Interhigh Track

Draper Invitational
Draper Invitational History
Hosted By: SSSA
Alexandria, Virginia
Friday, May 02, 2008

Licensed to St. Stephen's & St. Agnes H.S.                Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
                      Draper 2008 - 5/2/2008 to 5/3/2008                       
                       St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School                        
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Williams, Danielle           S S S A S                12.24q  9 
  2 Wallace, Lachelle            South Lakes              12.38q  9 
  3 Warren, Elisabeth            Holy Child               12.53q  9 
  4 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton            12.54q  9 
  5 Adewole, Tejumade            Good Counsel             12.61q  8 
  6 Pyant, Lauren                Grace Brethren           12.66q  6 
  7 Mitchell, Ashley             Holton-Arms              12.67q  9 
  8 Carter, Jillian              Madeira School           12.82q  7 
  9 Campbell, Dominique          Georgetown Day           12.92q  7 
 10 Peal, Michelle               South Lakes              12.93q  6 
 11 Turner, Katy                 Bullis                   13.00q  8 
 12 Bullock, Terri               Visitation               13.04q  7 
 13 Cowden, Allyson              Paul VI Catholic         13.05   5 
 14 Gill, Alyssa                 Stone Ridge              13.11   4 
 15 Lindner, Blake               Visitation               13.15   6 
 16 Woodson, Jasmin              Wakefield                13.22   3 
 17 Christian, Jessie            Georgetown Day           13.23   8 
 18 Baldinger, Brooke            Sidwell Friends          13.26   6 
 19 Crutchfield, Adrienne        Good Counsel             13.28   7 
 20 Ragland, Ashley              Queen Anne               13.29   8 
 21 Morton, Neah                 Flint Hill               13.30   6 
 22 Schaal, Erin                 Paul VI Catholic         13.31   5 
 23 Hawkins, Taylor              Madeira School           13.32   7 
 24 Musgrove, Tarrah             Model                    13.35   4 
 25 Gonzalez, Lisa               Bishop O'Connell         13.36   5 
 26 Fortkort, Julia              Flint Hill               13.43   7 
 27 Goodwin, Awa                 National Cathedr         13.48   5 
 28 Thurmond, Alana              Bishop Ireton            13.54   3 
 29 Canady, Erin                 Bullis                   13.57   3 
 30 DeLoach, Taylor              Queen Anne               13.60   5 
 31 Knouse, Vaughan              Holton-Arms              13.70   8 
 32 Bibbs, Jasmine               Grace Brethren           13.71   2 
 33 Thomas, Leah                 Maret School             13.74   2 
 34 Kiper, Whitney               Oakcrest School          13.86   2 
 35 Ramseur, Kourtney            Episcopal                13.89   5 
 35 grishaw, chloe               Potomac School           13.89   3 
 37 Best, Kimberly               Spingarn                 13.92   9 
 38 Collier, Adele               National Cathedr         13.93   3 
 39 West, Sydney                 Stone Ridge              13.95   1 
 40 Raiford, Brittany            Wakefield                14.17   2 
 41 Green, Chelsea               Herndon                  14.26   2 
 42 Burthey, Danielle            St. Andrew's             14.27   6 
 43 Randolph, Amika              Spingarn                 14.51   8 
 44 Scott, Asha                  Field School             14.54   4 
 45 nelsen, maggie               Potomac School           14.75   1 
 46 Erickson, Laura              Herndon                  14.77   1 
 47 Miller, Helen                Oakcrest School          15.43   1 
 48 Odai-Afotey, Nadia           Episcopal                19.73   2 
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Williams, Danielle           S S S A S                12.15   2   10  
  2 Mitchell, Ashley             Holton-Arms              12.30   1    8  
  3 Wallace, Lachelle            South Lakes              12.41   2    6  
  4 Warren, Elisabeth            Holy Child               12.52   2    5  
  5 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton            12.63   2    4  
  6 Turner, Katy                 Bullis                   12.69   1    3  
  7 Adewole, Tejumade            Good Counsel             12.77   2    2  
  8 Peal, Michelle               South Lakes              12.78   1    1  
  9 Carter, Jillian              Madeira School           12.79   1 
 10 Campbell, Dominique          Georgetown Day           12.80   1 
 11 Bullock, Terri               Visitation               12.96   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Adetu, Lola                  Sidwell Friends          24.53q 10 
  2 Williams, Danielle           S S S A S                24.94q 10 
  3 dyer, Alix                   French Int'l             25.29q  9 
  4 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton            25.70q 10 
  5 Whitaker, Jade               Good Counsel             25.92q  9 
  6 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               26.12q 10 
  7 Bartlett, Mary               Good Counsel             26.24q  8 
  8 Pyant, Lauren                Grace Brethren           26.64q  7 
  8 Kew, Caroline                Paul VI Catholic         26.64q  9 
 10 Bates, Naomi                 National Cathedr         26.75q  8 
 11 Verrilli, Jordan             Sidwell Friends          26.87q  7 
 12 Holmes, Karima               Episcopal                27.03q  9 
 13 Hooper, Olivia               S S S A S                27.37   9 
 14 Barber, Ashley               Model                    27.38   4 
 15 milar, campbell              Potomac School           27.48   6 
 16 Lindner, Blake               Visitation               27.52   6 
 16 Franco, Therese              Oakcrest School          27.52   9 
 18 Irondi, Ogechi               Stone Ridge              27.53   6 
 19 Hawkins, Taylor              Madeira School           27.57   5 
 20 chockley, katie              Potomac School           27.60   5 
 21 Greenblatt, Jesse            Georgetown Day           27.65   8 
 22 Gonzalez, Lisa               Bishop O'Connell         27.69   8 
 23 Donoway, Chantay             Stone Ridge              27.71   8 
 24 Turner, Katy                 Bullis                   27.80   6 
 25 Thurmond, Alexis             Bishop Ireton            27.88   4 
 26 Degitz, Claire               Stuart, Jeb              27.89   5 
 27 Belikove, Tasha              St. Andrew's             27.93   5 
 28 Warlick, Jordan              National Cathedr         27.96   5 
 29 Goldstein, Jill              Paul VI Catholic         27.97   3 
 30 Morton, Neah                 Flint Hill               28.02   4 
 30 Christian, Jessie            Georgetown Day           28.02   6 
 32 Mugerwa, Dora                Maret School             28.05   5 
 33 Woodson, Jasmin              Wakefield                28.07   2 
 34 Berkman, Natalie             Holton-Arms              28.09   7 
 35 DueMogensen, Nicolina        Holton-Arms              28.14   8 
 36 Fortkort, Julia              Flint Hill               28.19   6 
 37 Bibbs, Jasmine               Grace Brethren           28.48   2 
 38 Musgrove, Tarrah             Model                    28.57   7 
 39 Leonard, Haley               Visitation               28.64   4 
 40 Santana, Sabrina             Episcopal                28.68   3 
 41 Hassan, Tania                Herndon                  28.70   3 
 42 McKinney, Jessica            Field School             28.91   1 
 43 Raiford, Brittany            Wakefield                29.24   3 
 44 Kasasa, Sharon               Bullis                   29.34   2 
 45 Kiper, Whitney               Oakcrest School          29.67   2 
 46 Henson, Kendria              Maret School             29.76   1 
 47 Burrows, Donika              Spingarn                 30.38   2 
 48 Leyva, Maria                 Holy Child               30.41   2 
 -- Coe, Shalynn                 South Lakes                DNF   7 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Adetu, Lola                  Sidwell Friends          24.51   2   10  
  2 dyer, Alix                   French Int'l             25.33   2    8  
  3 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton            25.72   2    6  
  4 Whitaker, Jade               Good Counsel             26.20   2    5  
  5 Bartlett, Mary               Good Counsel             26.22   1    4  
  6 Kew, Caroline                Paul VI Catholic         26.59   1    3  
  7 Bates, Naomi                 National Cathedr         26.68   1    2  
  8 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               26.86   2    1  
  9 Verrilli, Jordan             Sidwell Friends          26.95   1 
Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Adetu, Lola                  Sidwell Friends          57.64q  9 
  2 dyer, Alix                   French Int'l             58.69q  9 
  3 Adams, Breanna               Archbishop Carro         59.79q  9 
  4 Williams, Ashley             National Cathedr       1:00.19q  7 
  5 Campbell, Dominique          Georgetown Day         1:00.21q  7 
  6 Pinkston, Lauren             Herndon                1:00.36q  8 
  7 Coleman, Nadia               South Lakes            1:00.37q  8 
  8 Whitaker, Jade               Good Counsel           1:00.76q  9 
  9 Umoren, Andima               Episcopal              1:00.78q  7 
 10 Haywood, Allison             National Cathedr       1:01.09q  6 
 11 heintz, natalie              Potomac School         1:01.20q  7 
 12 Bullock, Terri               Visitation             1:01.50q  4 
 13 Franco, Therese              Oakcrest School        1:01.52   8 
 14 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton          1:01.86   6 
 15 Arthur, Vicky                Holy Child             1:01.99   9 
 16 Azcarate, Jessica            Bishop O'Connell       1:02.20   5 
 17 Karanian, Rachel             Holy Child             1:02.21   9 
 18 Slater, Bridgette            Sidwell Friends        1:02.37   5 
 19 Marshall, Lauren             Episcopal              1:02.44   5 
 20 mcdonough, lindsay           Potomac School         1:02.49   4 
 21 Martin, Rachel               Bishop Ireton          1:02.60   6 
 22 Haq, Mehnaz                  Herndon                1:03.06   8 
 23 Smith, Meghan                Visitation             1:03.10   4 
 24 Brown, Ashley                Queen Anne             1:03.30   4 
 25 Coho, Lauren                 South Lakes            1:03.40   6 
 26 Bobbitt, Toria               Bullis                 1:03.42   3 
 27 Greenberg, Clare             Field School           1:03.52   6 
