Interhigh Track

Mercersburg Invitational
Mercersburg Invitational History
Hosted By: Mercersburg Academy
Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Results from PA.Milesplit.US
Results courtesy of Betsy Willis and Mercersburg Academy


Sept. 27, 2008


  1   Gonzaga                  50    1    9   11   14   15   21   65   17:07      1:07
  2   St. Albans               57    4    5    7   12   29   36   50   17:15      1:34
  3   Episcopal (Va)           90    3   18   22   23   24   30   34   17:38      1:22
  4   Woodberry Forest        115   10   19   20   26   40   47   59   17:57      1:24
  5   Mercersburg             138    8   13   32   33   52   55   60   18:06      2:05
  6   Sidwell Friends         155    2   17   42   45   49   53   57   18:04      2:13
  7   Heights School          171    6   25   28   46   66   67   75   18:22      2:53
  8   Bishop McNamara         234   35   38   39   58   64   77   87   19:00      1:08
  9   Georgetown Day          251   16   48   56   63   68   74   81   19:03      2:23
 10   Bullis                  254   31   37   41   72   73   78   86   19:11      1:45
 11   Kiski School            267   27   43   44   71   82   94        19:16      2:29
 12   Saint Anselm's Abbey    357   51   61   62   88   95   97   98   20:12      2:49
 13   Flint Hill              377   69   70   76   79   83   84   92   20:20      1:00
 14   Maret                   437   54   89   90  100  104  105  106   21:22      3:42
 15   St. James               464   80   85   96  101  102  103  107   21:42      2:03
 16   Glenelg Country Schoo   500   91   93   99  108  109  110  111   23:17      6:35

Edmund Burke
Nova Ac
Potomac School


1. Gonzaga
    1  Billy Ledder, 3             16:21    5:16
    9  Billy Lewis, 4              17:09    5:32
   11  Will Fleury, 3              17:15    5:34
   14  Colin Leibold, 2            17:23    5:36
   15  Ben Zeiss, 3                17:27    5:38
   21  Fran Lewis, 2               17:52    5:46
   65  Devin Kelly, 4              19:43    6:22
Time = 1:25:33     Places = 50

2. St. Albans
    4  Alex Snowdon, 3             16:45    5:24
    5  Tom Harrison, 2             16:52    5:26
    7  Jamie Durling, 3            17:02    5:29
   12  Francis Thumpasery, 4       17:19    5:35
   29  Adrei Klein, 2              18:18    5:54
   36  Ross Svenson, 3             18:35    5:59
   50  Mike Dee, 4                 18:51    6:05
Time = 1:26:13     Places = 57

3. Episcopal (Va)
    3  Reid Nickle, 2              16:40    5:22
   18  Peter Markoski, 4           17:35    5:40
   22  Beirne Hutcheson, 3         17:53    5:46
   23  Tom Peabody, 3              18:00    5:48
   24  Ben Shuford, 4              18:01    5:49
   30  Patrick Hardy, 4            18:21    5:55
   34  Peter Addess, 4             18:28    5:57
Time = 1:28:07     Places = 90

4. Woodberry Forest
   10  Kevin Bennert, 2            17:14    5:34
   19  Georgi Klissurski, 3        17:48    5:44
   20  Arthur Bryant, 4            17:52    5:46
   26  Josh Trudgeon, 2            18:13    5:52
   40  Conor Flynn, 2              18:38    6:00
   47  Matthew Laws, 2             18:48    6:04
   59  Stewart Brown, 3            19:34    6:19
Time = 1:29:43     Places = 115

5. Mercersburg
    8  Neb Osman, 3                17:04    5:30
   13  Ellis Mays, 3               17:23    5:36
   32  Matt Cook, 2                18:27    5:57
   33  Jae Nam, 3                  18:28    5:57
   52  Tyler Wilcox, 4             19:09    6:10
   55  Bruce McLaughlin, 3         19:20    6:14
   60  Adam Wechter, 4             19:38    6:20
Time = 1:30:29     Places = 138

6. Sidwell Friends
    2  John McGowan, 2             16:38    5:22
   17  Matthew Kim, 1              17:31    5:39
   42  Luke Mastalli-Kelly, 3      18:39    6:01
   45  Kyle Wilson, 3              18:44    6:02
   49  Aj Parks, 4                 18:50    6:04
   53  David Steinbach, 1          19:12    6:11
   57  Harper Thomas, 2            19:30    6:17
Time = 1:30:20     Places = 155

7. Heights School
    6  Timothy Hadley, 4           16:57    5:28
   25  Gregory Hadley, 1           18:03    5:49
   28  Timothy Vaughan, 4          18:16    5:53
   46  Sebastian Lulli, 4          18:46    6:03
   66  Phillip Allen, 1            19:49    6:24
   67  Brendan Reim, 2             19:50    6:24
   75  Andrew Ruf, 1               20:22    6:34
Time = 1:31:50     Places = 171

8. Bishop McNamara
   35  Ruben Wise, Jr., 3          18:32    5:59
   38  Kenneth Hunt, Iv, 4         18:37    6:00
   39  Matthew Feather, 2          18:38    6:00
   58  Johnathon Devane, 2         19:33    6:18
   64  Christian Harrison, 2       19:40    6:20
   77  Ryan Magruder, 3            20:31    6:37
   87  Joshua Penn, 1              21:05    6:48
Time = 1:34:58     Places = 234

9. Georgetown Day
   16  Sam Freeling, 3             17:29    5:38
   48  Aleck Silva-Pinto, 1        18:49    6:04
   56  Ben Monarch, 2              19:25    6:16
   63  Ryan Eugene, 4              19:40    6:20
   68  Daniel Samet, 1             19:52    6:24
   74  Kevin Fung, 2               20:15    6:32
   81  Alex Eppler, 1              20:43    6:41
Time = 1:35:14     Places = 251

10. Bullis
   31  Teddy Funger, 4             18:26    5:57
   37  Chris Hernandez, 4          18:37    6:00
   41  Reggie Lesesne, 1           18:39    6:01
   72  Andrew Rudner, 4            20:01    6:27
   73  Brian Bank, 1               20:11    6:30
   78  Logan Snyder, 2             20:31    6:37
   86  Steven Chu, 4               21:04    6:47
Time = 1:35:51     Places = 254

11. Kiski School
   27  Ian Macmillian, 4           18:15    5:53
   43  Justin Weiss, 3             18:40    6:01
   44  Justin Hill, 4              18:42    6:02
   71  Andrik Cruz, 4              20:01    6:27
   82  Christian Marini, 4         20:43    6:41
   94  Dru Brant, 3                21:35    6:57
Time = 1:36:19     Places = 267

12. Saint Anselm's Abbey
   51  Don Arndt, 4                18:52    6:05
   61  Ben Moniz, 3                19:38    6:20
   62  Andres Acevedo, 3           19:39    6:20
   88  Paul Wiehagen, 4            21:09    6:49
   95  John Hamm, 2                21:41    7:00
   97  Farrell Sheehan, 2          22:00    7:06
   98  Jimmy Voelzke, 4            22:04    7:07
Time = 1:40:58     Places = 357

13. Flint Hill
   69  Ryan Barbalace, 2           19:52    6:24
   70  Kyle Cassaday, 4            19:58    6:26
   76  Anthony Lynch, 1            20:28    6:36
   79  Bryon Gross, 2              20:32    6:37
   83  Curtis Bolduc, 3            20:52    6:44
   84  Alex Milliken, 1            20:53    6:44
   92  Erik Zeberlein, 3           21:26    6:55
Time = 1:41:39     Places = 377

14. Maret
   54  Matt Taylor, 1              19:12    6:11
   89  Matthew Hankin, 2           21:12    6:50
   90  John Eiden-Wagner, 2        21:12    6:50
  100  Julian Spector, 3           22:20    7:12
  104  Asa King, 4                 22:53    7:23
  105  Paul Glick, 3               22:54    7:23
  106  Yong-Uk Kim, 2              22:59    7:25
Time = 1:46:47     Places = 437

