Churchill Polar Bear Meet
December 14, 2021
results from athletic.net
Mens Results
55 Meter Dash Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Joshua Thompson 6.2h St John's College
1. 11 Sean Williams 6.2h St John's College
3. 11 Ryan Moriarity 6.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
4. 11 Roman Mills 6.4h St John's College
4. 12 Langston Major 6.4h Winston Churchill
4. 11 Colin Gill 6.4h St John's College
4. 10 Anikwe Duru 6.4h St John's College
8. 11 Mitchell Smallwood 6.5h St John's College
9. 12 Will Etti 6.7h St John's College
9. 11 Zhabari Sandy 6.7h St John's College
9. 12 William Day 6.7h Col. Zadok Magruder
12. 10 Devin Mishkin 6.9h Winston Churchill
13. - Avery Grain 7.0h St John's College
13. 10 Orion Jones 7.0h St John's College
13. 10 Siju Onadipe 7.0h Winston Churchill
16. 11 Trent Brown 7.1h St John's College
16. 10 Phoenix Williams 7.1h St John's College
16. 9 Matthew Mitchell 7.1h St John's College
19. 9 Axel Badobre 7.2h Col. Zadok Magruder
19. 9 Adrian Yang 7.2h Winston Churchill
19. 10 Jackson Larson 7.2h Winston Churchill
19. - Yvan Bilong 7.2h Col. Zadok Magruder
23. 9 Alan Wang 7.3h Winston Churchill
23. 9 Tahmir Keyes 7.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
23. 11 Samuel Eisenhour 7.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
26. 12 Nelson Rosales 7.4h St John's College
27. 9 Milan Jain 7.5h Winston Churchill
28. - Brandon Pitysingh 7.6h Col. Zadok Magruder
29. 11 Tobe Nwokike 7.7h St John's College
30. 9 Kendrick Dabor 7.8h St John's College
31. 11 David Mandjila 7.9h Col. Zadok Magruder
32. - Anthony Keene 8.0h Col. Zadok Magruder
300 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Langston Major 36.7h Winston Churchill
2. 12 Austin Rios-Colon 37.1h St John's College
2. 11 Sean Williams 37.1h St John's College
4. 10 Anikwe Duru 37.2h St John's College
5. 11 Roman Mills 37.7h St John's College
6. 12 Joshua Thompson 39.1h St John's College
6. 12 William Day 39.1h Col. Zadok Magruder
8. 11 Mitchell Smallwood 40.0h St John's College
8. 10 Orion Jones 40.0h St John's College
8. 10 Jackson Larson 40.0h Winston Churchill
11. 10 Robert Steward 40.3h St John's College
11. 10 Devin Mishkin 40.3h Winston Churchill
13. 11 Samuel Eisenhour 41.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
13. 12 Will Etti 41.3h St John's College
15. 9 Matthew Mitchell 41.4h St John's College
16. 12 Isaac Wathieu 41.8h Winston Churchill
17. 9 Axel Badobre 41.9h Col. Zadok Magruder
18. 10 Roman Richardson 42.1h St John's College
19. 9 Owen McManus 42.5h St John's College
20. 11 Trent Brown 42.9h St John's College
21. 12 Nelson Rosales 43.2h St John's College
22. 10 Phoenix Williams 43.3h St John's College
22. 10 Eric Nguessan 43.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
24. 10 Chase Clark 43.7h St John's College
24. 9 Alan Wang 43.7h Winston Churchill
26. 10 Arnav Juneja 44.2h Winston Churchill
27. - Rahul Arora 44.4h Col. Zadok Magruder
28. 9 Milan Jain 44.8h Winston Churchill
29. 10 Mason Chen 45.0h Col. Zadok Magruder
30. 10 Joshua Simmons 45.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