 28 Sten, Tessa                  Good Counsel           1:03.64   7 
 29 McKinney, Jessica            Field School           1:03.93   2 
 30 Richardson, Bri              S S S A S              1:04.16   5 
 31 Ropper, LaShay               St. Andrew's           1:04.50   4 
 32 Sharma, Anisha               Flint Hill             1:04.70   3 
 33 Wilde, Emily                 Holton-Arms            1:04.75   7 
 34 Morrison, Gabby              Paul VI Catholic       1:04.96   3 
 35 McCabe, Calla                Flint Hill             1:05.72   3 
 36 Dring, Margaux               Stone Ridge            1:05.76   3 
 37 Scully, Kathryn              Holton-Arms            1:05.77   6 
 38 Reid, Mya                    S S S A S              1:05.95   2 
 38 Pawlosky, Maria              Bishop O'Connell       1:05.95   4 
 40 Evans, Elizabeth             Georgetown Day         1:06.38   5 
 41 Coachman, Brianna            Spingarn               1:06.90   8 
 42 Degitz, Claire               Stuart, Jeb            1:06.93   2 
 43 Theoharis, Anastasia         Bullis                 1:07.82   2 
 44 Musgrove, Tarrah             Model                  1:08.31   1 
 45 Wheeler, Yasmin              Maret School           1:08.86   1 
 46 Kazarian, Mary               Paul VI Catholic       1:11.43   2 
 47 Patterson, Ameena            Model                  1:11.45   1 
 48 Jenkins, Shanice             Spingarn               1:12.43   3 
 49 McIntosh-Peters, Michell     Maret School           1:12.48   1 
 50 Freska, Andrea               Oakcrest School        1:12.85   2 
Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Adetu, Lola                  Sidwell Friends          56.18   2   10  
  2 dyer, Alix                   French Int'l             57.20   2    8  
  3 Whitaker, Jade               Good Counsel             57.94   1    6  
  4 Adams, Breanna               Archbishop Carro         58.05   2    5  
  5 Campbell, Dominique          Georgetown Day           59.32   2    4  
  6 Coleman, Nadia               South Lakes              59.80   1    3  
  7 Umoren, Andima               Episcopal              1:00.17   1    2  
  8 Haywood, Allison             National Cathedr       1:00.21   1    1  
  9 heintz, natalie              Potomac School         1:00.78   1 
 10 Williams, Ashley             National Cathedr       1:01.15   2 
 11 Bullock, Terri               Visitation             1:02.95   1 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brock, Kimora                National Cathedr       2:19.78    10  
  2 Seymour, Ashley              Archbishop Carro       2:20.12     8  
  3 Walls, Katie                 Bishop O'Connell       2:25.87     6  
  4 Lawton, Coles                Episcopal              2:26.19     5  
  5 Wilds, Jessica               Herndon                2:30.12     4  
  6 Adams, Breanna               Archbishop Carro       2:30.17     3  
  7 Addison, Yaa                 St. Andrew's           2:31.65     2  
  8 Baskin, Taylor               National Cathedr       2:31.84     1  
  9 Connelly, Bridget            Visitation             2:31.90  
 10 brandt, patricia             Potomac School         2:32.22  
 11 Pressel, Diana               Stone Ridge            2:32.42  
 12 ramsey, bailey               Potomac School         2:32.57  
 13 Pohl, Katie                  Visitation             2:34.28  
 14 Mueller, Stefanie            Paul VI Catholic       2:35.29  
 15 Rhabb, Mika                  Stone Ridge            2:35.41  
 16 Grant, Meaghan               Paul VI Catholic       2:35.80  
 17 Howell, Rose                 Sidwell Friends        2:37.21  
 18 Jones, Abagail               Herndon                2:37.98  
 19 Scheineson, Sara             Holton-Arms            2:38.12  
 20 McPherson, Ann Marie         Oakcrest School        2:38.85  
 21 Roumell, Nina                Bullis                 2:39.71  
 22 Sullivan, Courtney           Bullis                 2:39.83  
 23 Okoth, Mary                  Flint Hill             2:41.39  
 24 Czura, Elle                  Episcopal              2:42.47  
 25 Lawson, LeAnha               Model                  2:42.96  
 26 Cogen, Alyssa                Georgetown Day         2:43.28  
 27 Beatty, Melissa              Bishop Ireton          2:43.32  
 28 Burger, Kristina             Flint Hill             2:43.91  
 29 Hopke, Michelle              Bishop Ireton          2:44.45  
 30 Meyerhoff, Sarah             Holton-Arms            2:45.63  
 31 Freska, Andrea               Oakcrest School        2:46.16  
 32 Faling, Vicky                Field School           2:46.24  
 33 Strodel, Allison             Bishop O'Connell       2:46.43  
 34 Rodriguez, Monica            Madeira School         2:46.75  
 35 Thomas, Chelsey              Queen Anne             2:47.33  
 36 Wheeler, Yasmin              Maret School           2:48.55  
 37 O'Connor, Kerry              Holy Child             2:49.62  
 38 Cornwell, Liz                S S S A S              2:49.77  
 39 Bennett, Ale                 Madeira School         2:56.83  
 40 Pleskow, Rose                South Lakes            3:02.90  
 41 Clabaugh, Anna               Wakefield              3:05.55  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 wilson, anneka               Potomac School         5:14.28    10  
  2 smith, kathleen              Potomac School         5:18.52     8  
  3 Walls, Katie                 Bishop O'Connell       5:19.49     6  
  4 Repka, Marisa                Sidwell Friends        5:20.15     5  
  5 Hedden, Lottie               National Cathedr       5:27.28     4  
  6 Kulik, Carly                 Herndon                5:30.84     3  
  7 Greene, Elizabeth            Paul VI Catholic       5:31.10     2  
  8 Connelly, Bridget            Visitation             5:33.79     1  
  9 Seymour, Ashley              Archbishop Carro       5:37.67  
 10 Beehler, Abby                Holton-Arms            5:40.99  
 11 Leith, Marina                Maret School           5:41.56  
 12 Dougherty, Kat               National Cathedr       5:42.72  
 13 Merrill, Katie               Herndon                5:42.93  
 14 Abernethy, Maggie            Stone Ridge            5:43.04  
 15 Kott, LJ                     Sidwell Friends        5:43.77  
 16 Thura, Nadia                 Stuart, Jeb            5:48.69  
 17 Pohl, Katie                  Visitation             5:49.20  
 18 Roumell, Nina                Bullis                 5:51.41  
 19 Lynn, Hannah                 Bishop Ireton          5:52.00  
 20 Sullivan, Courtney           Bullis                 5:53.10  
 21 Ferri, Andrea                Stuart, Jeb            5:53.86  
 22 Steindam, Claire             Bishop O'Connell       5:54.05  
 23 Ottenstein, Melanie          Field School           5:54.46  
 24 Kahwaty, Margaret            Good Counsel           5:56.89  
 25 Thomas, Madeline             Bishop Ireton          6:00.98  
 26 Timbers, Emma                Edmund Burke           6:08.50  
 27 Stone, Frances               Episcopal              6:12.29  
 28 McCabe, Therese              Oakcrest School        6:14.44  
 29 Gasaway, Anna                Stone Ridge            6:15.81  
 30 Scherer, Lindsey             Field School           6:17.21  
 31 Solomon, Sarah               Georgetown Day         6:19.53  
 32 Inglesby, Caroline           Holton-Arms            6:19.59  
 33 Crumley, Jamie               S S S A S              6:22.62  
 34 Bardon, Stephanie            Good Counsel           6:26.01  
 35 Dussault, Jen                Madeira School         6:27.04  
 36 Magalhaes, Elisa             Georgetown Day         6:28.52  
 37 Peterson, Cara               Flint Hill             6:29.14  
 38 Clabaugh, Anna               Wakefield              6:44.90  
 39 Benton, Melissa              Madeira School         6:47.73  
 40 Axelrod, Lee                 Maret School           6:53.91  
 41 Wilkinson, Sara              Queen Anne             6:56.29  
 42 Aresei, Wegahta              Model                  7:08.47  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fitzpatrick, Megan           Bishop O'Connell      11:11.17    10  
  2 Ryan, Moira                  Visitation            11:49.58     8  
  3 Durling, Becky               National Cathedr      11:52.79     6  
  4 Wilds, Jessica               Herndon               11:57.75     5  
  5 Greene, Elizabeth            Paul VI Catholic      12:04.84     4  
  6 Atabek, Natalie              Visitation            12:12.78     3  
  7 Van Horn, Michelle           Bishop O'Connell      12:22.97     2  
  8 Wolfe, Hannah                National Cathedr      12:25.29     1  
  9 Lansdale, Sadie              Sidwell Friends       12:40.43  
 10 Twigg, Elaine                Stuart, Jeb           12:41.17  
 11 Kahwaty, Margaret            Good Counsel          12:42.09  
 12 Putterman, Sara              Holton-Arms           12:43.40  
 13 Gass, Ellie                  Bullis                12:45.91  
 14 kochhar, shivani             Potomac School        12:49.17  
 15 Ottenstein, Melanie          Field School          12:53.97  
 16 Kumar, Tanu                  Sidwell Friends       12:59.07  
 17 castelli, nina               Potomac School        13:00.31  
 18 Leith, Marina                Maret School          13:03.06  
 19 Scherer, Lindsey             Field School          13:22.98  
 20 Timbers, Emma                Edmund Burke          13:24.45  
 21 Longano, Melissa             Oakcrest School       13:31.66  
 22 Whitnah, Charis              Stone Ridge           13:36.57  
 23 Beehler, Abby                Holton-Arms           13:38.16  
 24 Peterson, Cara               Flint Hill            13:55.68  
 25 Silberman, Lauren            Georgetown Day        14:00.08  
 26 Crumley, Jamie               S S S A S             14:04.14  
 27 LeDain, Kathryn              Stone Ridge           14:05.99  
 28 Wulff, Allison               Bishop Ireton         14:07.70  
 29 Raney, Whitley               Episcopal             14:18.66  
 30 McCabe, Therese              Oakcrest School       14:18.69  
 31 Kelin, Emily                 Georgetown Day        14:25.14  
 -- Wells, Alexis                Archbishop Carro           DNF  
 -- Becht, Laura                 Bishop Ireton              DNF  
 -- Aresei, Wegahta              Model                      DNF  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               16.10q  5 
  2 Rappaport, Chloe             Flint Hill               16.86q  5 
  2 Sherry, Anja                 Edmund Burke             16.86q  4 
  4 Umoren, Andima               Episcopal                17.06q  3 
  5 Dixon, Brittany              Spingarn                 17.50q  5 