15. St. James
   80  Zach Abeles, 3              20:37    6:39
   85  Chris Cobb, 3               20:59    6:46
   96  Woo Jae Park, 1             21:47    7:02
  101  Connor Redmond, 2           22:30    7:15
  102  Mande Magassonba, 3         22:39    7:18
  103  Ian Tsang, 2                22:48    7:21
  107  Will Howard, 3              23:12    7:29
Time = 1:48:30     Places = 464

16. Glenelg Country Schoo
   91  Sean Eitze, 4               21:16    6:51
   93  Diego Ricaurte, 2           21:26    6:55
   99  Jeffrey Johnson, 2          22:13    7:10
  108  Matthew Curran, 2           23:41    7:38
  109  Ryan Hayes, 1               27:50    8:59
  110  Thomas Pierre, 3            28:28    9:11
  111  Frederic Kim, 4             28:33    9:12
Time = 1:56:24     Places = 500

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM


    1     1  Billy Ledder, 3             16:21    5:16  Gonzaga
    2     2  John McGowan, 2             16:38    5:22  Sidwell Friends
    3     3  Reid Nickle, 2              16:40    5:22  Episcopal (Va)
    4     4  Alex Snowdon, 3             16:45    5:24  St. Albans
    5     5  Tom Harrison, 2             16:52    5:26  St. Albans
    6     6  Timothy Hadley, 4           16:57    5:28  Heights School
    7     7  Jamie Durling, 3            17:02    5:29  St. Albans
    8     8  Neb Osman, 3                17:04    5:30  Mercersburg
    9        Campbell Ross, 2            17:08    5:32  Potomac School
   10     9  Billy Lewis, 4              17:09    5:32  Gonzaga
   11    10  Kevin Bennert, 2            17:14    5:34  Woodberry Forest
   12    11  Will Fleury, 3              17:15    5:34  Gonzaga
   13    12  Francis Thumpasery, 4       17:19    5:35  St. Albans
   14    13  Ellis Mays, 3               17:23    5:36  Mercersburg
   15    14  Colin Leibold, 2            17:23    5:36  Gonzaga
   16    15  Ben Zeiss, 3                17:27    5:38  Gonzaga
   17    16  Sam Freeling, 3             17:29    5:38  Georgetown Day
   18    17  Matthew Kim, 1              17:31    5:39  Sidwell Friends
   19        Conor Messinger, 4          17:33    5:39  Edmund Burke
   20    18  Peter Markoski, 4           17:35    5:40  Episcopal (Va)
   21    19  Georgi Klissurski, 3        17:48    5:44  Woodberry Forest
   22    20  Arthur Bryant, 4            17:52    5:46  Woodberry Forest
   23    21  Fran Lewis, 2               17:52    5:46  Gonzaga
   24    22  Beirne Hutcheson, 3         17:53    5:46  Episcopal (Va)
   25    23  Tom Peabody, 3              18:00    5:48  Episcopal (Va)
   26    24  Ben Shuford, 4              18:01    5:49  Episcopal (Va)
   27    25  Gregory Hadley, 1           18:03    5:49  Heights School
   28        John Parker, 2              18:10    5:52  Nova Ac
   29    26  Josh Trudgeon, 2            18:13    5:52  Woodberry Forest
   30    27  Ian Macmillian, 4           18:15    5:53  Kiski School
   31    28  Timothy Vaughan, 4          18:16    5:53  Heights School
   32    29  Adrei Klein, 2              18:18    5:54  St. Albans
   33    30  Patrick Hardy, 4            18:21    5:55  Episcopal (Va)
   34    31  Teddy Funger, 4             18:26    5:57  Bullis
   35    32  Matt Cook, 2                18:27    5:57  Mercersburg
   36    33  Jae Nam, 3                  18:28    5:57  Mercersburg
   37    34  Peter Addess, 4             18:28    5:57  Episcopal (Va)
   38    35  Ruben Wise, Jr., 3          18:32    5:59  Bishop McNamara
   39    36  Ross Svenson, 3             18:35    5:59  St. Albans
   40    37  Chris Hernandez, 4          18:37    6:00  Bullis
   41    38  Kenneth Hunt, Iv, 4         18:37    6:00  Bishop McNamara
   42    39  Matthew Feather, 2          18:38    6:00  Bishop McNamara
   43    40  Conor Flynn, 2              18:38    6:00  Woodberry Forest
   44    41  Reggie Lesesne, 1           18:39    6:01  Bullis
   45    42  Luke Mastalli-Kelly, 3      18:39    6:01  Sidwell Friends
   46    43  Justin Weiss, 3             18:40    6:01  Kiski School
   47    44  Justin Hill, 4              18:42    6:02  Kiski School
   48    45  Kyle Wilson, 3              18:44    6:02  Sidwell Friends
   49    46  Sebastian Lulli, 4          18:46    6:03  Heights School
   50    47  Matthew Laws, 2             18:48    6:04  Woodberry Forest
   51    48  Aleck Silva-Pinto, 1        18:49    6:04  Georgetown Day
   52    49  Aj Parks, 4                 18:50    6:04  Sidwell Friends
   53    50  Mike Dee, 4                 18:51    6:05  St. Albans
   54    51  Don Arndt, 4                18:52    6:05  Saint Anselm's Abbey
   55    52  Tyler Wilcox, 4             19:09    6:10  Mercersburg
   56    53  David Steinbach, 1          19:12    6:11  Sidwell Friends
   57    54  Matt Taylor, 1              19:12    6:11  Maret
   58        Stanley Campbell, 4         19:17    6:13  Potomac School
   59    55  Bruce McLaughlin, 3         19:20    6:14  Mercersburg
   60    56  Ben Monarch, 2              19:25    6:16  Georgetown Day
   61        Casey Mlyniec, 4            19:27    6:16  Edmund Burke
   62    57  Harper Thomas, 2            19:30    6:17  Sidwell Friends
   63    58  Johnathon Devane, 2         19:33    6:18  Bishop McNamara
   64    59  Stewart Brown, 3            19:34    6:19  Woodberry Forest
   65    60  Adam Wechter, 4             19:38    6:20  Mercersburg
   66    61  Ben Moniz, 3                19:38    6:20  Saint Anselm's Abbey
   67    62  Andres Acevedo, 3           19:39    6:20  Saint Anselm's Abbey
   68    63  Ryan Eugene, 4              19:40    6:20  Georgetown Day
   69    64  Christian Harrison, 2       19:40    6:20  Bishop McNamara
   70    65  Devin Kelly, 4              19:43    6:22  Gonzaga
   71    66  Phillip Allen, 1            19:49    6:24  Heights School
   72    67  Brendan Reim, 2             19:50    6:24  Heights School
   73    68  Daniel Samet, 1             19:52    6:24  Georgetown Day
   74    69  Ryan Barbalace, 2           19:52    6:24  Flint Hill
   75    70  Kyle Cassaday, 4            19:58    6:26  Flint Hill
   76    71  Andrik Cruz, 4              20:01    6:27  Kiski School
   77    72  Andrew Rudner, 4            20:01    6:27  Bullis
   78    73  Brian Bank, 1               20:11    6:30  Bullis
   79    74  Kevin Fung, 2               20:15    6:32  Georgetown Day
   80    75  Andrew Ruf, 1               20:22    6:34  Heights School
   81    76  Anthony Lynch, 1            20:28    6:36  Flint Hill
   82    77  Ryan Magruder, 3            20:31    6:37  Bishop McNamara
   83    78  Logan Snyder, 2             20:31    6:37  Bullis
   84    79  Bryon Gross, 2              20:32    6:37  Flint Hill
   85    80  Zach Abeles, 3              20:37    6:39  St. James
   86        George Clarke, 2            20:41    6:40  Potomac School
   87    81  Alex Eppler, 1              20:43    6:41  Georgetown Day
   88    82  Christian Marini, 4         20:43    6:41  Kiski School
   89    83  Curtis Bolduc, 3            20:52    6:44  Flint Hill
   90    84  Alex Milliken, 1            20:53    6:44  Flint Hill
   91        Colin Hepburn, 2            20:57    6:45  Edmund Burke
   92    85  Chris Cobb, 3               20:59    6:46  St. James
   93    86  Steven Chu, 4               21:04    6:47  Bullis
   94    87  Joshua Penn, 1              21:05    6:48  Bishop McNamara
   95    88  Paul Wiehagen, 4            21:09    6:49  Saint Anselm's Abbey
   96    89  Matthew Hankin, 2           21:12    6:50  Maret
   97    90  John Eiden-Wagner, 2        21:12    6:50  Maret
   98    91  Sean Eitze, 4               21:16    6:51  Glenelg Country Schoo
   99    92  Erik Zeberlein, 3           21:26    6:55  Flint Hill
  100    93  Diego Ricaurte, 2           21:26    6:55  Glenelg Country Schoo
  101        James Harter, 1             21:29    6:56  Potomac School
  102    94  Dru Brant, 3                21:35    6:57  Kiski School
  103    95  John Hamm, 2                21:41    7:00  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  104        Eric Plein, 2               21:44    7:01  Flint Hill
  105    96  Woo Jae Park, 1             21:47    7:02  St. James
  106    97  Farrell Sheehan, 2          22:00    7:06  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  107    98  Jimmy Voelzke, 4            22:04    7:07  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  108    99  Jeffrey Johnson, 2          22:13    7:10  Glenelg Country Schoo
  109   100  Julian Spector, 3           22:20    7:12  Maret
  110   101  Connor Redmond, 2           22:30    7:15  St. James
  111   102  Mande Magassonba, 3         22:39    7:18  St. James
  112   103  Ian Tsang, 2                22:48    7:21  St. James
  113   104  Asa King, 4                 22:53    7:23  Maret
  114   105  Paul Glick, 3               22:54    7:23  Maret
  115        Zach Ayers, 3               22:58    7:24  Flint Hill
  116   106  Yong-Uk Kim, 2              22:59    7:25  Maret
  117   107  Will Howard, 3              23:12    7:29  St. James
  118   108  Matthew Curran, 2           23:41    7:38  Glenelg Country Schoo
  119   109  Ryan Hayes, 1               27:50    8:59  Glenelg Country Schoo
  120   110  Thomas Pierre, 3            28:28    9:11  Glenelg Country Schoo
  121   111  Frederic Kim, 4             28:33    9:12  Glenelg Country Schoo
"*" indicates females
17 finishers among Men 1 & Under
36 finishers among Men 2 - 2
33 finishers among Men 3 - 3
35 finishers among Men 4 - 4
121 male finishers
0 female finishers
121 total finishers



