Woodson 2:11.08
30 Warner, Max 10 Potomac Fall 2:11.21
31 Harris, Charles SO Northern 2:11.98
32 Kenney, Chris 12 Tri-Valley 2:12.11
33 Campi, Ryan 11 Seton Hall 2:12.14
34 Kettles, Cornelius 10 Edison 2:12.75
35 Cook, Cannon SR Lake Braddoc 2:12.99
36 Knox, Travis SR Dul 2:13.33
37 Gordon, Matt 11 Ireton 2:13.67
38 Hannan, Matt Gonzaga 2:14.11
39 Hardy, Sterling 12 Good Counsel 2:14.29
40 Probus, Stephen Woodson 2:14.38
41 Edgell, Ian JR Lake Braddoc 2:14.67
42 Bernal, Jon Oakton High 2:14.84
43 Wilson, Sean 11 Potomac Fall 2:15.08
44 Myrick, Donald SR Woodlawn 2:15.54
45 Smith, Derek 10 Tri-Valley 2:15.60
46 McGrath, Jon SO Lake Braddoc 2:16.11
47 Eckard, Michael 05 Marshall 2:16.50
48 Phillips, Anthony 11 Potomac Fall 2:17.50
49 Abbott, Ken JR Dul 2:17.89
50 Stevens, Gabriel 10 DeMatha 2:17.97
51 Adams, Devin 12 McNamara HS 2:18.32
52 James, Jonathan FR Woodlawn 2:18.34
53 Kennedy, William Wildcats 2:18.95
54 Mejias, Eduardo Wildcats 2:19.01
55 Jones, Chris 12 Stonwall Jac 2:19.51
56 Robertson, Jefferson SO Paul VI 2:19.52
57 Colucci, Nicolas 10 Seton Hall 2:20.04
58 Greene, Mike 10 South Lakes 2:20.05
59 Winians, Rayvon 9 McNamara HS 2:20.68
60 Dykstra, Grant O'Connell 2:20.94
61 Terango, Alex Woodson 2:21.90
62 Mathsen, Jeremy 11 Tri-Valley 2:22.83
63 Fornah, Reuben 12 Edison 2:23.36
64 Yousuf, Mahammed 10 Edison 2:25.25
65 Kroetch, Matt Oakton High 2:25.41
66 Poulos, James 11 Good Counsel 2:25.48
67 Montgomery, Damein SO Woodlawn 2:25.75
68 Matthiesen, Richard SO Warriors 2:25.93
69 Vakili, Darius Ireton 2:26.00
70 Corbett, Leif 12 Potomac Fall 2:26.24
71 Hunter, Kelvin 10 McNamara HS 2:26.64
72 St. Clair, Colin Woodson 2:27.67
73 Pulford, Matt 10 Good Counsel 2:27.68
74 Armellino, Mike SO Paul VI 2:28.31
75 Stoneking, Eric SO Warriors 2:29.69
76 Gregory, Stephen SO Warriors 2:30.06
77 Murry, Anthony 10 Ireton 2:31.99
78 Middleton, Ryan 10 McNamara HS 2:36.89
Boys 1600 Meter Run 9th grade
Name Year School Finals
1 Treweek, Ben FR Tjst 4:43.26
2 Norland, Paul FR Tjst 4:43.56
3 Parker, Dwight FR Woodlawn 4:43.60
4 Shore, Ian 9 Seton Hall 4:46.33
5 Komen, James FR Tjst 4:48.20
6 Leadbeter, Collin FR Northern 4:48.34
7 Mchugh, Aiden FR Tjst 4:48.52
8 Walsh, Vince FR Dul 4:54.32
9 Leahy, Cameron 9 Westfield 4:58.00
10 Piaca, Jon 9 Seton Hall 4:58.93
11 Nissen, Alex 9 Oakton High 4:59.64
12 Pennington, Jason 07 Marshall 5:07.59
13 Trissell, Jeff FR Herndon 5:08.94
14 Holton, Brian 9 Potomac Fall 5:09.89
15 Galvin, Danny FR Lake Braddoc 5:12.44
16 Martin, Tommy 9 Good Counsel 5:13.34
17 Kochel, Brad FR Warriors 5:15.34
18 Dagnachen, Abreham FR Herndon 5:16.34
19 Bock, Rob Good Counsel 5:16.47
20 Currie, Ryan 9 DeMatha 5:24.31
21 Schulz, Taylor FR Dul 5:26.06
22 Davidson, Jake FR Paul VI 5:26.66
23 Bock, Mike 9 Good Counsel 5:29.99
24 Peck, Graham FR Dul 5:30.64
25 Wolfe, Ben FR Dul 5:31.26
26 Tompkins, Justin 9 Tri-Valley 5:31.53
27 McMahon, Matt 9 Westfield 5:32.32
28 Cvrk, Alex 07 Marshall 5:32.36
29 Yodzis, Patrick 9 Oakton High 5:32.85
30 Stuechli, Mike FR Lake Braddoc 5:37.45
31 Scudera, Ben 9 Oakton High 5:37.80
32 Vo, Andrew 9 Westfield 5:41.90
33 DeGennar, Anthony 9 McNamara HS 5:44.71
34 Roberts, Phil FR Dominion 5:45.51
35 Smith, Tony 9 Oakton High 5:45.90
36 Sieber, Carl 9 Westfield 5:46.62
37 Cosby, Chris FR Dominion 5:51.75
38 Clark, Andrew 9 Potomac Fall 5:53.41
39 Gormley, Mykl 9 McNamara HS 5:53.72
40 Hall, Woody 9 Potomac Fall 6:08.20
41 Young, Matt O'Connell 6:18.65
42 Gallman, Brandon 9 McNamara HS 6:23.77
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 4:16.7h 4/7/01 Bobby Lockhart
Concorde D: D 4:29.99
Northern Reg: R 4:25.38
Va State: S 4:23.53
Name Year School Finals
1 Lang, Karl 12 Oakton High 4:27.34D
2 Gordon, Danny JR Herndon 4:30.55
3 Price, Dave SR Tjst 4:33.25
4 Abernethy, Drew 10 Good Counsel 4:33.48
5 Jura, Jason SR Dul 4:33.98
6 Henry, Samuel SR Woodlawn 4:34.71
7 Weiskopf, Jason 11 Westfield 4:36.25
8 O'Keefe, Chris 12 Oakton High 4:36.36
9 Colas, Ryan Gonzaga 4:36.47
10 Katilie, Chris JR Tjst 4:39.40
11 Mconnell, John SR Tjst 4:40.34
12 Cascio, Dan 12 Good Counsel 4:41.15
13 Bauder, Andrew SO Northern 4:42.15
14 Knox, Travis SR Dul 4:42.24
15 Kirby, Bryan 12 Edison 4:44.41
16 Epley, Pat 11 Oakton High 4:46.62
17 Driscoll, Jason 10 Stonwall Jac 4:47.25
18 May, Chris SR Dul 4:47.35
19 Moeser, Lee 11 Potomac Fall 4:48.58
20 Sagar, Robert 10 Ireton 4:49.09
21 Chapman, Joseph 10 McNamara HS 4:51.61
22 Campi, Ryan 11 Seton Hall 4:51.79
23 Jackson, Alex 11 Westfield 4:52.53
24 Phillips, Anthony 11 Potomac Fall 4:53.20
25 Shanley, Andrew SO Dominion 4:53.47
26 Gordon, Matt 11 Ireton 4:53.47
27 Jackson, Collin SO Northern 4:55.12
28 Hansen, Jonathan 12 Potomac Fall 4:55.88
29 Braley, Colin Oakton High 4:56.54
30 Kettles, Cornelius 10 Edison 4:57.55
31 Myrick, Donald SR Woodlawn 4:59.35
32 Watson, Levi SO Warriors 5:00.24
33 Bakshi, Vik O'Connell 5:00.40
34 Colucci, Nicolas 10 Seton Hall 5:01.23
35 Wilds, Greg Herndon 5:03.97
36 Ebert, Mike SR Warriors 5:05.85
37 Owens, Conor 10 Ireton 5:05.92
38 Daughety, Craig 12 South Lakes 5:06.17
39 Kuebrich, Ben SO Tjst 5:07.26
40 Snyder, Stephen 11 Westfield 5:09.52
41 Malloy, Bryant SR Paul VI 5:10.43
42 Kennedy, William Wildcats 5:11.62
43 Duffy, Patrick JR Dul 5:12.01
44 Hollenczer, Zack SO Northern 5:12.22
45 Phillips, Nathan 12 South Lakes 5:12.66
46 Zhan, Kevin Woodson 5:13.39
47 Hardy, Sterling 12 Good Counsel 5:13.92
48 Robertson, Jefferson SO Paul VI 5:16.31
49 Chang, Willis 11 Westfield 5:16.52
50 Friis, Kyle 11 Good Counsel 5:17.58
51 Ellis, Zachary Woodson 5:21.11
52 Mich, Michael JR Paul VI 5:22.25
53 Brodt, Matthew SO Warriors 5:22.50
54 Mejias, Eduardo Wildcats 5:22.83
55 Cleveland, Matthew 10 Potomac Fall 5:28.17
56 Nissen, Andrew Oakton High 5:31.74
57 Lange, Garreth SO Herndon 5:32.28
58 Schultz, Justin 10 South Lakes 5:35.41
59 Fornah, Reuben 12 Edison 5:37.88
60 Auth, Roger 10 Archbishop S 5:39.26
61 O'Shea, James 10 Edison 5:44.68
62 Stegerwald, Kyle 10 Stonwall Jac 5:45.29
63 Mohammed, Omar Wildcats 5:46.05
64 Albright, Drew Woodson 5:49.58
65 Molineaux, Louis 11 McNamara HS 6:09.17
66 Finnell, Alexander 05 Marshall 6:53.73
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 9:25.69 4/6/02 Ben Stern
Concorde D: D 10:04.24
Northern Reg: R 9:44.24
Va State: S 9:41.09
Name Year School Finals
1 Groff, David 12 Westfield 9:28.27S
2 Cruz, Kris 12 Oakton High 9:29.11S
3 Abernethy, Drew 10 Good Counsel 9:36.72S