  6 dwyer, mimi                  Potomac School           17.61q  5 
  6 Bates, Naomi                 National Cathedr         17.61q  4 
  8 Loman, Lisa                  Paul VI Catholic         17.77q  4 
  9 DiMarco, Gabi                National Cathedr         18.38q  4 
 10 Ceja, Hannah                 Edmund Burke             18.52q  3 
 11 Tillman, Jordan              Visitation               18.53q  3 
 12 Gordon, Shannon              Bishop Ireton            18.54q  2 
 13 Foxley, Florencia            Sidwell Friends          18.76   2 
 14 O'Conor, Libby               Visitation               18.90   3 
 15 Acquah, Denise               Model                    18.96   2 
 16 Hollm, Jenn                  Paul VI Catholic         19.07   2 
 17 Bode-George, Yinka           Queen Anne               19.09   4 
 18 Hassan, Tania                Herndon                  19.12   2 
 19 Bullen, Anna                 Herndon                  19.18   4 
 20 Martell, Leslie              Flint Hill               19.53   1 
 21 Derderian, Talyne            Stone Ridge              19.67   3 
 22 Carras, Abby                 Holton-Arms              19.79   3 
 23 Fabunmi, Moni                Georgetown Day           20.00   2 
 24 Malcolm, Nicola              Archbishop Carro         20.54   5 
 25 Moten, Rosetta               Wakefield                20.67   1 
 26 Butterfield, Shannon         Stone Ridge              21.54   1 
 27 Bunn, Demi                   Field School             21.93   1 
 28 Stier, Natalie               Bishop Ireton            23.86   5 
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Umoren, Andima               Episcopal                16.95   2   10  
  2 Rappaport, Chloe             Flint Hill               17.04   2    8  
  3 Bates, Naomi                 National Cathedr         17.55   1    6  
  4 Sherry, Anja                 Edmund Burke             17.66   2    5  
  5 dwyer, mimi                  Potomac School           17.88   2    4  
  6 Dixon, Brittany              Spingarn                 18.19   2    3  
  7 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               18.37   2    2  
  8 Gordon, Shannon              Bishop Ireton            18.39   1    1  
  9 Tillman, Jordan              Visitation               19.08   1 
 10 Ceja, Hannah                 Edmund Burke             19.31   1 
 11 DiMarco, Gabi                National Cathedr         19.42   1 
 12 Loman, Lisa                  Paul VI Catholic         24.76   1 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               46.37q  5 
  2 Lewis, Lauren                Sidwell Friends          46.55q  5 
  3 Jeremie, Ashley              Model                    49.24q  3 
  4 dwyer, mimi                  Potomac School           49.67q  5 
  5 Rappaport, Chloe             Flint Hill               50.42q  2 
  6 Bode-George, Yinka           Queen Anne               50.65q  4 
  7 Fabunmi, Moni                Georgetown Day           50.71q  3 
  8 Wilde, Emily                 Holton-Arms              50.84q  5 
  9 Banks, Ashley                Herndon                  51.15q  5 
 10 Tramonte, Nada               Visitation               51.19q  3 
 11 DiMarco, Gabi                National Cathedr         51.27q  4 
 12 Sherry, Anja                 Edmund Burke             52.28q  4 
 13 Axenfeld, Katarina           Bishop Ireton            52.40   3 
 14 Ceja, Hannah                 Edmund Burke             52.77   3 
 15 O'Conor, Libby               Visitation               52.83   4 
 16 Stier, Natalie               Bishop Ireton            52.97   5 
 17 Baker, Cameron               Episcopal                54.41   1 
 18 Loman, Lisa                  Paul VI Catholic         54.50   1 
 19 Foxley, Florencia            Sidwell Friends          54.82   1 
 20 Malcolm, Nicola              Archbishop Carro         55.52   2 
 21 Sheridan, Katie              Paul VI Catholic         55.77   2 
 22 Carras, Abby                 Holton-Arms              55.86   3 
 23 Falci, Ellen                 Herndon                  57.45   2 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lewis, Lauren                Sidwell Friends          45.66   2   10  
  2 DeLoach, Jordan              Queen Anne               45.83   2    8  
  3 Banks, Ashley                Herndon                  48.58   1    6  
  4 Fabunmi, Moni                Georgetown Day           49.67   1    5  
  5 Bode-George, Yinka           Queen Anne               49.75   2    4  
  6 DiMarco, Gabi                National Cathedr         49.85   1    3  
  7 dwyer, mimi                  Potomac School           49.86   2    2  
  8 Wilde, Emily                 Holton-Arms              50.28   1    1  
  9 Rappaport, Chloe             Flint Hill               50.48   2 
 10 Jeremie, Ashley              Model                    51.24   2 
 11 Tramonte, Nada               Visitation               51.54   1 
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 South Lakes  'A'                                      49.23   4   10  
  2 Holy Child  'A'                                       50.91   4    8  
  3 Good Counsel  'A'                                     51.12   4    6  
  4 Potomac School  'A'                                   51.27   4    5  
  5 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                                 51.88   3    4  
  6 Bullis  'A'                                           51.95   3    3  
  7 National Cathedral  'A'                               52.29   3    2  
  8 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                        52.30   4    1  
  9 Episcopal  'A'                                        52.33   4 
 10 Visitation  'A'                                       52.63   2 
 11 Flint Hill School  'A'                                52.99   2 
 12 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                    53.03   3 
 13 Stone Ridge  'A'                                      53.12   2 
 14 Queen Anne School  'A'                                53.16   3 
 15 Model Secondary  'A'                                  53.30   2 
 16 Madeira School  'A'                                   53.85   1 
 17 Holton-Arms  'A'                                      54.00   3 
 18 Maret School  'A'                                     55.23   1 
 19 Herndon  'A'                                          56.41   1 
 20 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                  56.77   2 
 21 Spingarn  'A'                                         57.72   2 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 South Lakes  'A'                                    1:44.06   1   10  
  2 Good Counsel  'A'                                   1:45.34   4    8  
  3 Holy Child  'A'                                     1:46.64   4    6  
  4 Georgetown Day School  'A'                          1:47.54   4    5  
  5 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                               1:49.56   4    4  
  6 Model Secondary  'A'                                1:52.97   3    3  
  7 Spingarn  'A'                                       1:53.50   2    2  
  8 Flint Hill School  'A'                              1:53.89   2    1  
  9 Queen Anne School  'A'                              1:54.16   3 
 10 Bullis  'A'                                         1:54.46   1 
 11 Episcopal  'A'                                      1:54.52   4 
 12 Potomac School  'A'                                 1:54.93   3 
 13 St. Andrew's Episcopal  'A'                         1:55.47   3 
 14 Stone Ridge  'A'                                    1:56.05   2 
 15 Oakcrest School  'A'                                1:57.49   3 
 16 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                1:58.81   1 
 17 Visitation  'A'                                     1:59.20   1 
 18 National Cathedral  'A'                             1:59.25   3 
 19 Herndon  'A'                                        2:00.90   1 
 20 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                      2:03.50   2 
 21 Holton-Arms  'A'                                    2:03.82   2 
 -- Maret School  'A'                                        DQ   4 
 -- Madeira School  'A'                                      DQ   2 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                4:01.23   4   10  
  2 Potomac School  'A'                                 4:08.87   4    8  
  3 Good Counsel  'A'                                   4:10.02   4    6  
  4 National Cathedral  'A'                             4:11.03   4    5  
  5 Episcopal  'A'                                      4:12.19   3    4  
  6 Holton-Arms  'A'                                    4:15.67   3    3  
  7 Visitation  'A'                                     4:17.09   3    2  
  8 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                  4:21.62   3    1  
  9 Herndon  'A'                                        4:28.66   4 
 10 Flint Hill School  'A'                              4:29.34   2 
 11 Queen Anne School  'A'                              4:31.04   2 
 12 South Lakes  'A'                                    4:32.32   3 
 13 Bullis  'A'                                         4:35.44   2 
 14 Madeira School  'A'                                 4:35.64   1 
 15 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                      4:36.81   3 
 16 Maret School  'A'                                   4:55.93   1 
 17 Model Secondary  'A'                                4:57.93   1 
 -- Paul VI Catholic  'A'                                    DQ   2 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Bishop O'Connell  'A'                               9:56.92    10  
  2 Sidwell Friends  'A'                               10:16.28     8  
  3 Holton-Arms  'A'                                   10:20.70     6  
  4 Episcopal  'A'                                     10:23.17     5  
  5 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                              10:25.83     4  
  6 Potomac School  'A'                                10:27.79     3  
  7 Georgetown Day School  'A'                         10:31.32     2  
  8 Stone Ridge  'A'                                   10:32.49     1  
  9 Stuart, Jeb  'A'                                   10:32.76  
 10 National Cathedral  'A'                            10:36.84  
 11 Good Counsel  'A'                                  10:39.23  
 12 Flint Hill School  'A'                             10:47.04  
 13 Visitation  'A'                                    11:14.19  
 14 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                 11:17.71  
 15 Oakcrest School  'A'                               11:23.01  