Sept. 27, 2008


  1   National Cathedral       82    4   17   18   21   22   33        21:19      1:10
  2   Notre Dame Prep          88   12   13   14   24   25   26   31   21:28        56
  3   Georgetown Visitation    99    2    6    9   36   46   50   60   21:28      3:28
  4   Episcopal (Va)          106    7    8   19   27   45   66   72   21:39      2:26
  5   Potomac School          133    1   10   32   39   51   53   68   21:44      4:43
  6   St. Andrew's Girls      154   15   29   35   37   38   41   54   22:24      1:49
  7   Sidwell Friends         163    3   11   44   49   56   63        22:18      3:23
  8   Mercersburg             193    5   16   23   67   82   84   91   22:30      4:19
  9   Bullis                  240   30   34   47   48   81             23:18      2:30
 10   Mount De Sales          252   28   43   55   62   64   65   89   23:17      1:43
 11   Flint Hill              331   20   70   71   78   92   96   98   24:00      4:01
 12   A. Of The Holy Cross    333   52   61   69   75   76   90   95   24:07      1:07
 13   Georgetown Day          372   57   58   80   83   94  100  102   24:32      2:02
 14   Stone Ridge             382   42   77   79   85   99  101        24:50      3:34
 15   Maret                   392   40   74   88   93   97  104  105   24:55      3:23
 16   Madeira                 408   59   73   86   87  103  106  107   25:08      3:52

Edmund Burke
Glenelg Country Schoo
Nova Ac


1. National Cathedral
    4  Lottie Hedden, 3*           20:31    6:37
   17  Taylor Baskin, 4*           21:24    6:54
   18  Hannah Wolfe, 3*            21:24    6:54
   21  Maggie Gaffney, 2*          21:37    6:58
   22  Christina Bax, 3*           21:41    6:59
   33  Megan McKoy, 3*             22:31    7:16
Time = 1:46:34     Places = 82

2. Notre Dame Prep
   12  Liz Schiavone, 4*           21:06    6:48
   13  Kate Dunseith, 3*           21:06    6:48
   14  Jen Karkoska, 4*            21:08    6:49
   24  Kyla Keefe, 1*              21:57    7:05
   25  Laura Slaughter, 1*         22:01    7:06
   26  Nicole Troiani, 3*          22:02    7:06
   31  Jo Rubino, 4*               22:27    7:14
Time = 1:47:16     Places = 88

3. Georgetown Visitation
    2  Moira Ryan, 4*              19:50    6:24
    6  Natlie Atabek, 4*           20:35    6:38
    9  Bridget Connelly, 2*        20:50    6:43
   36  Katie Hill, 3*              22:50    7:22
   46  Megan Morrissey, 4*         23:18    7:31
   50  Katie Pohl, 2*              23:23    7:32
   60  Laura Huber, 2*             23:44    7:39
Time = 1:47:20     Places = 99

4. Episcopal (Va)
    7  Catherine Harrison, 4*      20:45    6:42
    8  Coles Lawton, 3*            20:46    6:42
   19  Preston Cory, 2*            21:28    6:55
   27  Haley Morgan, 4*            22:05    7:07
   45  Alessandra Gavin, 1*        23:11    7:29
   66  Ugne Mitrikevicuite, 3*     23:56    7:43
   72  Jordan Nulsen, 3*           24:19    7:51
Time = 1:48:13     Places = 106

5. Potomac School
    1  Anneka Wilson, 3*           18:46    6:03
   10  Shivani Kochhar, 3*         21:01    6:47
   32  Carrita Thomas, 2*          22:27    7:14
   39  Catherine Lipsher, 3*       22:58    7:24
   51  Patricia Brandt, 3*         23:28    7:34
   53  Cara Murphy, 1*             23:31    7:35
   68  Doris McAuliff, 3*          24:02    7:45
Time = 1:48:39     Places = 133

6. St. Andrew's Girls
   15  Yaa Addison, 4*             21:09    6:49
   29  Hannah Hastings, 1*         22:15    7:10
   35  Lisa Nash, 4*               22:43    7:20
   37  Elana Taub, 4*              22:57    7:24
   38  Megan Nash, 4*              22:58    7:24
   41  Charlotte Kiernan, 4*       23:05    7:26
   54  Carly Thayer, 1*            23:34    7:36
Time = 1:52:00     Places = 154

7. Sidwell Friends
    3  Marisa Repka, 3*            20:15    6:32
   11  Lauren Lewis, 4*            21:05    6:48
   44  Katie Burke, 2*             23:11    7:28
   49  Cleo Abram, 2*              23:23    7:32
   56  Stephanie Allen, 2*         23:37    7:37
   63  Colleen Gallagher, 3*       23:48    7:40
Time = 1:51:30     Places = 163