31. 11 Issac Young 45.5h Col. Zadok Magruder
32. 11 David Mandjila 45.8h Col. Zadok Magruder
33. 11 Tobe Nwokike 46.4h St John's College
34. 9 Ryan Gleeson 47.2h St John's College
35. 11 Ishan Ho 47.7h Winston Churchill
36. 9 Kendrick Dabor 48.8h St John's College
37. 9 Yujiro Lim 51.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
500 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Tristen Parker 1:08.6h St John's College
2. 12 Austin Rios-Colon 1:08.8h St John's College
3. 11 Marc Luchtefeld 1:10.5h St John's College
4. 11 Ethan Yen 1:12.1h Winston Churchill
5. 12 Jeremy Wei 1:12.7h Winston Churchill
6. 11 Diego Gutierrez 1:15.3h Winston Churchill
7. 11 Peter Seam 1:16.7h Col. Zadok Magruder
7. 9 Elias Weetjens 1:16.7h St John's College
9. 10 Robert Steward 1:18.0h St John's College
10. 12 Isaac Wathieu 1:18.6h Winston Churchill
11. 9 Owen McManus 1:19.7h St John's College
12. 10 Eric Nguessan 1:20.8h Col. Zadok Magruder
12. 10 Roman Richardson 1:20.8h St John's College
14. 9 Ryan Gleeson 1:21.3h St John's College
15. 9 Kendrick Dabor 1:21.9h St John's College
16. 9 Noah Pittman 1:22.2h St John's College
17. - Rahul Arora 1:22.6h Col. Zadok Magruder
18. 10 Arnav Juneja 1:23.1h Winston Churchill
19. 9 Alan Wang 1:23.3h Winston Churchill
20. 11 Ishan Ho 1:23.8h Winston Churchill
21. 9 Andre Camargo de Miranda 1:24.7h Winston Churchill
22. 10 Joshua Simmons 1:25.5h Col. Zadok Magruder
23. 9 Glenn Baylor 1:26.9h St John's College
24. - Ryan Magnani 1:27.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
25. 9 Gabriel Smith 1:27.8h St John's College
26. 9 SeyfiJames Artis 1:30.1h St John's College
27. 9 Yujiro Lim 1:31.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
28. - Gia Mia 1:59.6h Col. Zadok Magruder
800 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Henry Burd 2:03.10 Winston Churchill
2. 9 Colin Abrams 2:06.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
3. 12 Sebastien Breton 2:06.40 Winston Churchill
4. 11 Nathaniel Encinas 2:08.00 Winston Churchill
5. 11 Marc Luchtefeld 2:08.50 St John's College
6. 11 Colin La 2:09.20 Winston Churchill
7. 10 Paul Robinson 2:09.70 St John's College
8. 10 Griffin White 2:10.20 Winston Churchill
9. 10 Finley Tobin 2:12.80 St John's College
10. 12 Matthew Su 2:13.60 Winston Churchill
11. 11 Ethan Yen 2:14.40 Winston Churchill
12. 12 Jeremy Wei 2:14.70 Winston Churchill
13. 12 Will Swann 2:15.50 St John's College
14. 11 Peter Seam 2:15.70 Col. Zadok Magruder
15. 12 Carl Hahn 2:16.20 Winston Churchill
16. 11 Diego Gutierrez 2:16.70 Winston Churchill
17. 12 Anson Strauch 2:17.10 Winston Churchill
18. 12 Ryan Marcellino 2:19.10 St John's College
19. 10 Matt Kaczor 2:20.40 St John's College
20. 11 Riku Yoshida 2:21.80 Col. Zadok Magruder
21. 11 James Barnacle 2:22.10 St John's College
22. 12 Brandon Lang 2:22.70 Winston Churchill
23. 9 Cleveland Wall 2:23.40 Col. Zadok Magruder
24. 10 Ryan Farid 2:23.90 Winston Churchill
25. - Ryan Magnani 2:41.90 Col. Zadok Magruder
26. 11 Issac Young 2:57.90 Col. Zadok Magruder
27. - Gia Mia 3:29.60 Col. Zadok Magruder