 16 Madeira School  'A'                                11:40.92  
 17 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                     12:52.19  
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Reid, Mya                    S S S A S              4-08.00    10  
  2 Paegle, Julia                Bishop O'Connell      J4-08.00     8  
  3 Degitz, Claire               Stuart, Jeb           J4-08.00     6  
  4 Tak, Mishta                  Holton-Arms           J4-08.00     5  
  5 O'Conor, Libby               Visitation            J4-08.00     3.5
  5 O'Connell, churchill         Potomac School        J4-08.00     3.5
  7 Gonzalez, Lisa               Bishop O'Connell      J4-08.00     2  
  8 Tvrznikova, Lucy             Episcopal              4-06.00     1  
  9 Okoth, Mary                  Flint Hill            J4-06.00  
  9 Jeremie, Ashley              Model                 J4-06.00  
  9 Donoway, Chantay             Stone Ridge           J4-06.00  
 12 Baker, Cameron               Episcopal              4-04.00  
 12 Kumar, Kiran                 Flint Hill             4-04.00  
 -- Ulman, Libby                 National Cathedr            NH  
 -- Sanguinetti, Mariah          Holton-Arms                 NH  
 -- brennan, maddie              Potomac School              NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 McFadden, Colleen            Bishop Ireton         17-02.00    10  
  2 Onyejiaka, Kelly             Episcopal             16-09.75     8  
  3 Pinkston, Lauren             Herndon               16-09.25     6  
  4 Terwilliger, Kate            Bishop O'Connell      16-06.00     5  
  5 Bates, Naomi                 National Cathedr      16-02.25     4  
  6 Woodson, Jasmin              Wakefield             15-10.00     3  
  7 Holmes, Karima               Episcopal             15-07.75     2  
  8 Herlihy, Meghan              Flint Hill            15-06.25     1  
  9 Kasasa, Sharon               Bullis                15-04.75  
 10 DueMogensen, Nicolina        Holton-Arms           15-00.50  
 11 Butali, Vivian               National Cathedr      14-10.50  
 12 Verrilli, Jordan             Sidwell Friends       14-07.25  
 13 Paegle, Julia                Bishop O'Connell      14-07.00  
 14 Layne, Precious              Stuart, Jeb           14-05.50  
 15 Derderian, Talyne            Stone Ridge           14-02.50  
 16 ford, simone                 Potomac School        14-02.00  
 17 Bolotas, Daphne              Stuart, Jeb           13-06.50  
 18 Shodiya, Toyin               Queen Anne            13-05.50  
 19 Berkman, Natalie             Holton-Arms           13-05.00  
 20 Greenberg, Clare             Field School          13-04.50  
 21 Burrows, Donika              Spingarn              12-08.25  
 22 Horton, Lauren               S S S A S             12-04.75  
 23 Thurmond, Alana              Bishop Ireton         12-04.00  
 24 Talati, Katie                S S S A S             11-10.75  
 25 Leyva, Maria                 Holy Child            11-04.50  
 26 Dunning, Lucy                Field School          11-03.00  
 27 Jenkins, Shanice             Spingarn               9-00.00  
 -- Crutchfield, Adrienne        Good Counsel              FOUL  
 -- grishaw, chloe               Potomac School            FOUL  
 -- Jones, Kara                  Queen Anne                FOUL  
 -- Slater, Bridgette            Sidwell Friends           FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Pinkston, Lauren             Herndon               34-09.25    10  
  2 Onyejiaka, Kelly             Episcopal             33-07.75     8  
  3 grishaw, chloe               Potomac School        33-01.00     6  
  4 Terwilliger, Kate            Bishop O'Connell      32-07.00     5  
  5 Shodiya, Toyin               Queen Anne            31-07.00     4  
  6 Banks, Ashley                Herndon               31-06.00     3  
  7 Derderian, Talyne            Stone Ridge           30-08.25     2  
  8 Layne, Precious              Stuart, Jeb           30-04.50     1  
  9 Tramonte, Nada               Visitation            30-04.00  
 10 Herlihy, Meghan              Flint Hill            30-02.50  
 11 McPherson, Ann Marie         Oakcrest School       29-11.00  
 12 DueMogensen, Nicolina        Holton-Arms           29-07.50  
 12 Bull, Tatiana                S S S A S             29-07.50  
 14 Hadjis, Eliza                Episcopal             29-04.00  
 15 Thurmond, Alana              Bishop Ireton         29-02.00  
 16 Jones, Kara                  Queen Anne            29-00.50  
 17 Bullock, Terri               Visitation            28-10.00  
 18 Kenney, Suzy                 Bishop O'Connell      28-09.00  
 19 Axenfeld, Katarina           Bishop Ireton         28-06.00  
 20 Bolotas, Daphne              Stuart, Jeb           28-04.50  
 21 ford, simone                 Potomac School        27-08.50  
 22 DiMarco, Gabi                National Cathedr      27-07.00  
 23 Fung, Tiffany                National Cathedr      26-11.00  
 24 Sheridan, Katie              Paul VI Catholic      26-05.25  
 25 Brandon, Olivia              S S S A S             25-08.00  
 26 Loman, Lisa                  Paul VI Catholic      24-08.00  
 -- Sten, Tessa                  Good Counsel              FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dillard, Sarah               Episcopal             35-04.75    10  
  2 Agiliga, Alex                National Cathedr      31-02.00     8  
  3 Abi Somra, Cynthia           Paul VI Catholic      30-10.50     6  
  4 Arthur, Vicky                Holy Child            30-01.25     5  
  5 Williams, Autumn             Queen Anne            29-11.25     4  
  6 Braxton, Maya                Georgetown Day        29-10.50     3  
  7 Shiels, Sara                 Episcopal             29-02.25     2  
  8 Obioha, Juju                 Holton-Arms           28-03.50     1  
  9 Webster, Kesia               Sidwell Friends       27-11.00  
 10 Tisdale, Brittany            Herndon               27-10.00  
 11 Sampson, Britney             Archbishop Carro      27-02.50  
 12 Kline, Allie                 S S S A S             26-08.25  
 13 Irondi, Ogechi               Stone Ridge           26-07.25  
 14 Mizzell, Lauren              S S S A S             26-07.00  
 15 Avery, Taara                 National Cathedr      26-04.50  
 16 Hayman, Sherelle             Field School          26-01.25  
 17 fennell, rosalind            Potomac School        26-00.75  
 18 Jones, Emily                 Herndon               25-10.00  
 19 Goeke, Elissa                Stone Ridge           25-02.00  
 20 McKenzie, Kate               Visitation            24-09.00  
 21 Jenkins, Precious            Field School          24-07.50  
 22 Byrnes, Ashley               Model                 24-06.50  
 23 Davenport, Justine           Madeira School        23-11.75  
 24 King, Khadija                Sidwell Friends       23-11.00  
 25 Williams, Raelyn             Queen Anne            23-10.50  
 26 Martell, Leslie              Flint Hill            23-01.75  
 27 Currie, Mary Kate            Bishop Ireton         22-01.75  
 28 Wojtan, Kelli                Paul VI Catholic      22-01.00  
 29 Lewis, Catherine             Stuart, Jeb           21-03.50  
 30 Jones, Andrea                Grace Brethren        20-05.00  
 31 Mitchell, Arin               Bullis                20-00.00  
 32 Godwin, Sarah                Georgetown Day        19-07.75  
 32 Carroll, LaQuinta            Model                 19-07.75  
 34 Herman, Monica               Oakcrest School       18-10.50  
 35 Garrett, Lauren              Bishop Ireton         17-01.50  
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Abi Somra, Cynthia           Paul VI Catholic         96-10    10  
  2 Kkodo, Julie                 Good Counsel             94-02     8  
  3 Dillard, Sarah               Episcopal               J94-02     6  
  4 Avery, Taara                 National Cathedr         88-09     5  
  5 Williams, Autumn             Queen Anne               79-05     4  
  6 fennell, rosalind            Potomac School           79-02     3  
  7 Braxton, Maya                Georgetown Day           79-01     2  
  8 Omenitsch, Sarah             Stone Ridge              78-06     1  
  9 Mizzell, Lauren              S S S A S                73-02  
 10 Goeke, Elissa                Stone Ridge              72-06  
 11 King, Khadija                Sidwell Friends          72-04  
 12 johnson, candance            Potomac School           72-00  
 13 Newcomer, Elizabeth          Herndon                  71-11  
 14 Shiels, Sara                 Episcopal                68-03  
 15 Joly, Janine                 Visitation               67-04  
 16 McFadden, Michelle           Bishop Ireton            65-05  
 17 Webster, Kesia               Sidwell Friends          65-01  
 18 McKenzie, Kate               Visitation               64-11  
 19 Galloway, Courtney           S S S A S                64-02  
 20 Williams, Raelyn             Queen Anne               62-05  
 21 Godwin, Sarah                Georgetown Day           55-05  
 22 Ligon, Chare                 Good Counsel             49-07  
 23 Lewis, Catherine             Stuart, Jeb              49-05  
 24 Carroll, LaQuinta            Model                    48-04  
 25 Byrnes, Ashley               Model                    45-07  
 -- Agiliga, Alex                National Cathedr          FOUL  
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Armstrong, Brian             Flint Hill               10.97q  8 
  2 Bademosi, Johnson            Gonzaga                  11.00q  8 
  3 Hall, Jordan                 Sidwell Friends          11.12q  7 
  4 Vincent, Tyrell              Archbishop Carro         11.27q  6 
  5 Yamb, Vianney                Model                    11.30q  7 
  6 Gorton, Alex                 Georgetown Day           11.37q  5 
  7 Naylor, James                Paul VI Catholic         11.39q  7 
  8 Smith, Curtis                Wakefield                11.44q  5 
  9 Clare, Michael               Archbishop Carro         11.45q  6 
 10 Batista, Everton             S S S A S                11.47q  7 
 10 Sutton, Sean                 Good Counsel             11.47q  6 
 12 West, Scott                  Episcopal                11.48q  8 
 13 Scott, J.R.                  Bullis                   11.51   7 
 14 Meltzer, Logan               Georgetown Day           11.53   5 
 15 Mclaughlin, Leo              Gonzaga                  11.60   6 
 16 Corso, Joey                  Paul VI Catholic         11.61   4 
 17 Jenkins, Jelani              Good Counsel             11.62   6 