8. Mercersburg
    5  Mackenzie Riford, 2*        20:34    6:38
   16  Abby Colby, 1*              21:19    6:53
   23  Deborah Adjibaba, 2*        21:46    7:01
   67  Sarah Duda, 3*              23:57    7:43
   82  Joy Mullins, 3*             24:53    8:01
   84  Julia Simmons, 3*           24:55    8:02
   91  Theresa Kirch, 3*           25:17    8:09
Time = 1:52:27     Places = 193

9. Bullis
   30  Nina Roumell, 4*            22:22    7:13
   34  Adrienne Wendling, 4*       22:37    7:17
   47  Grace Takesuye, 4*          23:20    7:31
   48  Caroline Sussman, 2*        23:23    7:32
   81  Julia Brady, 1*             24:51    8:01
Time = 1:56:31     Places = 240

10. Mount De Sales
   28  Amy Meyers, 2*              22:06    7:08
   43  Caroline Arnold, 2*         23:10    7:28
   55  Ellen Sheehan, 4*           23:35    7:36
   62  Corinne Cohagan, 2*         23:46    7:40
   64  Lesley Nalley, 1*           23:49    7:41
   65  Kelsey Koenig, 3*           23:51    7:42
   89  Rachel Donavan, 1*          25:11    8:07
Time = 1:56:23     Places = 252

11. Flint Hill
   20  Lauren Police, 2*           21:28    6:55
   70  Taylor Denney, 2*           24:10    7:48
   71  Sophia Breyfogle, 1*        24:13    7:48
   78  Kristina Burger, 4*         24:41    7:58
   92  Cara Peterson, 3*           25:29    8:13
   96  Abigail Singerling, 1*      26:04    8:24
   98  Dana Alloy, 1*              26:38    8:35
Time = 2:00:00     Places = 331

12. A. Of The Holy Cross
   52  Allison Bradford, 4*        23:30    7:35
   61  Caitlin Parker, 4*          23:45    7:39
   69  Brianna Darling, 2*         24:07    7:47
   75  Christine Costello, 4*      24:35    7:56
   76  Grace McGann, 3*            24:36    7:56
   90  Anna Davitt, 4*             25:17    8:09
   95  Katherine Cardy, 3*         25:51    8:20
Time = 2:00:31     Places = 333

13. Georgetown Day
   57  Sarah Spergel, 2*           23:38    7:37
   58  Elizabeth Cox, 2*           23:38    7:37
   80  Alyssa Cogen, 4*            24:50    8:01
   83  Elaine Ogden, 4*            24:54    8:02
   94  Elisa Magalhaes, 3*         25:39    8:16
  100  Eva Stevenson, 2*           26:50    8:39
  102  Lily Meyer, 4*              27:29    8:52
Time = 2:02:38     Places = 372

14. Stone Ridge
   42  Diana Pressel, 2*           23:07    7:27
   77  Meghan Pfeifer, 1*          24:38    7:57
   79  Charis Whitnah, 4*          24:47    8:00
   85  Tayloer Mauk, 3*            24:59    8:03
   99  Kim Deausen, 1*             26:40    8:36
  101  Bernie Cosgrive, 4*         27:17    8:48
Time = 2:04:10     Places = 382

15. Maret
   40  Melanie Broder, 4*          23:00    7:25
   74  Shelby Smith, 4*            24:33    7:55
   88  Sarah Haselkorn, 4*         25:10    8:07
   93  Becca Gallahue, 3*          25:30    8:13
   97  Sonali Devaranjan, 4*       26:22    8:30
  104  Jessie Kohlman, 1*          27:36    8:54
  105  Maia Kazin, 4*              28:14    9:06
Time = 2:04:33     Places = 392

16. Madeira
   59  Caroline Wattenmaker, 3*    23:42    7:39
   73  Alice Zytek, 2*             24:23    7:52
   86  Annaleise Girone, 2*        25:00    8:04
   87  Caroline Guensburg, 3*      25:01    8:04
  103  Carsen Anderson, 3*         27:34    8:53
  106  Lauren Belayneh, 2*         28:44    9:16
  107  Eleonor Choi, 1*            29:46    9:36
Time = 2:05:39     Places = 408