4 Scheiner, James 12 Westfield 9:38.35S
5 Murphy, Ryan SR Northern 9:39.62S
6 Eden, Will Annapolis HS 9:46.74D
7 Vick, Jason 11 Oakton High 9:53.79D
8 Jacokes, Brian SR Tjst 10:00.52D
9 Parker, Brian 12 Archbishop S 10:01.91D
10 Meehan, Kevin 11 Oakton High 10:08.75
11 Phillips, James 10 Oakton High 10:08.80
12 Haidat, Mudasar 12 Warriors 10:10.89
13 Wolfe, Travis 11 Tri-Valley 10:13.30
14 Smith, Adam 12 Potomac Fall 10:13.79
15 Baer, Matthew Woodson 10:19.73
16 Dewine, Mark O'Connell 10:20.33
17 Singh, Hersh SO Tjst 10:20.74
18 Cascio, Dan 12 Good Counsel 10:24.93
19 Bauder, Andrew SO Northern 10:25.21
20 Warner, Max 10 Potomac Fall 10:26.84
21 Repetski, Rocco SR Tjst 10:27.20
22 Gordon, Nicholas 12 McNamara HS 10:29.22
23 Barron, Jes Woodson 10:31.83
24 Sagar, Robert 10 Ireton 10:33.35
25 Carmody, Dan SR Tjst 10:33.73
26 Chapman, Joseph 10 McNamara HS 10:35.51
27 Jackson, Collin SO Northern 10:36.02
28 Gordon, Matt 11 Ireton 10:36.39
29 Daughety, Craig 12 South Lakes 10:37.46
30 Jackson, Alex 11 Westfield 10:38.32
31 Buckland, Andrew 11 Westfield 10:38.66
32 Daughtridge, Omari 12 McNamara HS 10:39.11
33 Chang, Jordan JR Dul 10:39.90
34 Beard, Evan 11 Archbishop S 10:40.43
35 Bond, Matthew SO Dul 10:41.22
36 Ebert, Mike SR Warriors 10:46.29
37 Bartlett, Benjamin 11 York 10:53.52
38 Kelly, Tom Gonzaga 11:00.48
39 Poore, Ben 11 Potomac Fall 11:03.51
40 Friis, Kyle 11 Good Counsel 11:07.15
41 Mathsen, Jeremy 11 Tri-Valley 11:10.01
42 Robertson, Jefferson SO Paul VI 11:10.03
43 Pulford, Matt 10 Good Counsel 11:14.08
44 Sheaffer, Lorin SR Dul 11:14.68
45 Malloy, Bryant SR Paul VI 11:17.89
46 Greene, Mike 10 South Lakes 11:38.19
47 Brodt, Matthew SO Warriors 11:42.61
48 Osinovski, Lev South Lakes 11:43.22
49 Davidson, Jake FR Paul VI 11:54.25
50 Everett, Drew Woodson 11:55.83
51 Mich, Michael JR Paul VI 11:57.55
52 Biggs, Carl 9 Stonwall Jac 11:59.80
53 Kirk, Ed 9 Archbishop S 12:00.97
54 McKenzie, Roy SO Warriors 12:11.20
55 O'Shea, James 10 Edison 12:16.10
55 Warrington, Robert 9 Archbishop S 12:16.10
57 DeGennar, Anthony 9 McNamara HS 12:20.56
58 Roskie, Kevin 11 Stonwall Jac 13:56.33
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: * 14.4h 4/6/02 Craig Gallimore
Concorde D: D 16.90
Northern Reg: R 15.81
Va State: S 15.22
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Berger, Dominic 12 DeMatha 14.38* 1
2 McGhee, Jeffrey 12 Seton Hall 14.98S 1
3 Siegfried, Justin 12 South Lakes 15.29R 1
4 Savage, Tajudeen 12 Edison 15.88D 3
5 Beavers, Larry Annapolis HS 16.11D 2
6 Daley, Geoffrey DeMatha 16.15D 2
7 Eley, Dwyane Gonzaga 16.43D 2
8 Akanno, Museveni 12 Seton Hall 16.45D 1
9 Bias, Ronald SR Woodlawn 17.01 1
10 Fisher, Tyler Gonzaga 17.38 2
11 Johnson, Jamar SR Woodlawn 17.70 1
12 Johnson, Jerome Gonzaga 17.72 5
13 Hokamp, Brian 12 Potomac Fall 17.78 4
14 Huyett, Nathan JR Warriors 17.92 6
15 Cochran, Chad 10 Westfield 18.19 4
16 Isett, Phillip SR Dul 18.26 4
17 Wolf, Jason SR Northern 18.31 5
18 Newkirk, David 10 Westfield 18.61 5
19 Tenor, Ben Gonzaga 18.72 5
20 Ostendorff, Jeff Oakton High 18.92 5
21 Nguyen, Duy FR Tjst 19.47 6
22 Horvath, Piers SR Tjst 19.51 6
23 Vermillion, Matthew SO Northern 19.67 7
24 Picariello, Brian 11 Seton Hall 19.75 4
25 Holland, Gerard 12 McNamara HS 20.34 3
26 Clifford, Mark 10 Archbishop S 20.46 2
27 Bourne, Jimmy O'Connell 20.47 7
28 Patro, Sean 10 Archbishop S 20.85 3
29 Jackson, Brandon 11 Potomac Fall 21.06 5
30 Bazemore, Byron JR Herndon 21.22 7
31 Steiner, Mike JR Warriors 22.11 7
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: * 38.6h 4/7/01 Sean Chambers
Concorde D: D 43.33
Northern Reg: R 41.68
Va State: S 40.12
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Berger, Dominic 12 DeMatha 38.11* 1
2 Tondereau, Philippe 12 Westfield 38.73S 1
3 Tondereau, Alvin 12 Westfield 39.25S 1
4 McGhee, Jeffrey 12 Seton Hall 40.10S 1
5 Savage, Tajudeen 12 Edison 40.29R 2
6 Siegfried, Justin 12 South Lakes 41.16R 2
7 Wilson, Adam 12 Tri-Valley 41.61R 4
8 Daley, Geoffrey DeMatha 41.93D 2
9 Eley, Dwyane Gonzaga 42.02D 2
10 Johnson, Jamar SR Woodlawn 44.33 2
11 Oseth, Daniel 12 Potomac Fall 44.40 3
12 Curry, Charles 11 Seton Hall 44.48 5
13 Tenor, Ben Gonzaga 44.72 5
14 Wolf, Jason SR Northern 44.93 3
15 Nyanko, Ernest Wildcats 45.09 2
16 Rogers, Brian 11 McNamara HS 45.15 12
17 Chapman, Joseph 10 McNamara HS 45.24 12
18 Jackson, Brandon 11 Potomac Fall 45.72 9
19 Clontz, Trey SO Warriors 45.80 9
20 Ligon, Greg 11 Good Counsel 45.81 3
21 Holland, Gerard 12 McNamara HS 45.87 12
22 McSween, Brian 11 Ireton 46.22 8
23 Huyett, Nathan JR Warriors 46.30 6
24 Hoke, Derek SR Warriors 46.43 7
25 Biber, Ben 9 Potomac Fall 46.68 7
26 Ostendorff, Jeff Oakton High 46.73 9
27 Fisher, Tyler Gonzaga 46.81 3
28 Newkirk, David 10 Westfield 46.90 7
29 Nguyen, Duy FR Tjst 46.91 4
30 Cochran, Chad 10 Westfield 46.95 5
31 Bazemore, Byron JR Herndon 47.07 8
32 Prohaska, Ian FR Lake Braddoc 47.23 6
33 McGill, Brandon 9 DeMatha 47.25 9
34 Hollenczer, Zack SO Northern 47.47 8
35 Ireland, Mike O'Connell 47.48 10
36 Vermillion, Matthew SO Northern 47.61 6
37 Horvath, Piers SR Tjst 47.89 4
38 Nduku, Chris JR Dominion 48.10 9
39 Watts, Nazir 12 Stonwall Jac 48.24 3
40 Bourne, Jimmy O'Connell 48.29 10
41 Daughtridge, Omari 12 McNamara HS 48.36 11
42 Clifford, Mark 10 Archbishop S 48.39 5
43 Wingfield, Dustyn SR Woodlawn 49.52 5
44 Riedler, Max 9 Tri-Valley 49.69 10
45 Bates, Donte 10 Good Counsel 49.84 4
46 Williams, PJ 10 Edison 50.09 7
47 Stalcup, Dan SO Tjst 50.33 8
48 Kelican, Kasey FR Warriors 50.45 7
49 Patro, Sean 10 Archbishop S 50.95 10
50 Leon, Abram 11 Tri-Valley 51.40 11
51 Ayoride, Seyi SO Tjst 52.63 5
52 McEwan, Darren SO Herndon 52.86 7
53 Dixit, Neil Oakton High 53.42 6
54 Ratliff, Nate FR Dominion 53.94 11
55 Enzler, Greg 11 Archbishop S 55.64 11
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 42.40 4/5/03 DeMatha Catholic
Northern Reg: R 44.34
Va State: S 43.16
School Finals H#
1 Northwestern High School 'A' 44.07R 1
1) Nyanko, Ernest 2) Egbufoana, Mitchell
3) Perrier, D'Angelo 4) Moore, Larrone
2 DeMatha Catholic HS 'A' 44.48 1
3 Seton Hall Prep (Nj) 'A' 44.87 1
4 Westfield High School 'A' 45.02 1
1) Brown, Kevin 12 2) Bruch, Daniel 11
3) Nubour, Joe 12 4) Williams, Brandt 10
5 Gonzaga College High Scho 'A' 45.13 2
6 Stonewall Jackson HS 'A' 45.31 2
7 Good Counsel High School 'A' 45.51 2
8 DeMatha Catholic HS 'B' 45.73 4
9 Northern High 'A' 45.73 2