 18 Ghatri, Navid                Field School             11.65   4 
 19 Downs, Mark                  St. Anselm's             11.67   5 
 20 Wray, Gunnar                 Landon School            11.71   5 
 21 Crest, Trevor                Episcopal                11.73   4 
 22 Brackett, Ryan               S S S A S                11.78   7 
 23 Kalloo, Theo                 Queen Anne               11.79   8 
 24 Lynn, Raymond                Landon School            11.80   4 
 25 Fosque, Anthony              Spingarn                 11.81   8 
 26 Gyapong, Eugene              South Lakes              11.85   8 
 27 Logan, John                  Wakefield                11.88   3 
 28 Blarel, Julien               St. Albans               11.94   4 
 28 Holmes, Mark                 Bishop Ireton            11.94   2 
 30 Amasiatu, Tobe               Model                    12.09   3 
 31 bennett, john                Potomac School           12.22   1 
 32 Vaveris, Matt                St. Andrew's             12.33   2 
 33 Ohmes, Alex                  Flint Hill               12.34   3 
 34 Someroy, Pierre              Bishop Ireton            12.36   1 
 35 Salcido, Roberto             St. Albans               12.41   2 
 36 Best, Don                    Spingarn                 12.51   3 
 37 Aquilar, Daniel              Herndon                  12.55   2 
 38 Kraft, Martin                St. Anselm's             12.57   3 
 39 Lin, Ingabire                Sidwell Friends          12.74   2 
 40 King, Asa                    Maret School             13.01   1 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Bademosi, Johnson            Gonzaga                  10.89   2   10  
  2 Armstrong, Brian             Flint Hill               10.90   2    8  
  3 Vincent, Tyrell              Archbishop Carro         11.11   2    6  
  4 Hall, Jordan                 Sidwell Friends          11.13   2    5  
  5 Naylor, James                Paul VI Catholic         11.21   1    4  
  6 Yamb, Vianney                Model                    11.27   2    3  
  7 Batista, Everton             S S S A S                11.34   1    2  
  8 Smith, Curtis                Wakefield                11.35   1    1  
  9 West, Scott                  Episcopal                11.37   1 
 10 Gorton, Alex                 Georgetown Day           11.39   2 
 11 Sutton, Sean                 Good Counsel             11.40   1 
 12 Clare, Michael               Archbishop Carro         11.59   1 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Bademosi, Johnson            Gonzaga                  22.29q  8 
  2 Keels, Allante               Episcopal                22.30q  8 
  3 Armstrong, Brian             Flint Hill               22.31q  8 
  4 Saleh, Eric                  Flint Hill               22.62q  8 
  5 Paz, Imir                    Field School             22.88q  8 
  6 Sutton, Sean                 Good Counsel             22.94q  8 
  7 Green, John                  S S S A S                23.23q  6 
  8 Stebbins, Spencer            Sidwell Friends          23.28q  6 
  8 Yamb, Vianney                Model                    23.28q  7 
 10 Smith, Curtis                Wakefield                23.49q  5 
 10 Scott, J.R.                  Bullis                   23.49q  6 
 13 Chichester, Jamar            Sidwell Friends         J23.64   5 
 13 Carr, Efayomi                St. Albans              J23.64   6 
 14 Green, Michael               Stuart, Jeb              23.79   7 
 14 Bynum, Blake                 Bishop Ireton            23.79   5 
 16 Belew, Duncan                Georgetown Day           23.92   4 
 17 Howard, LeRoy                St. Andrew's             23.95   7 
 18 Lal, Dinesh                  Stuart, Jeb              24.00   3 
 19 Price, Sean                  South Lakes              24.04   2 
 20 Kalloo, Theo                 Queen Anne               24.22   7 
 21 Henderson, Marcus            Gonzaga                  24.34   7 
 22 Augustine, Hilton            Georgetown Day           24.37   2 
 23 Jorgensen, Sean              Bullis                   24.52   3 
 24 evans, brendan               Potomac School           24.70   3 
 25 Jones, Travis                S S S A S                24.72   2 
 26 Amasiatu, Tobe               Model                    24.79   4 
 27 bennett, john                Potomac School           24.93   2 
 28 Schuyler, Alex               Episcopal                24.99   3 
 29 Downs, Mark                  St. Anselm's             25.01   4 
 30 Graddick, Earl               Wakefield                25.22   5 
 31 Williams, Isiaih             Archbishop Carro         25.23   2 
 32 Harmon, Zack                 Bishop O'Connell         25.42   2 
 33 Young, Beau                  St. Albans               25.44   4 
 34 Burket, Jonathan             St. Andrew's             25.47   4 
 35 Fisher, Joseph               Herndon                  25.82   4 
 35 Ferrara, Sam                 Bishop Ireton            25.82   1 
 37 Carpenter, Mikey             St. Anselm's             25.83   1 
 38 Paige, Ryan                  Field School             26.15   1 
 39 King, Asa                    Maret School             26.31   1 
 40 Younger, Kenneth             Archbishop Carro         26.98   1 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Bademosi, Johnson            Gonzaga                  22.14   2   10  
  2 Keels, Allante               Episcopal                22.25   2    8  
  3 Armstrong, Brian             Flint Hill               22.38   2    6  
  4 Saleh, Eric                  Flint Hill               22.65   2    5  
  5 Stebbins, Spencer            Sidwell Friends          23.21   1    4  
  6 Green, John                  S S S A S                23.41   1    3  
  7 Yamb, Vianney                Model                    23.61   1    2  
  8 Smith, Curtis                Wakefield                23.86   1    1  
  9 Scott, J.R.                  Bullis                   23.91   1 
Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Keels, Allante               Episcopal                49.03q  9 
  2 Butler, Karrie               Archbishop Carro         50.16q  9 
  3 Cathion, Kyle                Archbishop Carro         50.62q  8 
  4 Saleh, Eric                  Flint Hill               50.74q  9 
  5 Sebele, Shadow               Episcopal                50.97q  8 
  6 Hall, Jordan                 Sidwell Friends          51.16q  8 
  7 Ward, Carter                 Gonzaga                  51.25q  9 
  8 Harris, Courtland            Good Counsel             51.78q  9 
  9 Paz, Imir                    Field School             52.29q  8 
 10 campbell, stanley            Potomac School           53.08q  7 
 11 Russell, Purnell             Spingarn                 53.16q  7 
 12 Gleklen, Brandon             Landon School            53.35q  5 
 13 Parker, Fritz                St. Albans               53.71   8 
 14 Mayo, Thomas                 South Lakes              53.99   3 
 14 Grimes, Kamau                St. Anselm's             53.99   6 
 16 Howard, LeRoy                St. Andrew's             54.01   8 
 17 Sessems, Jemel               Good Counsel             54.07   9 
 18 Oliver, Jibreel              Georgetown Day           54.18   5 
 19 Heller, Ben                  Field School             54.27   7 
 20 Holmes, Mark                 Bishop Ireton            54.72   5 
 21 Grant, Justin                Bullis                   55.38   4 
 22 Scott, Charles               Spingarn                 55.40   6 
 23 Gabriel, James               Landon School            55.46   5 
 24 Brown, Garrett               Maret School             55.49   2 
 25 Moses, Jmaw                  Edmund Burke             55.78   4 
 26 Shipley, Alex                Flint Hill               55.99   3 
 27 Lopez, Ted                   Gonzaga                  56.01   7 
 28 Anderson, Tristan            Herndon                  56.03   5 
 29 Taylor, Emmanuel             Queen Anne               56.26   2 
 30 Bolt, Dean                   Queen Anne               56.41   2 
 31 Hunter, Dominique            Wakefield                56.99   1 
 32 Green, Aaron                 Bullis                   57.11   3 
 33 Cerritelli, Marco            St. Anselm's             57.24   3 
 34 Carroll, Jay                 Bishop O'Connell         57.31   6 
 35 Larson, Nick                 St. Albans               57.46   4 
 36 Sorenson, Isaac              Maret School             57.54   3 
 37 Lambert, Phillip             Model                    57.55   1 
 38 Powell, Joe                  Paul VI Catholic         57.98   4 
 39 Firman, Jeremiah             Wakefield                57.99   6 
 40 Brackett, Taurus             S S S A S                58.08   2 
 41 Tchong, Vincent              Paul VI Catholic         58.22   3 
 42 Kai, Zheng                   Sidwell Friends          58.60   2 
 43 Pinillos, Francisco          S S S A S                59.10   1 
 44 Smith, Matt                  Bishop Ireton          1:05.59   1 
 -- Joyner, Marco                Herndon                     DQ   6 
Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Keels, Allante               Episcopal                49.00   2   10  
  2 Butler, Karrie               Archbishop Carro         49.03   2    8  
  3 Ward, Carter                 Gonzaga                  50.63   1    6  
  4 Saleh, Eric                  Flint Hill               50.69   2    5  
  5 Cathion, Kyle                Archbishop Carro         51.16   2    4  
  6 Sebele, Shadow               Episcopal                51.47   2    3  
  7 Harris, Courtland            Good Counsel             51.58   1    2  
  8 campbell, stanley            Potomac School           52.48   1    1  
  9 Russell, Purnell             Spingarn                 52.67   1 
 10 Gleklen, Brandon             Landon School            56.17   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 serene, stephen              Potomac School         1:58.86    10  
  2 Ward, Carter                 Gonzaga                2:00.06     8  
  3 Dee, Michael                 St. Albans             2:01.39     6  
  4 Johnson, Blaize              Paul VI Catholic       2:03.94     5  
  5 St. John, Ollie              Edmund Burke           2:05.26     4  
  6 Ofray, Sage                  Episcopal              2:05.49     3  
  7 Gadbaw, Jake                 St. Andrew's           2:05.53     2  
  8 Garcia, Nick                 Georgetown Day         2:05.88     1  
  9 Thumpasery, Francis          St. Albans             2:06.38  
 10 Czujko, Steve                Good Counsel           2:06.84  
 11 McGinn, Ian                  Paul VI Catholic       2:07.60  
 12 Heller, Ben                  Field School           2:07.66  