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM


    1     1  Anneka Wilson, 3*           18:46    6:03  Potomac School
    2     2  Moira Ryan, 4*              19:50    6:24  Georgetown Visitation
    3        Maeve Ricaurte, 4*          19:57    6:26  Glenelg Country Schoo
    4     3  Marisa Repka, 3*            20:15    6:32  Sidwell Friends
    5     4  Lottie Hedden, 3*           20:31    6:37  National Cathedral
    6     5  Mackenzie Riford, 2*        20:34    6:38  Mercersburg
    7     6  Natlie Atabek, 4*           20:35    6:38  Georgetown Visitation
    8     7  Catherine Harrison, 4*      20:45    6:42  Episcopal (Va)
    9     8  Coles Lawton, 3*            20:46    6:42  Episcopal (Va)
   10     9  Bridget Connelly, 2*        20:50    6:43  Georgetown Visitation
   11    10  Shivani Kochhar, 3*         21:01    6:47  Potomac School
   12    11  Lauren Lewis, 4*            21:05    6:48  Sidwell Friends
   13    12  Liz Schiavone, 4*           21:06    6:48  Notre Dame Prep
   14    13  Kate Dunseith, 3*           21:06    6:48  Notre Dame Prep
   15    14  Jen Karkoska, 4*            21:08    6:49  Notre Dame Prep
   16    15  Yaa Addison, 4*             21:09    6:49  St. Andrew's Girls
   17    16  Abby Colby, 1*              21:19    6:53  Mercersburg
   18    17  Taylor Baskin, 4*           21:24    6:54  National Cathedral
   19    18  Hannah Wolfe, 3*            21:24    6:54  National Cathedral
   20    19  Preston Cory, 2*            21:28    6:55  Episcopal (Va)
   21    20  Lauren Police, 2*           21:28    6:55  Flint Hill
   22    21  Maggie Gaffney, 2*          21:37    6:58  National Cathedral
   23    22  Christina Bax, 3*           21:41    6:59  National Cathedral
   24    23  Deborah Adjibaba, 2*        21:46    7:01  Mercersburg
   25    24  Kyla Keefe, 1*              21:57    7:05  Notre Dame Prep
   26    25  Laura Slaughter, 1*         22:01    7:06  Notre Dame Prep
   27    26  Nicole Troiani, 3*          22:02    7:06  Notre Dame Prep
   28        Molly McCabe, 1*            22:05    7:07  Edmund Burke
   29    27  Haley Morgan, 4*            22:05    7:07  Episcopal (Va)
   30    28  Amy Meyers, 2*              22:06    7:08  Mount De Sales
   31    29  Hannah Hastings, 1*         22:15    7:10  St. Andrew's Girls
   32    30  Nina Roumell, 4*            22:22    7:13  Bullis
   33    31  Jo Rubino, 4*               22:27    7:14  Notre Dame Prep
   34    32  Carrita Thomas, 2*          22:27    7:14  Potomac School
   35    33  Megan McKoy, 3*             22:31    7:16  National Cathedral
   36    34  Adrienne Wendling, 4*       22:37    7:17  Bullis
   37    35  Lisa Nash, 4*               22:43    7:20  St. Andrew's Girls
   38    36  Katie Hill, 3*              22:50    7:22  Georgetown Visitation
   39        Mathilde Arandia, 1*        22:52    7:23  Edmund Burke
   40    37  Elana Taub, 4*              22:57    7:24  St. Andrew's Girls
   41    38  Megan Nash, 4*              22:58    7:24  St. Andrew's Girls
   42    39  Catherine Lipsher, 3*       22:58    7:24  Potomac School
   43    40  Melanie Broder, 4*          23:00    7:25  Maret
   44    41  Charlotte Kiernan, 4*       23:05    7:26  St. Andrew's Girls
   45    42  Diana Pressel, 2*           23:07    7:27  Stone Ridge
   46    43  Caroline Arnold, 2*         23:10    7:28  Mount De Sales
   47    44  Katie Burke, 2*             23:11    7:28  Sidwell Friends
   48    45  Alessandra Gavin, 1*        23:11    7:29  Episcopal (Va)
   49        Emma Timbers, 3*            23:11    7:29  Edmund Burke
   50    46  Megan Morrissey, 4*         23:18    7:31  Georgetown Visitation
   51    47  Grace Takesuye, 4*          23:20    7:31  Bullis
   52        Emily Durant, 4*            23:22    7:32  Nova Ac
   53    48  Caroline Sussman, 2*        23:23    7:32  Bullis
   54    49  Cleo Abram, 2*              23:23    7:32  Sidwell Friends
   55    50  Katie Pohl, 2*              23:23    7:32  Georgetown Visitation
   56    51  Patricia Brandt, 3*         23:28    7:34  Potomac School
   57    52  Allison Bradford, 4*        23:30    7:35  A. Of The Holy Cross
   58    53  Cara Murphy, 1*             23:31    7:35  Potomac School
   59    54  Carly Thayer, 1*            23:34    7:36  St. Andrew's Girls
   60    55  Ellen Sheehan, 4*           23:35    7:36  Mount De Sales
   61    56  Stephanie Allen, 2*         23:37    7:37  Sidwell Friends
   62    57  Sarah Spergel, 2*           23:38    7:37  Georgetown Day
   63    58  Elizabeth Cox, 2*           23:38    7:37  Georgetown Day
   64    59  Caroline Wattenmaker, 3*    23:42    7:39  Madeira
   65    60  Laura Huber, 2*             23:44    7:39  Georgetown Visitation
   66    61  Caitlin Parker, 4*          23:45    7:39  A. Of The Holy Cross
   67    62  Corinne Cohagan, 2*         23:46    7:40  Mount De Sales
   68    63  Colleen Gallagher, 3*       23:48    7:40  Sidwell Friends
   69    64  Lesley Nalley, 1*           23:49    7:41  Mount De Sales
   70    65  Kelsey Koenig, 3*           23:51    7:42  Mount De Sales
   71    66  Ugne Mitrikevicuite, 3*     23:56    7:43  Episcopal (Va)
   72    67  Sarah Duda, 3*              23:57    7:43  Mercersburg
   73    68  Doris McAuliff, 3*          24:02    7:45  Potomac School
   74    69  Brianna Darling, 2*         24:07    7:47  A. Of The Holy Cross
   75    70  Taylor Denney, 2*           24:10    7:48  Flint Hill
   76    71  Sophia Breyfogle, 1*        24:13    7:48  Flint Hill
   77    72  Jordan Nulsen, 3*           24:19    7:51  Episcopal (Va)
   78    73  Alice Zytek, 2*             24:23    7:52  Madeira
   79    74  Shelby Smith, 4*            24:33    7:55  Maret
   80    75  Christine Costello, 4*      24:35    7:56  A. Of The Holy Cross
   81    76  Grace McGann, 3*            24:36    7:56  A. Of The Holy Cross
   82    77  Meghan Pfeifer, 1*          24:38    7:57  Stone Ridge
   83    78  Kristina Burger, 4*         24:41    7:58  Flint Hill
   84    79  Charis Whitnah, 4*          24:47    8:00  Stone Ridge
   85    80  Alyssa Cogen, 4*            24:50    8:01  Georgetown Day
   86    81  Julia Brady, 1*             24:51    8:01  Bullis
   87    82  Joy Mullins, 3*             24:53    8:01  Mercersburg
   88    83  Elaine Ogden, 4*            24:54    8:02  Georgetown Day
   89    84  Julia Simmons, 3*           24:55    8:02  Mercersburg
   90    85  Tayloer Mauk, 3*            24:59    8:03  Stone Ridge
   91    86  Annaleise Girone, 2*        25:00    8:04  Madeira
   92    87  Caroline Guensburg, 3*      25:01    8:04  Madeira
   93    88  Sarah Haselkorn, 4*         25:10    8:07  Maret
   94    89  Rachel Donavan, 1*          25:11    8:07  Mount De Sales
   95    90  Anna Davitt, 4*             25:17    8:09  A. Of The Holy Cross
   96    91  Theresa Kirch, 3*           25:17    8:09  Mercersburg
   97    92  Cara Peterson, 3*           25:29    8:13  Flint Hill
   98    93  Becca Gallahue, 3*          25:30    8:13  Maret
   99    94  Elisa Magalhaes, 3*         25:39    8:16  Georgetown Day
  100    95  Katherine Cardy, 3*         25:51    8:20  A. Of The Holy Cross
  101    96  Abigail Singerling, 1*      26:04    8:24  Flint Hill
  102    97  Sonali Devaranjan, 4*       26:22    8:30  Maret
  103    98  Dana Alloy, 1*              26:38    8:35  Flint Hill
  104    99  Kim Deausen, 1*             26:40    8:36  Stone Ridge
  105   100  Eva Stevenson, 2*           26:50    8:39  Georgetown Day
  106        Natalie Johnson, 2*         27:03    8:43  Edmund Burke
  107   101  Bernie Cosgrive, 4*         27:17    8:48  Stone Ridge
  108   102  Lily Meyer, 4*              27:29    8:52  Georgetown Day
  109   103  Carsen Anderson, 3*         27:34    8:53  Madeira
  110   104  Jessie Kohlman, 1*          27:36    8:54  Maret
  111        Camille Hackney, 4*         28:14    9:06  Glenelg Country Schoo
  112   105  Maia Kazin, 4*              28:14    9:06  Maret
  113   106  Lauren Belayneh, 2*         28:44    9:16  Madeira
  114   107  Eleonor Choi, 1*            29:46    9:36  Madeira
"*" indicates females
19 finishers among Women 1 & Under
26 finishers among Women 2 - 2
32 finishers among Women 3 - 3
37 finishers among Women 4 - 4
0 male finishers
114 female finishers
114 total finishers



