Interhigh Track

Maroon & Black Relays
Maroon & Black Relays History
Hosted By: Episcopal
Alexandria, Virginia
Friday, January 16, 2009

Licensed to ISL/MAC Track Championship          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/18/2009
                       Maroon & Black Relays - 1/16/2009                       
                             Episcopal High School                             
Event 1  Boys Shot Put 4 Throws
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Reily, Will                  Ehs                   41-04.00  
  2 Jones, Mike                  Ehs                   39-11.50  
  2 Green, A                     PREP                 J36-09.00  
  3 Moore, A                     GONZ                  37-03.00  
  3 John, Marinelli              POT                  J33-04.50  
  4 Craig, J                     LAN                  J31-00.00  
  5 Scarff, A                    PREP                  35-03.00  
  5 Silverman, A                 STA                  J29-08.00  
  6 Goldberg, A                  GDS                  J29-08.50  
  8 O'Shea, Jack                 POT                   30-04.00  
 11 Argain, A                    LAN                   28-11.00  
 12 Touissaint, A                STA                   27-00.50  
 13 Sellers, A                   GDS                   26-00.00  
Event 2  Girls Shot Put 4 Throws
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Dillard, Sarah               Ehs                   35-06.50  
  2 Shiels, Sara                 Ehs                   30-05.50  
  3 Johnson, Candace             POT                   30-05.00  
  4 Bryant, A                    VISI                  23-11.00  
  5 Connor, Cece                 POT                   22-10.00  
  6 Roberts, A                   GDS                   19-10.00  
  7 Sharkey, A                   VISI                  19-03.00  
  8 Fireman, A                   GDS                   18-10.00  
Event 3  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Shepperd, A                  GONZ                  17-08.50  
  2 Bryant, Gray                 Ehs                   17-07.00  
  3 Robinson, A                  GONZ                  17-03.50  
  4 Mulchandani, A               PREP                  17-02.25  
  4 Peterson, A                  PREP                  17-02.25  
  6 Peatross, A                  STA                   17-01.00  
  7 Beder, A                     GDS                   16-10.75  
  8 S, John                      POT                   14-00.50  
  9 S, Josh                      POT                   12-11.00  
 10 Egwuatu, A                   STA                   12-01.00  
Event 4  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Blaine, Eleanor              Ehs                   13-03.50  
  2 Hadjis, Eliza                Ehs                   13-00.00  
  3 Dohner, A                    GDS                   12-11.75  
  4 Ford, Simone                 POT                   12-09.25  
  5 Eberle, Charlotte            POT                   11-11.00  
  6 Tillman, A                   VISI                  11-09.00  
  7 Cogan, A                     GDS                   10-02.50  
  8 Sharkey, A                   VISI                   9-07.50  
Event 5  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Mitrikeviciute, Ugne         Ehs                    4-06.00  
  2 Schutte, Liz                 Ehs                   J4-06.00  
  2 O'Conor, A                   VISI                  J4-06.00  
  4 Tillman, A                   VISI                  J4-06.00  
Event 6  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 King, Evan                   Ehs                    5-10.00  
  2 Evans, Brendan               POT                    5-04.00  
  2 Kuzmick, Ian                 POT                    5-04.00  
 -- Tapparo, A                   LAN                         NH  
Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Potomac                                            10:26.14  
  2 Georgetown Visitation                              10:28.66  
  3 Episcopal                                          10:59.93  
  4 St. Andrews                                        11:24.48  
  5 Georgetown Day School                              11:47.06  
Event 8  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Gonzaga                                             8:38.33  
  2 St. Andrews                                         8:44.43  
  3 Episcopal                                           8:58.70  
  4 Georgetown Prep                                     9:00.02  
  5 Georgetown Day School                               9:12.28  
  6 Potomac                                             9:12.55  
Event 9  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Bingham, Shantell            Ehs                       9.74   2 
  2 Dwyer, Mimi                  POT                      10.14   2 
  3 Tillman, B                   VISI                     10.54   2 
  3 L, Catherine                 POT                      10.54   1 
  5 Baker, Cameron               Ehs                      10.74   1 
  6 Cullen, A                    GDS                      12.14   2 
  7 Magalhaes, A                 GDS                      14.04   1 
  8 O'Connor, A                  VISI                     15.84   1 
Event 10  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Pittman, E                   GONZ                      8.24   1 
  2 Shepperd, A                  GONZ                      8.94   2 
  3 McGuire, N                   PREP                      9.04   2 
  4 Horam, Chris                 Ehs                       9.05   2 
  5 Taylor, Justin               Ehs                       9.14   2 
  6 Adigun, A                    GDS                      10.14   1 
  7 Gorton, A                    GDS                      10.34   1 
  8 Mulchandani, A               PREP                     10.94   1 
Event 11  Girls 1600 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 St. Andrews                                         4:47.50  
  2 Georgetown Visitation                               4:56.01  
  3 Potomac                                             4:56.28  
  4 Episcopal                                           4:56.45  
  5 Georgetown Day School                               5:25.51  
Event 12  Boys 1600 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Gonzaga                                             4:02.02   2 
  2 Episcopal                                           4:08.10   2 
  3 Georgetown Day School                               4:09.65   2 
  4 Georgetown Prep                                     4:11.08   1 
  5 St. Andrews                                         4:16.09   1 
  6 Landon                                              4:19.26   1 
  7 Potomac                                             4:31.66   2 
Event 13  Girls 4x220 Yard Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Georgetown Day School                               1:57.99  
  2 Episcopal                                           2:03.06  
  3 Potomac                                             2:04.24  
  4 Georgetown Visitation                               2:06.07  
Event 14  Boys 4x220 Yard Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Episcopal                                           1:40.21   2 
  2 Gonzaga                                             1:41.57   2 
  3 Georgetown Prep                                     1:44.24   1 
  4 Georgetown Day School                               1:44.25   2 
  5 Potomac                                             1:49.22   2 
  6 St. Andrews                                         1:52.59   1 
  7 Landon                                              1:54.17   1 
Event 15  Girls Distance Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Potomac                                            13:24.20  
  2 Georgetown Visitation                              13:50.93  
  3 Episcopal                                          14:16.12  
  4 Georgetown Day School                              16:07.06  
Event 16  Boys Distance Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Episcopal                                          11:34.79  
  2 St. Andrews                                        11:35.42  
  3 Gonzaga                                            11:45.44  
  4 Georgetown Prep                                    11:48.53  
  5 Potomac                                            12:57.00  
  6 Georgetown Day School                              13:01.17  
Event 17  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Georgetown Day School                               4:35.87   2 
  2 St. Andrews                                         4:37.21   2 
  3 Potomac                                             4:39.47   2 
  4 Episcopal                                           4:43.28   2 
  5 Georgetown Visitation                               4:57.26   2 
Event 18  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Episcopal                                           3:39.02   2 
  2 Gonzaga                                             3:44.70   2 
  3 Georgetown Prep                                     3:55.86   1 
  4 Georgetown Day School                               3:56.92   1 
  5 Landon                                              4:04.68   2 
  6 St. Andrews                                         4:12.26   1 
  7 Potomac                                             4:13.27   2 

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