 13 Shorter, Matthew             Archbishop Carro       2:08.28  
 14 Rivero, Kevin                Bishop Ireton          2:08.49  
 15 St. John, Max                Georgetown Day         2:08.83  
 16 Kelly, John                  St. Anselm's           2:09.62  
 17 Nyce, Will                   Bishop O'Connell       2:09.73  
 18 Holleran, Andrew             Bishop O'Connell       2:10.46  
 19 Williams, Sean               South Lakes            2:11.88  
 20 Arndt, Don                   St. Anselm's           2:12.00  
 21 Markoski, Peter              Episcopal              2:12.11  
 22 Tulman, Michael              Edmund Burke           2:12.18  
 23 Wilson, Kyle                 Sidwell Friends        2:12.26  
 24 Halstead, Trevor             Flint Hill             2:12.66  
 25 Schoen, Patrick              Bullis                 2:12.86  
 26 brandt, alex                 Potomac School         2:12.90  
 27 Wijayaratne, Akhila          Herndon                2:13.07  
 28 Landry, Mark                 Archbishop Carro       2:13.63  
 29 Hamilton, Mark               Good Counsel           2:13.66  
 30 Winkleman, Jay               Field School           2:14.19  
 31 Mastalli-Kelly, Luke         Sidwell Friends        2:14.51  
 31 Firman, Jeremiah             Wakefield              2:14.51  
 33 Howard, Zach                 Bullis                 2:14.85  
 34 McGowan, Kyle                Herndon                2:15.70  
 35 Brown, Garrett               Maret School           2:15.76  
 36 Brahmstedt, Alex             Stuart, Jeb            2:18.24  
 37 Chelak, Joey                 Bishop Ireton          2:18.26  
 38 Abdelrazaq, Erin             Stuart, Jeb            2:18.70  
 39 O'Malley, Daniel             South Lakes            2:18.96  
 40 Holt, Mike                   S S S A S              2:20.45  
 41 Johnson, William             Queen Anne             2:20.98  
 42 Lane, Johnny                 Flint Hill             2:23.52  
 43 Rice, Kevin                  Grace Brethren         2:24.77  
 44 Hankin, Matt                 Maret School           2:26.20  
 45 Kendall, Christopher         Wakefield              2:26.61  
 46 Robinson, Anthony            Model                  2:28.76  
 47 Anderson, Chris              Model                  2:43.29  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rooney, Brian                St. Albans             4:33.26    10  
  2 St. John, Ollie              Edmund Burke           4:37.53     8  
  3 John, McGowan                Sidwell Friends        4:37.60     6  
  4 Miller, Colby                Flint Hill             4:38.64     5  
  5 Mohammed, Abiy               Stuart, Jeb            4:38.68     4  
  6 Snowdon, Alex                St. Albans             4:40.45     3  
  7 Jasper, Jack                 Herndon                4:43.17     2  
  8 Sneeringer, David            Maret School           4:45.90     1  
  9 Horne, Charles               Paul VI Catholic       4:47.53  
 10 Moniz, Matthew               St. Anselm's           4:48.36  
 11 Zeiss, Ben                   Gonzaga                4:48.50  
 12 Thayer, Dylan                St. Andrew's           4:49.88  
 13 Carolus-Hager, Sam           Stuart, Jeb            4:51.01  
 14 Belikove, Tom                St. Andrew's           4:52.04  
 15 Muroyama, Alex               Georgetown Day         4:53.54  
 16 Baer, Nick                   Georgetown Day         4:55.12  
 17 Carpenter, Johnny            St. Anselm's           4:55.59  
 18 Shuford, Ben                 Episcopal              4:55.80  
 19 Wilson, Kyle                 Sidwell Friends        4:56.08  
 20 Messinger, Conor             Edmund Burke           4:56.70  
 21 Holleran, Andrew             Bishop O'Connell       4:58.45  
 22 zaras, george                Potomac School         4:58.51  
 23 Cossey, Timothy              Wakefield              5:01.79  
 24 Rivero, Kevin                Bishop Ireton          5:01.93  
 25 Rainard, Sam                 Good Counsel           5:02.17  
 26 Flemming, Darion             Wakefield              5:02.23  
 27 Gardner, Matt                Bishop O'Connell       5:02.92  
 28 Tallerico, Thomas            Good Counsel           5:03.54  
 29 Muir, Kevin                  South Lakes            5:04.25  
 30 Stohlman, James              Paul VI Catholic       5:06.36  
 31 Allen, Nick                  Field School           5:07.24  
 32 McDermott, Jack              Field School           5:07.50  
 33 Chu, Steven                  Bullis                 5:08.43  
 34 Whalen, Spencer              Landon School          5:09.63  
 35 Vaccaro, Stephen             Bishop Ireton          5:11.99  
 36 Koester, Stefan              S S S A S              5:13.58  
 37 Edgerton, Milan              Archbishop Carro       5:16.06  
 38 Danello, Chris               Maret School           5:16.32  
 39 Hernandez, Chris             Bullis                 5:16.95  
 40 Jumani, Aaron                S S S A S              5:17.24  
 41 Barbalace, Ryan              Flint Hill             5:30.67  
 42 Lamson, Dalton               Landon School          5:31.91  
 43 Robinson, Anthony            Model                  5:52.11  
 44 Goodman, Craig               Model                  5:52.47  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rooney, Brian                St. Albans             9:47.47    10  
  2 Mohammed, Abiy               Stuart, Jeb            9:56.76     8  
  3 Miller, Colby                Flint Hill            10:00.57     6  
  4 ross, campbell               Potomac School        10:03.37     5  
  5 St. John, Ollie              Edmund Burke          10:08.12     4  
  6 John, McGowan                Sidwell Friends       10:08.42     3  
  7 Whitmarsh, Colin             Georgetown Day        10:15.49     2  
  8 Durling, Jamie               St. Albans            10:16.54     1  
  9 Horne, Charles               Paul VI Catholic      10:17.54  
 10 Carpenter, Johnny            St. Anselm's          10:18.14  
 11 Jasper, Jack                 Herndon               10:21.61  
 12 Zeiss, Ben                   Gonzaga               10:24.56  
 13 Freeling, Sam                Georgetown Day        10:26.88  
 14 Hogan, Chris                 Good Counsel          10:27.29  
 15 Deford, Sean                 Herndon               10:39.48  
 16 Fleury, Will                 Gonzaga               10:40.97  
 17 Sneeringer, David            Maret School          10:41.65  
 18 Moniz, Matthew               St. Anselm's          10:43.52  
 19 Flemming, Darion             Wakefield             10:59.60  
 20 Galicia, Pablo               St. Andrew's          11:00.74  
 21 Fletcher, Drew               Bishop O'Connell      11:01.69  
 22 Conrad, Simon                Edmund Burke          11:06.29  
 23 Gardner, Matt                Bishop O'Connell      11:06.45  
 24 Thayer, Dylan                St. Andrew's          11:08.73  
 25 Chelak, Joey                 Bishop Ireton         11:12.36  
 26 Allen, Nick                  Field School          11:13.08  
 27 Mastalli-Kelly, Luke         Sidwell Friends       11:15.61  
 28 Reinhold, Andy               South Lakes           11:17.98  
 29 Koester, Stefan              S S S A S             11:20.35  
 30 McDermott, Jack              Field School          11:24.81  
 31 Wojtan, Eddie                Paul VI Catholic      11:25.19  
 32 Hernandez, Chris             Bullis                11:36.75  
 33 Kim, Austin                  Episcopal             11:37.76  
 34 Danello, Chris               Maret School          11:38.16  
 35 Reichert, Jake               Bishop Ireton         11:41.79  
 36 Sullivan, David              Good Counsel          12:03.92  
 37 Allen, Matthew               South Lakes           12:12.38  
 -- Marshall, Roderick           Archbishop Carro           DNF  
 -- Khan, Muhammad               Wakefield                  DNF  
 -- Edgerton, Milan              Archbishop Carro           DNF  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Brown, Vincent               South Lakes              14.51q  6 
  2 Barry, Seck                  St. Albans               15.00q  6 
  3 Shepperd, Aaron              Gonzaga                  15.34q  6 
  4 Warner, David                Archbishop Carro         16.08q  5 
  5 Robinson, Stacey             Gonzaga                  16.30q  6 
  6 Little, KaQuan               Bullis                   16.34q  5 
  7 hall, ted                    Potomac School           16.36q  6 
  8 Molock, Jelani               S S S A S                16.44q  5 
  9 Chauteh, Mark                Bishop O'Connell         16.95q  6 
 10 Augustine, Hilton            Georgetown Day           17.17q  3 
 11 Sequeira, Sancho             Herndon                  17.43q  4 
 12 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne               17.45q  5 
 13 Naber, Frederick             Paul VI Catholic         17.59   4 
 14 Gretz, Sam                   Edmund Burke             17.73   4 
 15 Parks, A.J.                  Sidwell Friends          17.86   4 
 16 Taylor, Justin               Episcopal                17.99   3 
 17 Jackson, Richard             Field School             18.09   3 
 18 Kevin, Truong                Herndon                  18.29   4 
 19 Hammer, Aaron                Edmund Burke             18.85   2 
 20 Ghatri, Navid                Field School             18.87   3 
 21 Hawkins, Will                S S S A S                19.15   2 
 22 Thornton, Marcus             Spingarn                 19.24   5 
 23 Fritts, John                 Bishop Ireton            19.82   3 
 24 Roth, Keegan                 Georgetown Day           20.13   1 
 25 Siefu, Sammy                 Sidwell Friends          20.15   3 
 26 Williams, Isiaih             Archbishop Carro         20.20   2 
 27 Young, Beau                  St. Albans               20.82   1 
 28 Saylor, Adrain               Model                    20.95   1 
 29 Baier, Ricky                 Bishop Ireton            21.03   1 
 30 Cohen, Timothy               Stuart, Jeb              21.59   2 
 31 Parker, Matt                 Paul VI Catholic         22.26   4 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Brown, Vincent               South Lakes              14.10   2   10  
  2 Shepperd, Aaron              Gonzaga                  14.80   2    8  
  3 Barry, Seck                  St. Albans               14.87   2    6  
  4 Warner, David                Archbishop Carro         15.91   2    5  
  5 Chauteh, Mark                Bishop O'Connell         15.97   1    4  
  6 Little, KaQuan               Bullis                   16.18   2    3  
  7 Robinson, Stacey             Gonzaga                  16.25   2    2  