Sept. 27, 2008

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM


    1  Jordan Clark, 3             17:57    5:47  St. Albans
    2  Connor Ryan, 2              18:08    5:51  Gonzaga
    3  Nick Howell, 4              18:17    5:54  Gonzaga
    4  Kevin Greene, 3             18:19    5:54  Gonzaga
    5  Jp Shannon, 3               18:32    5:59  Gonzaga
    6  Gibson Johns, 2             18:38    6:00  St. Albans
    7  Pat Flaherty, 2             18:40    6:01  Gonzaga
    8  Jeff Schlossberg, 3         18:48    6:04  St. Albans
    9  Thomas Garrison, 3          18:49    6:04  Woodberry Forest
   10  Anthony Dattoli, 2          18:54    6:06  Gonzaga
   11  Austin Parker, 3            18:55    6:06  Episcopal (Va)
   12  Beau Perona, 4              18:56    6:06  Episcopal (Va)
   13  James Mellody, 2            18:56    6:06  St. Albans
   14  Mike Dragnich, 2            18:59    6:07  St. Albans
   15  Billy Abrams, 4             19:01    6:08  Mercersburg
   16  Ferdi Le Grange, 2          19:04    6:09  St. Albans
   17  Will Moorhead, 4            19:04    6:09  St. Albans
   18  Ryan Creamer, 3             19:07    6:10  Gonzaga
   19  Spencer Chretien, 3         19:07    6:10  St. Albans
   20  Charlie Axelrod, 3          19:18    6:13  St. Albans
   21  Jake Love, 2                19:21    6:14  Episcopal (Va)
   22  Mike Dempsey, 3             19:24    6:15  Gonzaga
   23  Mike Crozier, 1             19:25    6:16  Gonzaga
   24  Cyrus Aghdam, 4             19:27    6:16  Gonzaga
   25  Jack Devlin, 4              19:33    6:18  Gonzaga
   26  Zach Bailey, 3              19:37    6:20  Mercersburg
   27  Ben Otoo, 3                 19:38    6:20  St. Albans
   28  Thomas Fergus, 1            19:39    6:20  Gonzaga
   29  Liam McLaughlin, 4          19:39    6:20  Gonzaga
   30  Matt Kent, 3                19:42    6:21  Gonzaga
   31  Charles Gillock, 3          19:44    6:22  Episcopal (Va)
   32  Jun Wu, 3                   19:49    6:23  Episcopal (Va)
   33  James Cunningham, 4         20:00    6:27  St. Albans
   34  Will Meyerson, 4            20:00    6:27  Gonzaga
   35  Alex Beresford, 2           20:03    6:28  St. Albans
   36  Michael Kelly, 3            20:03    6:28  Gonzaga
   37  Robbie Heartfield, 2        20:04    6:28  St. Albans
   38  Austin Kim, 4               20:05    6:29  Episcopal (Va)
   39  Joseph Beatty, 2            20:21    6:34  Heights School
   40  Sean Wareham, 2             20:21    6:34  St. Albans
   41  Geoffrey Malloy, 3          20:26    6:35  Gonzaga
   42  Thad Jones, 2               20:27    6:36  Sidwell Friends
   43  Leland Schwartz, 1          20:29    6:36  Georgetown Day
   44  Sam Roberts, 3              20:30    6:37  Gonzaga
   45  Matt Esposito, 3            20:30    6:37  Gonzaga
   46  Alec Downie, 2              20:31    6:37  St. Albans
   47  Rj Drucker, 1               20:31    6:37  Episcopal (Va)
   48  Anthony Holland, 2          20:32    6:37  Gonzaga
   49  Michael Alexander, 2        20:35    6:38  St. Albans
   50  Sebastian Roa, 3            20:36    6:39  Gonzaga
   51  Ryan McGlynn, 2             20:37    6:39  Gonzaga
   52  Mark Herring, 4             20:38    6:39  Mercersburg
   53  Alexander Jalota, 1         20:39    6:39  St. Albans
   54  John Overall, 2             20:39    6:40  Bullis
   55  Zach Miller, 3              20:43    6:41  Bishop McNamara
   56  Dylan Grigg, 1              20:45    6:41  St. Albans
   57  Morgan Hensley, 3           20:45    6:42  Episcopal (Va)
   58  Lincoln Leahy, 2            20:46    6:42  Bullis
   59  Brandon Kolb, 2             20:47    6:42  Heights School
   60  Ethan Brooks, 4             20:52    6:44  Gonzaga
   61  Joe Dobbins, 1              20:54    6:44  St. Albans
   62  Sean Kerrigan, 2            20:57    6:45  Gonzaga
   63  Cyrus Nasseri, 3            20:59    6:46  St. Albans
   64  Sergio Pineda, 2            21:00    6:46  Sidwell Friends
   65  Austin Campbell, 1          21:01    6:47  St. Albans
   66  Sam Cohen, 2                21:02    6:47  Georgetown Day
   67  John Richey, 4              21:04    6:47  Mercersburg
   68  Mike Riendeau, 3            21:05    6:48  Mercersburg
   69  Daniel Kim, 2               21:05    6:48  St. Albans
   70  Jamie Gerber, 1             21:06    6:48  St. Albans
   71  Adam Wescott, 3             21:07    6:49  Sidwell Friends
   72  Marty McGowan, 4            21:08    6:49  Gonzaga
   73  Frankie Cipollone, 1        21:10    6:49  Heights School
   74  Andrew Lopatka, 3           21:10    6:50  Gonzaga
   75  Nick Lindsay, 1             21:11    6:50  Gonzaga
   76  Alex Alves, 2               21:13    6:50  Sidwell Friends
   77  Andrew Duffy, 2             21:13    6:51  St. Albans
   78  Rob Cumby, 3                21:16    6:51  St. Albans
   79  Nick Styles, 3              21:16    6:52  Episcopal (Va)
   80  Sam Gilman, 2               21:17    6:52  Georgetown Day
   81  Zach Gillis, 2              21:20    6:53  Gonzaga
   82  Gilly Dotterer, 2           21:24    6:54  Episcopal (Va)
   83  James Porcari, 1            21:26    6:55  Bishop McNamara
   84  Brian Palmer, 4             21:28    6:55  St. Albans
   85  Henry Meyerson, 1           21:28    6:55  Gonzaga
   86  Thomas Knutson, 2           21:31    6:56  Episcopal (Va)
   87  Brenden Kelley, 1           21:32    6:56  Gonzaga
   88  Peter Helman, 2             21:35    6:57  Georgetown Day
   89  Andrews Hisle, 2            21:36    6:58  Gonzaga
   90  Jacob Penn, 1               21:37    6:58  Bishop McNamara
   91  Zach Howard, 4              21:41    6:59  Bullis
   92  Quent Fox, 2                21:41    7:00  Episcopal (Va)
   93  Jeff Bass, 1                21:42    7:00  Bullis
   94  David Roza, 2               21:43    7:00  Mercersburg
   95  Sam Kleinman, 1             21:44    7:00  St. Albans
   96  Quinn Caslow, 1             21:44    7:00  Episcopal (Va)
   97  Connor Whitcomb, 2          21:45    7:01  Gonzaga
   98  Reilly McCarthy, 4          21:46    7:01  Gonzaga
   99  Jeffery McDonald, 4         21:51    7:03  Bishop McNamara
  100  Julien Blarel, 2            21:54    7:04  St. Albans
  101  Broadyway Jackson, 2        21:59    7:05  Potomac School
  102  Zach Spires, 3              22:03    7:07  Gonzaga
  103  Will Cafritz, 1             22:05    7:07  Georgetown Day
  104  Kevin Moss, 2               22:07    7:08  Gonzaga
  105  Paul Fagan, 4               22:08    7:08  Heights School
  106  Ross Bender, 4              22:10    7:09  Bullis
  107  Adam Frank, 1               22:10    7:09  Georgetown Day
  108  William Hackenson, 4        22:11    7:09  Episcopal (Va)
  109  Phillip Hsu, 2              22:11    7:09  Georgetown Day
  110  Drew Dawson, 1              22:12    7:10  Gonzaga
