Interhigh Track

C Club Meet
'C' Club Meet History
Hosted By: Central
Washington, DC
Wednesday, May 14, 1919

First Annual Field and Track Carnival at Central
Washington, DC May 10, 1919
Highlights from the Washington Post

Inclement weather reported

Team Standings - High Schools
1. Central			37 5/6
2. Western			23 2/3	

Boys 100 Yard Dash
   Name			School		Result
1. Dasher				10 3/5
2. Wight		Western

Boys 220 Yard Dash
   Name			School		Result
1. Hugh Johnston	Central
2. O'Byrne		Georgetown Prep
3. Norris Chipman	Central

Boys Quarter Mile
   Name			School		Result
1. Wight		Western		56.0

Boys 880 Yard
   Name			School		Result
1. Conradis		Central		2:12 2/5
2. John Gross		Tech

Boys Mile
   Name			School		Result
1. John Gross		Tech

Boys High Hurdles
   Name			School		Result
1. Hume			Western
2. Loehler		Tech
3. Starke		John Marshall

Boys 220 Yard Low Hurdles
   Name			School		Result
1. Carpenter		Tech
2. Ross 		Baltimore
3. Dunlap		Central

Boys Mile Relay
   School				Result
1. Tech	
2. Western
3. John Marshall

Boys Long Jump
   Name			School		Result
1. Conard		Western		18-03
2. Dasher

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