1600 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Henry Burd 4:29.20 Winston Churchill
2. 11 Nathaniel Encinas 4:33.00 Winston Churchill
3. 10 Paul Robinson 4:42.90 St John's College
4. 9 Colin Abrams 4:43.30 Col. Zadok Magruder
5. 10 Finley Tobin 4:43.80 St John's College
6. 11 Joshua Lopez 4:47.10 Col. Zadok Magruder
7. 10 Griffin White 4:56.30 Winston Churchill
8. 12 Brandon Lang 5:02.00 Winston Churchill
9. 12 Ryan Marcellino 5:04.30 St John's College
10. 11 James Barnacle 5:05.50 St John's College
11. 12 Carl Hahn 5:06.10 Winston Churchill
12. 12 Anson Strauch 5:06.50 Winston Churchill
13. 9 Cleveland Wall 5:11.30 Col. Zadok Magruder
14. 12 Samuel Krakower 5:12.70 Winston Churchill
15. 12 Ian Susswein 5:13.40 Winston Churchill
16. 10 Ryan Farid 5:14.10 Winston Churchill
17. 12 Crae Morrison 5:17.80 St John's College
18. 12 Teddy Kelly 5:19.50 St John's College
19. 11 Riku Yoshida 5:31.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
20. 10 Misheel Battulga 5:31.30 Winston Churchill
21. - Santiago Castro 5:35.10 Col. Zadok Magruder
22. 9 Ethan Hann 5:50.20 Winston Churchill
3200 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Sebastien Breton 9:53.80 Winston Churchill
2. 11 Colin La 10:09.30 Winston Churchill
3. 12 Matthew Su 10:33.40 Winston Churchill
4. 11 Joshua Lopez 10:34.60 Col. Zadok Magruder
5. 9 Stepan Volkov 10:39.50 Winston Churchill
6. 9 Nathaniel Swanson 10:50.80 Winston Churchill
7. 9 Cleveland Wall 11:26.70 Col. Zadok Magruder
8. - Santiago Castro 12:09.80 Col. Zadok Magruder
9. 10 Mason Chen 12:48.80 Col. Zadok Magruder
55m Hurdles - 39" Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Tristen Parker 8.0h St John's College
2. 12 Ian Tansey 9.3h Col. Zadok Magruder
Shot Put - 12lb Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Finn McKay 41-03.00 St John's College
2. 10 Donovan Tyler 40-06.00 St John's College
3. 12 Carlos Moore 40-04.00 St John's College
4. 12 Devin Jekat 39-03.00 Winston Churchill
5. 12 Ian Tansey 31-00.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
High Jump Varsity - Finals
1. 10 Robert Steward 5-08.00 St John's College
2. 11 Colin Gill 5-06.00 St John's College
3. 12 Ian Tansey 5-00.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
3. 12 Devin Jekat 5-00.00 Winston Churchill
11 Issac Young NH Col. Zadok Magruder
- Avery Grain NH St John's College
Long Jump Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Joshua Thompson 19-01.00 St John's College
2. - Avery Grain 17-07.00 St John's College
3. 12 William Day 16-06.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
4. 9 Axel Badobre 16-02.25 Col. Zadok Magruder
Triple Jump Varsity - Finals
1. 12 William Day 31-04.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
Womens Results
55 Meter Dash Varsity - Finals
1. 10 Chayce Bryson 7.4h St John's College
2. 10 Camryn McMurray 7.7h St John's College
2. 11 Joanna Pagedas 7.7h St John's College
2. 10 Hamesha Mora 7.7h St John's College
5. 12 Anna Hsia 7.8h Winston Churchill
6. 12 Laura Herrea Castro 7.9h Col. Zadok Magruder
6. - Ebunoluwa Fabunmi 7.9h St John's College
8. 10 Eulalia Esqenet 8.0h Connelly School of the H...