  111  Taylor Merrill, 2           22:17    7:11  Episcopal (Va)
  112  Thomas Hopson, 1            22:19    7:12  St. Albans
  113  Jack Connelly, 3            22:20    7:12  Gonzaga
  114  William Drozdoski, 1        22:22    7:13  St. James
  115  Christopher Chmura, 3       22:25    7:14  Heights School
  116  Patrick Blinkhorn, 4        22:27    7:14  Georgetown Day
  117  Woody King, 4               22:31    7:16  Bullis
  118  Anant Kesavan, 1            22:32    7:16  Georgetown Day
  119  Allen Irving, 1             22:33    7:16  Mercersburg
  120  Desmond Dahlberg, 1         22:34    7:16  St. Albans
  121  Melvin Salinas, 4           22:35    7:17  Georgetown Day
  122  Gabe Brown, 1               22:38    7:18  Sidwell Friends
  123  Julian Weiss, 1             22:38    7:18  Sidwell Friends
  124  Eric Anderson, 1            22:39    7:18  Sidwell Friends
  125  Michael Ninassi, 1          22:40    7:19  Potomac School
  126  William Guitierrez, 1       22:41    7:19  Potomac School
  127  Kazuki Sadahiro, 2          22:42    7:19  St. James
  128  Patrick Reed, 2             22:44    7:20  Sidwell Friends
  129  Matt McLaughlin, 1          22:47    7:21  Sidwell Friends
  130  Tommy Chambers, 4           22:53    7:23  Gonzaga
  131  Chris Bodurian, 1           22:57    7:24  St. Albans
  132  Sean Wallisch, 1            22:58    7:24  Gonzaga
  133  Max Adagio, 4               22:58    7:24  Gonzaga
  134  Alvin Zepeda, 3             22:59    7:25  Gonzaga
  135  Nick Connolly, 2            23:00    7:25  Edmund Burke
  136  William Pack, 2             23:00    7:25  St. Albans
  137  Luke Soltero, 1             23:00    7:25  Heights School
  138  Tommy Chao, 2               23:12    7:29  Bullis
  139  Kase Suyderhoud, 1          23:12    7:29  Sidwell Friends
  140  Patrick Crilley, 3          23:14    7:29  Gonzaga
  141  Austin Robertazza, 2        23:15    7:30  St. James
  142  Brian McCarthy, 4           23:19    7:31  Gonzaga
  143  Eric Jackson, 2             23:21    7:32  Georgetown Day
  144  Connor Pierce, 1            23:31    7:35  Flint Hill
  145  Cyrus Sadeghian, 1          23:35    7:36  St. Albans
  146  Sean Heaslip, 1             23:37    7:37  St. Albans
  147  Hans Ege-Wenger, 3          23:37    7:37  Sidwell Friends
  148  Jared Sprowls, 1            23:38    7:37  Georgetown Day
  149  Zack Dawson, 2              23:40    7:38  Maret
  150  Michael Abbey, 2            23:40    7:38  Maret
  151  Anthony Morris, 3           23:45    7:39  Gonzaga
  152  David Herman, 1             23:45    7:40  Georgetown Day
  153  Bobby Brooks, 3             23:51    7:42  St. James
  154  Jack Fatheree, 1            23:52    7:42  Bullis
  155  Zach Ashburn, 1             23:55    7:43  Episcopal (Va)
  156  Michael Kable, 1            23:59    7:44  St. James
  157  Terrance Barner, 1          23:59    7:44  Episcopal (Va)
  158  Edgar Caiza, 3              24:02    7:45  Gonzaga
  159  Max Bennett, 1              24:02    7:45  St. Albans
  160  David Oetjen, 2             24:02    7:45  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  161  Billy Cowden, 1             24:03    7:45  Gonzaga
  162  Kevin Longely, 3            24:06    7:46  Bullis
  163  Ben Leiken, 3               24:07    7:47  St. Albans
  164  Thomas Faison, 1            24:08    7:47  Mercersburg
  165  Nick Burton, 4              24:13    7:49  St. Albans
  166  Blaise Fortier, 1           24:15    7:49  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  167  Consta Sidamon-Eristoff, 2  24:15    7:49  Bullis
  168  Jack Fowler, 8              24:27    7:53  St. James
  169  Adam Hamrick, 8             24:28    7:53  St. James
  170  Thomas Loughney, 2          24:38    7:57  Potomac School
  171  Alex Graham, 4              24:40    7:57  St. James
  172  Jake Sentz, 4               24:41    7:58  Bullis
  173  James Johnson, 1            24:41    7:58  Potomac School
  174  Kaihua Zheng, 3             24:51    8:01  Sidwell Friends
  175  Dara Vaziri, 3              24:53    8:02  Mercersburg
  176  Severn Rash, 1              24:53    8:02  Sidwell Friends
  177  Leo McLaughlin, 3           24:53    8:02  Gonzaga
  178  Danny Roza, 2               24:55    8:02  Mercersburg
  179  Alex Schuyler, 4            25:14    8:08  Episcopal (Va)
  180  David Block, 4              25:17    8:09  Episcopal (Va)
  181  Ik Soo Kwon, 4              25:19    8:10  Episcopal (Va)
  182  Samuel Tarplin, 1           25:28    8:13  Potomac School
  183  Joe Carr, 1                 25:30    8:14  Edmund Burke
  184  Brian Carroll, 3            25:39    8:16  St. Albans
  185  Colin Swagart, 2            25:42    8:17  St. Albans
  186  Taylor Barker, 1            25:45    8:18  St. Albans
  187  Sebastian Corrochano, 1     25:48    8:19  Potomac School
  188  Darcy Musni, 2              25:50    8:20  Mercersburg
  189  Hanuman Gowda, 1            25:59    8:23  Glenelg Country Schoo
  190  Brent Nagel, 1              26:00    8:23  Potomac School
  191  Blake Richman, 3            26:08    8:26  Bullis
  192  George Wojcik, 2            26:12    8:27  Sidwell Friends
  193  Adam Gauthier, 1            26:13    8:27  Gonzaga
  194  Kojo Kamya, 2               26:36    8:35  Bullis
  195  Aurian Darvishi, 1          26:44    8:37  Bullis
  196  Tevin McDonald, 1           26:44    8:37  Bishop McNamara
  197  Keenan Lidral-Porter, 1     26:48    8:39  Potomac School
  198  Agi Ambe, 1                 26:49    8:39  Gonzaga
  199  Jamal Anifowoshe, 1         26:52    8:40  Glenelg Country Schoo
  200  Karl Anderson, 3            26:57    8:41  St. James
  201  Martin Kellogg, 1           27:17    8:48  St. Albans
  202  Ben Lande, 2                27:18    8:48  Maret
  203  Kyle Kotecki, 3             27:20    8:49  Sidwell Friends
  204  Kealan Hannes, 1            27:20    8:49  St. Albans
  205  Diego Jones, 1              28:24    9:09  Saint Anselm's Abbey
  206  Conor McCandless, 2         28:24    9:09  Glenelg Country Schoo
  207  Saman Bahadorie, 1          28:25    9:10  Bullis
  208  Abraham Zhao, 2             28:31    9:12  Georgetown Day
  209  Connor Nelson, 1            28:51    9:18  Flint Hill
  210  Sean Smiley, 4              28:54    9:19  St. James
  211  Chris Abbey, 2              29:20    9:28  Maret
  212  Zach Clouse, 3              29:34    9:32  St. James
  213  Jordon Brody, 1             29:58    9:40  Glenelg Country Schoo
  214  Jesse Gauthier, 3           30:17    9:46  Gonzaga
  215  Edward Mahaffey, 2          31:00   10:00  St. Albans
"*" indicates females
69 finishers among Men 1 & Under
62 finishers among Men 2 - 2
48 finishers among Men 3 - 3
34 finishers among Men 4 - 4
2 finishers among Men 5 & Up
215 male finishers
0 female finishers
215 total finishers