1) Plater, Solomon SR 2) Scott, Delonte JR
3) Kelly, Brandon SO 4) Spriggs, Ricardo SR
10 Oakton High School 'A' 45.97 2
11 Woodlawn High School 'A' 46.14 1
1) McDonald, Antonio SO 2) Cheeks, Justin SR
3) Mallory, Keith SR 4) Goode, Jason SR
12 Bishop McNamara HS 'A' 46.30 3
13 Potomac Falls High School 'A' 46.65 3
14 Annapolis High School 'A' 46.81 1
15 Dulaney 'A' 46.81 4
1) Hubbard, Desmond SR 2) Lomax, kellen SO
3) Verdell, Matthew FR 4) Tsao, Alan FR
16 Herndon High School 'A' 46.87 2
1) DeShazo, Kevin SO 2) Head-Williams, Soloman JR
3) Hilton, Josh JR 4) McEwan, Darren SO
17 Bishop Ireton High School 'A' 46.98 4
18 Thomas Edison High School 'A' 47.26 3
1) Williams, PJ 10 2) Smith, Justin 10
3) Robinson, Jamil 09 4) Baldwin, Edward 10
19 Bishop O'Connell High Sch 'A' 47.42 4
20 Herndon High School 'B' 47.57 3
1) Taylor, Chris SR 2) Gyamfi, Kenneth FR
3) Gyau, Eugene SR 4) Bazemore, Byron JR
21 Dominion High School 'A' 48.65 4
1) Ali, Adreen JR 2) Nduku, Chris JR
3) Coombs, Joshua SO 4) Islam, Jahidul JR
22 Lake Braddock Secondary 'A' 48.87 4
23 Sherando High School 'B' 49.12 5
1) Jackson, DJ SO 2) Johnson, Gregory SO
3) Kelican, Kasey FR 4) Miller, Joshua SO
24 Sherando High School 'A' 49.72 3
1) Bridgeforth, Edward SR 2) Hoke, Derek SR
3) Jones, Kevin SR 4) Moquin, Aaron SR
25 Bishop McNamara HS 'B' 49.86 5
26 Paul VI High School 'A' 51.86 3
27 Bishop Ireton High School 'B' 52.56 5
28 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 52.81 5
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 3:21.21 4/5/03 DeMatha Catholic
Northern Reg: R 3:28.46
Va State: S 3:22.89
School Finals H#
1 Westfield High School 'A' 3:23.01R 1
1) Black, Chris 12 2) Courson, Chris 12
3) Tondereau, Alvin 12 4) Tondereau, Philippe 12
2 Thomas Edison High School 'A' 3:23.07R 1
1) Savage, Tajudeen 12 2) Kestranek, Michael 11
3) Kirby, Bryan 12 4) Coles, Roy 12
3 Seton Hall Prep (Nj) 'A' 3:24.39R 1
4 Herndon High School 'A' 3:28.92 2
1) Young, Shane SR 2) DeShazo, Kevin SO
3) Gore, Wayne SR 4) Hilton, Josh JR
5 Northern High 'A' 3:30.00 2
1) Scott, Delonte JR 2) Thomas, Robert JR
3) Harris, Charles SO 4) Parker, Kyle SR
6 Seton Hall Prep (Nj) 'B' 3:31.77 2
7 Westfield High School 'B' 3:33.53 1
1) Cones, Kendall 11 2) Bruch, Daniel 11
3) Abdullah, Ahmad 9 4) Scheiner, James 12
8 Bishop McNamara HS 'A' 3:35.00 3
9 Oakton High School 'A' 3:35.77 2
10 Woodlawn High School 'A' 3:35.81 1
1) Bias, Ronald SR 2) Henry, Samuel SR
3) Cheeks, Justin SR 4) Johnson, Jamar SR
11 Thomas Jefferson S&T 'A' 3:38.13 3
12 George C. Marshall High 'A' 3:38.24 3
1) Coatsworth, Andrew 05 2) Shapiro, Doug 04
3) Ryan, Joel 06 4) Ojumu, Adeyemi 05
13 Potomac Falls High School 'A' 3:42.77 3
14 Lake Braddock Secondary 'A' 3:46.13 4
15 Northwestern High School 'A' 3:49.54 2
1) Perrier, D'Angelo 2) Kennedy, William
3) Egbufoana, Mitchell 4) Lancaster, Chaise
16 Sherando High School 'A' 3:49.66 3
1) Bridgeforth, Edward SR 2) Moquin, Aaron SR
3) Hoke, Derek SR 4) Turner, Robert SR
17 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 3:49.86 4
18 Stonewall Jackson HS 'A' 3:56.33 4
19 Dulaney 'A' 3:57.18 4
1) Hubbard, Desmond SR 2) Kelley, Matt JR
3) Spencer, Peter JR 4) Duffy, Patrick JR
20 Woodlawn High School 'B' 4:05.67 3
1) Bean, William SR 2) Covin, Larry SR
3) Mallory, Keith SR 4) James, Jonathan FR
21 Sherando High School 'B' 4:08.40 4
1) Adams, Josh FR 2) Jones, Kevin SR
3) Quilling, Andrew JR 4) Curtin, Jonathan SO
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 8:04.0h 4/7/01 Robinson Secondary
Northern Reg: R 8:13.46
Va State: S 8:02.49
School Finals
1 Seton Hall Prep (Nj) 'A' 8:24.99
2 Bishop McNamara HS 'A' 8:28.64
3 Westfield High School 'A' 8:31.98
1) Bruch, Daniel 11 2) Cones, Kendall 11
3) Faulkner, Geoff 12 4) Hannas, Pat 10
4 DeMatha Catholic HS 'A' 8:34.60
5 Bishop O'Connell High Sch 'A' 8:49.39
6 Potomac Falls High School 'B' 8:54.38
7 Dulaney 'A' 8:59.13
1) Abbott, Ken JR 2) May, Chris SR
3) Spencer, Peter JR 4) Walsh, Vince FR
8 Gonzaga College High Scho 'A' 8:59.86
9 Thomas Jefferson S&T 'A' 9:15.20
1) Markowitz, Jesse SO 2) Prevost, Richard FR
3) Williamson, Wesley SO 4) Jacokes, Brian SR
10 Paul VI High School 'A' 9:28.29
11 Lake Braddock Secondary 'A' 9:30.38
1) Galvin, Danny FR 2) Cook, Cannon SR
3) Puffenbarger, Mark JR 4) Stuechli, Mike FR
12 Herndon High School 'A' 9:39.53
1) Trissell, Jeff FR 2) Wilds, Greg
3) Dagnachen, Abreham FR 4) Mujezinovic, Ermin FR
13 Sherando High School 'A' 9:40.62
1) Finzel, Steve FR 2) Stoneking, Eric SO
3) Adams, Josh FR 4) Matthiesen, Richard SO
14 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 9:49.16
15 Bishop Ireton High School 'A' 9:56.45
16 Stonewall Jackson HS 'A' 9:56.99
17 Bishop Ireton High School 'B' 10:46.86
Boys Distance Medley
Meet Record: * 10:25.4h 3/25/00 South Lakes HS
School Finals
1 Thomas Jefferson S&T 'A' 10:45.74
1) Landry, Christo 2) Lefler, Chris SR
3) Repetski, Rocco SR 4) Mocko, Chris SR
2 Seton Hall Prep (Nj) 'A' 11:18.69
3 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 11:22.96
4 Archbishop Spalding High 'A' 11:28.67
5 Oakton High School 'A' 11:46.50
6 George C. Marshall High 'A' 11:48.18
7 Bishop McNamara HS 'A' 11:59.25
Boys High Jump
Meet Record: * 6-08 4/7/01 Garrrett Brickner
Concorde D: D 5-09
Northern Reg: R 6-00
Va State: S 6-04
Name Year School Finals
1 Oseth, Daniel 12 Potomac Fall 6-02.00R
2 Akanno, Museveni 12 Seton Hall 5-10.00D
2 Sniezek, John Gonzaga 5-10.00D
3 Haley, John 10 Potomac Fall J5-10.00D
3 Huyett, Nathan JR Warriors J5-10.00D
4 Ward, Andrew 11 Stonwall Jac J5-10.00D
5 McDuffy, Martell 11 DeMatha J5-08.00
6 Robinson, Theo 06 Marshall J5-08.00
6 Nduku, Chris JR Dominion J5-08.00
7 Steiner, Mike JR Warriors 5-08.00
8 Hawkins, Alex 11 Good Counsel J5-06.00
8 Jones, Tyrell 10 Good Counsel J5-06.00
8 Bowman, Andrew SO Tjst J5-06.00
9 Jackson, Brandon 11 Potomac Fall J5-04.00
9 Malone, Alex 10 Oakton High J5-04.00
9 Fajobi, Jide SO Herndon J5-04.00
9 Williams, PJ 10 Edison J5-04.00
10 George, David O'Connell J5-04.00
10 Gray, Taylor 11 Westfield J5-04.00
10 Bottini, Nick 9 Oakton High J5-04.00
10 Baldwin, Edward 10 Edison J5-04.00
10 Rodgers, David 10 Westfield J5-04.00
11 Rayyan, Sameer 10 Oakton High J5-04.00
12 Plater, Solomon SR Northern J5-02.00
12 Orfini, Joey Gonzaga J5-02.00
13 Russell, James 9 Archbishop S J5-02.00
-- Blair, Walter 10 McNamara HS NH
-- Otthofer, Patrick O'Connell NH
-- Tracey, Adrian 11 Potomac Fall NH