8. 11 Lauren Turner 8.0h Winston Churchill
10. 10 Carrie Stone 8.1h St John's College
11. 10 Ingrid Yang 8.2h Winston Churchill
12. 11 Kenzie Ennis 8.4h St John's College
12. 9 Danielle Eziashi 8.4h St John's College
14. - Maya Pulliam 8.6h Col. Zadok Magruder
15. 9 Sherron Stanard 8.8h St John's College
16. 12 Maraki Theodros 9.0h St John's College
16. - Sophie Tom 9.0h Col. Zadok Magruder
18. 10 Noe Sithole 9.2h St John's College
19. - Amy Moreno 9.5h Col. Zadok Magruder
20. - Tania Carcamo Vallejo 10.5h Col. Zadok Magruder
21. 10 Jennifer Cerros-Rodriguez 10.7h St John's College
300 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 11 Ni-Ann Cross 43.9h St John's College
2. 9 Natasha Mosley 44.1h St John's College
3. 11 Joanna Pagedas 46.1h St John's College
4. 9 Sydney Monroe 46.2h St John's College
5. 12 Elizabeth Baggett 47.2h Winston Churchill
6. 10 Camryn McMurray 47.6h St John's College
7. 11 Lauren Turner 48.5h Winston Churchill
8. 10 Carrie Stone 49.1h St John's College
9. 12 Anna Hsia 49.6h Winston Churchill
10. 10 Ingrid Yang 49.9h Winston Churchill
11. 10 Eulalia Esqenet 50.3h Connelly School of the H...
11. 9 Emerson Bernstein 50.3h Winston Churchill
11. 10 Hamesha Mora 50.3h St John's College
14. - Ebunoluwa Fabunmi 50.9h St John's College
15. 9 Lily Ganjbaksh 51.6h Winston Churchill
16. - Maya Pulliam 51.7h Col. Zadok Magruder
17. - Danielle Reznick 52.1h Col. Zadok Magruder
17. 9 Johari Saidi 52.1h Winston Churchill
19. 9 Julieta Matus Gomez 52.7h Winston Churchill
20. 9 Sherron Stanard 53.2h St John's College
20. 11 Kenzie Ennis 53.2h St John's College
22. 9 Danielle Eziashi 54.8h St John's College
23. 9 Naomi Wright 55.8h Winston Churchill
24. 12 Melina Columba 56.7h Col. Zadok Magruder
25. 10 Noe Sithole 56.9h St John's College
26. - Amy Moreno 58.6h Col. Zadok Magruder
500 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 9 Natasha Mosley 1:20.9h St John's College
2. 12 Lucia Larrea 1:21.7h Connelly School of the H...
3. 9 Sydney Monroe 1:22.3h St John's College
4. 9 Lorelei McIntosh 1:23.2h St John's College
5. 10 Chayce Bryson 1:24.4h St John's College
6. - Alexandra Snyder 1:26.2h St John's College
7. 12 Elizabeth Baggett 1:27.2h Winston Churchill
8. 11 Sadie Idler 1:27.6h St John's College
9. 9 Nia Dunham 1:28.0h St John's College
10. 10 Kendall Robinson 1:28.6h St John's College
11. 11 Sarah Seam 1:29.0h Col. Zadok Magruder
11. 12 Elise McDonald 1:29.0h St John's College
13. 10 Sadie Herman 1:29.8h Winston Churchill
14. 12 Pilar Arrendell 1:30.7h Connelly School of the H...
15. 11 Sydney Willich 1:31.6h Winston Churchill
16. 9 Eva Lang 1:32.0h St John's College
16. 9 Emerson Bernstein 1:32.0h Winston Churchill
18. 9 Sarah Birnbaum 1:35.0h Winston Churchill
19. 9 Lily Ganjbaksh 1:35.5h Winston Churchill
20. 10 Cora Williams 1:35.8h Winston Churchill
21. 12 Lilly Comello 1:35.9h St John's College
22. 9 Julieta Matus Gomez 1:36.0h Winston Churchill
23. - Danielle Reznick 1:38.5h Col. Zadok Magruder
24. 12 Katie Morin 1:39.6h St John's College
25. 11 Beatriz Dias De Sousa 1:40.0h Winston Churchill
26. 9 Naomi Wright 1:41.8h Winston Churchill
27. 12 Melina Columba 1:46.8h Col. Zadok Magruder
28. 11 Crista Amaya 1:47.1h St John's College
29. 9 Ella Krauss 2:00.2h St John's College
800 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Lucia Larrea 2:23.90 Connelly School of the H...