Results courtesy of Betsy Willis and Mercersburg Academy


Sept. 27, 2008

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM


    1  Charlie Krebs, 1*           22:26    7:14  Nova Ac
    2  McKenzie Machovic, 4*       22:32    7:16  Notre Dame Prep
    3  Sarah Sebastian, 2*         22:33    7:16  Notre Dame Prep
    4  Margueri Epstein-Martin, 1* 22:39    7:18  National Cathedral
    5  Elise Sidamon-Eristoff, 4*  22:50    7:22  National Cathedral
    6  Raina Davis, 4*             23:05    7:27  National Cathedral
    7  Tina Moore, 2*              23:07    7:27  Notre Dame Prep
    8  Emily Brooks, 2*            23:17    7:30  Georgetown Visitation
    9  Katherine Fitzgerald, 4*    23:21    7:32  Notre Dame Prep
   10  Christie Davison, 1*        23:21    7:32  Notre Dame Prep
   11  Maggie Behlen, 3*           23:22    7:32  Notre Dame Prep
   12  Ariana Vitarelli, 3*        23:30    7:35  A. Of The Holy Cross
   13  Gen O'Keefe, 2*             23:41    7:38  Notre Dame Prep
   14  Jordan Warlick, 2*          23:46    7:40  National Cathedral
   15  Elaine Hynds, 2*            23:49    7:41  Georgetown Visitation
   16  Juliana Canfield, 3*        23:49    7:41  National Cathedral
   17  Sydney Fenstermaker, 1*     23:56    7:43  Episcopal (Va)
   18  Molly Hayes, 3*             23:56    7:43  National Cathedral
   19  Ali Fauci, 3*               24:03    7:45  National Cathedral
   20  Marie Henneburg, 2*         24:05    7:46  Potomac School
   21  Lindsey Garlitz, 4*         24:15    7:49  Mercersburg
   22  Naomi Bates, 3*             24:19    7:50  National Cathedral
   23  Kate Sommerville, 1*        24:30    7:54  Notre Dame Prep
   24  Caitlin Regan, 2*           24:31    7:54  Notre Dame Prep
   25  Jane Bartman, 3*            24:35    7:56  National Cathedral
   26  Jenny Santos, 2*            24:38    7:57  Notre Dame Prep
   27  Marisa Messina, 1*          24:41    7:57  Georgetown Day
   28  Ciara McCarthy, 2*          24:55    8:02  Georgetown Visitation
   29  Emily Hite, 4*              25:04    8:05  Mount De Sales
   30  Katie Audy, 3*              25:04    8:05  Mount De Sales
   31  Stephanie Caggiano, 2*      25:05    8:05  Potomac School
   32  Elizabeth Conti, 3*         25:11    8:07  A. Of The Holy Cross
   33  Magda Kala, 4*              25:16    8:09  Mercersburg
   34  Molly Roberts, 1*           25:20    8:10  Georgetown Day
   35  Krissia Rivera, 2*          25:31    8:14  St. Andrew's Girls
   36  Margo Thronson, 3*          25:33    8:14  Potomac School
   37  Claire Howachyn, 1*         25:35    8:15  Notre Dame Prep
   38  Missy Velez, 1*             25:35    8:15  Notre Dame Prep
   39  Carolyn Gigot, 1*           25:37    8:16  National Cathedral
   40  Leigh Beynon, 4*            25:42    8:17  Mount De Sales
   41  Cathy Bai, 2*               25:44    8:18  Episcopal (Va)
   42  Lauren Seely, 1*            25:46    8:19  National Cathedral
   43  Katie Schmitz, 4*           25:47    8:19  Georgetown Visitation
   44  Marisel Wilbur, 1*          25:49    8:19  Georgetown Visitation
   45  Hannah Mahon, 2*            25:49    8:19  Notre Dame Prep
   46  Stuart Agnew, 1*            25:50    8:20  Episcopal (Va)
   47  Nikki Arcodia, 1*           25:50    8:20  Notre Dame Prep
   48  Erica Brooks, 2*            25:52    8:20  Notre Dame Prep
   49  Sarah Walther, 1*           25:52    8:20  Mount De Sales
   50  Amanda Lindner, 3*          25:53    8:21  Mount De Sales
   51  Eliza Bower, 2*             25:53    8:21  Notre Dame Prep
   52  Lauren Thronson, 1*         26:05    8:25  Potomac School
   53  Mary Beth Arcodia, 3*       26:06    8:25  Notre Dame Prep
   54  Lauren Heywood, 3*          26:08    8:26  St. Andrew's Girls
   55  Jennifer Sharkey, 1*        26:10    8:26  Georgetown Visitation
   56  Kate Aufhauser, 4*          26:14    8:28  National Cathedral
   57  Caroline Kelley, 2*         26:21    8:30  National Cathedral
   58  Megan King, 1*              26:24    8:31  Notre Dame Prep
   59  Morgan Hogue, 3*            26:28    8:32  A. Of The Holy Cross
   60  Charlotte Farquhar, 1*      26:28    8:32  National Cathedral
   61  Hanah Oneill, 1*            26:34    8:34  Notre Dame Prep
   62  Bridget Knepper, 2*         26:34    8:34  Mount De Sales
   63  Anika Crone, 1*             26:51    8:40  Potomac School
   64  Rachael Conti, 3*           26:52    8:40  A. Of The Holy Cross
   65  Bridgette Lappe, 1*         26:53    8:40  Mount De Sales
   66  Clarissa Wilbur, 3*         26:53    8:40  Georgetown Visitation
   67  Mary Meola, 3*              27:00    8:43  A. Of The Holy Cross
   68  Cecilia Perez, 3*           27:02    8:43  A. Of The Holy Cross
   69  Sarah Brohawn, 4*           27:02    8:43  Mount De Sales
   70  Malory Oconor, 1*           27:20    8:49  Notre Dame Prep
   71  Olivia Campanella, 1*       27:23    8:50  Notre Dame Prep
   72  Amelia Marlow, 2*           27:28    8:51  Notre Dame Prep
   73  Eliza Hadjis, 4*            27:30    8:52  Episcopal (Va)
   74  Ali Konstantas, 4*          27:33    8:53  Mount De Sales
   75  Brittany Livingston, 4*     27:34    8:53  Notre Dame Prep
   76  Samantha Katafiasz, 4*      27:45    8:57  Mount De Sales
   77  Steph Seibert, 4*           27:57    9:01  Mercersburg
   78  Molly Rodahaver, 2*         28:01    9:02  Mount De Sales
   79  Grace Dibari, 1*            28:07    9:04  Stone Ridge
   80  Stefanie Carroll, 3*        28:15    9:07  Mount De Sales
   81  Marisa Bernstein, 2*        28:17    9:07  Flint Hill
   82  Kirk Geier, 2*              28:23    9:09  Notre Dame Prep
   83  Shannon Keating, 2*         28:27    9:11  A. Of The Holy Cross
   84  Kimberly Cate, 2*           28:27    9:11  A. Of The Holy Cross
   85  Maria Louzon, 4*            28:27    9:11  Mount De Sales
   86  Jenny Nuth, 1*              28:34    9:13  Bishop McNamara
   87  Annie Sloan, 4*             28:38    9:14  Maret
   88  Caitlin Michels, 4*         28:40    9:15  Mount De Sales
   89  Miriam Kabore, 1*           28:51    9:18  Flint Hill
   90  Molly Bumbera, 4*           28:55    9:19  Notre Dame Prep
   91  Elizabeth Geilner, 4*       28:55    9:20  Mount De Sales
   92  Caroline Ulwick, 4*         29:00    9:21  Sidwell Friends
   93  Leah Snider, 1*             29:00    9:21  Georgetown Day
   94  Jordan Krutek, 3*           29:15    9:26  Mercersburg
   95  Daly Reardon, 3*            29:21    9:28  Episcopal (Va)
   96  Reeona Curseen, 1*          29:38    9:33  A. Of The Holy Cross
   97  Mary Creel, 1*              29:42    9:35  Stone Ridge
   98  Lenore Pafford, 2*          30:24    9:48  Edmund Burke
   99  Margaret Jones, 1*          30:26    9:49  Stone Ridge
  100  Tani Marcus, 2*             30:29    9:50  Edmund Burke
  101  Fiona Redmond, 4*           30:36    9:52  A. Of The Holy Cross
  102  Madeline Schiller, 1*       30:44    9:55  A. Of The Holy Cross
  103  Khadija King, 2*            31:14   10:04  Sidwell Friends
  104  Clare Hogan, 1*             31:18   10:06  A. Of The Holy Cross
  105  Harper Fant, 3*             31:53   10:17  National Cathedral
  106  Ro Maweni, 3*               32:00   10:19  Mercersburg
  107  Anna Frechette, 3*          32:00   10:19  A. Of The Holy Cross
  108  Nicole Leo, 1*              32:55   10:37  Mount De Sales
  109  Evelyn Patlan, 1*           34:28   11:07  Episcopal (Va)
  110  Claire Battis, 4*           34:28   11:07  Episcopal (Va)
  111  Carin Joyner, 1*            34:59   11:17  Bullis
  112  Mikey Bilotta, 4*           35:46   11:32  Georgetown Visitation
"*" indicates females
36 finishers among Women 1 & Under
27 finishers among Women 2 - 2
24 finishers among Women 3 - 3
25 finishers among Women 4 - 4
0 male finishers
112 female finishers
112 total finishers

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