-- Bassi, Bryon SR Tjst NH
-- Reese, Vincent 06 Marshall NH
-- Hansen, Brian JR Tjst NH
-- Mireku, Isaac 12 Seton Hall NH
-- Samuels, Jeremy 10 DeMatha NH
-- Lees, Tim Marshall NH
Boys Pole Vault
Meet Record: * 12-09 4/7/01 Matt Hovanec
Concorde D: D 10-04
Northern Reg: R 9-01
Va State: S 13-00
Name Year School Finals
1 Lewis, David 12 Westfield 14-00.00S
2 Bengtson, Chris JR Tjst 11-00.00D
3 Cochran, Chad 10 Westfield J11-00.00D
4 Picariello, Brian 11 Seton Hall 10-06.00D
5 Hansen, Brian JR Tjst 10-00.00R
6 Dockery, Stephen Woodson 9-06.00R
6 Ostendorff, Jeff Oakton High 9-06.00R
7 Marut, Kenneth Woodson J9-00.00
8 Wu, James Woodson J8-06.00
-- White, Jimmy Woodson NH
-- Nguyen, Stephen 11 Oakton High NH
-- Newkirk, David 10 Westfield NH
-- Kruba, Brian Tjst NH
Boys Long Jump
Meet Record: * 20-01 4/6/02 Robert Malone
Concorde D: D 20-01
Northern Reg: R 20-11
Va State: S 22-06.50
Name Year School Finals
1 Oseth, Daniel 12 Potomac Fall 20-10.50*
2 Moore, Larrone Wildcats 20-08.50*
3 Plater, Solomon SR Northern 20-07.00*
4 Sniezek, John Gonzaga 19-04.50
5 Herndon, Eric Annapolis HS 19-03.50
6 Johnson, Gregory SO Warriors 19-03.00
7 Haley, John 10 Potomac Fall 18-11.50
8 Parker, Kyle SR Northern 18-11.00
9 Jones, Tyrell 10 Good Counsel 18-08.50
10 Nduku, Chris JR Dominion 18-07.50
11 Ford, Chris 11 Oakton High 18-04.50
12 Hokamp, Brian 12 Potomac Fall 18-04.00
13 Hebron, Akeem 10 Good Counsel 18-02.50
14 Niere, Pierre JR Warriors 18-02.00
15 Robinson, Theo 06 Marshall 18-01.50
16 Abercrombie, Duante Gonzaga 17-11.50
16 Eley, Dwyane Gonzaga 17-11.50
18 Ryan, Joel 06 Marshall 17-10.00
19 Siegfried, Justin 12 South Lakes 17-07.50
20 Perrier, D'Angelo Wildcats 17-06.00
21 Otthofer, Patrick O'Connell 17-05.00
22 Exum, DJ SR Herndon 17-04.00
22 Ojumu, Adeyemi 05 Marshall 17-04.00
24 Nichols, Marc SR Tjst 17-03.00
25 Curtin, Jonathan SO Warriors 17-02.00
26 Chang, Eric JR Tjst 17-01.00
27 Moquin, Aaron SR Warriors 16-10.50
28 Ford, Vallice 11 McNamara HS 16-09.50
28 Fu, Frank 11 Oakton High 16-09.50
30 Rogers, Brian 11 McNamara HS 16-09.00
30 Pearson, Jerron 11 Good Counsel 16-09.00
30 Jackson, Brandon 11 Potomac Fall 16-09.00
33 Luu, Brian SO Tjst 16-08.50
34 Sniezek, Edward Gonzaga 16-06.50
35 Lee, Michael Oakton High 16-06.00
36 Savage, Tajudeen 12 Edison 16-05.00
37 Piper, Bobby 10 Archbishop S 16-04.50
38 Malone, Alex 10 Oakton High 16-03.50
38 Islam, Jahidul JR Dominion 16-03.50
40 Joseph, Michael Wildcats 16-03.00
40 Fajobi, Jide SO Herndon 16-03.00
42 Hawkins, Alex 11 Good Counsel 16-01.00
43 Fenton, Emani O'Connell 16-00.00
44 Jones, Brian JR Lake Braddoc 15-11.50
44 Frazier, Shawn 10 McNamara HS 15-11.50
46 McNeil, Steve 12 Oakton High 15-10.50
46 Wu, James Woodson 15-10.50
48 Rodgers, David 10 Westfield 15-09.50
49 Ryu, Rafeal SR Tjst 15-08.00
50 Pane, Danny FR Paul VI 15-06.50
51 Otis, Brendan JR Paul VI 14-11.50
52 Conaway, Justin FR Herndon 13-10.00
53 Dell, Brendon FR Paul VI 13-04.00
-- Okafor, Joe 12 DeMatha FOUL
-- Liaors, Paul SO Paul VI FOUL
-- Madden, EJ O'Connell FOUL
-- Coles, Roy 12 Edison FOUL
Boys Triple Jump
Meet Record: * 43-01.50 4/6/02 Alrick Donaldson
Concorde D: D 39-07
Northern Reg: R 42-07.50
Va State: S 45-10
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Plater, Solomon SR Northern 43-00.00R
2 Akanno, Museveni 12 Seton Hall 42-07.75R
3 Herndon, Eric Annapolis HS 42-04.50D
4 Isett, Phillip SR Dul 40-04.75D
5 Parker, Kyle SR Northern 39-06.75
6 Madden, EJ O'Connell 39-06.25
7 Hokamp, Brian 12 Potomac Fall 39-05.00
8 Sniezek, John Gonzaga 39-02.00
9 Hawkins, Alex 11 Good Counsel 38-04.50
10 Holloway, Michael 11 Ireton 38-04.00
11 Haley, John 10 Potomac Fall 38-01.75
12 Jones, Brian JR Lake Braddoc 37-11.25
13 Biber, Ben 9 Potomac Fall 37-10.00
14 Jones, Kevin SR Warriors 37-01.50
15 Robinson, Theo 06 Marshall 36-05.25
16 Otthofer, Patrick O'Connell 35-11.00
17 D'Amico, Michael 11 Westfield 35-06.00
18 Ahmed, Azhar 9 Potomac Fall 34-11.25
19 Fajobi, Jide SO Herndon 34-11.00
19 Malone, Alex 10 Oakton High 34-11.00
21 Joseph, Michael Wildcats 34-08.00
22 Harris, Brendt 10 Oakton High 34-07.00
23 Leon, Abram 11 Tri-Valley 34-05.50
24 Ford, Vallice 11 McNamara HS 34-04.75
25 Ayoride, Seyi SO Tjst 34-01.50
26 Kestranek, Michael 11 Edison 33-10.75
27 Kelican, Kasey FR Warriors 33-07.50
28 Rogers, Brian 11 McNamara HS 33-00.50
29 Frazier, Shawn 10 McNamara HS 32-09.00
30 Moquin, Aaron SR Warriors 32-08.50
31 Clontz, Trey SO Warriors 32-08.00
32 Lees, Tim Marshall 32-05.50
33 Claggett, Mark Wildcats 32-01.50
34 Clifford, Mark 10 Archbishop S 31-02.00
35 Mireku, Isaac 12 Seton Hall 29-10.50
-- Ward, A
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 12.2h 4/7/01 Tiffany Nestfield
Concorde D: D 13.22
Northern Reg: R 13.14
Va State: S 12.76
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Meade, Carmen 12 Westfield 12.81R 1
2 Hargrove, Jacqueline 07 Marshall 13.00R 1
3 Mayo, Alilah 12 McNamara HS 13.21D 1
4 Davis, Denell 11 South Lakes 13.24 2
5 Watson, Latasha FR Warriors 13.27 2
6 Sumpter, Alese 11 Oakton High 13.41 2
7 LaMantia, Adrianna 9 Tri-Valley 13.57 4
8 Hassell, Kristin 12 South Lakes 13.62 2
9 Banks, Ariel 11 Westfield 13.71 2
10 Coates, Candice 12 Westfield 13.73 3
11 Brooks, Jasmine 12 Westfield 13.97 3
12 Williams, Lindy SR Paul VI 14.02 3
13 Pillar, Veronica SO Tjst 14.03 5
14 Andreotta, Ashley O'Connell 14.14 1
15 Tullia, Kirsten Woodson 14.19 9
16 Christ, Ashley O'Connell 14.24 3
17 Allen, Ashleigh SO Tjst 14.24 5
18 Gardner, Sarah O'Connell 14.36 5
19 Brown, Katie FR Paul VI 14.45 8
20 Coleman, Juliana SO Lake Braddoc 14.48 3
21 Casey, Kristen Ireton 14.50 5
22 Wells, Ariel SO Lake Braddoc 14.61 5
23 Gong, Alison Woodson 14.70 9
24 Bailey, Latoria 9 Potomac Fall 14.70 11
25 Johnson, Veronica 10 Stonwall Jac 14.71 9
26 Lawrence, Ellese SO Dominion 14.81 8
27 Stasiewicz, Courtland 10 Ireton 14.82 7
28 Woodard, Tiffany FR Dominion 14.85 7
29 Smathers, Catherine JR Dominion J14.85 7
30 Nieves, Kelsey SO Paul VI 14.86 8
31 Smith, Elyse O'Connell 14.90 3
32 Wright, Dominque Wildcats 14.94 5
33 Drown, Meghan 9 Tri-Valley 14.96 6
34 Robinson, Cherelle SO Dominion 14.98 7
35 Brumback, Greta SO Warriors 14.99 4
36 Russel, Lauren 10 Oakton High 15.02 9
37 Barham, Sarah 9 Ireton 15.06 11
38 Jackson, Rachel FR Lake Braddoc 15.08 6
39 Pearston, Rebecca 10 Tri-Valley 15.14 8
40 Strum, Alyson FR Paul VI 15.16 4
41 Yamiguchi, Mari JR Tjst 15.17 6
42 Mpasi, Patty 10 Good Counsel 15.26 7