  8 Molock, Jelani               S S S A S                16.35   1    1  
  9 Naber, Frederick             Paul VI Catholic         16.89   1 
 10 Sequeira, Sancho             Herndon                  17.00   1 
 11 Augustine, Hilton            Georgetown Day           17.16   1 
 12 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne               17.18   1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Barry, Seck                  St. Albans               38.09q  7 
  2 Green, Russell               Herndon                  41.04q  7 
  3 Chauteh, Mark                Bishop O'Connell         41.07q  7 
  4 Washington, Kaleem           St. Albans               42.00q  6 
  5 Shepperd, Aaron              Gonzaga                  42.05q  6 
  6 Molock, Jelani               S S S A S                42.72q  5 
  7 Warner, David                Archbishop Carro         43.19q  7 
  8 Sandoval, Joshua             Model                    43.63q  5 
  9 Gonzalez, Richard            Bishop O'Connell         44.00q  4 
 10 Gretz, Sam                   Edmund Burke             44.33q  5 
 11 Parks, A.J.                  Sidwell Friends          44.37q  4 
 12 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne               44.73q  7 
 13 Sorenson, Isaac              Maret School             44.76   4 
 14 Naber, Frederick             Paul VI Catholic         45.29   5 
 15 Little, KaQuan               Bullis                   45.44   6 
 16 Shipley, Alex                Flint Hill               45.82   6 
 17 Ghatri, Navid                Field School             46.07   2 
 18 blades, ian                  Potomac School           46.28   5 
 19 Sequeira, Sancho             Herndon                  46.57   3 
 20 Ferrell, Glenn               Spingarn                 46.85   4 
 21 Chen, Scott                  Good Counsel             47.27   3 
 22 Baier, Ricky                 Bishop Ireton            47.46   1 
 23 Jackson, Richard             Field School             47.67   2 
 24 Fritts, John                 Bishop Ireton            47.96   2 
 25 Pierce, Michael              Queen Anne               48.08   3 
 26 Lucas, Duane                 Archbishop Carro         48.64   6 
 27 Siefu, Sammy                 Sidwell Friends          48.82   4 
 28 Saylor, Adrain               Model                    48.86   1 
 29 Hawkins, Will                S S S A S                49.65   2 
 30 Wu, Jun                      Episcopal                50.31   1 
 31 Cohen, Timothy               Stuart, Jeb              52.20   1 
 32 Alston, Rodney               Spingarn                 52.50   5 
 33 Wach, Joseph                 Paul VI Catholic         52.71   1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Barry, Seck                  St. Albans               39.00   2   10  
  2 Green, Russell               Herndon                  41.00   2    8  
  3 Washington, Kaleem           St. Albans               41.19   2    6  
  4 Warner, David                Archbishop Carro         41.58   1    5  
  5 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne               42.96   1    4  
  6 Sandoval, Joshua             Model                    42.99   1    3  
  7 Gretz, Sam                   Edmund Burke             44.34   1    2  
  8 Parks, A.J.                  Sidwell Friends          45.15   1    1  
  9 Shepperd, Aaron              Gonzaga                  45.17   2 
 10 Gonzalez, Richard            Bishop O'Connell         45.35   1 
 11 Molock, Jelani               S S S A S                47.38   2 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Good Counsel  'A'                                     42.53   4   10  
  2 Gonzaga  'A'                                          43.92   4    8  
  3 Episcopal  'A'                                        44.70   4    6  
  4 Archbishop Carroll  'A'                               44.71   4    5  
  5 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                  44.98   3    4  
  6 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                        45.01   3    3  
  7 Wakefield  'A'                                        45.18   3    2  
  8 Georgetown Day School  'A'                            45.29   3    1  
  9 Flint Hill School  'A'                                45.35   3 
 10 Herndon  'A'                                          45.93   4 
 11 Bullis  'A'                                           46.10   2 
 12 St. Albans  'A'                                       46.20   1 
 13 Landon School  'A'                                    46.23   2 
 14 Field School  'A'                                     46.24   3 
 15 South Lakes  'A'                                      46.25   2 
 16 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                                 47.05   2 
 17 Stuart, Jeb  'A'                                      47.27   1 
 18 Model Secondary  'A'                                  47.44   2 
 19 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                    48.07   2 
 20 Spingarn  'A'                                         48.65   4 
 21 Edmund Burke  'A'                                     49.17   1 
 22 St. Anselm's Abbey  'A'                               49.61   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Good Counsel  'A'                                   1:29.47   3   10  
  2 South Lakes  'A'                                    1:33.09   1    8  
  3 Georgetown Day School  'A'                          1:33.42   3    6  
  4 Spingarn  'A'                                       1:34.09   3    5  
  5 Archbishop Carroll  'A'                             1:34.66   3    4  
  6 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                               1:34.96   2    3  
  7 Gonzaga  'A'                                        1:35.30   3    2  
  8 Flint Hill School  'A'                              1:37.14   2    1  
  9 Episcopal  'A'                                      1:37.15   2 
 10 St. Albans  'A'                                     1:39.30   1 
 11 Bullis  'A'                                         1:39.39   1 
 12 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                      1:39.68   1 
 13 Queen Anne School  'A'                              1:40.00   2 
 14 Landon School  'A'                                  1:43.63   2 
 15 Herndon  'A'                                        1:43.69   2 
 16 Sidwell Friends  'A'                                1:46.18   1 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Good Counsel  'A'                                   3:22.72   4   10  
  2 Episcopal  'A'                                      3:24.04   4    8  
  3 Gonzaga  'A'                                        3:30.10   4    6  
  4 St. Albans  'A'                                     3:32.28   4    5  
  5 Herndon  'A'                                        3:38.77   3    4  
  6 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes  'A'                      3:39.08   2    3  
  7 Spingarn  'A'                                       3:40.54   4    2  
  8 St. Anselm's Abbey  'A'                             3:41.53   3    1  
  9 South Lakes  'A'                                    3:43.08   3 
 10 Edmund Burke  'A'                                   3:43.95   2 
 11 Stuart, Jeb  'A'                                    3:44.62   1 
 12 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                               3:44.75   2 
 13 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                  3:46.42   1 
 14 Wakefield  'A'                                      3:50.65   1 
 15 Georgetown Day School  'A'                          3:51.45   2 
 16 Flint Hill School  'A'                              3:53.13   2 
 17 Maret School  'A'                                   3:57.66   1 
 18 Bullis  'A'                                         3:59.70   2 
 19 Model Secondary  'A'                                4:26.20   1 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Archbishop Carroll  'A'                             8:25.30    10  
  2 Good Counsel  'A'                                   8:30.50     8  
  3 Gonzaga  'A'                                        8:34.00     6  
  4 Paul VI Catholic  'A'                               8:36.30     5  
  5 St. Albans  'A'                                     8:36.93     4  
  6 Georgetown Day School  'A'                          8:45.50     3  
  7 Flint Hill School  'A'                              8:47.00     2  
  8 South Lakes  'A'                                    8:47.10     1  
  9 Landon School  'A'                                  9:05.40  
 10 Herndon  'A'                                        9:08.10  
 11 Bishop Ireton  'A'                                  9:08.20  
 12 Field School  'A'                                   9:20.50  
 13 Maret School  'A'                                   9:54.30  
 14 Model Secondary  'A'                                9:54.47  
 15 St. Anselm's Abbey  'A'                            10:01.60  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Llames, George               Bishop O'Connell       6-00.00    10  
  2 Jenkins, Nelson              Episcopal              5-10.00     8  
  3 Guobadia, Efosa              St. Albans            J5-10.00     6  
  4 Edwards, Alex                S S S A S              5-08.00     5  
  5 Barkell, Colin               Bishop Ireton          5-06.00     4  
  6 Boyajian, Michael            St. Albans            J5-06.00     3  
 -- Cummings, Trent              Sidwell Friends             NH  
 -- Gradison, Andy               Georgetown Day              NH  
 -- Restrepo, Tajh               Episcopal                   NH  
 -- Hogan, Chris                 Good Counsel                NH  
 -- kuzmick, ian                 Potomac School              NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brown, Vincent               South Lakes           22-03.25    10  
  2 Clare, Michael               Archbishop Carro      21-08.00     8  
  3 Dixon, Hassan                Good Counsel          21-06.25     6  
  4 Llames, George               Bishop O'Connell      21-05.00     5  
  5 Bademosi, Johnson            Gonzaga               20-08.75     4  
  6 Obcemea, Andrew              Herndon               20-06.75     3  
  7 Carr, Efayomi                St. Albans            20-06.00     2  
  8 Gear, Jordan                 Landon School         20-00.75     1  
  9 Belew, Duncan                Georgetown Day        19-11.25  
 10 Jenkins, Nelson              Episcopal             19-04.25  
 11 Coulibaly, Guilherme         Stuart, Jeb           19-04.00  
 12 Restrepo, Tajh               Episcopal             19-02.00  