2. 11 Sophie Mattheus 2:31.30 St John's College
3. 9 Lorelei McIntosh 2:32.60 St John's College
4. 11 Caroline Gotzman 2:36.50 St John's College
5. 12 Naomi Nicholas 2:41.20 St John's College
6. 10 Kendall Robinson 2:42.20 St John's College
7. 11 Sadie Idler 2:43.70 St John's College
8. 11 Sarah Seam 2:44.80 Col. Zadok Magruder
9. - Alexandra Snyder 2:45.70 St John's College
10. 10 Nell Droege 2:46.00 St John's College
11. 12 Pilar Arrendell 2:46.40 Connelly School of the H...
12. - Caroline Alexander 2:47.40 Col. Zadok Magruder
13. 9 Nia Dunham 2:49.00 St John's College
14. 10 Colleen Maloney 2:49.70 St John's College
15. 11 Sydney Willich 2:52.30 Winston Churchill
16. 9 Mia Rilette 2:53.20 Winston Churchill
17. 11 Zara Kanold-Tso 2:54.50 Winston Churchill
18. 12 Lilly Comello 2:57.10 St John's College
19. 9 Eva Lang 2:57.50 St John's College
20. 10 Evelyn Wang 2:58.10 Col. Zadok Magruder
21. 11 Paige Tasin 2:58.20 Winston Churchill
22. 9 Sarah Birnbaum 2:58.60 Winston Churchill
23. 11 Lillian Nikolov 2:59.70 Winston Churchill
24. 10 Lily Hong 3:01.70 Winston Churchill
25. 12 Katie Morin 3:02.60 St John's College
26. 10 Maeve Kelly 3:03.60 Winston Churchill
27. 12 Abigail Yim 3:04.30 Col. Zadok Magruder
28. 12 Natalie Horton 3:05.50 Winston Churchill
29. - Keren Salazar 3:06.00 Col. Zadok Magruder
30. 9 Ella Krauss 3:42.00 St John's College
1600 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 11 Sophie Mattheus 5:25.90 St John's College
2. 11 Caroline Gotzman 5:44.50 St John's College
3. 10 Nell Droege 5:51.80 St John's College
4. - Caroline Alexander 5:52.30 Col. Zadok Magruder
5. 11 Zara Kanold-Tso 5:52.70 Winston Churchill
6. 11 Ava Schraeder 6:06.70 Winston Churchill
7. 11 Lillian Nikolov 6:07.80 Winston Churchill
8. 9 Mia Rilette 6:08.90 Winston Churchill
9. 10 Colleen Maloney 6:09.50 St John's College
10. 9 Nina Kuzichev 6:25.10 St John's College
11. 10 Evelyn Wang 6:36.40 Col. Zadok Magruder
12. 10 Lily Hong 6:37.10 Winston Churchill
13. 12 Natalie Horton 6:37.70 Winston Churchill
14. 9 Daniela Corona Shturman 6:46.60 Winston Churchill
15. - Keren Salazar 6:58.10 Col. Zadok Magruder
16. 12 Abigail Yim 7:05.40 Col. Zadok Magruder
17. 9 Joanna Wei 7:19.10 Winston Churchill
18. 10 Anne Sefen 7:24.10 Winston Churchill
3200 Meters Varsity - Finals
1. 11 Meredith Gotzman 11:05.30 St John's College
2. 11 Ava Schraeder 13:58.40 Winston Churchill
55m Hurdles - 33" Varsity - Finals
1. 9 Johari Saidi 12.1h Winston Churchill
2. 10 Sadie Herman 12.2h Winston Churchill
Shot Put - 4kg Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Dora Osuala 30-06.00 St John's College
2. 12 Efrata Tesfaye 25-09.00 St John's College
3. 12 Alana Finn 23-08.00 St John's College
4. 10 Maeve Kelly 22-00.00 Winston Churchill
5. 10 Ryana Young 21-05.00 Winston Churchill
6. 12 Zhadi Coley 19-05.00 St John's College
7. 11 Olivia Willich 16-05.00 Winston Churchill
High Jump Varsity - Finals
1. 12 Dina Mohseni 4-08.00 Winston Churchill
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