43 Thurmond, Nicole 9 Ireton 15.28 8
44 Daka, Victoria 9 Good Counsel 15.36 8
45 Toure, Marieme JR Herndon 15.39 10
46 Outland, Tanya 9 Good Counsel 15.40 10
47 Jamerson, DeAndra 11 McNamara HS 15.58 10
48 Lanier, Lisa SO Lake Braddoc 15.63 6
49 Bedford, Casey 9 Ireton 15.71 9
50 Stewart, Britani 10 McNamara HS 15.81 10
51 Norman, Petheree South Lakes 16.07 6
52 Singh, Pam JR Herndon 16.14 10
53 Truong, Tien 12 Edison 16.16 11
54 Ndandula, Tezzia 12 Stonwall Jac 17.28 10
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 25.57 4/6/02 Fatima Shuler
Concorde D: D 27.54
Northern Reg: R 26.59
Va State: S 25.71
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Hargrove, Jacqueline 07 Marshall 26.49R 1
2 Meade, Carmen 12 Westfield 26.72D 1
3 Green, Hannah JR Herndon 27.01D 4
4 Young, Amber 10 Oakton High 27.10D 2
5 Watson, Latasha FR Warriors 27.11D 3
6 Hopkins-Navies, Imani SO Paul VI 27.19D 2
7 Mayo, Alilah 12 McNamara HS 27.23D 1
8 Davis, Denell 11 South Lakes 27.27D 1
9 Sumpter, Alese 11 Oakton High 27.61 4
10 Dore, Nicole Wildcats 27.78 2
11 LeMunyon, Heather 11 Oakton High 27.82 2
12 Harrison, Nicole 07 Marshall 27.98 1
13 Hyde, Laura 10 Edison 28.05 2
14 Bryan, Paige FR Herndon 28.11 6
15 Kim, Soo Ryun 11 Westfield 28.30 3
16 Banks, Ariel 11 Westfield 28.33 3
17 Smith, Nikki 10 Oakton High 28.35 4
18 Beccles, Maliaka 10 Good Counsel 28.53 6
19 Chao, Vicky 10 Oakton High 28.57 8
20 Coates, Candice 12 Westfield 28.73 3
20 Kabia, Yvonne 11 South Lakes 28.73 1
22 McMahon, Amy JR Dul 28.75 5
23 Doerman, Emily JR Paul VI 28.80 4
24 Tullia, Kirsten Woodson 28.95 7
25 Payne, Octavia FR Dul 28.98 6
26 Schiller, Jamie 07 Marshall 29.08 4
27 Sledge, Linsey FR Paul VI 29.08 3
28 Jones, Kerone 11 Oakton High 29.13 5
29 Love, Caitlin 10 Ireton 29.18 9
30 Andreotta, Ashley O'Connell 29.20 3
31 Williams, Lindy SR Paul VI 29.37 7
32 Coleman, Juliana SO Lake Braddoc 29.42 5
33 Thurmond, Nicole 9 Ireton 29.45 10
34 Uku, Miriam 9 Good Counsel 29.49 9
35 Gardner, Sarah O'Connell 29.55 8
36 Fitzpatrick, Darcy O'Connell 29.63 4
37 Grove, Leslie 10 Archbishop S 29.64 7
38 Tyson, Jeanelle Wildcats 29.69 2
39 Ma, Samantha 11 Edison 29.88 5
40 Warner, Catherine 11 Potomac Fall 29.90 8
41 Carman, Lauren 09 Edison 29.94 7
42 Wells, Ariel SO Lake Braddoc 29.94 5
43 Dackowski, Courtney 9 Potomac Fall 29.97 7
44 Rahman, Michelle 10 Oakton High 30.06 8
45 Casey, Kristen Ireton 30.12 6
46 Smathers, Catherine JR Dominion 30.17 9
47 Johnson, Veronica 10 Stonwall Jac 30.22 9
48 Mpasi, Patty 10 Good Counsel 30.27 8
49 Jackson, Rachel FR Lake Braddoc 30.37 7
50 White, Britney 11 McNamara HS 30.54 11
51 Blessing, Michelle Woodson 30.55 10
52 Woodard, Tiffany FR Dominion 30.68 10
53 Fauteux, Lauren 9 Potomac Fall 30.84 9
54 Bedford, Casey 9 Ireton 30.92 11
55 Barnaby, Kareth Wildcats 31.26 8
56 Lawrence, Ellese SO Dominion 31.27 10
57 Toure, Marieme JR Herndon 31.48 11
58 Pearston, Rebecca 10 Tri-Valley 31.57 11
59 Daka, Victoria 9 Good Counsel 31.59 9
60 Stewart, Britani 10 McNamara HS 32.83 11
61 Singh, Pam JR Herndon 33.00 11
62 Ndandula, Tezzia 12 Stonwall Jac 37.21 10
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Meet Record: * 58.4h 4/7/01 Sherara Chitty
Concorde D: D 1:03.62
Northern Reg: R 1:01.17
Va State: S 58.33
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Conley, Leslie SR Woodlawn 1:01.21D 4
2 Watson, Latasha FR Warriors 1:01.37D 3
3 Harrison, Nicole 07 Marshall 1:01.91D 2
4 Rabinowitz, Nicole 12 Oakton High 1:02.19D 1
5 Hyde, Laura 10 Edison 1:02.34D 3
6 Hairston, Jessica 11 York 1:02.39D 2
7 Thomas, Stephanie 9 Oakton High 1:03.18D 5
8 Bryan, Paige FR Herndon 1:03.19D 2
9 Berger, Kathleen JR Paul VI 1:04.00 3
10 Thorp, Sarah SR Herndon 1:04.02 1
11 Breeze, Thelma 10 Stonwall Jac 1:04.05 2
12 Epley, Caroline 12 Oakton High 1:04.42 1
13 Gilbride, Brooke 10 Westfield 1:05.46 2
14 Blessing, Michelle Woodson 1:05.98 8
15 DiGiacomo, Angie JR Dul 1:06.15 5
16 Schiller, Jamie 07 Marshall 1:06.19 3
17 Quinn, Grace FR Dul 1:06.28 5
18 Day, Courtney FR Lake Braddoc 1:06.32 3
19 Worthington, Amber FR Dul 1:06.57 4
20 Carman, Lauren 09 Edison 1:06.60 7
21 Stuechli, Liz SR Lake Braddoc 1:06.94 6
22 Brooks, Jasmine 12 Westfield 1:07.48 4
23 Uku, Miriam 9 Good Counsel 1:07.58 5
24 Scolese, Jenny SO Paul VI 1:07.66 7
25 Ward, Ashley 11 Potomac Fall 1:08.14 6
26 Menendez, Carmen 9 Oakton High 1:08.82 7
26 Warner, Catherine 11 Potomac Fall 1:08.82 6
28 Kabia, Yvonne 11 South Lakes 1:08.92 4
29 Harvey, Erika FR Herndon 1:09.00 9
30 Ruder, Kara SO Dul 1:09.09 7
31 Honesty, Brittany 11 Westfield 1:09.44 5
32 Scott, Allegra 10 Archbishop S 1:09.66 6
33 Mpasi, Patty 10 Good Counsel 1:10.64 7
34 Bondle, Elise FR Herndon 1:10.71 8
35 Fancher, Melissa 9 Tri-Valley 1:11.85 10
36 Blake, Aliyyah 11 McNamara HS 1:12.54 5
37 Shaffer, Jessica 9 Potomac Fall 1:13.24 8
38 Gibbs, Monique Wildcats 1:13.75 4
39 Kysar, Rosanne Edison 1:13.92 10
40 Daka, Victoria 9 Good Counsel 1:14.20 9
41 Bent, Mercedes Woodson 1:14.27 8
42 Rayyan, Mariam 9 Oakton High 1:14.84 9
43 Carter, Lindsay FR Warriors 1:15.40 8
44 Outland, Tanya 9 Good Counsel 1:17.18 10
Girls 800 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 2:13.2h 4/7/01 Kelly Otstott
Concorde D: D 2:23.68
Northern Reg: R 2:20.53
Va State: S 2:19.97
Name Year School Finals
1 Conley, Leslie SR Woodlawn 2:24.13
2 Murphy, Keely SO Northern 2:25.64
3 Miller, Jenny SR Herndon 2:26.26
4 Lyons, Carrie JR Herndon 2:26.81
5 Pearl, Deborah 11 Oakton High 2:26.90
6 Scheckser, Kat JR Tjst 2:27.47
7 Hart, Kristin SR Herndon 2:27.92
8 Gregory, Carleigh SR Herndon 2:28.81
9 Endres, Katie 12 Potomac Fall 2:31.32
10 Gambale, Katie SO Tjst 2:31.40
11 Johnson, Ashley 12 Westfield 2:31.60
12 Pederson, Nicole 11 South Lakes 2:33.40
13 Honan, Laura Woodson 2:33.82
14 Sheldon, Caitlin FR Tjst 2:34.66
15 Bentley, Katie SO Herndon 2:34.78
16 Lehman, Amanda Annapolis HS 2:35.28
17 Twining, Melissa O'Connell 2:35.41
18 Cecil, Annie SR Dul 2:36.05
19 Cimino, Sara SO Dul 2:38.20
20 Schoenwetter, Ashley 12 South Lakes 2:39.25
21 Shepard, Kendall Wildcats 2:40.89
22 Apibunyopas, Katie FR Dul 2:41.00
23 McBride, Hannah Woodson 2:41.33
24 Siddiqui, Gina SO Tjst 2:41.75
25 Day, Claire JR Lake Braddoc 2:43.18
26 O'Neill, Melynda TR Tri-Valley 2:45.00
27 Worley, Erin FR Lake Braddoc 2:46.59
28 Worthington, Amber FR Dul 2:47.09
29 Goldsmith, Marlissa 9 McNamara HS 2:47.15
30 O'Connell, Mary 11 Ireton 2:48.60