 12 Bynum, Blake                 Bishop Ireton         19-02.00  
 14 Pierce, Michael              Queen Anne            19-01.75  
 15 Bracey, Brian                S S S A S             19-01.00  
 16 Sandoval, Joshua             Model                 19-00.00  
 17 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne            18-09.25  
 18 Coulibaly, Antonio           Stuart, Jeb           18-08.00  
 19 Outland, David               Good Counsel          18-06.50  
 20 Naylor, James                Paul VI Catholic      18-06.00  
 21 evans, brendan               Potomac School        18-05.00  
 22 rodlauer, matias             Potomac School        18-04.00  
 23 Meltzer, Logan               Georgetown Day        18-00.50  
 24 Graddick, Earl               Wakefield             17-11.25  
 25 Jackson, Richard             Field School          17-08.75  
 26 Nawaz, Maaz                  Herndon               17-07.75  
 27 Edwards, Alex                S S S A S             17-07.00  
 28 Washington, Kaleem           St. Albans            17-03.75  
 29 Cummings, Trent              Sidwell Friends       17-03.00  
 29 Shipley, Alex                Flint Hill            17-03.00  
 31 Bernstein, Henry             Bullis                17-00.00  
 32 Paige, Ryan                  Field School          16-10.50  
 33 Hunter, Dominique            Wakefield             16-01.25  
 34 Messinger, Kevin             Edmund Burke          16-00.50  
 35 Lin, Ingabire                Sidwell Friends       14-11.00  
 -- Landry, Michael              Archbishop Carro          FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Llames, George               Bishop O'Connell      44-02.75    10  
  2 Carr, Efayomi                St. Albans            43-08.00     8  
  3 Clare, Michael               Archbishop Carro      42-01.25     6  
  4 Obcemea, Andrew              Herndon               41-10.50     5  
  5 Belew, Duncan                Georgetown Day        41-05.50     4  
  6 Brown, Steven                Queen Anne            40-11.00     3  
  7 Restrepo, Tajh               Episcopal             40-10.00     2  
  8 Hamilton, Mark               Good Counsel          39-08.00     1  
  9 Odenyo, Archie               Episcopal             39-06.00  
 10 Jackson, Richard             Field School          38-09.00  
 11 Augustine, Hilton            Georgetown Day        38-08.75  
 12 Bynum, Blake                 Bishop Ireton         38-07.50  
 13 kur, alexander               Potomac School        38-02.50  
 14 Edwards, Alex                S S S A S             37-08.50  
 15 Pierce, Michael              Queen Anne            37-07.00  
 16 Mazlan, Shariff              Herndon               37-04.75  
 17 Coulibaly, Guilherme         Stuart, Jeb           37-02.75  
 18 rodlauer, matias             Potomac School        36-09.25  
 19 Robinson, Stacey             Gonzaga               36-07.00  
 20 Young, Beau                  St. Albans            36-06.00  
 21 Brackett, Taurus             S S S A S             36-03.50  
 22 Martin, Terrance             Good Counsel          36-00.50  
 23 Messinger, Kevin             Edmund Burke          35-01.00  
 24 Stebbins, Spencer            Sidwell Friends       34-06.00  
 25 Chichester, Jamar            Sidwell Friends       30-11.00  
 -- Coulibaly, Antonio           Stuart, Jeb               FOUL  
 -- Shepperd, Aaron              Gonzaga                   FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Boatman, Cory                Good Counsel          48-03.00    10  
  2 Shiels, Andrew               Episcopal             48-02.50     8  
  3 Whearry, Allen               Gonzaga               45-11.00     6  
  4 Thomas, Glen                 St. Albans            45-08.00     5  
  5 Jenkins, Jelani              Good Counsel          43-08.50     4  
  6 Ford, Jordan                 Landon School         42-07.25     3  
  7 Shupp, Erik                  Herndon               42-05.75     2  
  8 McGroarty, Dan               Paul VI Catholic      42-04.25     1  
  9 Wiggins, Eric                Gonzaga               40-11.25  
 10 Appel, Nick                  Bishop O'Connell      40-04.00  
 11 Stephens, Christian          Sidwell Friends       40-02.50  
 12 Laurence, Danny              Stuart, Jeb           40-02.00  
 13 Gordan, George               Bullis                38-10.00  
 14 Yazdanpanah, Korosh          Wakefield             38-01.25  
 15 burnett, brendan             Potomac School        38-00.50  
 16 Gradison, Andy               Georgetown Day        37-05.50  
 17 Asmar, Robert                S S S A S             37-04.25  
 18 Yamb, Vianney                Model                 36-11.75  
 19 Manch, Pat                   Bishop O'Connell      36-05.00  
 20 Taylor, Andrew               Maret School          35-01.75  
 21 Clayton, Richard             Bullis                34-09.50  
 22 Standerfer, Bradley          South Lakes           34-03.75  
 23 Johnson, Lennard             St. Albans            34-03.25  
 24 Brooks, Ben                  Herndon               34-00.50  
 25 Beall, Josh                  Queen Anne            32-08.75  
 26 Wallschleger, Laith          S S S A S             32-03.50  
 27 DeLaCuesta, Matt             Bishop Ireton         29-07.50  
 28 Dean, Alex                   Queen Anne            28-08.00  
 29 Kelly, Quinn                 Sidwell Friends       28-05.50  
 30 Jimoh, Tayo                  Georgetown Day        28-04.25  
 31 Jones, Jahmal                Model                 26-10.75  
 32 Lanpher, David               Maret School          25-06.75  
 -- Smith-Kiawu, Tay Smith-K     Episcopal                 FOUL  
 -- Winder, Tally                South Lakes               FOUL  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fortes, Quintin              South Lakes             145-07    10  
  2 Oyekoya, Samuel              Gonzaga                 139-05     8  
  3 Shiels, Andrew               Episcopal               133-03     6  
  4 Whearry, Allen               Gonzaga                 130-04     5  
  5 Yazdanpanah, Korosh          Wakefield               120-09     4  
  6 Nguyen, Kirk                 Herndon                 120-07     3  
  7 Ford, Jordan                 Landon School           118-10     2  
  8 Serafenas, Thor              Good Counsel            114-09     1  
  9 Wright, Eric                 Paul VI Catholic        112-09  
 10 McGroarty, Dan               Paul VI Catholic        109-10  
 11 Langley, Ron                 St. Albans              108-08  
 12 Stephens, Christian          Sidwell Friends         105-10  
 13 Shupp, Erik                  Herndon                 105-06  
 14 Livingston, Khalid           Grace Brethren          100-09  
 15 Clayton, Richard             Bullis                  100-00  
 16 Garry, J.P.                  St. Albans               99-11  
 17 Laurence, Danny              Stuart, Jeb              96-03  
 18 Beall, Josh                  Queen Anne            95-03.50  
 19 roepers, phillip             Potomac School           92-05  
 20 Hammer, Aaron                Edmund Burke             91-08  
 21 Knowles, Daniel              Good Counsel             91-06  
 22 DeLeon, Niko                 Field School             90-07  
 23 Jones, Mike                  Episcopal                90-05  
 24 Wallschleger, Laith          S S S A S                90-02  
 25 overstreet, jack             Potomac School           89-09  
 26 Lemos, Gabo                  Field School             84-07  
 27 Kaplan-Allen, Satchel        Georgetown Day           83-01  
 28 Jimoh, Tayo                  Georgetown Day           80-04  
 29 Lindsay, William             Grace Brethren           80-01  
 30 Asmar, Robert                S S S A S                75-00  
 31 Gordan, George               Bullis                   73-05  
 32 Dean, Alex                   Queen Anne               72-06  
 33 DeLaCuesta, Matt             Bishop Ireton            68-03  
 34 Manley, Jacob                Bishop Ireton            68-01  
 35 Lanpher, David               Maret School             67-07  
 36 Jones, Jahmal                Model                    66-07  
 37 Hardy, Taevon                Spingarn                 58-04  
 -- Taylor, Andrew               Maret School              FOUL  
 -- Kelly, Quinn                 Sidwell Friends           FOUL  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Episcopal                   63        2) National Cathedral         58   
    3) Bishop O'Connell            54        4) Sidwell Friends            53   
    5) Potomac School              52.50     6) Good Counsel               45   
    7) Paul VI Catholic            37        7) Herndon                    37   
    9) South Lakes                 30       10) Queen Anne School          27   
   11) Holton-Arms                 24       11) Holy Child                 24   
   13) Bishop Ireton               22       14) Georgetown Day School      21   
   14) St. Stephen's & St. Agnes   21       16) Visitation                 17.50
   17) Archbishop Carroll          16       17) French Int'l School        16   
   19) Flint Hill School           10       20) Stuart, JEB                 7   
   21) Bullis                       6       22) Spingarn                    5   
   22) Edmund Burke                 5       24) Stone Ridge                 4   
   25) Model Secondary              3       25) Wakefield                   3   
   27) St. Andrew's Episcopal       2                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Gonzaga                     89        2) St. Albans                 85   
    3) Good Counsel                62        3) Episcopal                  62   
    5) Archbishop Carroll          61        6) South Lakes                39   
    7) Flint Hill School           38        8) Bishop O'Connell           29   
    9) Herndon                     27       10) Sidwell Friends            23   
   11) Edmund Burke                18       11) Paul VI Catholic           18   
   13) St. Stephen's & St. Agnes   17       13) Georgetown Day School      17   
   15) Potomac School              16       16) Stuart, JEB                12   
   17) Model Secondary              8       17) Wakefield                   8   
   19) Queen Anne School            7       19) Spingarn                    7   
   21) Landon School                6       22) Bishop Ireton               4   
   23) Bullis                       3       24) St. Andrew's Episcopal      2   
   25) St. Anselm's Abbey           1       25) Maret School                1   

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