31 Baliwag, Filla Sofia 06 Marshall 2:49.59
32 Andrews, Averil SR Paul VI 2:50.43
33 Angeli, Claire 12 Edison 2:50.54
34 Riely, Kaitlynn 11 Good Counsel 2:51.11
35 Olsen, Laura 12 Ireton 2:52.45
36 Sanborn, Rachel 9 Tri-Valley 2:52.59
37 Moquin, Adrian SO Warriors 2:54.81
38 Conron, Caitlin 12 Ireton 2:55.21
39 Haack, Tamara SO Warriors 2:56.03
40 Smith, Alexandra South Lakes 2:56.77
41 Sherman, Kasie JR Warriors 2:59.87
42 Budd, Kelsey FR Paul VI 3:00.16
43 Nipu, Rasheda 10 Edison 3:02.39
44 Shirzadi, Rana 11 Potomac Fall 3:02.99
45 Clark, Kristine 11 Potomac Fall 3:03.30
46 Na, Esther 11 Potomac Fall 3:04.82
47 Oppenheim, Rebecca Woodson 3:06.68
48 Hassan, Mai 04 Marshall 3:07.80
49 Mohseni, Shima FR Dominion 3:09.96
50 Watson, Jen Tri-Valley 3:10.53
51 Verducci, Meghan 9 Ireton 3:10.65
52 Gray, Charlene FR Warriors 3:20.12
Girls 1600 Meter Run 9th grade
Name Year School Finals
1 Harkins, Tara 9 Ireton 5:43.43
2 Burgharett, Jill 9 Westfield 5:43.60
3 Roosa, Courtney 9 Tri-Valley 5:48.78
4 Harvey, Erika FR Herndon 5:49.12
5 Ogden, Katie FR Northern 5:49.96
6 Askine, Kate FR Dul 5:50.24
7 Esselburn, Katie 9 Oakton High 5:50.59
8 Quinn, Grace FR Dul 5:56.24
9 Ramsey, Katie FR Tjst 6:05.07
10 Pitts, Jennifer FR Warriors 6:06.85
11 Feeney, Emily 9 Good Counsel 6:08.18
12 Henry, Christine 9 Westfield 6:08.31
13 Reid, Erin Herndon 6:12.09
14 Wall, Amanda 9 Potomac Fall 6:26.38
15 Fancher, Melissa 9 Tri-Valley 6:29.07
16 Schmidt, Caroline FR Dul 6:33.61
17 Carmer, Jessica FR Dul 6:34.57
18 Smith, Sophie 9 Oakton High 6:34.91
19 Hull, Maryann FR Herndon 6:38.67
20 McCall, Nora 9 Good Counsel 6:40.44
21 Futrell, Jackie FR Dominion 6:41.32
22 Vesia, Danielle 9 Oakton High 7:13.18
23 Provic, Lauren FR Paul VI 7:24.18
24 Prociv, Kathryn FR Paul VI 7:31.22
25 Gray, Charlene FR Warriors 7:39.00
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 5:09.4h 4/7/01 Dacia Barr
Concorde D: D 5:27.77
Northern Reg: R 5:14.82
Va State: S 5:13.10
Name Year School Finals
1 Light, Danielle 11 Oakton High 5:18.15D
2 Bentley, Rachel 11 Good Counsel 5:19.88D
3 Hart, Kristin SR Herndon 5:22.13D
4 Chapman, Jacqueline 12 Westfield 5:23.00D
5 Deegan, Alexis 9 Westfield 5:25.29D
6 Byrne, Kayley 10 Oakton High 5:25.65D
7 Gregory, Carleigh SR Herndon 5:25.75D
8 Cimino, Sara SO Dul 5:26.43D
9 Tighe, Meredtith 9 Oakton High 5:26.91D
10 Smith, Allegra 11 Oakton High 5:28.69
11 Milot, Kristin 12 Stonwall Jac 5:31.24
12 Erickson, Jessie SR Herndon 5:40.30
13 Bentley, Katie SO Herndon 5:48.52
14 Crihfield, Anastasia SO Tjst 5:48.97
15 Shoemaker, Chrissy JR Dul 5:50.79
16 Cecil, Annie SR Dul 5:53.63
17 Eisenfeld, Rachel SR Warriors 5:53.95
18 Grazioli, Elizabeth JR Paul VI 5:53.95
19 Katz, Talia 11 Woodson 5:54.85
20 Tindall, Lauren 11 Westfield 6:01.18
21 Hunt, Mia 11 McNamara HS 6:02.43
22 Morris, Jessica 12 Westfield 6:04.25
23 Antalics, Katie O'Connell 6:06.19
24 Schmidt, Jackie SR Dul 6:06.83
25 Schoenwetter, Ashley 12 South Lakes 6:08.03
26 Pederson, Nicole 11 South Lakes 6:08.24
27 Dacko, Caroline 11 Oakton High 6:10.07
28 Cooke, Patty 12 Archbishop S 6:10.92
29 Kochel, Heather JR Warriors 6:10.96
30 Angeli, Claire 12 Edison 6:11.66
31 Harner, Colleen 12 Archbishop S 6:12.96
32 Swain, Alana JR Lake Braddoc 6:16.87
33 Stallings, Kathryn 11 Potomac Fall 6:17.34
34 Smith, Havens 10 South Lakes 6:17.95
35 Orphanides, Allie 11 Potomac Fall 6:19.57
36 Riely, Kaitlynn 11 Good Counsel 6:24.95
37 Nolan, Erin 11 Potomac Fall 6:25.14
38 Fulghum, Johnna SO Paul VI 6:26.96
39 Bowens, Camille 11 Stonwall Jac 6:26.96
40 Sherman, Kasie JR Warriors 6:35.78
41 Scheider, Linda Woodson 6:39.66
42 Schmidt, Abagail Woodson 6:45.51
43 Nipu, Rasheda 10 Edison 6:50.07
44 Dong, Dujaun JR Warriors 6:53.79
45 Landon, Marian O'Connell 7:06.45
46 Chen, Stephanie 11 South Lakes 7:29.72
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Meet Record: * 11:17.46 4/6/02 Tenke Zoltani
Concorde D: D 12:03.88
Northern Reg: R 11:33.78
Va State: S 11:31.51
Name Year School Finals
1 Iatauro, Heather 12 Tri-Valley 10:48.92*
2 Sedberry, Brittany Ocean City N 11:02.60*
3 Bentley, Rachel 11 Good Counsel 11:35.85D
4 Endres, Katie 12 Potomac Fall 11:36.03D
5 Erickson, Jessie SR Herndon 11:46.07D
6 Mowatt-Larssen, Christin 11 Westfield 11:48.36D
7 Murphy, Keely SO Northern 11:51.77D
8 Ashworth, Meghan SO Herndon 12:09.50
9 Ogden, Katie FR Northern 12:11.71
10 Bond, Natalie SR Dul 12:13.22
11 Crihfield, Anastasia SO Tjst 12:14.89
12 Dickerson, Karen 12 Edison 12:18.62
13 Roosa, Courtney 9 Tri-Valley 12:25.24
14 Hiller, Sara 10 Oakton High 12:30.78
15 Jakubek, Jacklyn Woodson 12:33.71
16 Galloway, Molly Woodson 12:36.64
17 Edens, Carlesa 10 Potomac Fall 12:36.80
18 Eisenfeld, Rachel SR Warriors 12:41.80
19 Flanagan, Paige Annapolis HS 12:43.10
20 Berlin, Rebekah 10 Oakton High 12:51.21
21 Grazioli, Elizabeth JR Paul VI 12:52.96
22 Beach, Erin 9 Tri-Valley 12:53.18
23 Spratt, Lauren Woodson 12:54.01
24 Tindall, Lauren 11 Westfield 13:09.11
25 McCallister, Emily Oakton High 13:12.55
26 Monroe, Rachel 12 Westfield 13:16.23
27 Antalics, Katie O'Connell 13:16.38
28 Fulghum, Johnna SO Paul VI 13:44.80
29 Kochel, Heather JR Warriors 13:44.81
30 O'Neill, Melynda TR Tri-Valley 13:45.22
31 Maggi, Jessica 12 Potomac Fall 13:51.00
32 Haack, Tamara SO Warriors 13:51.79
33 Smith, Alexandra South Lakes 14:10.99
34 Smith, Havens 10 South Lakes 14:13.77
35 Dong, Dujaun JR Warriors 14:27.05
36 Dell, Kristine SO Paul VI 15:45.70
-- Rothe, Sarah JR Lake Braddoc DNF
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: * 14.8h 4/7/01 Alesia Hovatter
Concorde D: D 17.79
Northern Reg: R 16.51
Va State: S 15.49
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Rogus, Katie 11 Good Counsel 15.49S 1
2 Baird, Alison 12 Potomac Fall 16.32R 1
3 Woolley, Karen 11 Westfield 16.34R 1
4 Morehouse, Laura SO Lake Braddoc 18.46 3
5 Brady, Laura JR Herndon 18.49 4
6 Pillar, Veronica SO Tjst 18.71 3
7 Auerbach, Sarah SR Dul 18.83 2
8 Owino, Georgina 12 Edison 19.00 2
9 Andrews, Averil SR Paul VI 19.09 3
10 Wheeler, Adrienne 10 Archbishop S 19.36 5
11 Zock Atangana, Catherine Wildcats 19.96 5
12 Williams, Amanda SO Warriors 20.17 4
13 Jones, Kerone 11 Oakton High 20.20 2
14 Allen, Ashleigh SO Tjst 20.23 4
15 Binder, Kat FR Paul VI 20.39 2
16 Thrift, Samantha FR Westfield 20.49 3
17 Offringa, Casey 9 Tri-Valley 20.50 7
18 Bowers, Sue 12 Tri-Valley 20.95 7
19 Zellner, Jasmine 9 Archbishop S 21.33 6
20 Hillman, Amy SO Northern 21.61 6
21 Berberich, Kristen JR Tjst 22.28 3
22 McManus, Caitlin 10 Ireton 22.28 4
23 Bondle, Elise FR Herndon 22.31 5
24 Bodenhorn, Julie SO Northern 22.54 7
25 Dennis, Sabatu 9 Archbishop S 22.70 6
26 Angion, Kacheri 10 Archbishop S 23.03 6
27 Moran, Tara 9 Ireton 23.06 6
28 Manning, Carolyn FR Paul VI 23.35 5
29 Carroll, Brandie 9 Tri-Valley 23.64 7
30 Yamiguchi, Mari JR Tjst 24.25 5
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: * 45.4h 4/7/01 Eleanor Thompson
Concorde D: D 51.63
Northern Reg: R 49.01
Va State: S 47.67
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Rogus, Katie 11 Good Counsel 45.54S 1
2 Baird, Alison 12 Potomac Fall 48.16R 2
3 Wilson, Karen JR Herndon 48.38R 1
4 Woolley, Karen 11 Westfield 49.08D 1
5 Ma, Samantha 11 Edison 50.88D 3
6 Dackowski, Courtney 9 Potomac Fall 51.04D 3
7 Mayo, Alilah 12 McNamara HS 51.11D 7
8 Owino, Georgina 12 Edison 51.52D 3
9 Morehouse, Laura SO Lake Braddoc 51.62D 4
10 Breeze, Thelma 10 Stonwall Jac 51.78 1
11 Pillar, Veronica SO Tjst 52.00 1
12 Brady, Laura JR Herndon 52.09 3
13 Beccles, Maliaka 10 Good Counsel 52.13 1
14 Jackson, Brittany 10 Westfield 52.49 3
15 Clement, Abby FR Paul VI 52.59 5
16 Durbin, Brooke FR Lake Braddoc 53.13 5
17 Andrews, Averil SR Paul VI 53.16 4
18 Thrift, Samantha FR Westfield 53.63 4
19 Durbin, Ashley FR Lake Braddoc 53.80 5
20 Allen, Ashleigh SO Tjst 54.49 2
21 Auerbach, Sarah SR Dul 54.94 4
22 Berberich, Kristen JR Tjst 55.14 2
23 Zock Atangana, Catherine Wildcats 55.49 2
24 White, Britney 11 McNamara HS 57.37 8
25 Wheeler, Adrienne 10 Archbishop S 58.30 6
26 Alfano, Jaymie 10 Archbishop S 58.97 6
27 Offringa, Casey 9 Tri-Valley 1:00.28 6
28 Angion, Kacheri 10 Archbishop S 1:00.64 7
29 Harris, Katie 10 Oakton High 1:00.78 5
30 Carroll, Brandie 9 Tri-Valley 1:01.24 6
31 Manning, Carolyn FR Paul VI 1:02.85 7
32 Bodenhorn, Julie SO Northern 1:07.63 8
33 Hillman, Amy SO Northern 1:11.51 8
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 49.61 4/5/03 Westlake HS
Northern Reg: R 51.13
Va State: S 49.32
School Finals H#
1 South Lakes High School 'A' 49.93R 1
1) Bryant, Alisha 12 2) Davis, Denell 11
3) Kabia, Yvonne 11 4) Hassell, Kristin 12
2 Oakton High School 'A' 51.65 1
3 Westfield High School 'A' 53.45 1
1) Banks, Ariel 11 2) Gilbride, Brooke 10
3) Coates, Candice 12 4) Walker, Elizabeth 9
4 Paul VI High School 'A' 53.47 1
1) Hopkins-Navies, Imani SO 2) Doerman, Emily JR
3) Williams, Lindy SR 4) Sledge, Linsey FR
5 Bishop O'Connell High Sch 'A' 54.56 2
6 Lake Braddock Secondary 'A' 54.66 1
7 Dulaney 'A' 55.06 2
1) Auerbach, Sarah SR 2) Kelly, April SR
3) McMahon, Amy JR 4) Payne, Octavia FR
8 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 55.22 2
9 Bishop Ireton High School 'A' 55.70 2
10 Archbishop Spalding High 'A' 57.31 2
11 Sherando High School 'A' 57.97 3
1) Williams, Amanda SO 2) Franklin, Christa FR
3) Brumback, Greta SO 4) Hudson, Brenda SR
12 Herndon High School 'A' 59.01 3
1) Nordseth, Mary 2) Singh, Pam JR
3) Rogos, Ana FR 4) Watkins, Erin SO
13 Northwestern High School 'A' 1:00.81 1
1) Zock Atangana, Catherine 2) Barnaby, Kareth
3) Lyons, Sue Ann 4) Sewell, Cordian
14 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'B' 1:04.06 3
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 4:03.0h 4/7/01 Robinson Secondary
Northern Reg: R 4:05.54
Va State: S 4:00.30
School Finals H#
1 Westfield High School 'A' 4:07.15 1
1) Kim, Soo Jin 11 2) Hamlin, Hilary 11
3) Meade, Carmen 12 4) Woolley, Karen 11
2 Herndon High School 'A' 4:09.32 1
1) Bryan, Paige FR 2) Green, Hannah JR
3) Thorp, Sarah SR 4) Wilson, Karen JR
3 Oakton High School 'A' 4:13.40 1
4 Paul VI High School 'A' 4:17.46 2
1) Sledge, Linsey FR 2) Clement, Abby FR
3) Doerman, Emily JR 4) Hopkins-Navies, Imani SO
5 Herndon High School 'B' 4:23.03 2
1) Miller, Jenny SR 2) Gregory, Carleigh SR
3) Hart, Kristin SR 4) Lyons, Carrie JR
6 George C. Marshall High 'A' 4:24.23 2
1) Baliwag, Filla Sofia 06 2) Schiller, Jamie 07
3) Hargrove, Jacqueline 07 4) Harrison, Nicole 07
7 Archbishop Spalding High 'A' 4:27.73 3
8 Bishop O'Connell High Sch 'A' 4:28.47
9 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 4:29.53 2
10 Lake Braddock Secondary 'A' 4:30.68 2
11 Bishop McNamara HS 'B' 4:33.91 3
12 Dulaney 'A' 4:37.20 2
1) DiGiacomo, Angie JR 2) Ruder, Kara SO
3) Patron, Anne FR 4) Apibunyopas, Katie FR
13 Potomac Falls High School 'A' 4:40.73 3
14 Northwestern High School 'A' 5:07.22 1
1) Dore, Nicole 2) Tyson, Jeanelle
3) Shepard, Kendall 4) Barnaby, Kareth
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet Record: * 9:50.87 4/6/02 Robinson Secondary
Northern Reg: R 9:51.75
Va State: S 9:38.98
School Finals
1 Westfield High School 'A' 9:58.34
1) Chapman, Jacqueline 12 2) Johnson, Ashley 12
3) Hamlin, Hilary 11 4) Mowatt-Larssen, Christina 11
2 Thomas Jefferson S&T 'A' 10:07.88
3 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 10:33.41
4 Bishop Ireton High School 'A' 11:26.85
5 Sherando High School 'A' 11:29.95
6 Potomac Falls High School 'A' 11:32.77
7 Northwestern High School 'A' 12:37.40
1) Dore, Nicole 2) Shepard, Kendall
3) Tyson, Jeanelle 4) Wright, Dominque
Girls Distance Medley
Meet Record: * 12:36.87 4/6/02 Dulaney HS
School Finals
1 Oakton High School 'A' 12:36.85*
1) Smith, Allegra 11 2) Young, Amber 10
3) Pearl, Deborah 11 4) Light, Danielle 11
2 Herndon High School 'A' 12:43.04
1) Wilson, Karen JR 2) Thorp, Sarah SR
3) Green, Hannah JR 4) Miller, Jenny SR
3 Oakton High School 'B' 13:19.94
4 Archbishop Spalding High 'A' 14:32.04
5 Tri-Valley School (Ny) 'A' 15:16.07
Girls High Jump
Meet Record: * 5-07 4/7/01 Bonnie Meekins
Concorde D: D 4-09
Northern Reg: R 5-01
Va State: S 5-03
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Woolley, Karen 11 Westfield 5-00.00D
2 Ward, Ashley 11 Potomac Fall 4-10.00D
3 McConville, Megan 11 Westfield 4-06.00
3 Meekins, Susan 12 Oakton High 4-06.00
3 Zuknick, Leslie 10 Archbishop S 4-06.00
3 Harrison, Nicole 07 Marshall 4-06.00
4 Blake, Aliyyah 11 McNamara HS J4-06.00
4 Stuechli, Liz SR Lake Braddoc J4-06.00
4 Gong, Alison Woodson J4-06.00
4 Smathers, Catherine JR Dominion J4-06.00
5 Goldsmith, Marlissa 9 McNamara HS J4-06.00
-- Hargrove, Jacqueline 07 Marshall NH
-- Kaye, Sarah JR Paul VI NH
-- Soderberg, Rachel 11 Edison NH
-- Dackowski, Courtney 9 Potomac Fall NH
-- Tabri, Mary 10 Potomac Fall NH
-- Bertrand, Roxanne JR Paul VI NH
Girls Pole Vault
Meet Record: * 10-06 4/7/01 Stephanie Hollar
Concorde D: D 7-07
Northern Reg: R 9-01
Va State: S 9-06
Name Year School Finals
1 Yamiguchi, Mari JR Tjst 7-06.00
2 Gong, Alison Woodson 7-00.00
2 Alter, Betsy 9 Westfield 7-00.00
4 Wu, Weiwei Woodson 6-06.00
-- Debettencourt, Megan SO Tjst NH
-- Irees, Sana FR Tjst NH
Girls Long Jump
Meet Record: * 16-11.50 4/6/02 Kathleen Woody
Concorde D: D 15-09
Northern Reg: R 16-08.50
Va State: S 17-10.25
Name Year School Finals
1 Rogus, Katie 11 Good Counsel 15-10.00D
2 Bryant, Alisha 12 South Lakes 15-02.50
3 Brown, Katie FR Paul VI 14-04.50
4 Hargrove, Jacqueline 07 Marshall 14-01.00
5 Watson, Latasha FR Warriors 14-00.50
6 Jones, Kerone 11 Oakton High 14-00.00
7 Harrison, Nicole 07 Marshall 13-10.00
8 Conley, Courtney 10 Edison 13-08.50
9 Lawrence, Ellese SO Dominion 13-07.50
10 Watkins, Erin SO Herndon 13-04.50
11 Tang, Lana O'Connell 13-03.50
11 Franklin, Christa FR Warriors 13-03.50
13 McConville, Megan 11 Westfield 13-02.50
14 Kim, Soo Jin 11 Westfield 13-02.00
15 Ward, Ashley 11 Potomac Fall 13-00.00
16 Joseph, Emmy-Maria SO Dominion 12-09.25
17 Nyambi, Bassie 10 Oakton High 12-07.75
18 Mayo, Alilah 12 McNamara HS 12-05.50
19 Meekins, Susan 12 Oakton High 12-05.00
20 White, Britney 11 McNamara HS 12-04.75
21 Gong, Alison Woodson 12-04.25
22 Coleman, Juliana SO Lake Braddoc 12-00.50
23 Wells, Ariel SO Lake Braddoc 12-00.00
24 Green, Hannah JR Herndon 11-10.00
25 Green, Nikita FR Dominion 11-09.75
26 Brady, Laura JR Herndon 11-09.50
27 Uku, Miriam 9 Good Counsel 11-06.50
28 Hoffman, Christina 11 Ireton 11-06.00
29 Bondle, Elise FR Herndon 11-04.75
30 Dackowski, Courtney 9 Potomac Fall 11-03.75
31 Barham, Sarah 9 Ireton 11-02.75
32 Zuknick, Leslie 10 Archbishop S 11-02.00
33 Merkl, Abbie 10 Archbishop S 11-00.50
34 Carman, Lauren 09 Edison 10-09.00
34 Tabri, Mary 10 Potomac Fall 10-09.00
36 Kim, Soo Ryun 11 Westfield 10-05.50
37 Nieves, Kelsey SO Paul VI 9-09.75
38 Golojuch, Grace 10 Ireton 9-09.50
-- Jones, Allison FR Lake Braddoc FOUL
-- Strum, Alyson FR Paul VI FOUL
Girls Triple Jump
Meet Record: * 36-10.75 4/7/01 Kathleen Woody
Concorde D: D 33-00
Northern Reg: R 35-09.50
Va State: S 37-01.75
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Rogus, Katie 11 Good Counsel 35-08.50D
2 Woolley, Karen 11 Westfield 34-00.50D
3 Ma, Samantha 11 Edison 31-11.25
4 Tang, Lana O'Connell 31-10.50
5 Franklin, Christa FR Warriors 31-10.00
6 Owino, Georgina 12 Edison 31-05.25
7 Watson, Latasha FR Warriors 31-01.50
8 Ward, Ashley 11 Potomac Fall 30-09.00
9 Pillar, Veronica SO Tjst 30-04.50
9 Allen, Ashleigh SO Tjst 30-04.50
11 Goldsmith, Marlissa 9 McNamara HS 29-11.50
12 Kaye, Sarah JR Paul VI 29-11.00
13 McConville, Megan 11 Westfield 29-03.00
14 Lee, Grace FR Tjst 29-02.75
15 Jones, Allison FR Lake Braddoc 29-00.00
16 Stuechli, Liz SR Lake Braddoc 28-04.75
17 Dackowski, Courtney 9 Potomac Fall 27-07.25
18 Joseph, Emmy-Maria SO Dominion 27-06.75
19 Green, Nikita FR Dominion 27-03.25
20 Hopkins-Navies, Imani SO Paul VI 27-03.00
21 Coleman, Juliana SO Lake Braddoc 27-02.25
22 Blake, Aliyyah 11 McNamara HS 25-09.00
23 Hoffman, Christina 11 Ireton 25-05.75
24 Froede, Michelle SR Lake Braddoc 24-09.25
25 Tabri, Mary 10 Potomac Fall 24-00.75
-- Manning, Carolyn FR Paul VI FOUL
-- Golojuch, Grace 10 Ireton FOUL
Girls Shot Put
Meet Record: * 39-10.50 4/7/01 Ashley Horn
Concorde D: D 30-05 2001
Northern Reg: R 35-03
Va State: S 37-08.50
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Benedicto, Nina O'Connell 32-08.00D
2 Falaiye, Mobolaji South Lakes 31-09.00D
3 Owino, Georgina 12 Edison 31-06.00D
4 Banks, Ariel 11 Westfield 30-03.50
5 Howells, Jacquie Herndon 30-01.50
6 Jamerson, DeAndra 11 McNamara HS 29-05.50
7 O'Callaghan, Katie SR Paul VI 28-08.00
8 Coulter, Katrina JR Herndon 27-07.50
9 Prococcino, Christina Woodson 27-06.50
10 Varner, Andrea SR Warriors 27-00.00
11 Payne, Octavia FR Dul 26-09.50
12 Filler, Kristin 11 Ireton 26-01.00
12 Kammer, Jenny Herndon 26-01.00
14 Peters, Kayla SO Northern 25-06.50
15 Llames, Geraldine O'Connell 25-03.00
16 Besch, Maddie O'Connell 24-06.00
17 Ferralli, Bethany SR Northern 23-09.00
18 Castelli, Jessica SR Warriors 23-08.00
19 Zock Atangana, Catherine Wildcats 23-04.00
20 Castillo, Aleyna FR Dominion 23-03.00
21 Vodi, Ama Wildcats 22-08.00
22 Howley, Jean Marie 9 Potomac Fall 22-05.50
23 Donofrio, Natalie 10 South Lakes 22-03.00
24 Brumback, Greta SO Warriors 22-02.50
25 Etabong, Agnes Wildcats 22-02.00
26 Walters, Lauren 10 Westfield 22-01.00
27 Bowers, Sue 12 Tri-Valley 21-09.00
28 Einerson, Chrissy 9 Ireton 21-07.00
29 Smith, Sarah FR Dominion 20-11.00
30 Wright, Tiffany 11 Tri-Valley 20-09.00
31 Peirce, Kayce South Lakes 20-07.00
32 Moses, Michelle 9 Potomac Fall 20-05.50
33 Petersen, Brittany SR Herndon 20-00.00
34 Jones, Jesslyn South Lakes 19-11.00
35 Bedford, Kara 10 Ireton 19-08.50
36 Wagner, Seyda 12 Good Counsel 19-07.00
37 Lemieux, Allison SO Dominion 19-03.00
37 Mendlow, Andrea 10 Westfield 19-03.00
39 Dellarco, Alex 12 Good Counsel 18-06.00
40 Shyti, Nicole 10 Potomac Fall 18-00.50
41 Gilliand, Jen 11 Potomac Fall 17-10.50
Girls Discus Throw
Meet Record: * 135-11 4/5/03 Amy Bilmanis
Concorde D: D 86-03
Northern Reg: R 104-08
Va State: S 113-05
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hudgins, Margaret SR Herndon 97-09D
2 Filler, Kristin 11 Ireton 94-00D
3 Castelli, Jessica SR Warriors 86-02
4 Benedicto, Nina O'Connell 78-08
5 Petersen, Brittany SR Herndon 77-04
6 Kvaselrud, Pernille JR Lake Braddoc 75-02
7 Owino, Georgina 12 Edison 74-05
8 Falaiye, Mobolaji South Lakes 71-08
9 McClelland, Rebecca 11 Edison 70-06
10 Banks, Ariel 11 Westfield 68-10
11 Varner, Andrea SR Warriors 68-00
12 Llames, Geraldine O'Connell 66-08
12 Fong, Cori JR Herndon 66-08
14 O'Callaghan, Katie SR Paul VI 65-09
15 Donofrio, Natalie 10 South Lakes 64-03
16 Wright, Tiffany 11 Tri-Valley 63-04
17 Wagner, Seyda 12 Good Counsel 61-05
18 Gilliand, Jen 11 Potomac Fall 60-09
19 Daniels, Chelsie 9 Potomac Fall 59-10
20 Bolger, Jessica Oakton High 58-02
21 Howley, Jean Marie 9 Potomac Fall 58-00
22 Brumback, Greta SO Warriors 53-00
23 Walters, Lauren 10 Westfield 51-06
24 Dean, Katie Oakton High 49-04
25 Pohemus, Amy 10 Westfield 48-07
26 Shyti, Nicole 10 Potomac Fall 47-06
27 Peirce, Kayce South Lakes 46-10
28 Dellarco, Alex 12 Good Counsel 42-04
29 Jones, Jesslyn South Lakes 38-09
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